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Messages - Dragonblood309

Pages: [1]
Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: January 22, 2009, 04:41:53 AM »
Nor shall I have Toot do the same.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: January 20, 2009, 07:47:42 AM »
Bob and Thomas must never know about the Bob and Tom show. My sanity just couldn't take it.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: September 23, 2008, 07:51:12 PM »
I will not attempt to hook up the Earlking with Mab or Maeve. Or my Godmother. Or anyone else for that matter.

No matter how much little Harry begs, I will not take him to meet the real Santa Clause. Nor will I take any of the other kids. Although I might take Ivy. She would prolly like that. :)

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: September 22, 2008, 03:36:26 PM »
The next time one of the Fae queens does something I find particularly objectionable, I am not allowed to threaten to call and tell their mothers on them.

Although that would be funny to see Mother Winter decend on Mab and Maeve scolding them for being so bad and such lose skanks to the nice wizard who was kind enough to vist her in the woods when her own family doesnt even bother to call.  ;)

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: September 18, 2008, 05:26:30 AM »
I shall not make a giant soulfire hand to show the person who just cut me off on the highway how I feel about them.

Nor shall I use it to catch fly balls at baseball games.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: September 17, 2008, 05:45:16 PM »
...Once Lash returns...

Once she returns? o_0 Has it been confirmed? Did the great and glorious Jim say she was gonna come back?

I'm not allowed to fill a paper bag with Mouses humongous leavings, put in on Larry Fowlers doorstep, light it on fire, ring the doorbell and run away.

Ditto with Lara and Marcone.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: September 14, 2008, 09:05:05 PM »
Lol all I can think of now is the montage song from Team America.  :D

Edit: Split!  This thread continues here --Priscilla

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: September 10, 2008, 03:07:57 PM »
I am not allowed to shove swords into rocks in an attempt to get rid of them.

Likewise I'm not allowed to chuck them into Lake Michigan in the hope that the lady of the lake will do my job for me.
a)Besides, some watery tart lying in ponds, chucking swords at people is no basis for a system of government. True power is derived from the masses. Not some farcical aquatic cerimony.  ;)

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: September 07, 2008, 03:20:26 AM »
No matter how bad my day is, I will not put on a purple suit, interrupt Marcone during one of his meetings, slam a pencil into his desk and ask him if he wants to see a magic trick.

AHAHAHAHA!!! I love it.  :D

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: June 20, 2008, 12:56:16 PM »
I must stop getting angry at Jim for putting me in such dangerous situations.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: June 18, 2008, 01:30:28 PM »
I'm not allowed to become a martyr.
a) If I MUST become a martyr, I will not do so without having first voiced some witty and deeply meaningful last words.
b) Nor must I use the quote "Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

I wont grab Toot Toot and shake him over my head in an attempt to fly.
a) He doesn't like it and it doesn't work.
b)Plus I suspect the "Pixie dust" that falls off of him is actually old pizza crumbs.

I will not attempt to teach Molly latin.

I will not Hex the oil companies.

I will not buy Luccio the golden bikini from Return of the Jedi.

I must stop drinking potions that use marijuana as an ingredient.
a) Ditto with shrooms.

I will not let Bob possess a bra or panties.
a) No matter how much he begs.

I will not let Bob write novels.
a) Society couldn't take it.
b) Ivy should not be exposed to such things.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: June 18, 2008, 02:29:21 AM »
I will not create a flatulence potion and get Marcone to drink it.

I will not eat green eggs and ham. I will not eat them in a pan.

I will not name my children Hold Up and Void so they cannot cash checks.

I will stop telling people "My staff is bigger than your staff"
a) Same goes for my blasting rod.

I will never let Thomas, Bob, and Carlos take me on another "Guys night out"

I will never play cards with Toot Toot again. He cheats.

Jumping out of a vehicle on the highway is NEVER a good idea.
a) No matter how many potions I drink.

I will not punch the Merlin in the face. I will not punch the Merlin in the face. I will not punch the Merlin in the face.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: June 17, 2008, 06:55:39 PM »
I will never again ask Bob for sex advice. Even though the feeling DID return to her legs...eventually.

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