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Messages - magnuskn

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DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months stuck?
« on: July 10, 2024, 10:18:01 AM »
I have learned over the years no to hold my breath on such matters... ::)  On the other hand, we have been a most patient set of fans, happy for any crumb that is thrown our way...  Maybe just maybe he appreciates that, thus not making us wait for years for the next book in the series..

I think the GRRM fans have us beat in terms of patience. ^^

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months stuck?
« on: July 09, 2024, 02:23:48 PM »
Last update from Jim, from an interview he did 11 days ago with the Beyond the Cape podcast, he hopes to be done with Twelve Months by the time DragonCon comes around, to announce there the book is finished. We'll see, I guess. ^^

DF Spoilers / Re: How Murphy could return to the Dresden Files
« on: March 02, 2024, 07:21:14 AM »
I do.

DF Spoilers / Re: How Murphy could return to the Dresden Files
« on: March 01, 2024, 02:38:19 PM »
But that's the point, her style etc, as a vanilla mortal, it wasn't just the Ghost Story hiccup, her arrogance, she thought she knew more than God.  She went through big changes after she was booted off the police force, this fan didn't care for them much.. That's just my opinion, I found myself rolling my eyes every time she was on page towards the end..

While I can see the point you are making, I personally think that from Cold Days onwards she evolved into a more understanding character than she had been before Harry "died", with a more open mindset towards his flaws but also his strengths. That did backfire on her with the swords, however, since she had been "contaminated" in her faith by hanging out with Odin's people and therefor she did waver in her convictions. Or that's how I interpreted it, I could be quite off here.

I agree that she recovered a bit too much on the eve of Battle Grounds (Hobbs from Fast and Furious 7 comes to mind when she just had to take off her cast to get better), but as a last hurrah as her mortal badass self, it worked for me.

Let's just be happy that he didn't go the way of David Weber with his Safehold series... <brainbleach>

Anyway, albeit I really liked the book, demoting Gwen to a secondary character until the very end of the book annoyed me to no end. And Rowl didn't really do very much in this book, either, which also read a bit strange, given how active he was in the first book.

DF Spoilers / Re: How Murphy could return to the Dresden Files
« on: February 29, 2024, 02:49:32 PM »
But she won't be her anymore.  She won't be the vanilla mortal that all her fans love.  Death and time in Valhalla will change her, and perhaps not in the way you want.  That is why there are rules like, paraphrasing, "she won't return till all that knew and loved her have died."  Or something like that, but essentially that is a kindness to those who remain, love her memory as she was.  I am sure for the next couple of books at least her fans will be looking for clues whether or not it was her, returned.

You assume that her being a "vanilla mortal" is what "all her fans" loved about her. I didn't. I loved her personality, attitude, style of fighting, looks and what she meant to other characters. And, yes, that may be changed somewhat if she comes back as a Valkyrie. But Harry has changed a ton over the last 17 books and I still love him. And Karrin also went through big changes through that time (including the Ghost Story hiccup, which I didn't love that much). Let's just see what Jim comes up with and then deal with it when it happens. As we do for all the characters who had stuff happen to them during all those books.

DF Spoilers / Re: Has Carlos sided with the merlin against Harry
« on: February 12, 2024, 10:14:02 AM »
I assume getting his spine bent into directions it shouldn't go by Molly in an act of treachery (which it has to be from his viewpoint, despite us knowing that Molly had no control over her actions) just may have colored Carlos's viewpoint.

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: January 24, 2024, 08:55:13 PM »
A good author always gives himself wiggle room because characters often have a way of taking on a life of their own.  If an author is too wedded to his timeline he often ends up ruining the series.

Right. But even in the case you posit, Jim clearly decided to bring Murphy back at some point, otherwise there's no point in killing her off to leave a huge "however!" at the end. It basically undermines the drama of the whole plot point just to leave a theoretical "option" Jim would then have decide to use in the future.

To me, that means the point of killing off Murphy at that particular point of the story (which was a bit too soon after she got into a serious relationship with Harry, IMHO) and then adding a clear sign that she'll be back at some point in the future was to transition her into a new role in the group, rather than to just get her out of the story "because Harry must always suffer".

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: January 24, 2024, 07:24:26 PM »
Or he is merely giving himself an option..

Given that he had the entire arc of his Dresden books planned out since the first one got published, I doubt that.

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: January 24, 2024, 12:41:31 PM »
Come on guys, this "she can't come back as long as mortals remember her" is a thing Jim made up on the spot to avoid having to bring her back immediately (because he clearly was planning to write out his own personal pain of the last years in the next book and you can't have Harry happy for that). And it's in the series of books where Jim himself has said that Harry will have broken all the laws of magic by the end of the series. If Jim wanted Murphy out of the series permanently, he wouldn't have built in this backdoor.

Originally I was going to formulate my question more along the lines of "Harry is stated to break all the rules of magic during the runtime of the series, what is preventing him from also breaking this new, just made-up, rule?", but then I realized that I was denying Murphy her agency with this line of questioning. I'm pretty happy with the answer I got from Jim.

Cinder Spires Spoilers / Re: Olympian Affair (Spoilers All)
« on: November 19, 2023, 09:27:02 AM »
Since a lot of the cultures of the spires are clearly coded to old time Europe, I wouldn't worry too much about where exactly the spires are located in the current US. Albion pretty clearly is victorian England, Aurora corresponds to conquistador Spain, the Pikers seem to be an analogue to the Caribbean pirates (I constantly had the main theme of Pirates of the Caribbean playing in my head whenever there were scenes with Ravenna). Not sure what exactly I'd attribute Atlantea (Atlantis?) and Olympia (Classic Greeks?) to, but the coding of the first three seemed pretty clear.

As for the story, it was very good. I was about to only say it was 85% as good as The Aeronauts Windlass, due to an important plot thread from the first book not manifesting itself, but then it did in the last quarter and that brought it up to being 95% as good as the first novel. I am very cross that Gwen didn't get her own viewpoint, though. She was the lead character in the first book until she got bonked on the head. Relegating her to a side character, so that a another character very much like her can take over her place in the narrative, didn't sit right with me. I hope (and think, given where she is at the end) that she'll be a main viewpoint character again in the third book.

As for the new viewpoint character, Abigail, I understand why she took over from Gwen, given that Gwen just isn't quite there yet in terms of position of power and proficiency, but due to Abigail having a pretty similar personality structure than her, just with more experience, it just felt to me that she was more of an interloper than a true protagonist. I appreciated the focus on Bayard, though, who is a badass. I also really liked Captain Ravenna (she must be the best Piker I've ever seen ^^) and I hope she stays around as a more prominent character. Bridget's side story felt a bit like filler, although it rounded out the worldbuilding. Really too bad that she couldn't interact more with the others, especially Folly, with whom she had made a good connection in the first book. The cats kinda felt unimportant and just there to give color commentary, which is a shame. Rowl had an important, active, role to play in book one and now he was reduced to trading barbs with a sassy kitten. I also had hoped to see Mirl again, but what can you do.

I do wonder what the population numbers of warriorborn are to normal humans. Given their physical superiority, they can't be very numerous, otherwise they'd have taken over power everywhere.

Also very interesting to see that at least one Archangel is still alive. Given Cavendish rant about what the real background of the world is, one wonders if they truly are as beneficient as portrayed here or rather more sinister. Of course her viewpoint is colored by being controlled by the Tyranima and being mad. And, damn, some chilling scenes with her, I gotta say. Especially where she giggled about eating people via the Mistmaw. I was honestly surprised at the effort to humanize her at the end of the novel. We'll have to see where that goes (my first impression is "redemption arc with self-sacrifice at the end to atone for the many monstrous things she's done").

We'll have to see what happens in book three, which already was said to take place on the surface a lot (small wonder with how things ended) by Jim in a recent Q&A. I hope it takes a lot less time to write than this one did, though.

DF Spoilers / Re: Q&A Fantasyfestival 2023 in Esbjerg/Denmark
« on: September 29, 2023, 11:22:25 AM »
Harry is not the casual sex type, he will only get romantically involved with someone he believes lives him. This was only reinforced by Luccio’ s love being a chemical Sham. Harry would need to love Lara and I don’t think that is possible. She might however certainly end up loving Harry.

I seriously don't see it. She's the controlling type all-around and Harry is not the kind of person who can be controlled or would appreciate attempts to control him. See his constant head-butting with Mab and Marcone.

DF Spoilers / Re: Q&A Fantasyfestival 2023 in Esbjerg/Denmark
« on: September 29, 2023, 09:34:50 AM »
If this were a series with an unlimited number of books coming, it's not impossible that Jim would be working towards a new significant relationship for Harry. However, we are at book 17 of what either will be 22 + 3 books or 25 + 3 books (depending if I heard correctly that the number of books has grown to the latter. I might simply have misunderstood Jim there, too). That means, to me, unless the endgame for Harry is Molly, which I don't believe it is, it will very probably still be Murphy as his significant other. I don't see a new serious romantic interest popping up just a few books before things get really hairy with the BAT. Therefore, as soon as Murphy comes back, she'll probably stay for good.

DF Spoilers / Re: Q&A Fantasyfestival 2023 in Esbjerg/Denmark
« on: September 28, 2023, 04:34:37 PM »
Jim wanted to take Murphy out of the story, but with an in-built cheat mechanism to later use her character again. It stands to reason therefore that getting her back will just be as hard or easy as Jim needs it to be to happen at the right moment. That Murphy will return at some point is pretty much guaranteed, otherwise Jim wouldn't have made her an Einherjar. I just think it'll be sooner rather than later.

DF Spoilers / Re: Q&A Fantasyfestival 2023 in Esbjerg/Denmark
« on: September 28, 2023, 02:59:51 PM »
I call it a cosmic rule because quoting Gard, "That is the limit not even the Allfather can cross." Not made up, but a real limit.  If Odin cannot go past that limit, it sounds like a cosmic rule to me, set down by someone more powerful, the Creator perhaps? 

You are comparing apples to oranges, yes, Harry might break all Seven Laws of Magic before he is done, but those are still laws set up by mortal wizards, even Merlin himself was a mortal. The limit that the Allfather cannot cross, isn't a limit set by mortals.  At the end of the day, Murphy is still dead, she may be  Einherjar with limited Intellectus, which hasn't been defined yet, but she is still dead.

Eh, dead is relative here. The Einherjar we've seen are walking around just fine. And, yeah, I believe Harry can break "cosmic laws" if he puts his mind to it. Also, to be honest, I find it all too suspicious how suddenly that "you totally can't see each other" plopped out of nowhere with Murphy dying and then getting revived. Seems like a placeholder to me, to keep Harry miserable for a while, just like putting a magic chastity belt on Molly to prevent a relationship developing there.

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