I've long toyed with the idea of making a "Break Stuff" business where folks could come in, pay a fee to rent a
baseball bat or sledgehamemr or somesuch and take it to a pile of cheap breakable junk...stress relief for everybody!
I've had a similer idea Ren XD . I thought about makeing a house out of like Plywood or something, then filling it with all kinds of brekable knicknaks and funiture. Cheap stuff you'd get at a secound hand store or something, then chargeing people $5 for five minuets to just go in a destroy the place. Of course you'd have varioues weapons to chose from, Bats, both wood and alluminume, sledgehammers, pickaxes, axses, madix, and of course hard hats, goggles and gloves for safty. Thought about calling it 'The House of Smash!' I remember one year our class did this out door fair thing, and they brought in an old junk car for us to pay to smash to pieces with a couple of sledge hammers. God that was a tharaputic day XD .
@Dina and Crate: I'm just fucking sick and tired of being treated like a god damn slave by my parents and my stupid fucking sister telling me what to do and rideing my ass -_- . Told you guys my moms in the hospital because shehad a staff infection, well my dad finally came ho e Monday and I told him the next time he went out to see her I was going with him. Of course he ignored me and told me I was staying home this weekend to take care of the chickens. And that's another thing. When he first got these damn Chickens, I told him I wasn't going to help him raise them or have anything to do with them, they were his responsability. Since then I've halped my father build the god damn chicken coup and look after the chickens on four or five sepreate occasions. All for no pay. Which brings me to my next point. While I'm looking after these God Damn Chickens, I'm supposed to be looking for a job, getting my drivers liscense and trying to get back into college. So far I have accomplished none of these things. And am constantly reminded of it by my parents and sister who costantly hound me to get a job, but who don't realize it's not as fucking easy as it used to be -_- . On top of everything, everyone treats me like I'm a fucking idiot, like I know nothing. I'm constantly wrong on everything, even when I'm right. And people wonder why I have fucking anger issues -_-# ....
My point is, what's it gonna take? Am I gonna have to fucking murder someone before I'm taken serioues and seen as a human being?
On a side note, I had a pretty good dream this morning. I dreamt I had a Job, but this one fucking kid I worked with kept giveing me grief for everything I did and calling me all kinds of names while everyone kept takeing his side. Finally I tapped his head up against a wall and asked him what his fucking problem with me was. He said something condecinding so I finally snapped and reached up to choke the life out of him. It was at that exact moment I woke up. I know I woke up because my hands lunged out IRL at the exact same time I reached out to strangle the kid.