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Messages - Con

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I was with you up until Uriel being Chancellor Palpatine and the big bad. That frustrates me. I agree with you on policy being used against and any weapons you create can be pointed against you. I thin Mab actually enjoys that. She's like Thanos who first time he met Gamora gave her a knife that could pierce him otherwise she wouldn't be a worthy tool for him to wield. Creating a student protege that can defeat and surpusses you is I imagine part of the joy of being a mentor fomr Socrates Plato and Aristotle to master swordsmen to flying aces inw orld war 2 to sensai's to parent you want the one your teaching to someday surpass and be able to defeat you. The Greek Gods defeated the Titans and Zeus was prophesied to be defeated bya son of his some day. It's a common theme in fiction and myth. Maybe not reality and I hope not with Maggie and Molly. But certainly with Anakin and Obi Wan even though Anakin failed in that regard and many others.

I think Uriel was transubstantiated into Malcolm and Uriel is Harry's father or Father I think that'd be cool I'm not sure it's the actual case. It's a fun theory.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab Roade with the conquerer
« on: April 04, 2024, 10:47:19 AM »
Mab and Titania hadn't talked since Hastings in 1066.

So yeah that suggest William the Conquerer.

Other than the brief interaction with her at the end of BG.

DF Spoilers / Re: Gatekeeper
« on: March 06, 2024, 07:43:10 AM »
I think you meant Rashid's true age is 1300 or so years, but his body has only aged around 300 or so years because of all the time he spent in the Nevernever.  I believe that was also an issue for Margaret, Harry's mother, she appeared a lot younger than her actual years because of all the time she spent in the Nevernever.   

Heavily implied given the WOJ's on Rashid.

Also given Margaret le Fey was around 100 years old chronologically when she gave birth to Thomas and Harry. When physically they're supposed to age normally until they're in their 50s.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dead Beat Question
« on: February 19, 2024, 09:44:39 AM »
Why did CorpseTaker and his/her ghoul go to the morgue?  What did they really need from from Dr. Bartlesby's affects? Other than to give Harry an opportunity to observe them and see what they were?

I think they figured out the ballooner must have swallowed some evidence. So it'd be in his stomach or show up on the autopsy.

DF Spoilers / Re: Justine DuMorne is Kemmler (Theory)
« on: December 21, 2023, 12:59:52 PM »
  Why not the other way around? ??? ??? If Dr Who and the Master can change sex with a body change it should work for Kemmler as well... They'd never expect it! ::)

I'm sure Corpestaker possessed many men at one point or another. If she can I don't see why Kemmler wouldn't, couldn't or didn't.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why did Dumorne put the mental whamy on when he did?
« on: December 21, 2023, 12:32:11 PM »
I don't  think we have enough info.  Furthermore, what info we do have is highly-suspect:  every time Harry recalls the events or has a flashback, we see something very different.  We know harry was right off of a mental trauma, with consequent likely memory-issues.

What if it wasn't even communicated / collaborated between Justin & HWWB?  What if Justin wasn't in league with the Walker at all, but detected the Walker's arrival (much as Harry and Eb did the cornerhounds in Peace Talks) then panicked, and tried to force the Starborn wizard(s) to be ready...?

Yeah that could be it. It certainly seemed rushed after raising a pair of kids for 6 years.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why did Dumorne put the mental whamy on when he did?
« on: December 20, 2023, 04:49:25 AM »
Could be he was ordered or pressured to by The Walker.

He Who Walks Behind set up the whole gas station scene to test and prime Harry into violence. Walkers are major league you can't summon one easily. One just happened to be around at Harry's first true trial?

Might be the walker was already waiting in the wings and dumorne (cough kemmler cough) was under pressure to prepare Harry for it in time.

DF Books / Re: Approaching the third of the total
« on: December 19, 2023, 01:21:03 PM »
Yay! Thanks for the update!

DF Spoilers / Re: Justine DuMorne is Kemmler (Theory)
« on: December 19, 2023, 12:51:33 PM »
That makes sense.  No, it wouldn't be the Doogie Howser effect, because outside of a young body, he'd be inside Harry's head and conducting that body.  However you maybe on to something,switching bodies can cause problems as Luccio discovered, she no longer could make warden swords. Though that might be because she was dumped into a non-wizard body.  The Corpsetaker on the other hand doesn't seem to have that problem with each switch she makes.

I just did a reread of Ghost Story. Corpsetaker wanted to possess either Mortimer whose skills were already undead leaning or Molly whose White Council quality. Also in Luccio's short story Kemmler was weak enough to be held by a Venatore circle jail. I think that suggests he was between bodies of enough talent at the time.

NecroBob was also one of Kemmler's creatures.

But then he could have just not trained Harry and Elaine beyond the basics. No need to make Harry an enforcer if he's going to body switch him. Actually, just be a semi-decent parent to them so the heel turn is more effective later.

Even at his height Kemmler seemed to like able minions not dissimilar to Drakul.

Besides Harry and Elaine are Starborn. Which I think is what Justin/Kemmler wanted them for. He himself isn't one even if he were to inhabite one of them. He needed loyal Starborn servants. Something he couldn't do or be himself.

DF Spoilers / Re: Justine DuMorne is Kemmler (Theory)
« on: December 18, 2023, 04:50:26 AM »
If we're assuming Justin = Kemmler = Cowl, why would JKC need bob to pull off the Darkhallow? Why would he openly act at all until the last 10 minutes before the darkhallow goes off when he would be completely confident in his ability to defeat his own apprentices and steal the prize? Why would he fight his apprentices at all when he could just rock up and demand their cooperation?

If Kemmler = Justin =/= Cowl, why would Elaine = Kumori be working for some random guy?

To be honest the entirety of the book makes way less sense if K = J = C. Cowl being justin works, but kemmler? Nah. Dude would have no need to do 80% of the things Cowl did, even if you assume he was weakened by several deaths, burnings, etc.

I think Kemmler=Justin.

I just think Cowl=Simon Pietrovich.

Cowl expressed disdain at Kemmler called him a Mad Man. Cowl also wanted to test himself against Harry because the Wardens had been afraid of Harry. That suggests he has no personal experience with Harry himself only rumours from the Whie Council specifically the Wardens.

DF Spoilers / Re: Justine DuMorne is Kemmler (Theory)
« on: December 17, 2023, 09:15:07 AM »
I think once they reach 50s/60s it's about a decade per century ratio. Ancient Mai's in the equivalent of her late 90s. Ebenezar and LtW are unusually fit mid to late 70s. Rashid 80s. etc

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: December 12, 2023, 05:21:01 AM »
HAAH! I am the master of WOJ Google Fu!

Took me an hour of searching through youtube transcripts before I remembered to check a chat I'm on Discord. Found it in five seconds.

WOJ: "My first question was: "Since Murphy has recently become a just mostly dead Einherjar, how likely do you see it that she, given her personality and love for Harry, would be content to abide by the „until she has passed out of living memory“ rule and not try to subvert it in some way?"

His answer: Does Murphy strike you as someone to just follow along with such a rule? Of course she will try to subvert it somehow."

Edit: Credit to Magnuskin he posted it from a panel from Denmark.,54936.0.html

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: December 11, 2023, 01:39:32 PM »
Yes.  But I’m trying to square that choice with Murphy’s devout faith.

She had just as much devout faith in being a cop, but she compromised on that alot in Ghost Story and beyond.

Uriel and Vadderung are colleagues. If an Archangel tells someone whose devout that she'd still be fighting the good fight. Thats the next best thing from mission from God. Which she already turned down when she didn't pick up the Sword.

Murphy had been working with and alongside Einherjaar for awhile. She has respect for them as warriors. Besides I doubt she'd just serve blindly faithful.

I think there actually *is* a WOJ about her being a pain to Vadderung same way Harry is to Mab. iirc.

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: December 11, 2023, 07:44:10 AM »
I have a headcannon Murphy briefly reunited with her dad Papa Jack Murphy at his Ghost Squad. Tearful reunification followed by offering her a choice; Become Einherjaar, stay and fight in his Ghost squad or move on.

DF Spoilers / Re: Justine DuMorne is Kemmler (Theory)
« on: December 11, 2023, 03:21:49 AM »
That's exactly my WAG, too. I'm with you.
Harry never knew the real Justin, because the real Justin was trapped in Kemmler's body, when the White Council defeated him. Kemmler in Justin's body had a little less use of his power, because as we saw with Luccio's new body, age and magical potential matter.

And this is also how "Justin" knew where to find Bob. Because Kemmler hid him somewhere he alone knew.

Kemmler/Justin didn't actually die when he was burned by Harry. I believe he survived terribly burned and soon recovered the use of his body just like Harry recovered the use of his hand. And I think he let himself be defeated by Harry on purpose, because he knew he could recover even in a slightly weaker body. Justin was older and more powerful than Harry when he burned his hand. The healing process might have been quicker. I suspect, he had Elaine extract his burned body and take it to safety so he had time to recover. Or he even let himself be found as a "burned corpse".

This explains, why he is wearing that cowl as Cowl. Not to not be recognised, but to hide his terrible burn scars.

In Dead Beat, Harry sees Cowl's burnt arms when his sleeves slip during the attempted Dark Hallow. And he attempted the Dark Hallow the make up for the power he lost because of the body switch.

I agree with everything except for Cowl. Cowper explicitly states Kemmler is a mad man and that he is not one of his followers.

I think cowl is Simon pietrovich.

Wouldn’t Bob have told Harry that DuMourne was Kemmler?

I think kemmlers new body meant he was still too weak to control Evil Bob. So he locked it away but didn't destroy it planing to bring it back later.

Why didn't he take back Demonreach?

Again visa v weak in new body. Was biding his time developing Star Born minions.

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