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Messages - Mira

Pages: 1 ... 452 453 [454] 455 456 ... 460
ya it seems like Harry's time as a ghost was a major learning experience for him. he learned some of exerting his control over his surroundings like what was pointed out in the excerpt. so ya not only his starborn but his training in GS helps.
  Very much so, especially, soul fire, he seemed to have gain a deeper understanding of what it is, and thus how to use it to greater effect. 

Fighting with his own reality Outsiders fits, because in Cold Days that is just what Harry does.  When Sharkface goes into his head, Harry counters with the image of himself as a really bad ass wizard, with staff pulling down power from the sky and the power of the whole island behind him, names his name and demands Sharkface's name in return.. Gets it, then kills him.

Please put a spoiler tag over those Skin Game spoilers.
  Sorry about that, thought the spoiler tag in the heading was enough.

Your first and last sentence there both require Harry to be rational and sensible rather than going with an emotional reaction.  This seems unlikely to me.
  Well, check out Jim's reading of the first four chapters of Skin Game.. Harry doesn't seem very sympathetic nor more cooperative with Mab than he was before Maeve was killed.  Mab actually has to blackmail him with impending death by parasite, his and his family and friends before he does cooperate..

Think about how that affects how he sees her.

Think about how that effect might serve her; she knows showing weakness to one of her peers is a flaw, but showing that kind of weakness to Harry, she probably knows will prompt sympathy.

Think about why she might have chosen to allow Harry to see that.
  Harry still knows it is Mab and not some poor damsel.  Mother tigers may have tender moments with their cubs, but it doesn't change what they are.  Even if he did as you say, Kringle's warning about her afterwards would disabuse him of any notion like that.

I agree, but generally speaking trusting context in a discussion with one of the fey is kinda capital S Stupid
   Yeah, except this moment with Mab was different, for a nanosecond she became vulnerable, what is more allowed Harry to see it..  Good thing they were alone too, as Kringle pointed out, because if anyone had witnessed her showing a moment of weakness, Harry would have paid with his life.

Point of clarification: Didn't Mab say she was mortal once, not human?
   It was said in the context of her grief, "human" grief over having killed her daughter... It was in a very human context.


   No disrespect, because I understand why he is doing it, but Jim seems to very vague and CHAing, to give himself more wiggle room as the series develops..  If the various rules for various creatures were too inflexible, it would ruin some rather dramatic moments..    Like the Sidhi and human emotion..   Supposedly they don't understand human emotions because they are not human.. Yet, Mab admitted to being once long ago and feeling grief for her daughter... One wonders is Titania more human?  Because she appeared to be out of her head with real grief for her daughter.

Thats a strange and twisted topic.  From the books Ive always been under the impression that "Sidhe" referred to a specific race/breed of relatively humanoid Fae, and that they happened to be the ruling class of the Courts.  But there are recent WOJ's that define it as the top echelon of /any/ of the various fae races; so by that definition Sith, Erl, and the Reaper were all sidhe, even though they were a Maulk, a Goblin, and a Fetch, respectively.  So by that definition Toot could become a Sidhe if he gained sufficient power, regardless of his origins. 
  Though after Maeve is killed and Harry confronts Mab, she admits to having been human once, or at least having human emotions... So she couldn't have started out as a dew drop fairy.   Though she could have been a changeling, thus at least half human before she became Winter Lady, this must be true for Titania as well because the implication is that she and Mab are indeed sisters, or did I read that wrong?

Quote from: 2009 lexington signing

    Q:  How big will Toot get?
    A:  Depends on how much influence he has in the world.  That’s how the sidhe gain their size and power.  Mab wasn’t always as big as she is now.

Quote from: 2010 Bitten by Books Q&A:

    #150 Is Toot-toot’s increase in size due to his actions, or the title and followers he has acquired doing Harry’s bidding?”
    It’s due to /Harry’s/ actions, mostly. Toot done hitched his star to Harry’s wagon. As a result, he’s taken actions he never would have taken on his own, some of which had major consequences. Toot has effectively become a much more powerful being than he was as an independent dewdrop faerie. The physical growth is a reflection of that fact.
    I mean gosh, where do you think the Sidhe came from in the first place?

 I hope this isn't hijacking the topic, but doesn't that WOJ contradict just a bit of what Mab said in CDs?  The hint that she was once human?  Here Jim seems to be saying that Mab might have been a dew drop fairy at one time..  Or most likely she was a changeling, thus half human and chose?  So implications for Molly, I still think she is a changeling or she couldn't have become one of the queens.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Lacuna's true nature
« on: July 18, 2013, 12:27:23 PM »

  Yeah, poor Toot has tried so hard to please her..  Maybe some real dark 70% or higher cocoa content chocolate?  That is a health food after all.. ;D

Calling Lea a 'maiden' is stretching it a bit. ;)

Interesting 'deeper' research into Tam Lin though.  My own research was limited to what I could quickly google.

I think that Jim dropped a mention of Tam Lin for two reasons - to show that the most capable knights are independent and piss Mab off and also to show that the mantle can be set aside eventually.
  I agree with this.

DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD Spoils] Golden Light
« on: April 09, 2013, 12:46:57 PM »
I thought since the light was creating snowflakes the whiteness was his winter power. Harry hasn't found his faith yet. Not that he couldn't. Harry using faith magic is seen in FM, But i think unknown to harry his symbol actually represents the goddess who gave humans magic (think its an eygptian myth?) to do with it what he believes its for, a tool for humans against the greater powers. I say this is likely because I'm pretty sure the goddess is who made an appearance in SF to calm Harry. When harry starts using faith magic we'll know.
  Against Bianca in SF he did use a kind of faith magic, it saved his life.  He said at the time that the reason a Cross works against a vamp is a person's faith.  He said he has faith in his magic and he used his pentacle in the same way as a Cross.

DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD Spoils] Golden Light
« on: April 06, 2013, 05:45:04 AM »
I was thinking it might be a side effect of his crossing over and back.  We've seen him use Soulfire, Hellfire, Winter Knight power, and his own power with a staff, and it wasn't golden.  But I have a hard time believing the WG would take an active roll in things.  Maybe it could have been an angel casting their lot in, but with it coming from his staff, I got the idea it was internal. 

Maybe it could be this 'starborn' power.  We haven't really seen him use starborn power before, so maybe his power turns golden in the presence of an Outsider.

That'd be a handy detection tool.   :o
I also think Harry influences soul fire he begins to understand it.  In CDs when he was freeing himself from Mother Winter's bonds, it became something different.  It was no longer as Harry put it something to add to a spell as a power boost, but something from with in him, him or if you will his soul.. Since the staff is an extension of his power, yeah I can see soul fire being a part of that.

DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD spoilers] Proven Guilty
« on: April 02, 2013, 03:14:34 PM »

  Somehow I doubt that someone faked hellfire.  What I think is Mab is a big player in the WG's over all plan.  I think Uriel is the liaison officer between her and Him, I think Harry's future was mapped out for him from the moment he was conceived.. Adjustments made along the way of course to accommodate his right of free will to make good and bad choices, but the general currents of his life have been pushing him to where he is at, and what he is a weapon in the coming war.  I am willing to bet the same has been true for Molly.  Born of two devote parents, one a Holy Knight plus magical talent make her perfect for the role she is about to take...   Though it might not be quite so clear what was mapped out for her like Harry, Mab made sure this pawn was made ready to enter the game when needed. 

"Good and evil" aren't necessarily Touchy Topics, but when they get into things like government things definitely go pear-shaped.  They're topics which easily tray into Touchy Topics in other areas as well.  They're topics where we must be very, very careful to stay on-task and watch what examples we use, because even things like self-defense, justifiable force, individual sovereignty can stray into TT or religious areas.  So there's no ban on "Good/Evil", but we've all got to watch our examples and our tempers.
  Indeed it is a tightrope because the whole series itself is a battle of good and evil with lots of grey in-between.. So it is very hard not to touch touchy topics, because that is the nature of the series.

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