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Messages - Regenbogen

Pages: 1 ... 43 44 [45] 46 47 ... 74
The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 09, 2020, 12:43:33 PM »
What????? Oh no. I'm so sorry!!!!! I've read your post, but couldn't answer right away. Than I simply forgot.

DF Books / Re: German Version of Peace Talks?
« on: November 09, 2020, 05:07:22 AM »
Oh no, I just checked the amazon website. Kundenrezensionen: evtl Insolvenz des Verlages. :o
Oje. Das könnte dauern, bis da ein anderer Verlag übernimmt.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 02, 2020, 01:02:45 AM »
Thanks! I'll let you know how they were.
Appreciated.    :)
We finished watching the second season of NOS4A2. Looks like there might be another season.
As I can't sleep yet because of the nightshift a few days ago, I am going to read a bit until I fall asleep. I'm reading the last book of "The Trials Of Apollo" by Rick Riordan. Everyone else is asleep now. It's 2am here. Sigh. But I'm used to the sleeplessness after night shift. I read so that I don't get frustrated. The kids don't have to get up early, because in Bavaria there are one week holidays because of All Hallows Day. So it's OK for me to sleep long.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 02, 2020, 12:50:10 AM »
Cool. Have fun with the burgers. ;D

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 02, 2020, 12:44:54 AM »
I wonder how Harry sounds in French  :)
Storm Front → Dans l'oeil du cyclone
No audio, but few positive comments. From what I understood, the translation seems to be really bad.

Edit: some of the others seem to have better reviews.

DF Spoilers / Re: It's Harry's birthday!!!
« on: November 02, 2020, 12:30:01 AM »

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 02, 2020, 12:23:38 AM »
I sleep better when I know that Buffy is patrolling. ;-)

And I did a search again. There are also French and Polish versions when I search for "Jim Butcher". But nothing Italian or Czech.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 01, 2020, 09:43:18 PM »
Ah, thank you. Yes, it's weird. I never bought any book in Spanish.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 01, 2020, 09:28:15 PM »
Yes, it is difficult to translate titles when they involve puns.
I don't know all the Spanish titles, but those I remember are La Tormenta (The storm), Luna Llena (Full Moon), La Tumba (the grave, completely avoiding the danger part), El Caballero (the knight), Máscaras de muerte (Death masks, literal), then I am not sure.I believe blood rites became "derecho de sangre", which would be blood rights. And I am pretty sure White Night was translated "El trono blanco (the white throne). Not sure about the others. I think Turn Coat become Renegado (renegade), which is quite fitting actually.
Yes, I think renegado is right. The Spanish titles pop up, when I just put in the author's name in the search function.
La tormenta I have seen, too. This confused me the first time. I thought it was a new book. Thought it means " torture" at first until I saw it was the Spanish title of Storm Front. LOL
Mascaras de muerte I like. Definitely better than death masks or Silberlinge.
Would summer knight be el caballero de verano?

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 01, 2020, 06:36:49 PM »
Double post:
I forgot, that I wanted to write something about the German titles of the Dresden Files. By the way, my husband is still stuck in the middle of Storm Front. He doesn't read much. But he says he likes the book. OK. He's been reading it for almost a year now. Sigh. This is something we don't have in common. If I like a book, I don't stop reading for weeks, and I read at every opportunity. Even sometimes during cooking. If it wasn't considered impolite, I would even take books to parent's meetings, to have something interesting with me, when the conversation gets boring.  ;)
I always carry some book around with me.

OK, now to the titles.

Storm Front → Sturmnacht
That would translate as Storm Night. To be honest, not a bad title but the German phrasing Sturmfront does also exist and means the same, so why not take that? Whatever *shrugs*

Fool Moon → Wolfsjagd
=Wolf hunt. It's OK.

Grave Peril → Grabesruh
= the quiet or stillness of the grave
Not quite the meaning. The people translating the title either didn't understand the pun or they had no idea how to put that into the title.

Summer Knight → Feenzorn
= the wrath of the fae
That's OK. Referring to the content. There is no way to write a sound alike Summer Knight and Summer Night. The exact translation would be "Sommerritter", but I wouldn't buy a book with a title like that. That sounds like Rosamunde Pilcher doing middle ages. LOL

Death Masks → Silberlinge
referring to the silver coins. I'm not sure about the translation: maybe silverlings?
That title sounds pretty harmless, compared to the content if the book.

Blood Rites → Bluthunger
=blood thirst or more exactly hunger (funny, it's the same word)
I would have called it Blutritual.

Dead Beat → Erlkönig
OK. Someone has read the book and chose the title representing another aspect of the content. The Erlking.

Funny, when I try to describe the books using only one word or one sentence, Dead Beat is "zombie dinosaur" for me. ;D It took me a while to remember the Erlking was in there, too.

Proven Guilty → Schuldig
= guilty. This is the only title I like better in German, because it's only one short and precise word.

White Night → Weiße Nächte
= White nights, plural. Why plural? No idea. A title translated almost exactly, except for the plural.

Small Favor → Kleine Gefallen
The same, also plural.

Turn Coat → Verrat
= treachery, a turncoat would be "Überläufer/ Verräter"

Changes → Wandel
Exact translation even in the context oft the book. Another word would be "Veränderungen", but this doesn't sound quite so fitting as a book title.

Ghost Story → Geistergeschichten
Another word for word translation only set in plural again. It seems, the title creator seemed to like plural.

Cold Days → Eiskalt
=freezing / cold as ice

Skin Game → Blendwerk
Hm, a bit archaic version of "deception". But fitting as a title for this book.

Peace Talks →Friedensgespräche
Word for word and this time the plural is even in the English title. ;)

Battle Ground → ?
I can't find it yet on amazon, but I predict it will be called "Schlachtfeld" or "Schlachtfelder", as the title creator likes plural, LOL

OK. I admit, some of them are not so bad, considering you can't possibly do every pun or wordplay in another language.

Also the Dresden Files are called "Die dunklen Fälle des Harry Dresden"= the dark files/cases of Harry Dresden.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab and Lara
« on: November 01, 2020, 04:41:49 PM »
I hope she will have a happy ending which won't require her to die. She won't be Winter Queen any more, but maybe become human or regular fae. The part with being with Merlin I like.

I'll read whatever ending he writes for her. But an unhappy ending for Mab would make me very very sad. She deserves better.

DF Spoilers / Re: If Harry were real ...
« on: November 01, 2020, 04:25:38 PM »
I would either avoid him or if I were Mab, I would use him.  ;D

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 01, 2020, 04:19:48 PM »
@Regen: very cool wand. The rubber bands to give it the knotted look, yes? Where does the aluminum foil come in?
Wow.. That painting is quite good. Your daughter is a little scary. Lol

Maybe because we are related.  ;D
I'm so proud of her. This shows I did something right.  ;D

And yes, the rubber bands are the knots. The aluminium foil is in the handle.

When seeing something like that I always ask myself how did it get in there? Once I asked the pathologist who made those and he told me he didn't know. They were here before his time. But he showed me some frogs, rats and other small animals he prepared himself.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab and Lara
« on: November 01, 2020, 03:33:34 AM »
About your first paragraph: I think that is why Mab wants Lara around Harry (at events and such). The mantle influence may affect her the way Lea affected Molly.

About the second: Lara become the WL freeing Molly in the process (don't know details). They rescue Justine, that keeps being her secretary and spends time with her because of the baby. Then, in the BAT Mab dies, Lara become Mab, Justine become the WL and Thomas, to stay with her, became the WK (thus releasing Harry of his obligations). All planned by Mab, of course.
This would be cool. I was thinking of Justine as the Lady, too.

The only part of all this I don't like is Mab dying. But this is something personal, because she is my favourite character. I try to prepare myself for the possibility though. :'(

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 01, 2020, 02:41:36 AM »
I just remembered something macabre. This is always there and you don't see it any more, because it has become normal:
The boss put a picture of a bloody severed hand on one of the centrifuges with a warning not to grab into the centrifuge while it is running... as if anyone would be stupid enough to do that. But the picture is gross.

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