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Messages - Arjan

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DF Spoilers / Re: [major BG spoilers] About the Council.
« on: October 07, 2020, 06:40:54 PM »
Yeah, that's how I read it as well. If you read their interactions as Carlos thinking Harry knows that Molly went gonzo on him due to the Mantle, and Harry not actually knowing about that, it sheds a lot of light on why Carlos is frustrated at him because it does seem like Dresden is threatening him and being an utter dick about it to boot...
And he is still a virgin. That makes him even more sensitive.

DF Spoilers / Re: Brighter Future Society Assets, Resources, and Services
« on: October 07, 2020, 06:34:35 PM »
Yes, Mouse might be a bit shy.. ::)  Also be careful with scions with other dogs.  Now I have no problem with mixes, however some combos are not good and can even be dangerous.  Wolf/dog
mixes for example, they are beautiful to be sure, there are exception of course, but many of the wolf hybrids tend to have an aggressive temperament.
But a foo dog/Werewolf mix would be very interesting  ;D

DF Spoilers / Re: Brighter Future Society Assets, Resources, and Services
« on: October 07, 2020, 06:07:04 PM »
Not that easy,  how many Foo Dog bitches are out there?  How many are sound?  We know from Zoo Day, that some don't turn out so well.  Harry will most likely have to contact Tibet or Nepal to find Mouse a mate, then he might have to explain how he came to have a Foo Dog in the first place.. Trust me, breeding dogs responsibly can be a real headache.
He can probably create scions with normal dogs and Harry can arrange that. You have to ask Mouse for consent of course.

DF Spoilers / Re: Brighter Future Society Assets, Resources, and Services
« on: October 07, 2020, 04:46:21 PM »
    I think the question is whether Harry splurges on nice stuff or if he falls back into what's familiar and furnishes the castle via Goodwill :)[/list]
    It must be representative especially if he wants to build a power base. Really he needs a big hall to feast with his private army, the survivors deserve that. He should ask Freydis to furnish that one.

    DF Spoilers / Re: [major BG spoilers] About the Council.
    « on: October 07, 2020, 09:51:39 AM »
    I agree with you. I've been wondering one thing, though.
    Could a mind controlled victim of the rampires gather the will to imprison a Titan (even if she was weakened)?

    The part I've found weird about Ramirez in the end was his demeanor, quite aggressive (would you be aggresive around Harry if you thought he has gone dark side?) and not even saying sorry about Murph. I mean, not everyone knew Harry and Murphy were an item, but they were good friends, that was known.
    Ramirez probably did not even know.

    The problem with first person POV is that if we want to look at someone else’s motivation we have to reconstruct his point of view. Forget all we know about what Harry tells himself and only look at what Ramirez sees.

    Harry never did that with Ramirez but if you do his actions become somewhat more understandable.

    DF Spoilers / Re: It's all Mab's fault! (Battle Ground Spoilers)
    « on: October 07, 2020, 07:08:02 AM »
    There is a certain truth in this assertion, though I think in the case of Murphy, Mab's influence does not change anything truly important. Murphy is too stubborn and has too  much experience with psychic assault to be truly effected by Mab's prompting. Even if Mab isn't there Murphy would do the same and she might even die faster in the war if her pain or some irrelevant fear distracted her during the battle. In Murphy's case, Mab's influence has all the positive effect without the negatives. At least I think so.

    I am really upset when Murphy died. I mean, I stop reading the book for about 2 minutes just to calm myself down. Her death was quite a shock at the time.

    Ultimately though her presence there is nescesary. Harry would have died at least twice if Murphy and the reinforcement she brings does not arrive in time. And without Harry Chicago would have been lost.

    The price is heavy but I must say she died well.
    What Gard said.

    Except I don't think that can happen because Harry is star born.  An Outsider cannot mentally whammy him, at least according to Lash, they cannot.
    They can not or he is just better at resisting it?

    You have the potential to hold great power over them. You may be able to escape the power now held over you.

    DF Spoilers / Re: Swords and Walkers [BG Spoilers]
    « on: October 07, 2020, 05:54:29 AM »
    Those are quite basic human emotions and emotions are the expression of magic and life. I expect them to return everywhere.

    DF Spoilers / Re: It's all Mab's fault! (Battle Ground Spoilers)
    « on: October 07, 2020, 05:51:56 AM »
    Mab may have been human once, but she either has forgotten how humans react, or she no longer cares.  She needed soldiers on the field, they are to be used and discarded as needed.
    To be fair that kind of decision was not out of reach for most human generals in history if they had the means they would certainly do it.

    Mab is older.

    DF Spoilers / Re: True Names of the Mothers
    « on: October 06, 2020, 07:56:46 PM »

    There was, and apparently Uriel carries a little more weight, because Mab was forced to go along with the lesson he wanted to teach.  As she pointed out, if it went wrong, Harry would have gone all dead and she would have lost her Knight.
    Because Uriel must have had some claim on Murphy too and Vadderung got her. There is a recent woj about that kind of situation which says that Vadderung sometimes negotiates for people he needs and that they wake up rather surprised in walhalla.

    I imagine Uriel and Vadderung had lunch and they talked about it and Uriel being Uriel made it dependent on Murphy’s choice. Maybe a similar deal was made with Mab. That thing with the doors was suspicious.

    DF Spoilers / Re: [major BG spoilers] About the Council.
    « on: October 06, 2020, 06:04:27 PM »
    He still couldn't act without orders.  If he could, do you think he'd allow his new Warden to be in the kind of danger he was in when he fought Shaggy?
    Apparently. Kringle specifically spoke about the island now shielding Harry from Anduriel spying because he awoke the island. During turn coat they did not know each other that well.

    But the island could make deals with Mab and bonea. The island could take decisions about how to handle the ladies. I think it was not fully awake during turncoat. It has to develop skills for communicating with Harry as well.

    As Uriel explains, Harry' free will was taken away by Lashiel. Her whisper shoved Harry over the edge and Uriel was allowed 7 words of his own. The reason of Ghost Story was for Harry to understand what happened and decide if he actually was a suicide and stay in Uriel's service or wasn't a suicide and see what's next.
    That was Uriel and Harry. There must have been some understanding between Uriel and Mab as well.

    DF Spoilers / Re: So is anyone going to address... [BG Spoilers]
    « on: October 06, 2020, 05:53:36 PM »
    Either Eb knows how, or doesn't know how the Winter Knight mantle works.
    He probably does not. Not into details. He asked of Mab could protect him. He does not know.

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