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Messages - Snark Knight

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DF Spoilers / Re: Assuming Nicodemus got the Coin out.....
« on: June 24, 2018, 09:11:48 PM »
But that offer was before she was injured...  I also doubt that even that job offer came without strings, especially if she because healed as a result.

Of course it comes with strings. Being a mercenary hired out to whoever Vadderung tells you you're working for, potentially including the likes of Marcone. That's still exponentially better than the Fallen's terms though.

And they're hardly likely to pull the offer over an injury that a valkyrie would heal from in, like, a couple hours.

DF Spoilers / Re: Assuming Nicodemus got the Coin out.....
« on: June 24, 2018, 08:04:12 PM »
Offer her her complete physical strength and speed plus more to help Harry in the fight?  She might think if Harry was able to resist the temptations  of a full partnership while benefiting, that she might also.

If she really can't cope with limited mobility in her leg after her injury, there's always that job offer with Monoc from Ms. Gard. That would come with their "great health plan" without enslaving her to a fallen. She's not in as bad a place to be tempted from as if it was coin or nothing.

DF Spoilers / Re: Assuming Nicodemus got the Coin out.....
« on: June 24, 2018, 05:55:32 PM »
Totally unrealistic if you know anything about Karen, she would reject the coin. She has enough knowledge, understanding and spiritual strength to do so.

Yeah, suckering someone into touching the coin is only really valuable with a wizard who'd sacrifice their powers if they just rejected it. A vanilla can drop it just like Sanya did, if their will is strong enough.

DF Spoilers / Re: Was Nemesis in Storm Front?
« on: June 24, 2018, 02:21:32 AM »
The White Court isn't so easy to figure out, some aspects of it seem to play for the team, it is possible that the Hunger Demon itself is part of the Enemy, but with varying degrees of success..  I think it depends on the family, Thomas must feed, but perhaps because of his mother and brother doesn't act like someone Nemesis infected.  Lara on the other hand is harder to figure out, she works strictly for self interest and plays both sides I think.

If anyone's playing for the other side, it (was) Lord Raith. Lara is self-interested, not trying to give reality away to "empty night".

And I think placing the (mainstream) Denarians on team Outsider is a mistake. Nicodemus wouldn't have been that freaked out over Harry mentioning that someone threw Hellfire at Arctis Tor if he was broadly aligned with that action anyway.

DF Spoilers / Re: Was Nemesis in Storm Front?
« on: June 23, 2018, 02:45:04 PM »
I'm not sure who exactly, but Lily, Harry himself and Rashid have listed Victor sells as one of the oddities happening lately.
I think that groinkick is correct. Upstart sorcerer who had access to more power and training than he should have, it's either Nemesis's work directly, or one of the circle. Which is more of the same.

Considering the WOJ about the first N-fected host appearing in GP, I'd lean heavily toward the second interpretation, that Sells, Denton and Kravos were pawns of a background player who's the true N-fected host. A skilled warlock or vampire with even moderate mental influence capabilities wouldn't find it particularly hard to warp a couple of self-taught small time practitioners and a vanilla into cat's paws.

Was it Lea who connected Sells, the FBI agents and riling up the ghosts(?) as sharing an origin?

If you meant that in the sense of was Lea the master who manipulated all three, I don't think it likely she was secretly infected way before receiving the athame.

DF Spoilers / Re: Was Nemesis in Storm Front?
« on: June 23, 2018, 01:24:26 AM »
Unless the WOJ that the first Nemesis character seen directly 'on stage' appeared in GP was a misdirect, I kind of doubt Sells was personally infected, and I don't see why a pool of Nemesis would be hanging around his house if he wasn't infested himself.

DF Spoilers / Re: Assuming Nicodemus got the Coin out.....
« on: June 23, 2018, 12:47:06 AM »
Interesting thought, but from what I understand, the current consensus is Papa Raith gets his immunity to enemy magic from HWWB. Deirdre's Denarian was on Team Nic, and wouldn't cooperate with the Walker. Opposing agenda.
From where we last saw her, Lara isn't in a great position. She could be persuaded to take more power.
Yes, the WN Deeps Battle devastated (not decimated) her opposition in the White Court, and let House Raith effectively take control. I imagine it will take the other houses decades or centuries to become contenders again. However, her House was wounded as well, and with Papa Raith (please make that a pizza joint) on a leash, the other houses were still somewhat beholden to her bidding. Their losses count as her losses in any conflict where the White Court would stand unified.
Also, remember Shagnasty. That Skinwalker waltzed right into Raith manor and made a field day out of ripping her personal guards apart in her very home. News of that demonstrates vulnerability, and news like that spreads. It also must have rattled her.

The Circle - who are all but confirmed to be Outsider affiliates - was trying to take Lord Raith out in White Night. It's possible that how the shield was set up means the Outsider(s) are stuck sponsoring it no matter who Raith is controlled by, so long as he lives. But I'm not sure the shield means he's necessarily still immune to everything Harry can throw at it anyway. Harry has learned a lot since BR, including getting better at recognizing Outsiders' handiwork, and that he has some sort of edge over them that other wizards don't.I'm thinking it might not be a coincidence that the death curse Margaret was able to tag him with despite his "invulnerability" was cast as she was giving birth to a starborn. Winter's power might be another advantage, given how hard it reacted to the other walker he fought in CD when combined with soulfire.

As for Lara' position, it's also relevant that Thomas mentioned in CD that the expansion in her power base has been getting scarily significant lately. I doubt she'd be hard pressed to keep Skavis and Malvora in line if she had to now; it's just that under white court culture she just prefers manipulation even after growing beyond absolutely needing it. Plus, there are probably other ambitious members of her own family that would decline to exactly fall into line.

All that unresolved BS, piled on top of the likely interactions with her ex-husband/Ex-Brother-in-Law who would apparently defaults to By-the-book jerk as often as not, and who would likely react in a more volatile than average manner if Murphy, who by many public indications has quit the police for to go work for a Mobster, tries to stick her nose in an investigation as personally important to him as that.

It's about time Harry showed some non-clued cop figures what's actually going on by way of convincing them to at least stop getting in the way if they aren't going to help. Having to stop Rick from bungling a case related to Murphy's family would be a pretty good reason for a non-violent but also undeniable demonstration. Maybe lock him in ice from the shoulders down until Karrin can tell him what's actually what.

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Q and A in VA 6-9-18
« on: June 18, 2018, 02:42:37 AM »
I think sorcerer is more accurate...  As we saw in Storm Front, they can pull off a lot of magical stuff, but that doesn't make them wizards...

Cassius was probably at the upper ranges of sorceror talent, thanks largely to Saluriel's help and an extended lifetime to practice. But Victor Sells was a marked step up from Cassius, a full Council-level warlock who did spells in at least five different areas (the three-eye drug, calling and commanding the toad guy, the scorpion constructs, remote projection to speak and observe through shadows, and the heart-ripper curse itself). Harry figured at one point in the narration that they were probably pretty closely matched in strength, but his big advantage was that Sells' tutor hadn't trained him as thoroughly as Justin and Ebenezar taught Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Butcher Lexington, KY 6-7-18
« on: June 17, 2018, 03:26:19 PM »
Maybe cool, but the KotC are such obvious good guys that it's probably a bad idea to clearly assign them to sides in anything but the most obvious good v bad conflicts (or explaining the "normal" conflict was just a cover for the supernatural destruction, as I imagine the efforts to bring down Kemmler during WW1).

He was already toeing that line with Charlemagne (who, sure, was enormously significant in his time ... but also perpetrated his share of atrocities).

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Butcher Lexington, KY 6-7-18
« on: June 17, 2018, 03:19:36 AM »
The way he put it was 'they were covering him at that point' which sounded more active, like a shield spell. But he seemed to be having trouble remembering what protection the question was about, so as you suggest, it might be better to take that not entirely word for word.

I guess interpreting it that his coven did the ritual leg-work to get a heavyweight to provide Lord Raith with his protection might still fit his answer, in the context of "No it wasn't Margaret who did that". It certainly makes more sense than one modestly talented but still less than Council-level sorceress and two barely more than vanilla helpers blocking strikes Ebenezar meant to kill someone with, and doing it so effectively that he attributed it to an old god.

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Butcher Lexington, KY 6-7-18
« on: June 16, 2018, 09:56:01 PM »
The one where he said Lord Raith's anti-magic protection was from the sorceresses covering him and Harry didn't realize it seems off to me. First, Ebenezar said he's tried to kill Lord Raith three times before in revenge for Maggie Sr., which would have been well before Raith recruited the sorceresses. And second, Lord Raith's protection was very much still in force when Harry tried to get at him during the fight in the Deeps in BR when two of the sorceresses were dead and Madge was entirely occupied trying to hold the summoning for the Walker together.

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Butcher @ Book People, Austin, Tx
« on: June 14, 2018, 09:21:31 PM »
His answer to if / when the Celtic gods (Tuatha) would appear was interesting. Somebody in book 19 and then otherwise not until the BAT lines up with previous comments that we wouldn't find out who or what Mac really is until very late in the series. A boost for the Mannannan Mac Lir theory?

DF Spoilers / Re: Zoo Day spoilers
« on: June 14, 2018, 08:39:22 PM »
Who says Molly or the Queen's know about the Foo Dogs being Nemfected (they might not be)?  Mab didn't even know her own daughter was infected for a while.

They don't yet. But Mouse can tell them, or at least tell them enough to piece it together if he doesn't already know the significance of the 'acting against their nature' part.

DF Spoilers / Re: Fistful of Warlocks -- Law Notes
« on: June 14, 2018, 02:28:06 PM »
Possibly in the 1800's the Council took a bit more of a relaxed attitude toward igniting a fire with magic and letting it spread mundanely to kill warlocks. WOJ was that still counts in the universal / spiritual corruption sense, but maybe it doesn't in the Council's legal sense. We know some of their laws that don't pertain to abusing mortals (specifically, against time travel and seeking knowledge of the Outsiders) are because those things are really bad ideas rather than because they're addictive and cause gibbering insanity. Maybe it works the other way for some things too.

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