@Mira, I don't know, I frankly don't care too much for that. I think it was out of place, but not from a moral point of view but from a literary one. A little like conjuritis, but at least conjuritis gave us a moment of danger (spiders when trying to be sneaky), a moment of usefulness (anvil) and a moment of fun (Mab saying "Just when I was beginning to respect you" or something like that. It could have been better but at least I can understand the rationale of Jim writing it. But the part about Marci and Andi I thought it would be important during the fight, when Butters risking his life to save one of them, but not. We did not even see Butters worrying when Harry basically told the Alphas to risk taking a bullet for him. And the only call back to that were the two of them "guarding" him and Sanya at the end, when they were injured. So, the scene is his apartment was mostly a head-scratching moment.
@StrayDog, ok, thanks. That is not what happens to me. I simply love it. And I am reminded of my all memories too (and I am older than you, I remember the feeling the first time I saw a lightsaber on screen in the first movie) but not in a bad way. It does not take me away of the Dresdenverse any more like Wagner's Valkyrie ride, or Welcome to the Jungle.