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Messages - pcpoet

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Community Cork Board / Re: help wanted
« on: May 26, 2017, 06:35:18 AM »
its been a few years since I first advertised for fairy housekeepers . I am still looking.  I just figured out some of those fairy's  don't like pizza so for the health conscience fairy I can provide celery sticks, green tea and other boring non pizza and candy food stuffs ...the big thing is I hate house work and I need a staff that works for food.

Author Craft / Re: political correctness in the writting comunity
« on: December 15, 2015, 11:04:54 PM »
the problem I have with the notion of political correctness is that it takes away judgment calls on life we are all going to have things we think are wrong that goes against others personnel belief in what is right and wrong.....I believe it is an authors job to use his story's to challenge the reader into making a value judgment getting the reader to say this wrong or this is wright. hopefully you as the writer are making good moral decisions but a lot of times we may not know that what we are presenting is a bigoted view because we are human and flawed.... when political correctness leaks into the writing process it does not allow us to explore because its wrong to even bring up the counter view on something like racism, homosexuality, religion , rape , politics. 

Author Craft / political correctness in the writting community
« on: December 12, 2015, 09:26:25 AM »
I have a really good group I meet with once a week. our group has six members and we our all working on a book. last week the subject of political correctness came up and how it effects writing. I was surprised when one in my group started to talk about how it ruins writing when it creeps into a book. this surprised me coming from her because she could not see how it was all over her criticism of other people writings and had crept into her own writing.. She is constantly telling us that character is sexist or an idea should not be presented because you will lose audience if you voice the idea. I was wondering how many here our feafull that some books our not being written because authors are afraid of a negative reaction from the publisher or if it is published by society.

Author Craft / Re: looking for coments on story change
« on: July 26, 2015, 12:49:36 PM »
I removed my posts because I just realized I wasb breaking the rule of not posting your story sorry everyone......I am just excited about my project

Author Craft / Re: Fictional Econimics
« on: July 25, 2015, 10:44:02 PM »
the thing to remember that value is based on rarity and perceived value. the4 reason that diamonds are valuable are thar rhey are precieed as rar band hard to get the same is true with gold.

Author Craft / looking for coments on story change
« on: July 25, 2015, 05:00:57 PM »
I removed this all because it was breaking the boards' policy about no posting storyideas....sory every on

Author Craft / the use of proper gramer to tell a story
« on: June 28, 2015, 08:21:44 AM »
got a question to put out in the either,   today I went to a writer meetup where we read and commented on others works. My grammar is not the best and needs work and I value the criticism I get, I feel that I am strong in the area of story telling knowing how much description to put in and how to mix action with thought with description. one of the writers  was putting one word  in italics at the end of the sentence. I had figured out that the words were thoughts but I felt that for the average reader it was confusing and that the author needed a stronger  indicator to the reader that that the one word was mental thought .or to even remove it all together. All three writers at the table told me that it was oK.   because the word was italicized and according to rules on grammar everything was all right. I feel that a true story teller uses proper grammar but try's to go beyond having proper grammar to tell the story. am I right to feel that just because  it is technically correct does not mean that it should be used.

I hope you have a pig garbage disposal system.

farmebob1 this sounds interesting.  if I got your premise right it is people living with stone age technology but they have the written knowledge of advance technology but because they don't have the infrastructure they cant take advantage of the knowledge.

Author Craft / Re: opinion wanted
« on: January 11, 2015, 06:34:33 AM »
I think I have a fix so I can keep the father Christmas reference (Santa Clause} later on in the book I will make reference to him being real by one of the non human  authority figures. I might even be able to use his lore to advance the story. I don't have the idea fleshed out but its got me excited.

Author Craft / Re: opinion wanted
« on: January 10, 2015, 08:19:41 PM »
thanks for the father Christmas correction I would of caught it eventually but if I chose to use this cultural reference again it might of created more problems in my writing

Author Craft / Re: opinion wanted
« on: January 10, 2015, 03:56:28 PM »
 the piece is urban fantasy the real world is the setting and the time period that I am writing is 1940. the setting is England. it is really important that the story resembles the historic time period and place I am writing about. if I have it to different culturally to the children reading it I believe I will lose something. I think the only choice is between keeping it as written or removing it.

Author Craft / Re: opinion wanted
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:25:10 AM »
the first chapter tells the story of the witch and the Fairy
this part is in  the second chapter

Author Craft / Re: opinion wanted
« on: January 10, 2015, 09:23:18 AM »
this is the section of my book that I am concerned about. I really like what I have written but at the same time as far as I am concerned belief Santa and the tooth fairy is the magic of childhood  so I don't no if I am going to keep it or not

“you will never guess what use to be where we live”.  The children then repeated the story of the mean witch and the broken hearted fairy that had lost it fellow fairy to the witch.  Mrs. Sudbury laughed and said that story was told to her by her grandma when she was a kid.

“Is it true” asked Laura with wonder in her eyes? Mrs. Sudbury just Smiled and said “I don’t know if it is true but it might be “. As far as Mrs. Angela Sudbury was concerned there was way too much serious stuff in these kid’s life with there being a war going on. If the children wanted to believe in fairies and evil witches let them have their fantasy. Life was already hard enough without a little bit of pretend and she did not see how this was different from saying yes there is a Santa clause or putting a pence under the pillow from the tooth fairy when a tooth was lost.

the kid reading the story  will find out that for the characters in the book the story about the witch and the fairy are true.

Author Craft / opinion wanted
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:25:28 PM »
I am writing a fantasy book that is aimed at 8-12 year olds in it I have one of my characters an adult say that she sees nothing wrong with indulging a child's belief in witches and in fairies that as far as she is concerned that indulging this  belief is no different then a parent leaving money under the pillow from the tooth fairy or at Christmas time helping a child with a letter to Santa.
my concern is whether my saying this is like going up to a child and saying there is no Santa ba humbug.....
I personally love indulging children's belief in Santa clause and I am sure I am not ruining it for most over the age of eight but I no that I might have younger readers who will be reading it to who Santa is very real.
my question is should I leave it out. it is not important to the book but it does help to give personality to one of my characters.

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