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Messages - Walter the skull

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DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 6 Drop
« on: July 07, 2020, 10:34:52 PM »
Yeah they definitely don't love each other, and i agree on the diplomatic front. 

Mab has given Harry a small part of her power.  I wonder if Lara taking a bite out of Harry would be like us trying to chew through ice.  We could do it for a while but our teeth would break eventually. 

Also look at what Molly did to poor Carlos.  I don't think Thomas would've come out of that much better.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 6 Drop
« on: July 07, 2020, 06:25:00 PM »
Ok so let's think of the favors Lara could've done.  One thing that comes to my mind is helping to defend Demon Reach.  If that's the favor, then Winter owes Marcone a favor too since his forces helped defend it too.

I think one of the favors might have been Thomas assassinate some one.

In chapter 6 Harry talks about the amount of influence Lara is gaining in the government.  In Jury Duty, we meet Tania Raith, a low level DA, who could exert influence over DA's higher up in the food chain.  Mab may want to use the mortal authorities and Murphy as leverage over Harry.  Perhaps Lara helped Mab get that influence.   

Another thing that i found interesting was this:
"“New colors,” she said, her voice velvety smooth and calm. “The shield used to be blue. What changed?”

“He made an alliance with a powerful guardian entity,” said the second monster, a woman seated beside the first. She was as lean as a rod of rebar, but colder and harder, and her opalescent green eyes were too big to be strictly human. Silver‑white hair fell to her shoulders, today in a fine silken sheet. Her voice sounded calm and precise, and she wore a glacier blue dress that belonged on a runway. “It does not interfere with his duties.”"

That exchange between Lara and Mab makes me wonder how Harry's relationship with demon reach has changed him, and to what degree Harry can use power from Demon Reach when he isn't on the island.

Mab also implied that Lara would like how Harry tasted and remind her that Harry was a member of her court.  When Harry and Mab had sex to seal the deal for winter knight she said that Harry was hers.  I also think Bob may have mention something about Harry kind of being married to Mab.  I wonder if Mab protects Harry from being eaten by a wampire.

DF Spoilers / Re: Power Creep
« on: July 07, 2020, 09:11:54 AM »
Forum Ghost: True, but it doesn't seems like Injun Joe, Ebenezer, Luccio, and Morgan carried many focus items.  Like I said, its hard to tell, they may have them, but they may be more subtle ones than Harry's.

Bad Alias:  That could be.

I'm re-listening to Skin Game now.  In it Harry says that his shield bracelet wasn't found with him when he awoke from his coma in Ghost Story.  Maybe it didn't fall off, but instead Mab took to make him less reliant on his gear.  Maybe she'll give it back some time during Peace Talks.

DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground out in September
« on: July 06, 2020, 09:04:08 PM »
G33k: Fight Night, I like that. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Power Creep
« on: July 06, 2020, 08:57:30 PM »
Harry will rebuild some of his gear over time.  He may not need all  of it.  It's hard to say, but it seems like older wizards have less gear than Harry had.  Harry may learn to live without the gear before he get a around to making new gear.  While I'm disappointed that he doesn't have his full kit, it makes sense.  Money alone isn't enough to rebuild all of the materials and tools that Harry had.  He spent years collecting that stuff, and let's face it, he probably doesn't have that many opportunities to acquire stuff like depleted uranium.

I also think we missed a minor power up.  In Grave Pearl when Harry eats Kravos to get his own power back, he also eats Kravos's power.  I may be wrong about this, but it seems like he started using more fire magic after that. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 5 Drop
« on: July 06, 2020, 08:47:14 PM »
Murphy would never willingly take up a coin, and she is willing to die if it helps defeat the nickle heads.   

Harry blames himself for everything, so i could see him making a deal to get Murphy healthy.

I don't think the issue of Murphy injury should be solved quickly. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 5 Drop
« on: July 05, 2020, 11:51:04 AM »
I actually don't believe Murphy will die. 

Some times bad things happen to good people.  At some point, if Murphy wants to remain in the fight, she will need to find a new way to fight.   

It might be a new noncombat role.  Murphy has a lot of knowledge and experience dealing with the supernatural.  In the Dresden verse, knowledge is actually power.  Even injured, Murphy can still be powerful.

Now if Murphy wants to keep fighting the way she has in the past, and if she wants to spend more of her life with Harry, then she may need to to become something different than she is. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 5 Drop
« on: July 04, 2020, 12:32:17 AM »
Dina: I was thinking about that too. 
Arjan: While Harry and Marcone aren't friends, Harry has no reason to want to little girl to be in a coma.

My best guess is that Harry either forgot, or couldn't find a way to get to Marcone that would keep the girl's existence a secret. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 5 Drop
« on: July 03, 2020, 01:23:49 AM »
Mira:  Post op infections suck.  It's a good point.  Murphy may not want to accept her new circumstances, and we do see her cut the cast, but for all we know she goes to stand up and falls.  I don't want Murphy to end up disabled, but it would really screw up Harry's world.  Who would he turn to for back up?  How does he handles being who he is, being a dad, and at least for a while a care taker?  How does he deal with something he can't even remotely influence?  We know Murphy's physicality is a large part of her character, so can she find another way to contribute?

Is it just me, or does this chapter seem to indicate a course change?  First Rudolph works for the reds, now its Marcone.  First Murphy is supposed to recover for the most part, and now she'll be lucky to walk normally. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 5 Drop
« on: July 02, 2020, 07:25:51 PM »
Murphy may end up continuing to live with her injuries.  It happened to Micheal.  It would cause more emotional pain for Harry since he would end up seeing her suffer through recovery and set backs just a like anyone else.  People do end up regaining more function than doctors estimated from time to time.  If you think about it, as a doctor, its probably better to low ball the recovery estimate, to keep the patient from having false hope.   

Also at the end of Skin Game, didn't original doctor giver he a better prognosis?  I think Harry told Micheal that the doctor said she could get back to 90%. 

She might make out ok enough to be more than functional.

Lastly, Murphy won't make any deals to heal herself, but I think that depending on what the offer is, Harry might take a deal to make her better.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 5 Drop
« on: July 01, 2020, 10:17:55 PM »
Thanks.  It was the last Dresden Files comic published by Dynamite.  It was readable, but if you missed it, I wouldn't rush out to buy it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 5 Drop
« on: July 01, 2020, 09:47:58 PM »
You know, there is a possibility that we aren't talking about.  Jim has hinted that the government has at least a clue of what's going on.  We've seen evidence of this in Dog Men.  Maybe the feds are pushing the investigation, so they can make Murphy an offer she can't refuse.  Come work for us and this investigation goes away. Maybe Uncle Sam can hook Murphy up with a clinical trial of stem cell treatments for her injuries.  This idea would be cool because it keeps Murphy a vanilla mortal, brings her back to something like law enforcement, and it could add more tension to Harry's relationship to her and to his relationship with the council.  It might even fit the funeral line, what if her new job is so secret that they fake death. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 5 Drop
« on: June 30, 2020, 10:47:31 PM »
Harry Should lure him out to demon reach and put him jail. 

As for Murphy, I think she could become a valkyrie or an einherjar.  She turned down Gard's offer she was healthy, but she isn't any more.  Also she links Marcone and Monoc together, which is true, but just the tip of the ice berg.  Maybe Harry will tell that she's all ready fought with Vaderung twice.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 5 Drop
« on: June 30, 2020, 07:23:39 PM »
I didn't think that Harry and Murphy suspected that Rudolph worked for Marcone.  It was pretty clear in Changes that he was unknowingly working for the Red Court.  I suppose Rudolph can just be generally corrupt and work for the highest bidder. 

I have a few ideas about who might be behind this. 

We know of two people who have influence in local government, Lara and Marcone.  We know Lara has a relative at the DA's office, Tania.  Marcone probably has a DA on payroll too.

Nicodemus would know where to point the cops and has reason to go after both Harry and Murphy.

Mab, would also know where to point the cops, and isn't above blackmailing Harry to do her bidding.

Mavra, has used pictures of Murphy to blackmail Harry in the past.  I don't know how she would know about the bank job, but it is possible.  It's kind unlikely because Harry knows Kemmler's method of dealing with the Black Court.

Lastly, given what Ebenezer said, someone working for either the white or black council.

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim's tweet
« on: June 28, 2020, 03:28:21 AM »
No, but poor Harry.

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