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Messages - Mira

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DF Spoilers / Re: WAG - Justine's not really pregnant
« on: Today at 12:01:04 PM »
Everything Justine says & does is obviously suspect.

But I think whampires have a very very different perspective on sex & love than the rest of us.

My whole issue with that scene from the end of Ghost Story is that bypassing the restrictions of "True Love" should be part of "Whampire 101" training that they all get after first kill but before they strike out on their own.  Thomas should have already known all that.

Thomas did know it, he talks to Harry about it in the case of his little sister Inari in Blood Rights.  That's the whole point of that scene when Justine brings her girl friend home to have sex with the full knowledge of Thomas, so they could consummate their true love without burning.  What's unclear, is why lesbian sex was chosen to break the true love protection by Justine and possibly Thomas as well.  No, it shouldn't have made a difference, sex with another is sex with another, and would break the protection..

Thomas didn't want to be unfaithful to Justine. He probably knew the workaround but didn't bring it up because that might have hurt her or at least undermined her confidence.

And there is a chance that he didn't know it. Falling in love with a mortal is probably not a widely discussed topic in White Court society. (Hmmn, what happens if two White Court vampires fall in love?)

Yeah, he knew it about it, Thomas also wasn't thinking straight at the time of Ghost Story... However does feeding fall into the same category as having ordinary sexual contact with another to break the true love protection?  We've had this debate here before, if Justine was raped, would her true love protection have been shattered?  Is there a WOJ on this? How do you define it, rape is an act of violence, but it involves sexual contact..  What about the young women Thomas after the Skin Walker was done with him, had sex with and fed upon until they died?  Maybe the true love protection was already blown long before that scene in Ghost Story?

DF Spoilers / Re: WAG - Justine's not really pregnant
« on: Yesterday at 05:32:27 AM »
 I think it could go either way.  Because of his mother, I think it is very possible that Thomas is potent and got Justine pregnant.  On the other hand she is Nemfectected, the reason why she was now able to have sex with Thomas in the first place and get around the true love burning was by having lesbian sex .  Having sex with another female made it possible for her to have sex with Thomas.  Somehow she convinced Thomas that her having sex with another woman instead of a man was somehow different and didn't spoil their feelings for one another though it did blow the true love burning. As a result, Justine and Thomas could now have sex and supposedly be as in love with one another as before.  Thomas, yes, but Justine?   So what is stopping a now Nemfected Justine from having sex with another man and getting herself pregnant?  Nothing.  What is to stop her from lying to Thomas about it?  Nothing..  Thomas who is still very much in love with her would believe anything she told him.

So could she be totally lying about being pregnant in the first place?  Oh yeah.. ::)

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 21, 2024, 09:45:28 PM »
Mab stands ready to see anybody dead (even herself) if the long-term result would advance the world's survival.

And that's the nitty gritty of  what I am talking about.. Where is the plan, what is the plan?

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 21, 2024, 03:05:23 PM »
"Resolved" = over (as in "story-ending").
These are advancements in their respective sub-plots & character-arcs.

I think  Michael's & Charity's are the only arcs we have seen "resolved."  Jim has said that retirement from the KotC job "is Michael's happily ever after."

I fully expect other "not fully resolved" elements to be introduced (or foregrounded) -- some to be resolved, some not -- before we reach the BAT (which, hopefully, will resolve most of the ones still open).

Lots of sub-plots and character arcs, but how much has the over all plot really advanced?  The important ones like who if any are on the other side that belong to the White Council? We've discovered a couple of cat's paws over the last dozen or so books, i.e. the Red Court and the Fomer or maybe they were the cat's paw of a cat who is the paw of a bigger cat, but as to just who they are is unknown..  We've known for sometime that Harry was star born, but have no clue as to what that means, especially for Harry.. We may finally find that out, or not...  We know that Mab is very important, and it is important that she have a sane competent Lady, we thought she had that once she killed her daughter off and got Molly... Well, no, when push comes to shove, she wants Molly killed... All these little sub plots are nice but mostly we don't know a lot more now than we did at the beginning of the series... When Harry became Winter Knight, yeah, lots of missions, cool, but have the politics of the Winter Court been explained yet? 

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 17, 2024, 08:39:30 PM »
Harry isn't just nominally the WK -- he's actively carrying out missions for Mab.
Molly is full-grown... and now the Winter Lady!
The Battle of Chicago has made Harry's own propensity for property-damage look like a scuff in the paint (much of TM is largely his recovery from the BoC).
Harry has taken possession of multiple artifacts that each contain power of the same caliber as the Swords of the Cross.
Thomas is imprisoned in the Well on Demonreach.
Harry has been kicked out of the White Council.
Murphy is dead.

This... does not feel like "treading water" to me.


It does in the sense that most of these plot points aren't really resolved, wrinkles and minor WTFs, but most do not move the main story along..

Murphy and Harry finally got together, yes, she was a victim of accidental homicide... But resolved?  Nope, not really.
Harry isn't just nominally the WK -- he's actively carrying out missions for Mab
Is he? Sort of, but honestly the promise of him being the Winter Knight has been a bit of a let down.
Molly is full-grown... and now the Winter Lady!

She has been full grown for quite sometime.. She is Winter Lady in name, seemingly doing a good job, but....... Oh and Mab would rather see her dead than Queen if something happened to her.. Where did that come from?
Harry has taken possession of multiple artifacts that each contain power of the same caliber as the Swords of the Cross.

Yes, but just what does that mean exactly?
Thomas is imprisoned in the Well on Demonreach.

Yeah, well, nothing all that interesting was happening with Thomas anyway...
Harry has been kicked out of the White Council.

For now, but how long will that last? 

What we have above is a lot of dangling plot lines, some have been dangling for a very long time, lot of new ones added... That's what I mean by treading water, the full story hasn't progressed a whole lot. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 17, 2024, 03:55:05 PM »
As I've said above -- I don't think the White X Winter alliance is the main point at all.  Sure, that's what Mab would have us think (and I expect she wouldn't object to having the Whampires in her service) but really now:  when Mab sets out a motivation, we should expect the another motivation behind that; and another behind that.

  I totally agree with all that you said, that's why I believe that Twelve Months maybe as significant as Changes.  Since Changes the story has sort of been treading water, or it seems that way maybe because the books since then have been so spread out. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 16, 2024, 03:12:13 PM »
One item that has been spinning in my mind is that the marriage is to solidify the alliance between Winter and the White Court. Marrying Laura to the Winter Knight.

Harry's way out of this.... what if by the end he isn't the Winter Knight anymore?

  Yeah, we know Mab has her own agenda on a lot of matters.. One wonders is it really to solidify the alliance or more to protect her Winter Knight from the White Council?

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 16, 2024, 04:38:55 AM »
So, if Twelve Months is meant to be a book about changing things, one would have to work out what Jim is trying to change. Are we going back to a more familiar Harry? Or are we going to somewhere new?

 I think it will be a familiar Harry, but also different because now once he understands, he won't be able to escape who and what he is.  This understanding will color his character for the rest of the series, just as Battle Ground has changed the world's view of the supernatural for the rest of the series. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 15, 2024, 09:48:50 PM »

  I actually think this book could be another Changes.  Just as Changes transformed Harry's world as we knew it, I think Twelve Months is about to change it again... Setting him up for the eventual BAT.  One hint that this is going to happen is supposedly we are going to find out in this book just what a star born is, does, and how will it affect Harry.  More importantly, why does Harry seem so different from the two known star borns we have met, Drakul and Listen..  Or is he different?  And if he isn't, how will Harrt handle that information?

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 14, 2024, 02:28:18 PM »

   I don't know what to expect frankly.  Harry is grieving and from the few hints we do have from the short stories is suffering from depression, though maybe not on the level he was going through at the beginning of Summer Knight.  My prediction if you could call it that is, not just Harry, but both Lara and Molly will fight Mab on her plans for this marriage.  The real reasons why Mab wants it and their reasons for not wanting it, will make the story interesting.  It's a given that Eb will go postal upon hearing the news, but will he then step forward and attempt to do his Blackstaff duties?  Because I cannot imagine the White Council would be very happy upon hearing the news and if they really want to off Harry, they will try and get it done before he makes yet another powerful ally when he marries into the White Court.  And yes, I can see maybe two voices of sanity finally explaining to Harry what he is and what his birth means, those two voices belong to Rashid and Listens to Wind.

DF Spoilers / Re: Pyrofuego
« on: May 14, 2024, 01:58:23 AM »
And I never said anything about how he used it, so we're already going off topic here. I addressed why he couldn't.

  If he can no longer capture it, then he doesn't have it... ??? Nor will he have it.. :( So what exactly is the point of saying why he couldn't.. ???

Yes, although reddit is a poor choice to back a claim. A 'man on fire' is not implied to be a happy person, no?
How exactly does the ability to capture a beam of sunshine in a hanky turn into a man on fire?  ???  Just because you can catch a couple of drops of rain in a glass that doesn't turn you into a water fall.... ::)
Losing someone you love, not by loss but by force of circumstances beyond your control. Yes, his happiness was gone, I haven't denied it. I supplied what replaced it see?

Maybe you think you replaced it, but with the loss of Susan Harry's happiness was kaput!  You see that's what is behind the ability to catch that old sunbeam.. Happiness is seems is a vital component, like trying to do a tracking spell without... Well, you get the point..
Seriously people... go look up double empathy an see if it's just you who's not grasping how the other communicates.. Because I'm reading just fine.
In fact, my ability to read into people is specifically what I bring to the table 👀
Really? :o ??? :-X

DF Spoilers / Re: Pyrofuego
« on: May 13, 2024, 10:50:01 PM »
So thanks for bringing in the extracurricular evidence to back my theory 🙃 Harry's fire aspect changed because of how he used it. Intentions, even subconscious ones, color the magic used after all. An fire is directly related to sunlight aspect because it's all a flavor of summer as confirmed by hiding his blasting rod.
Maybe ask what a metaphorical man on fire is if you lack understanding of the concept off rip? Like hey, I didn't know that's the metaphor you gathered from Soul of the fire, Braveheart and other examples where the injustice of loss calls even the most broken men to war. Passion eh?
Capturing sunshine in his hanky and then not being able to duplicate the feat had nothing to do with how he used the sunshine.

Checked Reddit according to it, Harry told Murphy that he could no longer capture sunshine in his hanky or I imagine in anything else, because one has to be truly happyto be able to.  From the time that he lost Susan for the reasons stated until he had told Murphy that, Harry had never been truly happy so he couldn't do that feat again.  Now perhaps if he had tried it for the short time he and Murphy were truly together, he might have, if he tried, but we will never know because as far as we know, he didn't try.... But it's possible he did, because you never know when Harry might need a little sunshine in a future book.

so, after Susan was changed, an he unleashed his passion and outrage, he couldn't do the hanky? 🤔  most auspiciously what i said...

Passion and outrage had nothing to do with it, Harry had all those things, along with true happiness when he captured that sunbeam. Harry truly loved Susan, that made him profoundly happy, truly happy, a truly happy person can catch a sunbeam, it is as simple as that.. When Harry lost Susan that feeling of true happiness left him, capturing a sunbeam became impossible.

DF Spoilers / Re: Pyrofuego
« on: May 13, 2024, 02:24:12 PM »
come to thunk it, that might be why he couldn't do the pocket full of sunshine after that specifically. He closed his aspect of happy light fire when he opened the floodgates of the metaphorical Man on Fire.

 Harry states I believe that after Susan was half turned and went away that he was never able to capture sunshine in a hanky again. 
 It has more to do with his own emotional state, which though he is more at peace now, the unhappiness remains, than any floodgates he opened. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Pyrofuego
« on: May 09, 2024, 05:16:05 PM »
Honestly, I'm inclined to think not:  I think being Starborn is an Outsider-specific thing (and possibly a general ability to (eventually) overcome any/all mental domination)... but not a universal/overall powerup (I think   all.  that.  power.   is just Harry the Brute).  But the Rampires AFAIK never showed any Outsider-ish resistance to other WC wizards' magic (though that whole "Lords of Outer Night" is certainly evocative of some sort of relation to "Outsiders"), so I wouldn't expect the Starborn thing to give them any advantage.

I think there are hints in White Night, basically in what Lash tells Harry, page 363

"There was a complex confluence of events, of energies, of circumstances that would have given a child born under them the potential to wield power over Outsiders."

Harry goes on to say that Outsiders are all but immune to magic, and even a team of the most powerful wizards on the planet can barely slow them down.  Lash counters that Harry defeated one at the age of sixteen.

Then on the next page 364 Lash tells him;
"Listen," Lasciel said, giving my head a little shake. "You have the potential to hold great power over them.  You may be able to escape the power now held over you."

Basically the huge advantage that Outsiders have over humans and other creatures is their ability to put a mental whammy on them.  It screws everything up, including the massive power that say a wizard like Eb can throw around.  The main power Harry got as a star born in my opinion,  is that the Outsider mental whammy has no effect on him.. Or if it does, he has the ability to fight it off and turn around and attack the Outsider. It isn't about physical power levels or special spells, but Harry's mental toughness.. Yet another clue, what is Harry always talking about and taking pride in?  His will, he believes he can take on the baddest asses on the planet because his will enables him to do it.  Think about when he defeated HWWB when he was sixteen, it wasn't because of some spell he wielded or his raw power.  He defeated him because he withstood HWWB's efforts to scare and intimidate him.  That's not to say that Harry wasn't a very frightened kid, but he wasn't paralyzed by that fear.  Harry taunted him back, actually frustrating HWWB, then when he got to the gas pumps, Harry blew them up and HWWB along with them.

DF Spoilers / Re: Pyrofuego
« on: May 07, 2024, 05:47:52 AM »
Did this redditor cite his source, or provide an exact quote?
Because you can make any claim you want online...

Jim says that in Twelve Months, we will learn that Harry's starborn powers tap into a deep-Nevernever realm called Equestria, and he will summon a steed named Tirek Rainbow Lord to ride into battle, who will trounce Mab's unicorn.

Prove me wrong!
Cool.... 8)  I hope it is a tall horse, with Harry's long legs we don't want to see his heels dragging on the ground! ::)

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