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Messages - Mira

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DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: March 11, 2024, 02:12:08 PM »
I happened to be re-reading Changes this week, and it turns out that the Fae can "lull [a Red Court vampire] predator spirit to sleep." The Leanansidhe claims to have done that with the "vampire part" of Susan and Martin when she rendered them unconscious.  As you'd expect in the context, there's no discussion of whether the ability also extends to White Court demons but Lea speaks broadly of vampires.

Yes, she did, however when Harry pressed her on it since he wanted a cure for Susan, Lea got more vague and started to fish for a bargain for information about what she did.  However she didn't say it was a cure, so Harry declined to bargain.  Also as a couple of us pointed out, Red Court Vamps are very different from White Court Vamps.

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: March 09, 2024, 12:01:24 PM »
Alfred consistently shows a very stolid presence, and he often doesn't "get" some things Harry says to him.  He -- it, really -- has tremendous amount of power, but specifically only grasps things & applies the power to what's in his own domain.

Imprisoning Thomas is clearly within the scope of that.

  Alfred may not understand or always get what Harry says to him, but he understands monsters.  So it may turn out that if Harry orders him to free Thomas, he will do just that, free Thomas.. However the Hunger Demon will remain in prison because it is a monster, an unintended consequence.

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: March 08, 2024, 02:10:39 PM »
My money's on Lea, she has after all shown the ability to target Red Court parasites without serious harm to the human being parasited. Why not a full removal on a white, as her 'redemption' (and presumably by Harry making a deal, because that would give just enough pain to him during an otherwise significant triumph).

  The problem with that is Red Court vampires were different than White Court vampires, only thing in common was both are a form of vampire.  Dogs and cats are both mammals, but they are very different animals, some things in common but they cannot be treated the same way.  So it doesn't necessarily follow that just because Lea could deal with a Red Court Vamp that she could do the same with a White Court Vamp.

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: March 07, 2024, 03:10:21 PM »
I think Jim has written some of these Big Deal(tm) artifacts -- like the Island / the well -- as much more "Big Guns," and not really capable, not really relevant, to such a fine discrimination as filtering a Whampire Hunger Demon out of a human being.  I doubt Alfred would even comprehend the request.

I wouldn't sell Alfred short on that, and I do think the Sword of Love will also have something to do with it.  We will have to see..

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: March 06, 2024, 07:10:44 PM »

  Possible, what I see though is the island separating the Hunger Demon from the very human Thomas.  I remember the image that Harry saw in his soul gaze of Thomas, his struggle with the Hunger Demon, and the Demon winning.  Also without the Demon, the image that was left was a very weak, very human.. The image was of a ninety pound weakling, not the handsome sexy vampire that is a member of the White Court.  I think Jim put that image there for a reason, and if a vanilla human emerges from the island, it make it very interesting.  Imagine a very human Thomas having to deal with being very ordinary.  And who knows?  It may be his happy ending, if he and Harry find Justine and she is no longer possessed by a Walker.  She has had her baby who isn't possessed by the Hunger Demon because Thomas really isn't it's father.  So they become an ordinary vanilla loving family, what ending could be happier?

DF Spoilers / Re: Gatekeeper
« on: March 05, 2024, 03:40:00 PM »
I always assumed that the Gatekeeper was chronologically 1300yrs or older due to the WOJ that he killed the mad Arab. But his true age is around 300 ish. Maybe the dues of the Gatekeeper keep him away from the real world enough to slow his aging. Cant remember the book but i think its turn coat or proven guilty were Harry remarks that the only person who attends less WC meetings than him is the Gatekeeper

I think you meant Rashid's true age is 1300 or so years, but his body has only aged around 300 or so years because of all the time he spent in the Nevernever.  I believe that was also an issue for Margaret, Harry's mother, she appeared a lot younger than her actual years because of all the time she spent in the Nevernever.   

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: March 05, 2024, 03:34:16 PM »
Thats a great image. Genuinely laughed.
But that seems like a Mab thing to do.

  Well, Lara has a couple of things working in her favor, her lifespan for starters, actually she is way older than Harry. So she isn't going to become an old lady while Harry is still in his prime.  Her feeding off of his emotions will help keep the Winter Knight's mantel in check so Harry doesn't have to keep killing himself with exercise to drain off the adrenaline.  The negatives are of course Eb and the White Council isn't going to be too happy about such a hook up.
More a couple of days actually. Their first hookup and only was in PT and she was dead in BG. They were going to get together after Changes, but Harry caught a case of dead.
Yeah, I wasn't sure of how long exactly so I decided to err on giving them more time hooking up than less. ;)

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: March 04, 2024, 07:20:15 PM »
Unless Murphy is going to return very soon, I hope Harry does lose that protection from Murphy.

Barring a book with the White court as the primary antagonists, that protection is not a good thing. Maintaining that protection means that Harry remains celibate. While I don't want him to go wild, give the man some outlet for stress relief. A healthy sex life could be the key to controlling the Winter Knight mantle.

Poor Harry, he never has been into casual sex, and steady ladies have been few and far between, so few outlets..  After Susan left him I think he went about five years protected until Luccio came along, that was short lived.. Come to think of it the time period that he actually had sex with Murphy was only a few months at most before she died. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: March 03, 2024, 05:37:30 AM »
No, it doesn't give you a "free pass."
But we have seen that the Sartalves really, really value their children...

If Thomas could somehow prove that he intentionally "missed" Etri (could have killed him but didn't) in an action of an Outsider-war and in protection of his child... then they might be willing to accept weregild.  Not exactly happy about it, but they could see how they might be driven to similar extremity by a similar threat to their own child(ren).

(I admit it's a stretch).
Maybe Harry could hire Maximillian Valerious to plead the case...?

Actually I could see him doing that and may be the very reason he was introduced in that short story.  Thomas did commit murder, regardless of his motives for doing it. However his motives might be considered mitigating enough that a great lawyer such as Maximillian Valerious might be able to arrange a plea deal with the Sartalves where time served on Demonreach and a wereguild might be accepted.  However then how much would they demand?  I can see the Raiths being made bankrupt by the amount demanded, setting off a power struggle in the White Court.

DF Spoilers / Re: Gatekeeper
« on: March 01, 2024, 10:03:53 PM »
I strongly suspect that two wizards' relative "apparent ages" are a very-poor way to figure out which is actually the elder of the two.

  When I said that I wasn't thinking in those terms.. I used Eb as an example because we all have a pretty good idea of his age, as in 300 or so years.  Given the time Rashid has spent in the Nevernever compared to the "real world" time, since he is obviously a mature wizard, not a young one or even middle aged one, I compared his age to be approximately that of Eb i.e. 300 to 350 real world years..  I wasn't in any way judging who was the older or younger of the two.

DF Spoilers / Re: How Murphy could return to the Dresden Files
« on: March 01, 2024, 09:52:20 PM »
IMO it has nothing to do with Odin. The Swords (or at least their true purpose) were never Murphy's style.

She's great when fighting outright monsters like the Red Court, but... well, she was always about punishing the guilty as much as protecting the innocent. It's like she said to Harry in Skin Game:

"I don't want to save [Denarians]".

That is the core of the issue. And to her credit, she knows it- it's why she rejected the thing in the first place.

Which is at the core of why she managed to break the Sword of Faith.  Key word here is faith,she had all the faith in the world in her own judgement, but none apparently in the ultimate Judge.  She spoke out of both sides of her mouth when she said she couldn't return the Swords to the appointed custodian of them, Harry, because she feared that he'd screw up giving them out somehow and get them broken.. Why? Because deep down she didn't trust Harry after what had happened to him.  Meanwhile she kept the Swords because she believed she had better judgement than Harry.. Then after her little speech about why she couldn't be a Holy Knight, for fear of what it would do to the Sword.  She proceeded to desecrate the Sword of Faith by proclaiming it was for her to judge Nic,not  the Lord,then tried to kill him with it, and got it broken.  In a word, she's a bit of a hypocrite.. Maybe love does that or can do that to a person, but in my opinion Jim killed her off as a character long before she was actually killed off, beginning with Ghost Story when he made her a vigilante, he systematically stripped her of all the virtues and strength that made her a great character in my opinion..  Her abilities as a fighter, her great love story with Harry don't make up for all that she lost.

And I for one do not wish her back.

DF Spoilers / Re: How Murphy could return to the Dresden Files
« on: February 29, 2024, 05:15:21 PM »
You assume that her being a "vanilla mortal" is what "all her fans" loved about her. I didn't. I loved her personality, attitude, style of fighting, looks and what she meant to other characters. And, yes, that may be changed somewhat if she comes back as a Valkyrie. But Harry has changed a ton over the last 17 books and I still love him. And Karrin also went through big changes through that time (including the Ghost Story hiccup, which I didn't love that much). Let's just see what Jim comes up with and then deal with it when it happens. As we do for all the characters who had stuff happen to them during all those books.

But that's the point, her style etc, as a vanilla mortal, it wasn't just the Ghost Story hiccup, her arrogance, she thought she knew more than God.  She went through big changes after she was booted off the police force, this fan didn't care for them much.. That's just my opinion, I found myself rolling my eyes every time she was on page towards the end..

DF Spoilers / Re: Gatekeeper
« on: February 29, 2024, 01:31:36 PM »
Actually, the chances seem good, to me.

As mentioned, WoJ places Rashid operating -- as a very powerful wizard -- around 700AD.

IIRC, the Norse Gods were replaced by the Winterfae on the Outer Gates around 1000AD.

I also think it is very hard to guess what Rashid's real age is, remember he spends 90% or more of his time at the Gates in the Nevernever, time works differently there.  So it is possible that while he might be close to 2,000 years old hypothetically, because he has spent most of those years in the Nevernever, his age appears to be or close to Eb's age..   

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: February 28, 2024, 01:02:29 PM »
I know, but I'm just saying that, even if Thomas somehow makes it out of Demonreach in once peace, he'll have spent over a year minimum being psychically tortured by that point.

Like, that's probably more then sufficient for most people.

Is it? Sufficient for people maybe, but for politics of the supernatural?  It may not be.

DF Spoilers / Re: How Murphy could return to the Dresden Files
« on: February 26, 2024, 09:43:27 PM »
They were working on developing their mental defenses; the only way to do that is by defending against mental attacks.  The "win condition" was a specific mental image, nothing with mental controls or outside impulses.

Yes, but remember the main reason why the White Council has such crappy defenses against the likes of the Corpsetaker is
any training beyond the most rudimentary defense is forbidden.  So while technically Harry and Molly might not have been breaking one of the 7 Laws, the White Council, especially now might not see it that way.

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