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Messages - Tami Seven

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Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: March 13, 2014, 03:56:15 PM »
He's been in NYC at least twice since I started working here three years ago.  Each time missed him by  >this< much.   :(

Well, if he ever tries for a fourth time, and I hear about it early enough, I'd welcome the chance to be in the audience. Probably the only way I'd ever be able to.

Still, I don't really see this as a long standing alliance. Because I don't think Uriel and Winter really interact, until we get to a certain point. I think the alliance, if it exists, probably only really came into existence with the party at Bianca's place - and perhaps afterwards, when Lea's infection was apparent. After which, I assume Uriel and Mab got together and realised: Oh shit, the Adversary very nearly fucked the both of us, didn't it?

I wouldn't have referred to them as a Team, more as a temporary Alliance. It appears that Uriel, Mab and Odin (and maybe others) don't always see eye-to-eye, but they may share a singular common purpose...Harry. But I do like the idea that those three had been plotting something for some time.

In BR, there were 3 witches. Two doing the ritual,  one close to the target acting to aim it. The details beyond that I'm not sure.

My admittedly fairly wild preferred theory there is that Maggie's death at the time of childbirth is part of the Starborn recipe and a willing sacrifice on her part.  I don't believe that she was naive enough about magic to leave anything he could target an Entropy Curse on if she had to escape his thrall, or that if he just wanted her dead it would hit her at that precisely calibrated a moment and not before.

As for keeping her six years, I propose that he is working with her, in helping identify and bring about the conditions needed for a Starborn.

I wonder what Thomas and Harry would say if they heard this theory...

And I think that they can't, but just have very low birth rates. Either way, I doubt we'll be getting an answer any time soon.

Consider that Lord Raith painted a portrait of every woman who ever gave him a child, male or female. Doesn't that imply a sense of pride or possession, of having chosen the best women to give him children?  I don't see him doing it if his children were all accidents and the mothers just random women. 

Unless there is some Biological Limitation on the White courts reproduction. Which is my personal theory, because otherwise there would be a lot more of them.

Consider how many women Thomas has been with just to feed, not to mention Justine. Do you think he takes the time to use 'Protection'? I'm fairly certain that WCV have a way of controlling when and with whom they reproduce.

His existence makes perfect sense. Lord Raith is an Alcoholic, and Maggie Sr is a bottle of Scotch. I'm surprised it took as long as it did.

Lord Raith produces a child once every 20-30 years. He chooses the mothers carefully, for reasons of his own. Feeding and having sex, yes, he does or did that like an alcoholic downing the contents of a liquor store. But that is not the case for reproduction. LR doesn't have accidents, if he did Thomas would have far more half-sibilings than he does.

Personally, I am not 100% convinced that it was really Lord Raith who killed Maggie Sr.  Sure, Ebenezer believes it, but then he may well be blinded by his prejudices -- automatically blaming the "drug dealing scum of a boyfriend" for her death.  We don't really know recipe is required for birthing a Starborn, but the fact that Elaine (known potential per WoJ) is also an orphan suggests to me that we can't rule out death during childbirth as being one of the ingredients. 

1) IMHO it is not impossible that Maggie killed herself deliberately to create a Starborn.

2) It is even possible that the mother needs to die with an entropy curse in order to create a Starborn (HHWB-Entropy curse connection in Blood Rites).  Maggie could well have done this to herself.

3) Note also that technically it was Maggie's Death Curse that killed her.

Still, to me this whole planning ahead to produce a Starborn, while I agree that it is a strong probability, has one anomaly -- Thomas. If the UMO Alliance, Lord Raith and the others all planned ahead to create a Starborn...Thomas should never have been born. I love Thomas to death, he's my favorite next to Harry, but his very existence makes no sense.

How do you suppose Mab reacted when Lea told her, "My Queen, I know we have been working with Margaret LeFay to produce a Starborn, however It seems she has not stuck to the plan."

Do you think Mab, or Odin would have been thrilled to learn Maggie was pregnant with a 'Bastard' child?

I've had some theories of my own in the past, but in light of this one, which I find very interesting,  I see a conflict. If LR wanted Maggie to have a Starborn,  then Thomas should never have been born. Unless LR was convinced that he would be a suitable father for this child. But considering that Thomas wasn't born anywhere near the auspicious date to make a Starborn,  I question LR's intentions.

I'd say that she had to go to someone who was not part of the White Council, and guess that he was the most plausible alternative compared to, say, the Red Court.

I have no strong position on that; my own feeling is that he more likely changed plan when the meeting we heard about in Changes failed, but I do not have anything to argue that from.

Oh, neither; I am positing that he wanted her to have the Starborn child according to the recipe, but to bring it up as a weapon for himself rather than to protect all of reality.

That last part doesn't make sense,  only in that apparently the recipe for a Starborn involved a man more like Malcolm.  So...when Maggie ran away to find him, LR killed her. Admittedly just as she was giving birth to her Starborn child. Why did LR keep her for 6 years? Why didn't he work with her to make sure she had her Starborn child as per the recipe?  Whatever that recipe is. And why did he put her life at risk by having a child with her (someone Maggie's age, there is always a risk that a pregnancy could have complications.  Unlikely,  but not impossible. )

Ah. here's the other potential additional element I was forgetting:

The Grand Alliance
- The original plan for birthing a starborn was presented by Maggie and Lord Raith to Eb, Arianna, and, it is postulated, representatives of other major supernatural powers.  (The meeting Eb alludes to at the end of Changes where Arianna recognised Maggie was his daughter)
- This fell apart partly because of Eb butting heads with Maggie at that meeting (same ref in Changes) and partly, either as a result of that or because one or other of them had always planned it, by Justin and Lord R attempting to subvert the project for their own ends (either separately or together)
- The continued divide-and-conquer approaches of the villains of the piece, most notably the Red Court/White Council war, are because a grand alliance is the thing they fear most, and forming one will be a key element of the BAT.

I like this idea,  in general.  Not sure why Lord Raith was given more of a role than anyone else. I do understand why he would get greedy,  power hungry,  and turn against the others. Not sure if he was trying to keep Maggie from having a Starborn child, or if he wanted to be the father of her Starborn child.

Doesn't the last Starborn predate Mab being in her position though?  When was the Last Starborn active, about a thousand years ago?  And Mab has been WQ since Hastings, was it?  Which is maybe a thousand years ago, but it's also off by 5%.  And that assumes that she jumps right into it immediately.
it is possible that the last Starborn was a fluke,  unplanned,  unexpected.  By the time the Great Powers realized what they had,  it was too late to use it/him. 

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: March 12, 2014, 04:38:25 PM »
Has he ever come to the Northeast - New York City area?

Another possible discrepancy:

In Bombshells, Molly notes Justine using that "Little White Card" to rack up considerable expense buying clothes for the assault team, yet when Thomas hands her the card in Cold Days, she doesn't seem to recognize it.

Molly didn't use Justine's card herself,  only saw Justine handling it. One possibility is that, in Bombshells Molly thought it was an ordinary credit card. In CD, she got to take a closer look and learned exactly what it was.

Or, it's a mistake on JB'S part.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: January 26, 2014, 06:10:58 PM »
I think the name Harry gets more respect in other countries than it does in the U.S.

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