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Messages - vincentric

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DF Spoilers / Re: Carlos and Chandler's mentors
« on: April 18, 2024, 04:14:11 AM »
Jim would definitely do that.
But speaking of what Jim would do. I see Jim making Harry the leader of a new council. And the Harry having to realise that no matter how hard you try someone will always fail through the cracks Especially when youaredealing with the whole world. It would destroy Harry to have togive the kill the crazy  warlock order.6

Harry is perfectly capable of killing the black magic crazed warlocks, but he would want to give a shot at rehabilitation to all the border cases. He thinks the council should make an effort to save those who are not far gone, and he'd argue for lifting the Doom for their trainers. Setting up a central lor several regional schools and requiring Council members to staff them for a set term would at least give them a chance to save the next generation.

DF Spoilers / Re: Carlos and Chandler's mentors
« on: April 16, 2024, 03:38:03 AM »
That seems more like something the Archive would do; I think the magic-knowledge there (everything ever written down about magic) is probably the most comprehensive in the world; though it's very possible that an Immortal being (like Thorned Namshiel) may know a bunch of stuff that never got written down.

But Harry is too ignorant of magic:  he's got more than a century of serious study before the senior wizards will take his knowledge-level seriously... and he doesn't have time to learn, before the BAT.

I wasn't thinking of it as a teaching role but more of police function or even a position similar to Mab's but covering magic. Harry would get a limited Intellectus to warn him of major magical threats and events and have the newly formed Wardens as enforcers and the Paranet as the administrative and education arms of his new council/court.

DF Spoilers / Re: Carlos and Chandler's mentors
« on: April 15, 2024, 09:16:40 PM »
My two cents, my headcanon for Harry's future existence revolves the original m,"conjure by it at your own peril." In reciting his full name. But to do so probably foolish unless it's in his shtick.. is he becomes something conjurable.

Now that is a theory worth exploring.

What if at the end of the BAT, Harry becomes a new mantle like an Archmagus that governs or at least regulates magic in the Mortal Realms?

DF Spoilers / Re: Justin Dumorne Returns
« on: March 20, 2024, 01:44:56 PM »
Harry trades a favor to Lea for straightforward testimony at trial after many shenanigans from both sides. Justin is exposed and flees or is executed. Ramirez takes Elaine as his apprentice under the Doom of Damocles.

DF Spoilers / Re: Star and Stones
« on: March 19, 2024, 02:14:15 PM »
  Harry has more or less been tested since he was sixteen.

And according to Mab, who was around for the last Stars and Stones, he's just now rounding into shape. Listen has been the point man for the Formor in Chicago, so he has a similar role. Near death experiences caused by their given assignments are pretty common for both of them. Perhaps the "forged in fire" training is the only way to get the Starborn ready for the big event.

DF Spoilers / Re: Star and Stones
« on: March 18, 2024, 04:40:16 PM »
You don't get to be the best without some practical experience. You can train to a very high level, but you still want some actual on the job training.  Listen is in the field just like Harry, because they need to be used to these types of situations or they won't be ready at the ultimate moment.

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: March 14, 2024, 06:57:08 PM »
Lara may be anxious about Thomas, but she won't blame Harry for his condition. She's very practical, does love her family and realizes that not only did Harry not cause this injury to Thomas, but that she forced Harry into considerable danger in saving Thomas' life from the Svartalves and hiding him on the island.

I also think Thomas can remain a vampire and still wield a Sword. We've already seen Susan use one on a mission of love to save her daughter. Thomas can use the same Sword of Love to save the souls of Justine and his child. What happens after that is open. Perhaps prolonged exposure to the Sword will change the nature of his demon. Or maybe he's only a Knight for that mission since we've been told that being a long-term sword wielder is not the normal. Maybe they get rid of Papa Raith and Thomas becomes the new White King and Lara becomes Harry's sidekick.

I'm sure all these guesses are wrong but until Jim tells the story, WAGs are all we've got.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: March 04, 2024, 11:21:46 PM »
Poor Harry, he never has been into casual sex, and steady ladies have been few and far between, so few outlets..  After Susan left him I think he went about five years protected until Luccio came along, that was short lived.. Come to think of it the time period that he actually had sex with Murphy was only a few months at most before she died.

More a couple of days actually. Their first hookup and only was in PT and she was dead in BG. They were going to get together after Changes, but Harry caught a case of dead.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: March 02, 2024, 05:36:32 AM »
Unless Murphy is going to return very soon, I hope Harry does lose that protection from Murphy.

Barring a book with the White court as the primary antagonists, that protection is not a good thing. Maintaining that protection means that Harry remains celibate. While I don't want him to go wild, give the man some outlet for stress relief. A healthy sex life could be the key to controlling the Winter Knight mantle.

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: February 24, 2024, 02:47:25 PM »
Whether Thomas faces further punishment upon being cured and released from Demonreach is dependent on how clued in the Swartalves are about Nemesis.

If they're in the know, he may be let off by paying weregild. If not, then it will take significantly more to appease them. At the extreme and short of death, they may insist on Thomas's child being raised by them (Assuming said child can be saved and is free of Nemesis taint.)

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: February 21, 2024, 10:12:50 PM »
There was a plan in both books, but it was all a Nemesis plot. Maeve was just a willing tool until she was takenoff the board in Cold Days, then Nemesis shifted to Justine.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Molly teleport
« on: February 16, 2024, 11:43:51 PM »
If i had to guess, I'd say that she can travel on ley lines.

DF Spoilers / Re: Has Carlos sided with the merlin against Harry
« on: February 14, 2024, 06:44:45 PM »
If they don't give you credit for having the last 4 Knights of the Cross as close friends ...

DF Books / Re: Approaching the third of the total
« on: February 14, 2024, 01:42:05 PM »
50%! It' all downhill from there hopefully.

DF Spoilers / Re: Has Carlos sided with the merlin against Harry
« on: February 12, 2024, 03:52:18 PM »
The worst injuries of Carlos' life have come at the hands of the White Court and when he's been involved with Winter as an ally.

His injuries in the Wraith Deeps were his first as a mage. Molly messed him up badly and he was helping her. The PT/BG action led to his embarrassment during the meeting, a traumatic battle where he lost his two closest friends besides Harry and a climactic battle where he was merely a living shield instead of a major player. To him, being involved with the Winter and White Courts, is one of the worst places that a mage can be.

So now we have his relationship with Harry to consider. He still thinks of harry as a friend, but he can't completely trust him. He's wrong about Harry not telling him all his secrets, but Harry is beholden to Winter and is very friendly with the White Court. Blaming Harry for Kimiko and Wild Bill can be excused as trauma but even with his doubts he did argue against Harry's expulsion.

His warning talk with Harry at the end on BG wasn't handled well, but he had been thru nearly as much stress and trauma as Harry during that time. He wasn't thinking clearly and running nerves just as raw. I think he'll give Harry the benefit of the doubt when next they meet, but he'll be wary and Harry needs to be a tad more tactful himself.

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