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Messages - TheCuriousFan

Pages: 1 ... 64 65 [66] 67 68
That seems insufficient to explain the severity of his headaches, when he heals so quickly and completely that broken bone scars disappear in a couple of years. I think instead that the prominence of Harry's headaches in the books, is Jim's way of telling us there is something going on in Harry's head, and I think it's repressed memories like the memory he recalls of the fight with He who walks behind in Ghost Story.

Or if you believe Ms Duck its evidence of repeated mental tampering by Mab. Or it could be a side effect of Lash getting fried.

The only le fay I remember from the books is Margaret le fay Harry's mother. Where is Morgan le fay mentioned?

It was confirmed in Word of Jim. (see the entire section of the forums called Word of Jim)

So Jim has stated categorically that it was Lash? That seems unlikely, Bob said she was gone, that the soul Harry had given her was no longer in Harry's head didn't he?

Jim has confirmed that both Lash and Lasciel were in Ghost Story, she's still in Harry's head despite Bob's opinion.

I believe I remember Harry stating that 13 (a coven) showed up, so that leaves 5 we don't know

Twelve of them showed up, Harry was already there.

Hans the Toymaker

It's Klaus the Toymaker.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Black Council "Recruitment" [GS Spoilers]
« on: January 30, 2012, 03:50:20 PM »
Meh.  And here I came into the thread thinking you would mention the odd implications of Grevane and Corpstaker in DB....

What odd implications are you talking about? That the Darkhallow ritual was supposed to be a team effort? Something else?

Who is Cowl?

We don't know, there are theories though.

What is the Parasite that is spoken of at the end of Ghost Story, as replacing Harry's heart, which was shot with a high power rifle? Are they speaking about the vines/roots inserted into Harry's veins? Or is there something actually replacing Harry's Heart?

Most think the Parasite is Lash, the vines are Demonreach's way of feeding Harry. And Harry's heart hasn't been replaced, its been healed.

Does Harry have repressed memories? Are these why he has such terrible headaches?

Consider how many times people have messed with Harry's head or tried to reduce it to mush.

Was that Kimmler's Athame?

No, it was Morgan le fay's Athame.

What evidence is there that Lash is still around, and still inside Harry's head? 

WoJ and possibly her acting as the Parasite.

Who are the other obviously heavy hitters on the Grey Council?

Harry and Ebenezar for starters, we've also apparently been introduced to 6 of the people who showed up at Chichen Itza with grey hoods (excluding Harry, Ebenezar and Vadderung).

theres all these parallel lines drawn between harry and merlin and harry dosnt realy have a nemesis yet.He has enemies but not an actual nemesis.Jim is too much of a comic book fan to not give harry an actual nemesis an arch villain.even if kemmler isnt morgana harry himself said he thought caprio corpus took her whole game plan from her master we havnt seen the last of kemmler and im pretty sure he was demourn but like i said i could be crazy.

He has Cowl, He has Nicodemus and he has He Who Walks Behind to act as his nemeses.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Black Council "Recruitment" [GS Spoilers]
« on: January 29, 2012, 01:19:37 PM »
Id bet money that Maggie Lefay was was either a member or an original founder. For ideological reasons.

What makes you think that?

its also mentioned that he changed after.

Won't believe this until I see a source.

mabe harry didnt kill him

They found his charred corpse, he's dead. WoJ backs this up.

by morgana i ment morgana lafae theres and kemler keeps getting brought up over and over hes not dead. if you go over old aurthurian is that the right word legends morgana was a necromancer she brought mordred back. or i could just be crazy

Your argument is:

Morngana was a Nercomancer.

Kemmler was a Necromancer.

Therefore, Morgana is Kemmler.

I'm going to need more proof than that before I believe this theory.

Im new just started reading some of these post.Am I the only one that thinks kemmler is behind the black council. I just cant figure out whos body he jump into after Harry killed him in Justin Demourns body.and yes i dont think Kemmler was actually Kemmler either.I think he was morgana but thats beside the point


Kemmler is confirmed to be dead and Justin is way too weak to be Kemmler.

And who do you mean by Morgana?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 27, 2012, 07:58:34 AM »
A full book or a short story/novella kind of thing [like Back-Up]?

Im a sucker for those mirror dimension stories - DS-9's were great.

Apparently its going to be a full book.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 27, 2012, 07:26:15 AM »
I read somewhere jim is planing on doing a miorror mirror book which ends my my one time line theory (like i said b4 i belive the harrys subconsious time travel theory any ways) this would however have to be the result of breaking one of the laws a parodx event being the most likely at least to my mind please excuse any misspelling my tablet has no spell check and i am dyslexic

He is planning on a Mirror Mirror book featuring Mirror Mirrror!Marcone and possibly being titled "Mirror Mirror".

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 26, 2012, 06:57:57 AM »
If I have to pick a point in the series that Harry goes back in time it would have to be Changes. During the chaotic battle, someone yells Fuego. Additionally, there is the time gap after he kills Susan. My assumption is that future Harry is there to stop someone from reversing the end of the RC.

Wasn't the shout of fuego a guy ordering the mercenaries to fire?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: January 25, 2012, 02:23:42 AM »
Who says that one of his parents was a being from the Nevernever?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 24, 2012, 12:33:42 PM »
The dragon Michael killed was not as powerfull as ferrofax. I believe there is WOJ about that as well.

Yes, the Dragon Michael killed was stated to be the weakest of the remaining Dragons IIRC.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 24, 2012, 12:15:55 PM »
The Swords appear to work by negating the opponent's power rather than making the wielder powerful, the Denarians are still around because the Knights appear to be against the idea of calling in backup (despite the fact that they could call on plenty of things wronged by the Denarians) and because the Denarians have mooks who appear to be dangerous in large numbers.

Emilly ... That boat sailed a long time ago. They are definatly friends ONLY.

I don't think there's a major character named emily in this series.

Lash ... Heeee .... Ewwww! They share the same BRAIN, now thats iky.

You say icky, I say potentially kinky considering the whole "she can make you feel anything or look like anyone" angle.


Its Lara, and all he needs is to learn Lea's "put the Hunger to sleep" spell to avoid being eaten.


Lea is rather unlikely, she does appear to care for him in her own way though.


They're already effectively married, add a few scenes of them talking to each other and learning to understand each other (and possibly have Harry give her a nickname, see the "Harry has naming powers" theory) and they may become shipable.

     Will he and his god-mother usurp Mab? Freeing Harry?

Of course not, all that would do is make sure Lea is Winter Queen (or Winter Lady) instead of Mab, in addition to causing horrible problems for Earth and unbalancing the Faerie Courts.

How powerful is mouse?

It appears to vary, sometimes he's weaker than Kumori, other times he's stronger than Lea.

Which Shadow influenced him?

We'll find out, a fair portion of this forum thinks Lasciel though.

Has Mab bitten off more than she can chew enlisting Harry to be a winter knight?

Probably not.

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