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Messages - Mira

Pages: 1 ... 424 425 [426] 427 428 ... 460
DF Spoilers / Re: Dear Jim
« on: May 31, 2018, 11:15:05 AM »
Yeah, I see absolutely no reason why he should deviate from his original plan. It has been working out so far. Only because some fans become impatient is no reason to rush his story, thereby decreasing its quality.

Some would argue that the quality isn't what it was.... Also a lot can happen in twenty years

DF Spoilers / Re: Dear Jim
« on: May 30, 2018, 08:18:53 PM »
Because he has a plan, and has outlined the story for a certain number of books.  The number of books has increased in his outline, not decreased.

  But perhaps he should consider decreasing them?

DF Spoilers / Re: If Ivy dies.....
« on: May 30, 2018, 08:17:55 PM »
Regarding the Archive as a Mantle and it's ability to violate the Free Will of the host:  Parents can apparently make Decisions for their children without violating Free Will.  It is presumably why the Fae are able to take a Baby as payment, or the old "Deal with the Devil for your First-born" trope.

In the case of the Archive there seems to be more to it than that..  It seems to be handed down though the family from one eligible female member to another if I remember correctly.

DF Spoilers / Re: If Ivy dies.....
« on: May 30, 2018, 11:45:50 AM »
A little baby had no Choice when the Mantle went to her.  Even so whenever duty calls, Murphy answers.  Police officer running into battle, KoTC fighting at Chicken Pizza, Harry asking her to take on Nicodemus...  My guess is that when being given the Choice to face the Old Gods in a secret war where humanity is in the balance she'd choose to say yes once she was convinced there was a reason the Mantle was seeking her.  Or if Ivy knew her death was coming and that Murphy was the one she thought best to replace her.

But that doesn't keep her from having her own ideas and thinking what is right or wrong..  At C.I. she allowed herself to become a sock puppet of an archangel and she didn't like it, but it worked out for one night, not long term...  She rejected the Sword because she didn't believe in the rules, chose to fight with it in spite of her belief that the Nickleheads didn't deserve a chance at redemption.. Judged Nic, and got a Sword broken...   I cannot see her mentally standing up to the demands of the Archive....

Likewise, while the Archive Mantle may be able to say "You're my home now" I don't think it'd be able to immediately start dictating her actions.  Keep in mind of course that Ivy's mom was able to suicide despite being the Archive.

Oh I think it does, and it takes away the freedom of the host...  If I remember right Ivy's mom received the Archive as a teenager and rebelled because she never had enough freedom before hand to adjust to it...   I cannot see Murphy becoming the sock puppet of the Archive anymore than she stood for very long being the sock puppet of an Archangel..

I don't think choice  to accept enters into it very much either in case of the Archive...  The point was Ivy's mom didn't have a choice to accept, and being a small baby Ivy certainly never had a choice..

DF Spoilers / Re: Dear Jim
« on: May 29, 2018, 11:10:25 PM »
If he writes them for the next twenty years and never completes them i'll still be happier than if he F@*)s it up by cutting it too short though. I've seen series ruined by trying to crunch a story into the allotted books and failing. *cough*inheritance cycle*cough*

Or he could F@*) up just as badly by dragging it out just because he originally slated the series for X amount of books.  If he is bored with the series, wants to do other projects I say more power to him..  If he can say it better in two or three more books why should he do five? 

DF Spoilers / Re: If Ivy dies.....
« on: May 29, 2018, 11:06:06 PM »
some of the reason I think Murphy could be a good replacement are:

More side stories about the Oblivion war with a well established and familiar character.

Romantic relationship with Kincaid (I personally think the ship has sailed on Harry/Murphy).

She becomes more relevant to the books in general.

Um, your reasons are the reasons she shouldn't be..  I need to reread the bit where Luccio warns Harry about humanizing Ivy too much..  Murphy is all too human and tend to see things her own way, that got her into trouble trying to wield and judge with a Holy Sword, which clearly she shouldn't have done... I can see her not agreeing with or feeling morally able to carry out some of the things the Archive must do, that would spell trouble for her..

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Mavra be under Eb's control?
« on: May 29, 2018, 06:55:59 AM »

   In a word?  No...

DF Spoilers / Re: If Ivy dies.....
« on: May 29, 2018, 06:52:08 AM »
If Ivy were to die, who would take up her Mantle do you think?  Now it's supposed to go from mother to daughter, but if there is no daughter does it fade away or does it seek out a suitable host much like Molly taking up the Winter Lady Mantle?

If so, who would you see taking it?  Reason I ask is she could be murdered in Peace Talks...  It would make sense considering the Old Ones would want her gone.

Murphy maybe?  It would make her more relevant to the Dresden world.

Huge problem, one would think there would be a contingency for a thing but since they saddled a poor new born baby because she was the daughter of the last one, one has to wonder.

Murphy would be the worst choice...  Might make her more relevant in the Dresden world, but it would not be good for her, she is too independent a thinker..

DF Spoilers / Re: Dear Jim
« on: May 28, 2018, 11:36:54 AM »

   Great, but it is part of a collection of short stories by him that most of us have read and bought the books that they are in...  Since it is Harry, Maggie, and Mouse it may give us a glimpse of what Dresden family life will be like... So it should be a little better than the usual crumbs tossed our way to further the story.. 
writing a good book is hard. jim started this series over 18 years ago.  I am gusing he has writing fatigue with the character along with other things in his life slowing down his creativity.....jus be patient ….

I've said this for a while now...  That is why I wish for his sake and his fans as well that he wrap up the series, instead of needing five books to do it, make it two..  Then  get into the BAT..

LOL...  Are you sure you want her going out in a blaze of glory?  i think you want her to go out in a humiliating fashion.

No, I never have...  For the kind of character she has been, better for her to go down fighting as a hero, as hard as it might be
short term for Harry,  than for her to grow older and older while Harry stays more or less in his prime for the next fifty or so years...

Actually I think you want see her go out slowly in humiliating fashion...  Like the sports hero who doesn't know when to retire,  from starter, to sometime pinch hitter, to bench warmer finally demoted down to the minors..

One could ask why do you think it time for Eb or Butters or any of the other regular characters to die? 


  Murphy, seems like she is due...

DF Spoilers / Re: Will Ramirez ever get laid?...
« on: May 25, 2018, 04:54:14 PM »

    There is always hope.... ::)

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Butcher interview from 2 months ago
« on: May 23, 2018, 08:52:45 PM »
I guess I can understand why her sudden appearance would be off-putting compared to established characters like Molly.  I dont mind it as much because I like when these sorts of stories (especially ones that have gone on as long as Dresden has) remind the audience that there is a lot of other crap happening out there in the story-world, so that Significant things dont always have to happen near the Main Character.  Some of my favorite stories made their fantasy world seem so much richer simply by mentioning other events or legend or whatsoever entirely in passing.

I also didnt come down on the anti-Susan side of things, so I actively wanted Susan to come back and be relevant again.  She was either actively participating or else was a primary motivation for all the the first five books, then wasnt mentioned again beyond the Other Ex that Ended Badly for another seven. Saying she dropped off his radar on purpose to hide their love-child from his horrifically dangerous lifestyle felt realistic and thematically interesting in the sense of highlighting the difficulty of the morally grey.

I see the pattern somewhat repeating itself with Murphy,  no longer in law enforcement, while not old, getting past the age to go one one one or even to be part of a team against the kind of enemy that Harry is facing these days... Now debilitating injury on top of it...  I know her die hard fans will settle for her being a port or perhaps some super computer sleuth, but face it, that isn't the Murphy that endeared herself to us..  Perhaps that is how it will play itself out, Murphy will voluntarily remove herself from the picture.

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Bob possess a corpse?
« on: May 23, 2018, 03:14:52 PM »
Just superglue his Skull to the rest of a skeleton, and BAM! Instant SkeleBob.

But could he animate a whole skeleton?  He cannot animate his skull, just his eyes flash..

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Bob possess a corpse?
« on: May 23, 2018, 11:33:41 AM »
He already did Susan the Dinosaur in Dead Beat. Harry commented that he took the T Rex's body when he could have done so with any of the zombies.

I think you mean Sue...  But technically she was zombie animated at the time by Harry's spell.   I think it possible, but it might break more laws of magic and nature than even Bob would be willing to break.

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