DF Spoilers / Young Wizards
« on: June 15, 2021, 08:16:22 PM »
So just imagine, you looked up to this grizzled independent wizard who flaunted the White Councils orders to save people and do what's right. He's a bit radical, but he is your hero, and friends with another famous young wizard, Carlos. All of a sudden you hear he has wiped out the Red Court. He is your absolute hero. You hear he has joined the Winter Court as the Winter Knight. If it were me, at that point I would assume he was undercover. I mean this dude has saved more lives than anyone you know. The White Council Oldies are all suspicious of him, but that doesn't bother you. He has been labeled as suspicious your whole wizard life. Nothing new. But then Carlos starts to be suspicious of him. Carlos who was good friends and also a young hero. You don't know what to think at this point. Is your faith in Dresden shaken?