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Messages - Lanodantheon

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DFRPG / Re: Buffy or Slayer-like Character?
« on: August 01, 2012, 03:47:22 AM »

With the DFRPG's system, it's all about the story of the character. Template are just recipes. Your player can take whatever the story of the character can justify.

For me personally, you could make the character an off-shoot of the Lycanthrope from Fool Moon. That is, a natural channel for a spirit of some kind. In this case, maybe he/she is a channel for some more potent kinds of spirits like a "Spirit of The Slayer". Or maybe a Twin-soul kind of thing.

The above option could be justified in creation by giving the character Demonic Co-Pilot, which I think would make for an interesting take on the "Slayer" concept. Though, it would still be a price.

As others have said, if your player doesn't want to be a changling, vampire or something with a price, a Scion would be your best bet. There are all sorts of supernatural creatures that can reproduce with a human including Bigfoot (See the recent short stories), just pick one.  Umbralux's opinions on a new template reflect my thoughts on the most likely alternative if your player wants a wholly "Human" character with some Supernatural help but no price.

Another option would be someone in possession of an Item of Power that gives him/her said abilities. It would be a restriction on the characters abilities in terms of it being able to be taken away but it would get the job done. Or you could say that he/she got an abilities from an Item of Power that he/she isn't in possession of like drinking from the Holy Grail or that kind of thing.

A dark option could be to make someone who has benefited from the research and practices of the Prosthonos Society.  It's an organization described in the short story, Backup. Bob describes them as, "Bunch of lunatics in the Baltic Region. They chop off their bits and replace them with grafts from inhuman sources. Vampires, Demons and ghouls and such. Patchwork immortality..." Say the character was in an accident and someone with access to that knowledge rebuilt him/her better, stronger, faster. And you don't even need the slow-mo and the cheesy sound effect.

Start with The Art of Intrusion: The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders and Deceivers & The Art of Deception: Controlling The Human Element of Security by Kevin Mitnick, You might also enjoy his autobiography Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as The World's Most Wanted Hacker.

Note about the above books: Mitnicks book do not focus on Technology, they focus on Social Engineering. Which is the art of the Con. 

The main principle of Mitnick's Social Engineering theories is this: "The most vulnerable part of a security/computer system is the human element. " & "The easiest way to get a piece of information you are not supposed to have is to simply ask for it. "

Another Social Engineering book is No Tech Hacking: A Guide to Social Engineering, Dumptser Diving and Shoulder Surfing .

That's off the top of my head.

My brother and I were so impressed with the speed at which I wrote my TV Pilot for Amazon that when he traveled to my place for a visit, we decided to write a second TV series together.

A few days in and the Series Bible's first pass is almost done and after that we can tag-team the Pilot.

Author Craft / TV Pilot in need of Reviews on Amazon Studios
« on: July 24, 2012, 06:30:32 PM »
Recently I developed and wrote a TV Show Pilot currently on Amazon Studios here.

It's an animated comedy called Starship Enlisted and it's about the Enlisted Crewmembers of a Starship who do all of the work and get none of the credit.

I'm looking for reviews and feedback on the project, both for its 6 page mini-bible and the Pilot Episode Screenplay. Although giving it on these boards in some form would be cool, what would be better if I could get some folks to leave feedback and reviews on the Amazon Studios site itself.

I need feedback so that I know what works, what doesn't and so I can make my show better. Currently, I don't even know if my show is funny and it's supposed to be.

Without feedback, my project will languish at the back of the pile, gradually declining in popularity until Amazon finally decides to pass on it with a robotic e-mail. With feedback, the project will be more likely to be noticed and picked up for further development.

Any sort of positive or negative feedback on the Amazon Studios Project site is appreciated. If done on the Amazon Studios site, it will increase the project's visibility. I am not opposed to overly negative feedback because I want to make my writing better. If you like my work, that's cool. If you don't like it, I'd like to know why. Any feedback left on Amazon will be better than it languishing with no feedback.

If you're interested, please click the link above(or in my sig), log into/create an Amazon Studios account, read the Screenplay & Mini-bible and leave a review. It's a total of 35 pages of reading, some clicking of some stars and some writing. It just might help Starship Enlisted get made into a real TV Show... ;D

The past few days for me have been a RUSH of mixed emotions. I have been trying for the past few weeks to get into writing mode and write everyday. I'd been getting distracted, procrastinating, you get the idea.

I tried like heck to replicate the "madness" that I get when I'm in writing mode. It was this madness that allowed me to write 98 pages of screenplay in 3 days and 118 pages in 5 days 2 years later in College. I tried to get that madness so that I could complete my long-awaited Cyberpunk Movie. And for the past few weeks I've been spinning my wheels mostly.

After consulting with my brother and my self-help/writing literature I came to the conclusion that I should just write something, anything I had a passion for even if it wasn't the feature because at least then I would be writing.

So, over the weekend I...wrote a 35-page TV Show Pilot and 6-Page Mini-Bible for said show and posted them on Amazon Studios. Hazzah!!!  ;D

I am cautiously stoked. Moreso than anything else, I am relieved. The past few days of marathon writing have been the most exciting time I've had in....a long time. I went to college so I could do that and I want to continue doing that. It's the first TV Show I've ever written so...lots of mixed emotions.

All I can do now is hope that other people think it's good/funny...

The Show is a Comedy called "Starship Enlisted", it's 17+ on the rating and genre-savvy folks can guess what it's about. If you're interested in it, there's a link in my sig.

With my prospects dwindling, I'm making a final push to finish the long awaited screenplay and jumping (when I'm bored) to a TV Pilot I've been working on for Amazon Studios.

Now if only transfers from RTF and PDF formats from Google Docs weren't so....picky...

Good that I can operate under pressure and apparently best when  i have a deadline looming, but still.


Having just finished my tenure at Google, I am now without much to do. I would look for more work, but I have the dreaded degree, "Interdisciplinary Studies".

So rather than try to get a job in insurance that will crush my proverbial soul,  I've decided to take some time doing what I've been putting off because of work: Writing.

Well, writing and learning some 3D software packages. And proactively going to the gym for the first time in my life.

But, so far....not much writing. I know I can do it. I've done it before. I've churned out a buttload of pages in a few days...

And I'm sure I can do it again. Now is the time for self-development. For blazing a new trail. For finding what I want to do. Maybe now I can see if I have what it takes so-to-speak.

DFRPG / Re: Neutral Grounds other than Bars?
« on: May 20, 2012, 11:23:36 PM »
From what Evil Hat has said, in the upcoming Paranet Papers' write up of Las Vegas, the Entire Las Vegas Strip is Accorded Neutral Ground.

After figuring out the format for TV scripts....or at least what I think is TV Script format... I wrote the Teaser for my Pilot.

The Teaser: A Commercial for a Star Fleet Like organization. What if "Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before" was their version of "Be All You Can Be"?

I say finish it as is.  Of course that depends how far you are into the word count.  But honestly, I wouldn't let others stop you.  Pump out the product.  You can always go back and edit some of the more egregious stuff out if its truely full of the suckage.

Pearls and Swine.  Pearls and Swine.

My 2 cents anyways.

don't let anything stop you,

The Deposed King

I agree. Just finish it. Get the entire manuscript done as a first draft. There is nothing more satisfying for projects as big as a novel.

Good Fortunes to you, Darkshore.  8)

Just finished a "mini-bible" for a TV Pilot for Amazon Studios.

Now to write the 22-minute pilot and the Long Awaited Feature-Length Screenplay TM.

Author Craft / Re: Induction into a hidden society
« on: May 04, 2012, 05:11:07 AM »
I got nothing....

Secret societies and organizations are by their nature, secret. Information is utterly important and they would only give info to their inductees all at once.

Unless you had a plot-device that could say wipe the MC's memory and introduce the secret society a little at a time.

That is of course NOT using the tired B-Plot series of flashbacks to the initiation that happened earlier chronologically in the story but is present later linearly.

That's all I got. 

Author Craft / Re: Tools for Writers
« on: April 25, 2012, 03:03:25 PM »
Brandon Sanderson's Creative Writing course on I believe genre writing is being filmed and being made available on Youtube  for those writers who can't/don't want to take his classes at BYU:

Author Craft / Re: Christian influences in Fantasy writing
« on: April 25, 2012, 02:30:18 PM »
Oh! Another thing:

Ask yourself who's your audience. There are some Christian fiction out there that are definitely meant to be read by Christians themselves, hence it's all preachy.

But, if you're going for...well, everyone... pretty much what they just said.

That's a really good point. Never forget your target audience/genre.

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