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Messages - bobjob

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DFRPG / How to use Thaumaturgy to mimic Powers
« on: April 24, 2011, 11:09:46 PM »
I'm trying to find a way to use biomantic thaumaturgy to mimic certain powers. I understand that the powers duration would be limited by the amount of shifts dedicated specifically to time and that actually boosting the physical abilities beyond what the human body can withstand would provide consequences of their own, but how would we actually break down the intended powers into shifts to work into the formula?

Essentially what I'm asking is, if a wizard wanted to give himself Supernatural Strength (thus curtailing the second law violation by not giving it to someone else), would that be a 4 shift effect?

DFRPG / Re: More Holy Swords Than Three?
« on: April 24, 2011, 08:23:02 PM »
I've just introduced a new sword into my game using the legend of the 4th nail. I've called it Pietacchius, the Sword of Piety. In the lore of my world, each of the swords is associated with an archangel and this one is associated with Uriel, which is also why I've been calling it the hidden blade. It is only made available when things are truly dire. In my version of Austin, Uriel has tasked the player with guarding a newly minted Ley Node that that was created when a skinwalker shaman attempted to reawaken the spirit of the Earth. I'm treating it like the Buffy Hellmouth in Sunny Vale, it's a slowly expanding node of magical power not associated with any ley lines and now all of the supernatural world wants control of it and are heading to Austin.

Since in the Dresden lore each of the wielders of a sword is descended from nobility, the wielder in my game is a descendant of the first Gypsy who kept the 4th nail, thus making the fourth nail possible. 

DFRPG / Re: Incite emotion
« on: April 18, 2011, 03:34:47 AM »
I cant say i remember any reference of the Raith family inciting fear for instance (my memory sucks though). Except ofc the fear anyone would get when faced with a vampire letting loose.

I know Madrigal Raith learned how to feed on fear based on his close association with House Malvora, but I'm not 100% that he learned how to Incite that particular emotion. This indicates that it doesn't matter what blood line they are born into, they can learn to survive on a particular fare, but the houses do seem to have their favorites.

DFRPG / Re: More Holy Swords Than Three?
« on: April 05, 2011, 05:27:01 PM »
There's a thread around here somewhere concerning the Legend of the 4th Nail. I'll see if I can dig it up, but I'm introducing the 4th sword in my game as the Sword of Piety.

DFRPG / Re: A Minor Mechanical Problem
« on: April 02, 2011, 07:04:31 AM »
I would start limiting all of those move actions in a chase by Endurance. I don't know exactly how I'd house rule it for a long chase, but after a while Endurance would restrict. Thing I know about normal foot chases though, is that they are normally limited to a few rounds. You're just trying to make enough ground to find cover and break line of sight. Eventually someone is going to tire.

With the speed powers, I'd do the same thing. Those with speed can move incredibly fast and cover distances like nobodies business, but they would still be restricted by Endurance after a while as they tire out, giving a persistent pursuer a chance to do some damage.

DFRPG / Violating the Laws through Evocation
« on: March 23, 2011, 04:49:13 AM »
Everybody seems to focus on spells that don't violate the laws. I personally like to think about spells that would break the laws, to give the villains (and some PCs with a more evil bent and refresh to spare) cool things to do that are plausible in the rules. A lot of the actual Law breaking seems to be done through thaumaturgy, but I don't think that the 1st Law should be the only one possible to break through Evocation.

The 3rd and 4th law seem easy enough to break through Spirit Evocations. What about the rest though?

DFRPG / Re: Sheen created a character concept that is full of win
« on: March 03, 2011, 06:38:50 PM »
A few others focused on Church sponsored wizards (Magisters) who weren't always that good.

We're actually doing something along this line in my game set in Austin, Texas. One of the neighboring towns (Round Rock specifically) is the corporate headquarters to Dell. One of the things the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation has set up is a huge Jewish Community Center in another neighboring town. During City Creation, one of my players said that Michael Dell created that Community Center as a way to help train Jewish Magi to protect him from the dark powers he dealt with in order to make his business really successful.  It hasn't come up in story yet, but I've got some surprises surrounding that which will ensure that anybody working for him will have Hell to pay.

DFRPG / Re: Stun?
« on: February 25, 2011, 03:28:01 AM »
I would do it as a block using the weapons skill.

DFRPG / Re: Bigfoot - Scion of the Naagloshii
« on: February 24, 2011, 09:23:52 PM »
That's why I added the shapeshifting. The ones that are seen in their true form are always recorded as huge, taller than a man. But since I did them up as Scions, I gave them the shape shifting abilities of their parentage, giving them the ability to make themselves smaller.

Maybe I need to rework the stats some and put the Hulking Size and what not under their shapeshifting.

DFRPG / Re: Bigfoot - Scion of the Naagloshii
« on: February 24, 2011, 06:45:34 PM »
I just thought it would be a fun way to keep Bigfoot in the world. It would explain why people keep seeing them, but why no large populations exist to be found (because they shape shift into other animals). I also went back to old stories how they have attacked logging equipment and what not to give them their current motivations.

DFRPG / Re: Bigfoot - Scion of the Naagloshii
« on: February 24, 2011, 02:58:58 PM »
The one problem I have with this is that I remember Harry mentioning meeting a bigfoot and saying it was pretty nice. I am trying to remember which short story it was in at the moment...

Now that you mention that, I remember reading it somewhere too. Oh well. Maybe Harry met an even tempered Bigfoot.

DFRPG / Bigfoot - Scion of the Naagloshii
« on: February 24, 2011, 06:45:36 AM »
Been toying around with this idea for a while.

Since the dawn of human memory, the Naagloshii have existed as part of our world as messengers between the Holy People and the different mortal clans of North America. Semi-divine immortals, their power was bestowed on them by the Holy People as they were entrusted with protecting the natural world and teaching the clans the skills they needed to survive. It was understood that this power was temporary. When the Holy People were about to leave this world, they called back the Naagloshii. Most came, but some did not. Those that remained had become selfish with their power and refused to return it. They hid from the Holy People. Since that time, any Naagloshii encountered were not like those the first people knew. They were sadistic and cruel, exemplifying the harsher aspects of nature. They began to hunt the first people for food and tortured them for pleasure. They even took some mortals for the purpose of breeding. Thus the first Stiyaha were born.

With traits of both parents, the Stiyaha are described as large hairy ape-like creatures, standing nearly 10 feet fall and weighing 500 pounds, covered in hair that ranges from dark brown to golden. They also gained the Naagloshii's ability to transform into different animal forms. They can be faster than the fastest deer, stronger than the largest bear, and more agile than the nimble hare. The first people have always known of the Stiyaha, calling them such names as Kwi-kwiyai, Skoocooms, Sésquac, or Ts'emekewes. In modern times they are known by their anglicized names: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and the Yeti (for those Stiyaha that fled across the land bridge that connected North America to Asia). Each tribe had a different relationship with the Stiyaha and their creators. Those that chose to follow the Holy Path found their presence reviling. There were others still that attempted to emulate the demons and their progeny. These truly mortal practitioners became the Skinwalkers of legend, evil shamans that have learned to wear the skins of animals and emulate their gifts.

While the Naagloshii want to learn to harness other gifts like those taught to them by the Holy People (usually by feeding on the power of the being), the Stiyaha are most interested in returning the world to it's natural primitive state.

Name: Stiyaha (or Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, any number of tribal names)
High Concept: Skinwalker, the Scion of the Naagloshii
Endurance: Great
Intimidation: Great
Stealth: Great
Fists: Great
Survival: Superb
Most other skills default to Good

Mortal Stunts:
Hunter (Survival): Use Survival instead fo Investigation when tracking prey.

Hulking Size -2
Inhuman Strength -2
Inhuman Toughness -2
Inhuman Recovery -2
Catch (+1 Holy objects)
True Shapeshifting -4
Modular Abilities -8 (6 form points)

Mental: oo
Social: oo
Physical: oooooo(oo)

Refresh: -20

DFRPG / Re: New Orleans Help
« on: February 24, 2011, 02:05:09 AM »
If you can find them, I suggest guide books on the area. I lived about 5 hours from New Orleans for years and I've been several times. The area is just chock full of history.

DFRPG / Re: Lash-esque Character
« on: February 23, 2011, 11:11:09 PM »
Wyvern described how I'd do it. Mess around with the text of Beast Change until you get something that works. Basically it's just a way to change around the skills since the entity inside the head couldn't really affect the outside world and all of it would be story driven by the player. It also gives a great reason for having Sponsored Magic (Crazy Internal Head Wizard). Maybe even an Involuntary Change that could be like having a second character sometimes.

Man, I'd love to see the aspects for that.

DFRPG / Re: Sponcered Magic ideas.
« on: February 21, 2011, 06:45:59 PM »
Here's my 2 cents on it...

Shift 6 spell declared, well within the range of his conviction (+4) + focus item(s) to control and cast.
The roll nets him +2 for a total of +8
So Far One point of mental stress.

I'd really like to know what the character's Discipline and focus items are so I can dig down into the math. If the conviction is +4, I'm assuming at this point that his Discipline is also +4 with appropriate focuses to compensate for the 6 shift spell. So,  he is now at +8 to hit with a weapon 6.

He takes 3 more mental stress voluntarily then takes a Mild Consequence to pay off 2 of those, thus another +3
total is now +11
With 2 mental Stress

Ok, I know you can do this voluntarily in Thaumaturgy to help power spells, and I know you can do this to take Backlash to actually cast the spell assuming your Discipline roll does not equal the power you are pushing, but I am not 100% sure you can voluntarily take damage like that to cast higher powered Evocations. I'm going to have to read back over the rules on this.

Tagged at least 4 separate aspects; two or so on himself and two or so others from other are tags available. So that's +8 more. Total is now +19

Costing 4 Fate Points really make this powerful. You mentioned only two or so were his own. Were these other Aspects found out about the enemy via Assessment?

Used 4 points of Sponsor Magic for another +8. Total is now 27

What Aspects was he Invoking? So, for Fate Points you can use them a few different ways. Without an Aspect to invoke, it only counts as a +1. If you have an appropriate Aspect to invoke, then it's +2. So far from what you've said, he's either invoked all 8 of his Aspects or my Math is really off.

Dropped 4 fate Points for another +8. Total is now 35!

By my count he's out of Aspects to invoke and Aspects can only be invoked once per roll, so at most this would only be +4 (using the rules governing the use of Fate Points above).That is unless some of the Aspects he's already used are really Consequences the Monster already took or Aspects of the Monster that have been found out through Assessment.

2 Wool-gathering Maneuvers for the additional +4
So the total ended up at 39.

By my count it is as follows (I am not counting the taking voluntary damage to power up the evo, as I'm still not sure that's kosher.)

+32 to hit with a weapon 6. Depending on what the monster rolls to dodge, that only takes off 8 (assuming his Athletics is 4). So it's a +24 to hit with a weapon 6 if the monster rolls 4f to dodge, giving a potential for a 30 stress hit.

Now, the character has depleted a MASSIVE quantity of Fate Points in addition to incurring quite a bit of sponsor debt. As Warpmind stated though, according to the simplified description of the rules, you determine power and you roll to hit. Although with other skills, you could keep invoking Aspects to gain extra to hit if you *REAALLY* want to make it count.

Also, a lot of this assumes ALL of his Aspects can somehow be Invoked.

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