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Messages - Ghsdkgb

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DFRPG / Ideas for Merlin's agenda as a Demonic-Co-Pilot?
« on: June 19, 2014, 02:47:21 PM »
Me and a player (a non-council wizard) are toying with the idea of having a shade of Merlin ride around in his head (a small part, one of many Merlin left laying around after his death, at least in our campaign). I'd like to stat this as a Demonic Co-Pilot, but I'm not sure what sorts of Demon's Agendas I can Compel him on with such an ultimately benevolent (as far as we know) being.

I thought of Fate itself, as Merlin intentionally submitted himself to entrapment and death at the hands of Nimue in The Once and Future King, but that doesn't quite seem like enough. A few more minor agendas to add onto that, or one big one would really help.

All we know of him (in canon) so far is that he was the keeper of Excaliber/Amoracchius and he created a prison for demons. That's more or less in line with the types of thing the party goes for, anyway, so it doesn't seem like it makes for strong Compels.

So, ideas?

 The only problem I have with Compelling them both for the same thing, is what if one of them wants to accept it but the other wants to buy it off?

I'm liking the idea of  treating Jim  as a Scene Aspect for the purpose of the Compel, personally.

Okay, so Jim and Rick are fighting or running from a demon thing. Jim is a wizard and Rick a mortal cop. Rick wants to call for backup, and I think Jim's magic should maybe short out the radio.

Do I give the Compel to Jim, for having the Aspect of "Wizard" to Compel? Or do I give the Compel to Rick, since it's his radio being shorted out and his backup that's potentially not coming?

For the sake of example, let's say the monster is gunning directly for Rick, so Jim isn't actually in harm's way except to help out his friend.

DFRPG / Re: Possible benefits for Sponsored Magic: Greek?
« on: July 17, 2013, 04:10:50 PM »
The wizard who took that power actually has a katedesmoi as one of his enchanted items.

Sanctaphrax, go ahead, though it seems awfully situational to me

DFRPG / Re: Son of Zeus
« on: July 14, 2013, 01:23:57 AM »
Chances are, they'll even have a certain -1 Refresh Power called Claws :P
and with Breath Weapon also benefiting from Strength, I let players buy Claws at -0 if they already have Breath Weapon, since it provides no added benefit at that point.

DFRPG / Re: Possible benefits for Sponsored Magic: Greek?
« on: July 11, 2013, 07:56:26 PM »
Here's what we came up with, using some of your ideas as well as a Sponsored Magic document we found online (

BRIDE OF HADES [-4] (More in-game lore relevant to our campaign)

Description:  Drawing on the power of Hecate as the bride of Hades, you are able to cast spells that fit into her nature as the consort of the death god.

Sponsor: Hades and Hecate

Agenda: Convert mortals to Hades' or Hecate’s worship.  Stop the other gods of death.  Pursuit and execution of Necromancers and mortals made immortal (Vampires, Denarians, even ghosts, zombies and other undead raised against their will)

Evocation: Evocations that involve this sponsor involve killing things, or causing them to end.

Thaumaturgy: Ectomancy, sending souls to Tartarus or Asphodel, contacting the recent dead.

Evothaum: Ectomancy

Extra Benefits: The positive benefits of Lawbreaker (First) as well as insulation from the effects of continued use. 

DFRPG / Possible benefits for Sponsored Magic: Greek?
« on: July 11, 2013, 01:38:52 PM »
Our wizard is going to be working in the names of both Hecate and Hades simultaneously, so we're looking for something that fits both of them, or just the Greek pantheon as a whole (what few are left of them, Hecate and Hades being plot relevant for us and thus the only two we're sure of).

Book benefits include +1 to spells of a certain element or in certain situations or just downgrading Toughness of a certain class of creature. Another thing I considered was Blackstaff-style protection from the First Law. Or maybe there's some other benefits we haven't thought of.

For reference, our campaign is going to be taking us around the world, facing down  creatures from several different mythologies.

(Sponsor agendas will be much easier for us to come up with, but suggestions are welcomed there, as well.)

DFRPG / Re: Powers for a Reaper/Shinigami Scion character?
« on: July 06, 2013, 04:28:40 AM »
in the lore I looked through, they seemed to basically be Skavis vampires, but starting from the other side of the grave. So go on the assumption that the Skavis family are all Shinigami scions, and work backwards from there.

DFRPG / Spend a Fate Point to emulate a Stunt?
« on: April 11, 2013, 03:14:06 PM »
 What do you guys think? Has this already been discussed? I know it's not part of the rulebook, but I think it'd make a valid house rule.

It seems like a reasonable use to me. The fate points  can already give you +1 without an Aspect, which is one thing Stunts do, so would it be  viable to spend a Fate to use one skill in place of another?

The stunt would have to be agreed upon by the GM, of course, and powers are out of the question. Thoughts?

DFRPG / Damage from enchanted items?
« on: March 27, 2013, 06:23:42 PM »
One of my players is playing a wizard for the first time in our campaign, so we're a bit fuzzy.

He had a four-shift enchanted item that he threw at my mooks and won the roll by six shifts. Now, is that ten damage or four? I thought shifts added like with anything else, but he thought it was just four stress, period.

Ruling? If possible, direct me to a page number in YS? Thanks all!

DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Items: Ideas and Help
« on: February 05, 2013, 03:34:30 PM »
The default is to do what the rules TELL you to do, not to do what the rules suggest that you instead do.
Games have variant rules all the time. That's all this is. You're drawing a distinction where there is none.

DFRPG / Re: Ok, Internet cookie for the person who can do this...
« on: February 04, 2013, 03:23:22 PM »
Even if we only do Inhuman levels of things, we're looking at 10 Refresh for a High Lord, before we factor in metal, wood, or summons (that's assuming we just plop it all down under "evocation", and don't maker people spend extra Refresh for extra elements).

So I'd say it's a pretty good system so far. Captures just what it takes to command all those furies at once.

DFRPG / Re: Ok, Internet cookie for the person who can do this...
« on: February 04, 2013, 04:53:45 AM »
There's gotta be a summon spell in there, too. Perhaps with a "human form" type limitation attached, illustration the loss of powers at that point.

Also, you can't really roll Metalcrafting into Evocation, so there's another custom power you'd have to add (along with all of the other custom powers that various crafters get), so they're not REALLY like Wizards.

DFRPG / Re: is Feeding Dependency undercosted?
« on: February 01, 2013, 02:52:00 AM »
A were-dragon in my group took it to govern like eight refresh worth of powers that he's gonna use shook the time.

He's something of a power gamer, so he figured the refresh just made him stronger, but his discipline is like 3, so I'd imagine he's gonna take a LOT of Hunger consequences.

We haven't actually started playing yet, though.

DFRPG / Re: Social Riposte Stunt?
« on: February 01, 2013, 02:01:24 AM »
With a cleverly-worded stunt, sure. Teflon Persona offers an armor rating, so why not?

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