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Messages - Regenbogen

Pages: 1 ... 42 43 [44] 45 46 ... 74
DF Spoilers / Re: "Talk To Me..." Had Carlos Already Drank the Kool-Aid?
« on: November 18, 2020, 03:38:21 PM »
This would be a good idea. Some people really need to know what is at stake.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 18, 2020, 12:59:14 PM »
Ah, interesting.

In a totally unrelated note, I found a picture of a young Jeff Godblum and I think he looks a lot of the Harry Dresden that is in my head. He is also tall

You are right. A pity he is too old now. But he could be the Gatekeeper instead.  ;D
When watching the PT and BG trailers I thought, that Jason Bernardo (the guy playing Harry) looked suprinsingly a lot like my image of Harry. And Paul Blackthorne from the series looked not so much like my head-Harry, but how he played him looked so much like I imagined Harry would behave. And how I imagined his body language and his facial expressions.
So my perfect Harry would be a mixture of the three.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 16, 2020, 10:02:40 AM »
Hey guys!
I just wanted to tell you that I've tested myself COVID negative on Saturday at work. The boss said we should test ourselves at least every two weeks so that we can react in time. Wouldn't be good if there is no more lab in the house.

I like British cider. I always ordered that when I was in Ireland, because I don't like Guinness.  ;D

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab and Lara
« on: November 16, 2020, 09:43:04 AM »
I understand but I do not think a marriage will force them to cohabit either.  A marriage is a contract that can be negotiated and implemented in a lot of ways.
The marriage was planned by Mab. Mab wants an alliance with the White Court. Marrying her Knight off to the White Queen does that. She doesn't need a child conceived in this marriage, so she doesn't care, if Harry and Lara had sex at all or if they live together or apart. What counts is the contract and the duties and rights contained in it.

Maybe Lara would want a child, but there are ways to prevent that, apart from not having sex. I'm sure not only muggle ways but also magical ones.

I can imagine Mab giving Harry some fae charm to protect him from being fed upon by WCVs as a wedding gift. This would be in her own interest to keep her knight intact and functioning for her own purposes as long as possible.
And as Lara said so herself: sex doesn't equal feeding.

The matter of cohabiting: a lot of real world couples live apart, so Harry and Lara don't need to live together to count as a married couple. Maybe there will be a compromise for the sake of appearances. For example once a week they alternate spending one night at the other's home. What they do there is private. They could simply go to bed in separate bedrooms.  ;) No witnesses.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 13, 2020, 07:56:01 PM »
Sometimes I drink warm milk with chamomile tee.  ;D

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 13, 2020, 07:43:30 PM »
But with milk
Me too. Coffee without sugar but with milk, though I admit mostly it's milk with coffee.
Black tee with milk. Other tee pure.

By the way, my father-in-law did something disgusting but funny: when he visited us once a month, he mostly stayed 2-3 days. He had a 4 hour drive. To stay awake, he had a 1,5l bottle coke in the car. Most of the time there was some coke left in the bottle. This he kept cold during his stay and on the way back he made himself some coffee and put it into the rest of the coke in the bottle. LOL. Because caffeine is caffeine as he said. I could never bring myself to taste that.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 13, 2020, 06:55:41 PM »
I love dark chocolate, too. ~80% is OK.
Once I put too much cocoa-powder into muffins. I didn't have enough chocolate,  but I had the powder. Those muffins were almost not edible. We had to eat them with a glass of milk to wash them down.

DF Spoilers / Re: Poor Harry - Jim you cruel man. Lol
« on: November 13, 2020, 12:24:45 PM »
Maggie goes to a boarding school.
Does she? Is that in the books somewhere? I can't remember.

DF Spoilers / Re: Poor Harry - Jim you cruel man. Lol
« on: November 13, 2020, 10:46:06 AM »
River Shoulders son is coming to Chicago which I presume was one of the reasons why Job Placement exists. Harry will have a teacher in Chicago.

Really though to complement the glasses, River needs a nice tweed suit with leather elbow patches.
And don't forget the glasses. Never forget the glasses! Without them he would look scary.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 13, 2020, 10:06:19 AM »
I've found a good example of such an event. We were casted out of the dancing school. You had to show them that you could dance in a formation. Some had to leave, because they couldn't. I chose this example for fun, because it was in Dresden, LOL.
Just imagine the girls each wearing a different white wedding dresses. Our dance was a lot like that:

And thanks for the salsa tip. I would like that, too, but he doesn't understand the moves, lol. I asked him if we should do salsa or something like that instead. But he preferred standard.

Edit: some of the moves I recognize, I remember us doing them too.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 13, 2020, 09:37:09 AM »
Yes, I want to do it like that. Some teacher to show us how to do it and then you can go anywhere to rent a bow. One can even buy equipment legally without having to join a club, other than with firearms. My dad was in a firearm club for years and he was really good at shooting. But it is illegal to do that outside the club. Exception is when you do it as your job, e.g. police, soldiers, hunters etc.
An arrow you are even allowed to shoot in your own garden, if I understood correctly. I have to inform myself better soon.
I tried it several times, and I think I'm not bad at it.
And my husband and I are looking for some fun stuff to do together apart from watching TV and playing games, lol. We tried dancing once but that wasn't much fun, because he always forgot his steps and I wanted to do the cool stuff. And he couldn't lead, so I did, which annoyed our teacher, lol. It didn't work out at the end. We agreed, that we both like to dance, but not with each other.  ;)
When I was 17 I participated in a dance formation with about 50 dancers, and the girls wearing wedding dresses. That was really cool. The audience was mostly high society. I felt a bit out of place but pretended to be cool. It was great to be a part of the show. And to get to wear an extremely expensive wedding dress. The manufacturer of the dresses used the event for advertising their products. We were only allowed to wear them for the dance and had to give them back immediately after it and to put on our own dresses.

DF Spoilers / Re: Poor Harry - Jim you cruel man. Lol
« on: November 13, 2020, 08:59:34 AM »
We'll see if Harry makes a similar leap after a year with a teacher.
This would be nice, but I don't know if he will have the time. He is supposed to show up at Lara's side on several occasions, work on his trauma, repair the castle, care for Maggie, (re)establish himself as Wizard of Chicago (whatever that means), fight the occasional monster, do Winter Knight stuff, make some money, ...

I can't imagine LtW will be available as a teacher, because he is Council. Imho it is more likely that River Shoulders become his teacher. But I don't think he would come to live in Chicago, so Harry would have to go to him. Maybe even live a for a while in the forest or the reservation. So even if he can free himself for a while from his duties, what about Maggie. He would either have to take her with him or make her live with the Carpenter's again. I don't think she would agree. Leaving her would hurt her a lot. He won't do that on purpose.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 13, 2020, 08:43:19 AM »
You are doing good. You can be proud of what you are doing. :)

I was busy these last days. Trying to get some Christmas presents for the kids. And planning how to do the birthday present for my dad and my husband. I planned on arranging archery lessons. This would be nice to do together. Even the kids would be interested. Last year I had the idea. But as everything is closed down, maybe I'll get a voucher or something for lessons in spring or summer. I don't know. My dad is turning 70 and my husband 50. I wanted something special for them.
My husband and I wanted to do that for more than a decade but there was never the time. We even lived beside a popular archery parkour for years, but at that time he had a very time consuming job and I was working almost every weekend.

And I am trying to help my daughter learn English. She had a very bad grade in the last test. Everything was wrong. Half the words she didn't know, and those she knew she spelled wrong. ' But Mama, I knew the word, I just wrote it wrong.' 'That's nice, but wrong is still wrong.' So we are doing exercises every day. I hope this will help her to become better.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 11, 2020, 08:40:29 AM »
I believe education is good here. And IMO it is important. The more you learn and know as a child the more chances you have with jobs as an adult.
As for the computers: depending on what your job is, not everybody needs a computer at home. We used ours for writing letters (and printing them) or email, or for some years now for online banking, since the banks reduced their staff and their buildings outside the cities. Or for playing games. LOL And I think most people did the same.
Also we "inherited" a around 20 years old computer from an old neighbour of my parents, whose son had passed on 2 years ago. It belonged to her son. She had no use for it, so she gave it to us.
So we had in fact two computers at home when the lockdown started.
And, fun fact, my husband had to bring his computer from his workplace to work at home.
So counting, we are 4 persons with 3 computers. But we bought only one of them and my husband's belongs to the company.
Now everyone can work at the same time.

There are people here, who can't read or write, but I don't know any personally.
I know some who are not good at reading, writing or calculating, but this is not, because they went to bad schools. More like their talents lie elsewhere.

But if for example you are a really good mechanic, but you can't calculate or read, then you can go on working for someone, but you would have enormous difficulties and depend on others helping you, if you wanted to become the boss of a group of mechanics. Just an example.

Yeah, Fcrate is right, I was jealous too for you being able to sleep long, though I don't have to get up  before 6am this week.  ;)

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 09, 2020, 09:00:58 PM »
LOL! Nobody was posting anything, it's not only you.  :)

How are you doing, Regen? How is school in Germany? We are doing a little better (I guess, because of Spring) about covid, so we are opening schools for a couple of hours every day, so children can reconnect with classmates and teachers before the end of the year. Classes themselves are still virtual.
Ah, that's a relief. You are not mad, because I ignored you. LOL

The cases here have increased a lot since September, so we are again in some sort of lockdown. They call it lockdown light. Sounds like some diet. LOL
The increased cases were not from schools, kindergarten, workplaces and restaurants, but from people having parties and getting drunk and saying f**k corona. There has been a significant change in the age of the infected people. Now it's more younger people, less old ones.

But still they shut down the restaurants again. At least they are allowed to do take away food. So we are ordering from the two local restaurants once a week, so that they at least get a little bit money. And I left a generous tip there.

It is called light because schools and kindergarten stay open with the kids having to wear masks all day.
The children are not allowed contact to others than their group or class. During the breaks each age group has their separate area to stay in. And during lessons they open the windows every 20 minutes for 5 minutes to change the air in the rooms. So the kids are allowed to wear their winter jackets in class, because otherwise it would be really cold.
They have been doing this since school started in summer. But back then the classes were separated. One half at home, one half at school.

But learning at home turned out to be difficult for a lot of kids. And it shows in lack of knowledge. Not only those whose parents were not good at school were disadvantaged, but also those whose parents had to use the computer for work, those whose parents had to work away from home (hospital staff, police, firefighters ... have family, too), those with several siblings who had to share one computer or those who can't afford a computer at all and many more.
And as there is a law, that every child has the right of good education and equal rights and there was not one case here where a child was the reason for an outbreak, they decided to keep the schools open as long as possible. And to decide individually, if either just some classes or the whole school has to go into quarantine when there are cases.

So, we'll see.

And next time I'm going to eat a cheeseburger, too.  ;) The restaurant is only about 300 m away. We can walk there and take the food with us. They are making really good food. This Saturday I had Gyros with tsatsiki and some French fries. It was ok, but the gyros in the Greek restaurant in another village is way better. But their tsatsiki tasted better. And they do yummy beef.

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