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Messages - Mira

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raises hand* Sorry to interrupt but, it's a "kangaroo court" an idiom? I had never heard of it. I imagine for context that it is a mock court, something for appearances, but I am intrigued.

  Essentially a kangaroo court is a mock court, a set up with the verdict predetermined by those doing the trying.

Would the modern WC -- with the lessons learned -- use the luxury of time & resources (they had in prior decades) to "catch those babies", if they had such luxuries today?  No telling, I think.

 I think the Merlin was right for the most part, they are shorter handed than they were and the consequences of a warlock slipping through is disastrous.  However having said that, I think Harry was also right, the fact that they don't even bother with trials for the most part anymore and many of them are kangaroo courts, says the WC could take more trouble and risk to catch a lot of those babies, but it is easier just to toss the bathwater without checking the baby.

DF Spoilers / Re: We gotta talk about Margaret LeFay
« on: Yesterday at 05:30:42 PM »
To be clear, I mean specifically the Whamp-mojo kind of "enthrallment," not just the normal "honeymoon phase" hot-new-romance "they're enthralled with their new lover" kind.

Unless Papa Raith took pains not to enthrall her, the things we have seen tend to suggest that Maggie would inevitably have become enthralled... And we have little-to-no evidence tht Raith would have been motivated not to.

 Except I don't remember where it says anywhere that White Court vamps can enthrall anyone. 

DF Spoilers / Re: We gotta talk about Margaret LeFay
« on: Yesterday at 03:16:32 PM »
If not, how the hell not?  Per WoJ, she was having "lots of awesome vampire sex" which seems to make an enthrallment a pretty foregone conclusion!  Had she figured out some magical "solution" that Raith (who was (at the time) the strongest Whampire in the world, & at the height of his prowess!) somehow couldn't bypass??!?

 My theory was she was still pushing for a star born, or perhaps Mab was pushing her in that direction.  I seriously doubt that she was enthralled by him.  She may have had just enough arrogance to think she could handle him, also she may have fallen into another trap that women often fall into, she thought he'd treat her differently.
But then if (as frankly seems nigh-inevitable) she was enthralled... how did she break free?  She didn't meet & fall in love with Malcolm until later!  And letting one of your thralls run free is a real "n00b error" that I cannot see from Raith (at that point (q.v. "strongest Whampire in the world" and "at the height of his prowess") in his life).  I actually do have an idea, here:  it was Lea.  We know that Maggie was already "LaFey" and with an extensive suite of Fae info/contacts (presumably including Lea).  And Lea's specialty was "inspiring mortals... to their eventual doom" per WoJ; it's "how she made her bones" in Winter & got to be the powerhouse we see in the books.  Presumably Lea had the power to "inspire" Maggie to break free (I'm sure Lea's power beats Papa Raith's).

As I said, I doubt that she was enthralled,  she may have simply tired of Raith and his antics.  Also once she fell in love with Malcolm she may have felt protected by true love.  She could very well have been, but that was physical contact, but couldn't save her from an entrophy spell. 

DF Spoilers / Re: We gotta talk about Margaret LeFay
« on: Yesterday at 12:33:02 PM »
If I discover that I am under the loup-garou curse, and I don't take any precautions and I'm careless about the moon phase and so forth, then yeah, I'm at fault if the monster kills someone.  Not as much at fault as I would be if I shot them with a pistol, but in that scenario I would not be innocent.  A WV who wants to be 'good' has the same challenge.

MacFinn did make a choice though, the only one he had short of suicide, he contained the Loop the only other way he could with that circle.  Others sabotaged his intent, and people died, you could argue that it was MacFinn's choice because he chose to remain in the populated world. 

At the end of the day, Thomas did commit murder, you can argue about his motives, but he was willing to kill and it wasn't the Hunger Demon driving him to do it.

DF Spoilers / Re: We gotta talk about Margaret LeFay
« on: July 25, 2024, 09:17:25 PM »
I believe that WC vampires can change who they are and bring their demons under control otherwise the conversation that Harry had with Uriel in GS makes no sense.

“It’s hard for the half-born,” Uriel observed in a quiet, neutral tone. “What did you call him?” I asked. Belligerently. Which probably wasn’t really bright, but Thomas was my brother. I didn’t like the thought of anyone judging him. “The scions of mortals and immortals,” Uriel said, unperturbed. “Halflings, half-bloods, half-born. The mortal road is difficult enough without adding a share of our burdens to it as well.” I grunted. “That skinwalker got hold of him a while back. It broke something in him.” “The naagloshii feel a need to prove that every creature they meet is as flawed and prone to darkness as they themselves proved to be,” Uriel said. “It…gives them some measure of false peace, I think, to lie to themselves like that.” “You sound like you feel sorry for them,” I said, my voice hard. “I feel sorry for all the pain they have, and more so for all that they inflict on others. Your brother offers ample explanation for my feelings.” “What that thing did to Thomas. How is that different from what the Fallen did to me?” “He didn’t die as a result,” Uriel said bluntly. “He still has choice.” He added, in a softer voice, “What the naagloshii did to him was not your fault.”

Butcher, Jim. Ghost Story (The Dresden Files, Book 13) (p. 560). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

From this, I get that it's harder for the WC, but if they still have choice, then they can be redeemed in some fashion. Where there's life, there's hope, even for a WC vampire.
Harry is still trying to make an excuse for Thomas and kind of taking the blame for it.  While Uriel isn't unsympathetic of the plight of Thomas, he doesn't come off the fact that Thomas does have choices.
That is the point, at the end of Turn Coat, seemingly Thomas has made his choice.  He feels no guilt about killing those young women, he says thinking about it, "just makes him hard." No remorse.  Uriel also tells Harry that he has no responsibility, it's the choice of Thomas.  Now it's possible that his love for Justine prompted Thomas to chose yet again, but what happens when he finds out that she duped him? 

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Mab fake out Harry... again?
« on: July 25, 2024, 12:15:22 PM »
He's not gone full Lloyd Slate, no.  We still don't know how good or bad a person Lloyd was before he became Winter Knight, so it's kind of hard to judge how much of that was the mantle and how much was Lloyd being Lloyd.

But he did kill a sapient being pretty casually to make a point in Cold Days (at the grand ball).  Granted, that's the Winter way...but still...

The only thing I remember being said about Slate before he was Winter Knight was he was a drug addict.  I also seem to remember that Maeve picked him, not Mab.  Then it gets vague, at one point I believe Harry refers to Slate having a criminal past, which could be related to his addiction, but I also seem to recall Harry saying that Slate wasn't always a bad man before he became Knight.  In short, Slate was a very weak candidate to begin with, and in the end fell victim to the addictive nature that the power boost of the mantle brings.  Which from Maeve's twisted view point was just what she wanted, she liked having a Knight who got off on raping etc ya ya's that the mantle brought him. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Mab fake out Harry... again?
« on: July 24, 2024, 11:23:29 PM »
I do not remember Mab ordering Harry to kill Molly. Did she explicitly said that? In my mind she adviced Harry to do so.
This is super relevant because Mab ordering Harry to kill Molly would break the deal that made Harry the WK.


DF Spoilers / Re: We gotta talk about Margaret LeFay
« on: July 24, 2024, 08:18:31 PM »
I think the key word is just that.  What Shagnasty revealed to Thomas was that his 'friendly neighborhood vampire' approach was an illusion, that inside, he was still what he was, and that he had been that all along.  His relationship with Harry, and his attitude, have returned to more or less what they were before, but now the presence of that demon has been revealed, it's been revealed that Thomas is a danger to mortals around him, that the demonic part of him likes being a predator, it's always there.

Thomas had been telling himself, before, that maybe he could change, stop being what he is, Shagnasty took that illusion away.  Now he continues to try to be decent, to be safe...but the menace is never far away.

JB had to go back to at least a similar relationship to what they had before, if Thomas had kept on as he was in the immediate aftermath of the Shagnasty affair, well...that story only goes one place and it gets there fairly quickly.  If they had gone down that road, Harry, or someone, would have had to terminate Thomas, or else he'd have become a full-on enemy and the brother-relationship would just be gone.

But the danger that Thomas represents, the nastiness that is the White Court with the facade torn aside, now it's out there.  I think part of what JB was doing, in Turn Coat, was 'deconstructing' the then-popular idea of the Romantic Tragic Vampire, both with Thomas and his victims, and with the interaction of Lara and Madeline.

Maybe, but Harry hasn't come to grips with it either.  Now it may come to a head in Twelve Months, because unlike her little brother, Lara has never fought what she was.  Actually she seem pleased with the results of Shaggy's "treatment" of Thomas, in her eyes he was now acting normal.  If the marriage between her and Harry doesn't happen, this will be one reason behind it.

I disagree, I think the story could have gone on for some time, more complex certainly, but it didn't mean that Thomas would die or have to be killed. 

Here is a further WAG, that this little problem will come to a head sooner than later.  Harry will come to realize that Eb was right about vampires, they cannot change who they are.  However, then what?  Harry still loves his brother.

DF Spoilers / Re: We gotta talk about Margaret LeFay
« on: July 24, 2024, 12:04:30 PM »
A WV that kills in that state might regret it afterward.  I'm sure Thomas would have been wracked with horror and guilt if he had eaten Molly.  But though he might weep over her grave (assuming someone didn't immediately kill him for it), Molly would be no less dead.

Would he have?  I'm not so sure, at the end of Turn Coat, Thomas fully admits in so many words after the Hunger Demon took over he enjoyed feeding on and killing those girls.  Just a personal opinion, but I wish Jim had developed this Thomas more for Harry to deal with, I think Jim dropped the ball there.

page 413 Turn Coat;

"Then talk to me," I said, urgently.  "Thomas, Jesus Christ.  This is not you."
"Yes, it is," he spat, the words a blended hiss.  "That's what it taught me, Harry.  At the end of the day, I'm just an empty place that needs to be filled."  He shook his head.  "I didn't want to kill those girls.  But I did it.  I killed them, over and over, and I loved how it felt.  When I think back on the memory of it, it doesn't make me horrified."  He sneered. "It just makes me hard."

 I was really disappointed, because that could have set up some really interesting conflict, and nothing, if anything was done with this.  In Changes, Thomas was pretty back to who he was before the Skinwalker got a hold of him, and so was his relationship with Harry.   Possible we might see it yet, now that Thomas is on the island reliving his crimes.  I hope so.

DF Spoilers / Re: Has Carlos sided with the merlin against Harry
« on: July 24, 2024, 11:58:40 AM »
And even with Harry, they're right a lot of the time, as we've been seeing.

Over time, Harry reluctantly came to the realization that the Council's hard-line attitude about warlocks is probably a necessity.  Another time (I think it was in Changes), he finds himself musing about the necessity of keeping some magical knowledge secret, and then thinks with a start that he's 'turning into his teachers'.

Zero tolerance is easy and it works, but throwing out the baby with the bath water is never a good solution.  I think that's what Harry was trying to say.

DF Spoilers / Re: Molly Sending a Hidden Message?
« on: July 23, 2024, 02:35:16 PM »

  Thank you for that, have to reread the chapter before I can comment. 

DF Spoilers / Re: True Love as Defense against White Court Vampires
« on: July 23, 2024, 12:20:36 PM »
There's a slight but important nuance here. I don't think true love hurts Skavis or Malvora but leads to or inspires things that do.

Yes, but that isn't going to save someone who is in their clutches unless they are feeling those emotions in the moment they are being attacked. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Molly Sending a Hidden Message?
« on: July 22, 2024, 09:05:53 PM »

  Can you print out the lyrics?

DF Spoilers / Re: We gotta talk about Margaret LeFay
« on: July 22, 2024, 02:35:58 PM »
I mean... something similar is true for anyone strong or well-trained.

I'm no John Wick, but if I seriously snapped, facing someone untrained, I could kill them in just a few seconds.  Anyone with a gun & a lost temper can do it even faster.  Murphy talks about it with Harry, once or twice, likening her training as aikidoka to Harry's as a wizard; the danger that they both are, the training and discipline they both need.

In PT, Eb would have killed Harry, if Harry hadn't been piloting a Faerie Exosuit.

Slight correction, Eb did kill Harry, but it was his doppelganger and not him, thanks to his foresight and the ring that Molly made for him..

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