DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months stuck?
« on: Yesterday at 02:11:41 PM »that just means we are the ones behind scedual.....here let me help with the not so creative process....I wonder who cowl is.
Only one of the many loose ends!
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that just means we are the ones behind scedual.....here let me help with the not so creative process....I wonder who cowl is.
"Of course you didn't," He said....
......He swept his gaze around the room, using his Sight, that odd, half-surreal sense that lets wizards observer the forces of magic moving around them.......
Morgan didn't let his gaze linger too long near Mac or myself, and then he nodded to himself, and called out, "Clear."
It's not a matter of "want" -- The Queenmantles are much stronger than the Knightmantles.
And Mab has been subject to one for about 1000 years.
Mab cannot help but punish Dresden's defiance; the demands of the Mantle are her ever-fixed mark.
Uncontrolled rage was one of the early signs of the Shadow getting into Harry's mind, influencing his actions. We can say "But the Knightmantle..." and we can say "But watching Murphy die..." and neither of those is demonstrably "wrong" at all; but also, what if those are just "excuses" that Jim wants us to accept?
In one of the recent books, Harry tried to look at Mac with his "sight" to see his real identity. Mac puts his hand on his eyes and stops him from doing it. One issue I have with this is Morgan looked at Mac in one of the older books with his sight and never said anything about what Mac "is" or had any type of reaction. How could Morgan do it but he was worried about Harry doing it?
Either it's just an error with the writing and Jim not remembering that he had that happen in a previous book. Or that somehow Harry has better "Sight" than other wizards because he is Starborn???
She actually likes his defiance... "finally," she says, "a knight who's worth the effort."
I've always wondered if Kemmler was Starborn like Harry was. I believe there is another character who is also Starborn as well, was it Nicodemus? Maybe after being told he was, Kemmler tried gaining more power but went about it the wrong way.
So this is why the Council won't tell Harry anything about the Starborn stuff because they don't want a repeat. Could be why they are so nervous of how he's getting his power from Mab..
This is due to my assumption that the Starborn person is destined to do something so Huge/Life changing and it just hasn't happened yet because all previous Starborn have failed.. maybe it's has to do with the Time Travel book we are getting in the future. The Council knows a Starborn from the Future went back in time to fix something but they don't know who it was. ?
The "Queen" outranks the "Knight," and dominance-games seem endemic to Winter.
I don't think Mab can help herself.
OTOH, I think Mab has largely lost touch with her humanity. Harry keeps surprising her, and she regularly underestimates (is surprised by) those who still have theirs, such as Lady Winter Molly.
In the bigger sense, did Mab change? Or did she have a calculated reason to think that fronting as extra sadistic in her first meeting with Harry was a strategic route to getting something she wanted?
Mab is far more than just a vicious monster...but the Queen of Winter is a vicious monster herself. It probably comes with the Winter Queen mantle.
But we just don't have enough information to say for sure.
For that matter, we already know Mab is sometimes cruel for its own sake. In her first meeting with Harry in his PI office, after they strike an agreement Harry thinks will protect him, she inflicts agony on his wounded hand again, and says point blank that it wasn't in response to anything Harry did or didn't do, thus their agreement didn't kick in.
If my speculation is right, post-Kemmler the Council is probably traumatized and maybe guilt-stricken over the scale of the deaths and suffering and horror Kemmler caused, and determined 'never again'.
This theory might explain Maggie Sr. too. Apparently Margaret had been a thorn in the Council's side for a very long time, but she still lived. But if my theory is right, after Kemmler went down the Council was no longer prepared to tolerate such thorns, and the orders went out to the Wardens to hunt her down and kill her. Lord Raith beat them to it, but we have it straight from Ebenezar that the Wardens were hunting her, not just watching.