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Messages - Mira

Pages: 1 ... 422 423 [424] 425 426 ... 460
DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Q and A in VA 6-9-18
« on: June 16, 2018, 09:08:26 PM »
Cassius wasn't a wizard. He was a minor sorcerer who's knowledge and skill were honed over centuries (millenia?) to make him relatively dangerous, and allow him to send a minor death curse. It took though, Harry felt it take.

   I didn't think he was,  he may have learned some magic but more along the lines that almost everyone can so some magic, i.e. Butters and Thomas, but that doesn't make them wizards, not even close... 

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Q and A in VA 6-9-18
« on: June 16, 2018, 03:50:43 PM »
Cassius was a wizard and Harry felt the dead curse clamping on him.the curse was real.

  It was a rather crappy curse though..

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Q and A in VA 6-9-18
« on: June 16, 2018, 02:36:56 PM »
Yeah I know but I'm almost positive Jim in the past said "The curse was to die alone, and Harry died alone so the curse has been fulfilled".  I could be remembering it wrong but i think he did say it.

Oh well moot point now lol

  Well, it was kind of a crappie curse to begin with..  As Harry's dad pointed out to him in his dream, paraphrasing, "everyone walks through that door alone," but on the other side he has loved ones waiting for him..   

I cannot remember but was Cassius even a wizard?  If he isn't then the curse wouldn't have real power behind it except for the psychological effect on a guy like Harry who had felt alone for most of his life.  Here is another thought, it may not have been a curse directed at Harry at all but Cassius expressing his own curse....  For Cassius died alone, in the sense that he died unloved and no one would mourn his passing...   In contrast for the short period that it was assumed that Harry was dead, he was missed and mourned by many, Thomas and his many friends held his memory in their hearts, he'd never be alone.

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Q and A in VA 6-9-18
« on: June 14, 2018, 08:24:25 PM »

   If he was only mostly dead, which means he was slightly alive, ergo, the curse "die alone,"  doesn't mean anything because he didn't die..

DF Spoilers / Re: WAG.... Murphy has moved on
« on: June 14, 2018, 04:23:51 PM »
Because if there's one thing fans of a character like, it's when they die.

Wait, no.  What's the other term for someone who wants to see a character die every single time they bring them up?  Not fan.  Something else.

   No,  that isn't what I am saying..   Murphy will not be the same Murphy anymore, a lot has flowed across her bridge the last few years..  She hasn't been the same for quite some time since she left the police force, my like for the character has gone down hill since then.   Granted she still has fans, some diehard fans, but even they may not like the next form Murphy takes..  There are fans who like Harry a lot less since Changes..  Some who have problems over all with the series since Changes..  So you might want to keep Murphy around, but you might not like what you are reading, that is all I am saying.

DF Spoilers / Re: WAG.... Murphy has moved on
« on: June 14, 2018, 11:31:04 AM »
On the television show Supernatural the character Dean Winchester, a hunter said "I know how my story ends.  At the edge of a blade or the end of a gun".  Murphy is an intelligent woman.  She has to see how things are getting more dangerous, and that her chances of survival get lower the longer she fights.  Maybe she is like Dean and is fine with it.  On the other hand maybe she'd like to pass the torch so to speak so she can live some kind of peaceful life outside of combat.

I'm not saying her story ends and she isn't involved.  She could work alongside Marcone, with the Paranet, or something like that.  I'm talking about a life that isn't about fighting on the front lines like Harry, and more of fighting more like Marcone fights, less exposed in most situations.

  I understand what you are saying, and you are right, she could do any of that.  What I am saying given her personality
that will be a very difficult adjustment for her.   She may be forced into such a role, but no matter how meaningful it is, she will never be truly happy in it.   

It's much happier for her character to have her die.

Because we want to be nice to her.

It could be, and oddly it may turn out to be the happiest for her fans as well.   

DF Spoilers / Re: WAG.... Murphy has moved on
« on: June 14, 2018, 05:09:33 AM »
Why would her name be? Murphy has no reason to be mentioned in Jury Duty or Zoo Day. Hell, Harry doesn't mention Thomas or Molly, iirc. Clearly, that means Harry's no longer keeping in contact with them. Likewise, Harry doesn't mention Butters despite Butters calling him right before the short story so whoops, guess their relationship is close to falling apart.

Likewise, Harry didn't mention Maggie in Jury Duty. Clearly he kept no contact or thought of her until Zoo Day.

 I didn't say any of that, just think it odd that she wasn't mentioned.  Perhaps Maggie wasn't mentioned by name, but Harry moving into Molly's old place said he was starting a new life, as in making a home for Maggie..  The zoo would have been a perfect place to bring Murphy along, for a lot of reasons especially if he had plans to make her a big part of his life along with her.. 
Another reason I thought Murphy may be leaving the combat scene is this.  When Michael was shot up, someone asked Jim about it.  He responded that this was Michael's happy ending.  Most Knights do not survive.  So in Skin Game we have Michael mostly recovered, and walking with only a cane....  Well now what has happened?  Murphy, a Knight of the Cross has transferred ownership to Butters, she is still alive but will probably have a limp of some kind, just like Michael.  Not only that but now she has a small fortune in diamonds.  To me that kind of sounds like the opening for her happy ending.  The ability to walk away from that dangerous life she's been living for so long.

 Apples to oranges,  a happy ending for a guy who already had a very happy family life made happier by him no longer going into danger and putting his life on the line...  Michael was very happy with that as well as his family...  Sorry, but I doubt that Murphy would see that as a happy ending for herself...

DF Spoilers / Re: WAG.... Murphy has moved on
« on: June 13, 2018, 10:04:46 PM »
Mab is not Murphy.  Nor do I believe Mab will ever be Murphy.

Agreed, she isn't Mab...  Hard to say if Harry and Murphy hooked up enthusiastically...  Harry gave her a sock full of diamonds and a passionate kiss...  Her eyes got big, so on his part, yes, her part?  Not so clear since that moment, the two short stories about Harry since, not a word about her...  Mainly Harry moving into Molly's old place, not a word about Murphy, then going to the zoo with Maggie, not a word about Murphy.... Yes, she might be in rehab, but that shouldn't keep her out of the picture if she and Harry were an item..

My guess is she may be staying distant so Harry and Maggie can bond, but then again one would think that Harry would want her to be a part of that... 

We have evidence of Murphy's extreme independence, especially when she is going though a hard patch.. After Nightmare had gotten hold of her, she turned to the bottle, which worried Harry, but she refused all help saying she had to work it out for herself, which she obviously did. 

This time around it is physical damage but there has to be a degree of emotional damage as well inflicted by Nic.  Yes, it all turned out well in the end, the Sword of Faith was remade and we have a new Knight, but it could have ended very badly because of her judgement.   She'd be the first I think to admit that she fucked up, and might want some space to work out the implications of that.  Given what Harry has to work out, she might have unselfishly insisted that his daughter comes first.   We don't know as of yet how her physical rehab is going, how quickly she is bouncing back, and how much of her former agile self will never come back..  If it is significant at all, Murphy isn't one who wants to be the object of pity, real or imagined so she might not want Harry around during her recovery...  She is unpredictable, she may even resent Harry's expensive gift given her situation and tell him to go fish with it...

Or they are still very enthusiastically passionate for each other, just off page for the two short stories where Harry was one of the principles since Skin Game...  However I still think it odd that if they were, her name wasn't mentioned once...


  I enjoyed it too, and the important part is she does remember..

DF Spoilers / Re: Summoning Molly
« on: June 12, 2018, 06:01:46 PM »

 I think he could have summoned her, he may even have tried, but apparently Mab has a way of blocking it or simply forbidding Molly to answer.. Remember when Harry tried to summon Lea, but she was under "treatment" on ice, thus Mab came in her stead..  So I have no doubt that Mab was keeping a close eye on both of them so a summoning could not happen..

DF Spoilers / Re: Body Slam title meaning guesses
« on: June 12, 2018, 11:16:44 AM »
As suggested in another thread, if slam also means prison, perhaps the gods are in a prison like context, dualing it out?

Yes, the slammer.. In wrestling it a body slam is when one wrestler picks up the opponent and  "slams" him or her on the mat hard on his or her back..   On Demonreach Harry is the Warden of the monster prison or slammer..   

DF Spoilers / Re: FB Woj share(update)
« on: June 11, 2018, 02:36:34 PM »
I for one had been pretty successful at blocking all memory of that thread from my mind.

  However there are triggers that bring back flashbacks....  There is also the importance of confirmation as way of prevention.... But then again not sure that that works either because some people will never be convinced no matter how much they are confronted with the facts presented in a logical manner...  So maybe just blocking it out is the best...

DF Spoilers / Re: FB Woj share
« on: June 10, 2018, 05:52:50 PM »
Answer: Ooohhh! Yes! They can do that. They can make scions. That's where Goodman Grey came from.

   And where are some people when one wishes they were still on the boards?   I seem to remember a thread that went on for over a hundred postings because some people would not or could not concede that being a scion meant that Goodman Gray was the offspring of a Skinwalker and a mortal..  So now it is confirmed at last!!!! ;D

a lot of fans have stopped posting over the last two years but I am sure that when cold days is released it will be busy here. I have not posted regularly for the last  year but the short story compilation has me excited and posting.

Yeah, the books are getting further and further apart between publishing...  It looks like it may be close to a year before we see Peace Talks so it is hard to get excited about something that we won't see for five or six years..  It is only natural..

If HBO hadn't done a bang up job with Game of Throne I bet interest in George Martin's next installment would be on  the wane as well...

DF Spoilers / Re: Zoo Day spoilers
« on: June 08, 2018, 04:46:32 PM »
Seemed to me to be a compendium of creatures that only kids could see. Created by Molly as a child and passed down through the Carpenter siblings to provide information once the older children had forgotten those creatures and couldn't see them anymore. Makes sense for a family who's father battled monsters all the time.

Possible, or once the kid matures they can cope because they have developed the skills to deal with the monsters that might take advantage of vulnerable children.

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