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Messages - TrueMonk

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DF Spoilers / Re: Why imprison Thomas in Demonreach
« on: January 15, 2021, 08:43:43 AM »
To be fair he made his staff and the skull for Bonnie while he was on the island. And he has made a shield bracelet, just not a great one.

I have a kid who is 2,5 years old now. It could also be because they are brother. I mean, I am very rarely or ever as happy as he is when he gets to paint, or jumps on the sofa, or lots of other small stuff. So maybe small kids just shine brighter.

If Micheal tells Harry something I will generally trust it.
If Gard or someone else that serves a god that rents out mercenaries to gangsters and is known for a fair amount of trickery tells him something, I generally don't trust it. It is certainly important and given her frame of mind when she tells it it seems pretty believable.
But she is as far as we know "just" a Valkyrie her information might be limited, she might be omitting something/lying for Harry's own good.

My main point is that I think there is wiggle room and we will see :-)

DF Spoilers / Re: (BG Spoilers) LTW Conservation of Speed w/ Mass Shift
« on: January 05, 2021, 09:52:27 AM »
When you change from a hawk to an elefant I would say you go from flying to jumping, you can't really steer, but if you aim is good then it is fine.

I guess he could either be projecting his own force to keep the speed the same or be drawing in mass that is already moving, like grapping an apple while driving a bike, from another guy who is also driving a bike.

If Harry takes shape shifting lessons from River Shoulders maybe we will find out which one it is.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why didn't they?...
« on: January 05, 2021, 08:06:14 AM »
Why didn't they just ask Odin or Marcone? Maybe more of them know? Maybe all of them know. Of course the difference is that they can be sure that the archive knows. But regardless information is power and it is rarely given freely.

I guess Harry did not ask because he is largely on the side of humanity, even if humanity is not always on his side.

As far as I remember they fight and kill each other every single day on the field outside Odin's hall to train for Ragnarok. And then they drink and feast together in the evening. I don't know of it is the same  applies when they "die" in Midgard.

Thee challenge with using the way they do not fear death to judge whether they get resurrected is that not fearing death is kind of their thing, no matter if it is the permanent kind of death or not.

I guess that an army of super cool warriors made with soulfire is impressive enough, but my guess is still on some kind of rebirth mechanic.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why is Marcone such a heavy magical hitter?
« on: January 04, 2021, 09:52:00 AM »
I think it is super unrealistic that the other fallen does not listen through the shadows also. I mean, if one of them can why are the others not doing it? Why did Marcone not just grow into a super big bear and fight head on?

A bit more serious, I do not understand why it seems so odd that the fallen are different, when all the fallen we have seen so far have been. I think it would be very strange indeed if Thorned Namshiel did not have some other advantage when he cannot listen through any shadow that he wants or turn into a giant bear. It could seem like that advantage is having access to magical power of some sort.

In regards to Hendricks death; I think there is a very very large difference in between being speared by Gungner (Odins spear) and just getting ones neck broken. I definately think it is possible that Marcone could have been killed by that.

On Harry being lazy or not. All these guys you are comparing him to has had teachers, Harry has been self-studying since he was a teenager. My guess is that Eb looked at all his talent and thought that he needed to learn why to use it and not be an even more powerfull wizard than he allready was. Since then Harry have not trusted any that could teach him. Like if I studied martial arts at home all day, but with limited access to training materials, of course I would be having challenges keeping up with a guy who studies under a master, like Ramirez.

Who should Harry have used as a teacher earlier? There could definately be some that I have just missed.

But with this line of argument Macones trouble shooters are not really his either. I am pretty sure they won't keep working for him 8f he stops paying them.

No matter how it was before, now Harry saved ALL the pizza. So I think it is safe to say that if they were not his vassals before they are now.

Of course he does not have their eternal loyalty, but if he continues as he has begun he will have their loyalty forever. In practice it is much the same.

I more or less agree with all your points, I don't think you are over thinking it :-)

DF Spoilers / Toot loves pizza
« on: December 29, 2020, 12:46:40 AM »
Toot loooooves pizza, and Lacuna.. Harry has a sword of love. Do you think Toot could wield it some day?

DF Spoilers / Re: New microfiction on the site
« on: December 23, 2020, 09:23:54 AM »
But would it be the right thing to do for Molly to get out?

I mean, she is protecting reality and is, as far as we can tell, very good at it. And she is to some degree protecting humanity from the winter fae, if nothing else she is keeping the mantle from someone who would be far worse.

I think there is more to it, something we do not know yet, related to Morgan's comment about "Destroyer" and Man's about being a truly magnificent weapon and Harry being allmost ready and Man's comment about the White Council preparing Harry for something.

Also, I think it is worth remembering that this was the weakest day of the year for both Mab, Molly and the winter knight part of Harry's power.

I wonder how much weaker they are? 50%?

DF Spoilers / Re: Surprises
« on: December 23, 2020, 12:10:10 AM »
Harry has a sword of love and an eye of hate/love. I think he is going wield both at the end :-)

DF Spoilers / Re: New Dresden Files podcast interview.
« on: December 22, 2020, 03:18:29 PM »
I think that demonreach is a prison, not an armory. So while it is a really convenient place to stash weapons etc. keeping stuff on the island is not the focus of the wardens duty. As a result I do not think it would be against his warden duties to retrieve an object for Mab in general.

But then again with the eye of Balor specifically, that might count as something the island was built to contain.

Also I think it is important to differentiate between Harry's
1 ability to defy an order from Mab
2 Ability to deal with the consequences of defying
3 When he can fairly say no to an order/what orders Mab cannot give

I would say releasing specific prisoners from the islands would be no 3

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