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Messages - vincentric

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DF Spoilers / Re: Dragon Con points of interest
« on: September 18, 2024, 06:57:47 PM »
Do we have certainty about that?  AFAIK, all of the "winterfae know Harry had Bob" theories are fantheories only; I recall no canon or WoJ either way.

Leah kept track of Harry when the White Council lost him after Malcolm's death. She was close enough to come running when Justin turned on Harry and certainly watched their fight. Harry took Bob and buried him directly after that, so Leah likely saw that and might have even helped Bob stay hidden until Harry's return. She's kept watch on him from the NeverNever his entire life to fulfill her bargain. As was revealed in Cold Days, benign Fae can just walk right into your homes past your thresholds. So, she's most likely seen the skull and even took care of it for him when he popped into her garden in Changes. So no, it's not confirmed canon, but it's heavily implied if you follow the logic chain.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dragon Con points of interest
« on: September 17, 2024, 01:43:03 PM »
Leah knew that Harry had Bob and Mab probably found out about it when she had to take over Leah's godmother duties while Leah was on ice.

DF Spoilers / Re: Warden of Demonreach: Dragoncon lore-dump or retcon??!?
« on: September 05, 2024, 01:00:21 AM »
Unless Rashiid has taken the role multiple times, I can't see how there were this few.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who wanted the Fomor to rise?
« on: September 04, 2024, 05:29:44 PM »
It's all a Nemesis plot. The Outsiders have a long-time plan that is winding down to a major confrontation, the BAT.

The Formor would have probably risen after the Reds took out the White Council except for Harry taking out the Reds. The Reds would have been weakened by the fight and squabbling among themselves for leadership. (Remember, taking out the Red King was part of the plan.)

Instead, the Reds are gone from the table leaving a major power vacuum. The Formor have probably been secretly watching all coastal cities for hundreds of years. They had their own low profile spy network and were getting subtle guidance from Nemesis all along. They merely sent in their advance forces to establish beachheads and covert slave taking. They didn't do all this in just a few days, they had the better part of the two years between Changes and Peace Talks.

And the Formor were always a major power among the supernatural nations. As long as they stay in the sea, no one could take them out. But with the Reds gone, the White Council at its weakest and Winter occupied by the Outsiders, they saw an opportunity. Even if they failed, they have 2/3rds of the plant to hide in and their strongholds are not only well hidden but in places that are well defended just by the environment.

Chichen Itza was always going to be a big event because seemingly the casting of a Bloodline Curse takes a huge amount of power. It got even bigger because it was going to be a shot that reopened the war with the White Council while also heralding new leadership in the Red Court. Martin's scheme (Which he had over a century to plan) required a great deal of luck to get a newly fledged vampire like Susan in place by the altar or it's possible that he had an alternate strategy of killing Maggie and then having Susan sacrifice him as he turned as a fallback.

Yes, Mab and the other powers are trying to clean house before the BAT. They're going to need as unified a front as they can get to hold reality from within and without. One wonders how big a contribution normal humanity can make. Individually mortals are outmatched but determined mobs with torches and pitchforks have always been a threat. We have bigger, better organized and far better armed mobs today.

Lara knows how Thomas fed himself before Justine's "solution" in GS and since her security people had Thomas' apartment under constant surveillance, she would know about the solution. She'd know that 3rd parties are safe to feed from and is too practical to starve and weaken herself even if that would mean being unfaithful to Harry.


the Demon being what it is, I have my doubts Lara could be redeemed without booting the Hunger. In which case she might live a good few years, but she'd need some supernatural boost to be 300+.
Something like becoming the next Winter Queen after Mab? The Knight is to some extent consort of the Queens of Faerie, too, which a wedding would fit quite adequately.

I have my own doubts about Lara being redeemed. It would take either a change in the nature of her personal Demon, say to feeding off Love rather than Lust and thus weakening the urge to kill. Or Harry could get a further power-up to say the level of a Forest Person where a feeding wouldn't be fatal. I'm just speculating though. Most likely Jim will keep Lara and Harry to a once twice per book interaction even if the wedding goes through and is consummated.

One of my first reactions after reading Mab saying they have to marry was..."oh, Eb won't be happy". I honestly think he may try to kill Lara. Perhaps he even succeeds, making more drama for Harry (and Thomas when he is freed). But really, it is really cruel to make Harry (Eb's grandson) the son in law of his mother's killer. Seems excessive, even for Mab.

Got to disagree here. The hero marrying the daughter of the villain that killed his parent(s) is fairly common in fantasy. It's jarring here, because Lara is not a damsel to be rescued but a mature power in her own right that had an equal role in taking down said villain. The key being, we don't know if she'll reform to the hero's morals. She'd have to do quite a bit to earn redemption, but if she really did seek it, she could have 300+ years as Harry's wife if they both survive.

If you think Harry will have trouble adjusting, just imagine how much mileage Jim can get from Thomas's reactions if he is ever freed. Thomas and Michael would be 1a and 1b for best man or would you make Thomas the ring bearer?

The question becomes what did Lara promise to Mab?  And why does Lara want to court Harry?  Me thinks this is going to get very complicated... Someone, not clear at this point whether it is Mab or Lara may have outsmarted herself...

It's a long-term plan with Harry as an integral part. Chaos is assured.

Ooh! What if one of these dates is a dinner at Michael's.

Lara’s eyes became grim, and she gave me a small, firm nod and offered me her hand. “Shake on it, wizard?” I nodded and traded grips with her. “Agreed.” And a flickering something went between us. It wasn’t White Court mojo, I didn’t think. Just . . . a shivering note of energy. A harmony. It was a promise both of us had put a measure of will behind. It was a promise both of us meant to keep. We both had the same feelings about family. “Excellent,” said Mab from behind us. “Lady Lara, upon due consideration, your third favor is granted. You have my permission to court my Knight. The wedding will commence at sundown.” “Uh,” I said, “what?” Lara arched an eyebrow. “What?” “WHAT!!??” sputtered Molly.

Butcher, Jim. Battle Ground (Dresden Files Book 17) (p. 388). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

I mean, Mab states the favor outright here.

   Have to go back and reread the whole passage from Battle Ground, but just who was Mab negotiating with when she came up with this idea of a marriage between Lara and Harry?  Did she negotiate with Lord Raith?  Isn't Lara head of her part of the White Court anyway, and she seemed just as surprised and unthrilled with the idea as Harry.  For some reason I just cannot remember who in power in the White Court agreed with Mab that Lara and Harry should marry to cement an alliance.  Was a contract or treaty written up?

Nope. That was Mab pulling the Faerie bargain trick.

One of the favors Lara asked Mab for was an alliance with Winter. Another was permission to court her Knight. Mab saw the tiny spark that went between them when they shook hands and granted both favors with the arranged marriage. Basically, she got Lara with the faerie deal trick and Harry has to go along because it's a lawful order from Queen to Knight.

While I anticipate that most of these dates will be to political and social soirees, a Cubs game should definitely be on the docket if Harry gets to choose any date sites. And there will definitely be one or two events involving Marcone as host or guest.

I don't think that Summer will react at all. The marriage between Harry and Lara is more about bringing the White Court under Mab's control than threatening Summer.

Titania knows about the coming Stars and Stones. She has to know that Mab will be pulling in everything she can to strengthen Winter for the battle against the Outsiders. As we saw in BG, if it comes to it, Summer will take the field beside Winter against a common foe.

Plus, the strengths of the White Court largely don't apply such a conflict. The White Court is too divided to send large numbers of fighters against Summer without a major provocation which Titania is too smart to order. Neither faerie court has enough assets outside the Never Never for the White Court's influence to make much of an attack upon.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry being a detective again
« on: August 22, 2024, 02:38:06 PM »
You guys aren't being fair to Ghost Story Harry. While learning all the rules of his ghostly existence and putting down a threat from Corpsetaker and Evil Bob, he steadily worked toward solving his murder with limited assistance in the span of 4 days.

Actually, the last time Harry was a detective was in The Law. It's not a super tough mystery, but it is more in line with real life PI work.

You're not alone, we're just in the minority.

Lara would make a great love interest for Harry. It would also solve his money and information contact problems. Jim might go the other way because Lara would make Harry's professional life too easy.

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