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Topics - bobjob

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DFRPG / Dresden Files Fate Accelerated Play Test Application
« on: July 29, 2014, 07:50:40 PM »
Not sure who all has seen this yet, but it's up on Evil Hat's website.

The Dresden Files Fate Accelerated Play Test Application

DFRPG / Rote Powers
« on: May 13, 2014, 04:17:03 AM »
After creating and playing around with a Rote Mastery power in the "Powers for Really High-End Guys" thread, I decided to create a few more powers. Any critique and game balance that could be supplied would be appreciated.

Rote Mastery [-2]
Your mastery of rote spells is so efficient that you do not tire as easily when casting them.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Lore
Mind Over Matter - You gain two additional Mental stress boxes that can only be used for rote stress. These two boxes may be used before using your normal Mental stress boxes and count as 1 and 2 stress respectively.
Arcane Intellect - Your lore is considered two steps higher when determining the number of rote spells you have access to.

Focused Rote [-2]
You are so efficient at your rote spells, you can cast them easier than non-rote spells.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction
Efficient Casting - Your Discipline is considered 1 higher when you cast a Rote Spell
Arcane Brilliance - You can cast a Rote Spell defensively by taking one additional stress. Normally, you cannot cast any spell defensively (Enchanted items or Skill checks are used)

Forceful Rote [-2]
Your belief in your rote spells is so great, they hit harder than normal.
Skills Affected: Conviction
Rote Domination - Your damaging rotes negate 2 points of armor for a single target or 1 additional point of armor for multiple targets. If there is no armor, there is no additional effect.
Repetition Breeds Confidence - Your conviction is considered 1 higher for Rote Spells.

DFRPG / Reflexive Shields
« on: April 03, 2014, 07:46:12 PM »
So, I remember reading in the Dresden books where if Harry is attacked, he'll reflexively throw up a shield. Yeah, he will sometimes put one up before hand, but usually it's a thing he does to prevent an attack from landing instead of dodging. Unfortunately from what I remember of the RAW, the game mechanics don't really support it. Has anybody house ruled that into their games? If so, what problems (if any) have arisen from it?

To me, it seems like a way that a mage can use their magical abilities to get a dodge at the cost of evocation stress. It's still wearing them down but will generally let them use their apex skills + appropriate focus to deal with a situation while still tiring them out mentally.

DFRPG / The Black Staff
« on: August 14, 2013, 05:13:49 PM »
As I prepare for my next session, I wanted to share the Black Staff I created that will be in use. I built this as a sink for Fate Points, essentially subverting the will of the wielder, which I think plays much more nicely into the corrupting nature of black magic (especially where I think the actual staff comes from based on Cold Days and a WOJ I read somewhere).

THE BLACK STAFF (-3 if you already have Evocation and Thaumaturgy, or -5 if you do not)
You possess the Black Staff, a powerful magical focus that aids in corrupting the fundamental forces of nature. It will also protect from the backlash of those actions... for a price. Currently both an office and an item of power, the Senior Council has deemed this a necessary but secret evil to protect the world against foes that would use the Laws of Magic against them.
Musts: You must have a high concept that represents either the item or both the Office of the Black Staff and the item itself.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Karma Indulgence (reskinned All Are Equal Before God). The item known as the Black Staff is a force of natural entropy and is useful for that purpose; whether it's causing or perverting death, breaking minds, transforming to break or destroy, subverting time, or seeking beyond the natural world, it will absorb the consequences of such actions... for a price. When casting a spell that would violate one of the Laws of Magic, the wielder of the Black Staff may spend a fate point to ignore the Lawbreaker stunt for one particular law for the duration of the scene. If a new law is broken in that same scene and the wielder wishes protection from that, then a new fate point must be spent.
All Things Are Made To Broken (Sponsored Magic). This is a power conduit to more easily break the Laws of Magic and can only be used for that purpose. Benefits: Standard sponsored magic benefits. It also provides +1 to the power or complexity threshold on any spell intended to break a law of magic. It doesn't particularly care for the consequences of said actions and any backlash is flavored as dark tendrils drilling into the arm of the wielder.
It is what it is: A short staff made of gnarled wood. Shadowy power emanates from it.
One time discount: +2

**Update: It looks like My Dark Sunshine did this exact same design, modeling it on a Sword of the Cross like I did. I found it like three seconds after I hit the submit button. Now I feel sad.

**Update 2: Grr, we even built ours almost exactly alike. The only real difference is the wording and the fact Sunshine's version provides blanket Lawbreaker armor against all Lawbreaker spells in a scene for one fate point instead of one for each law (like mine). You can see his/her well written example here

DFRPG / Catch Question
« on: April 03, 2013, 06:56:07 PM »
Quick question... does a catch on a Toughness/Recovery power downgrade the power or does it bypass it completely? For some reason I'm remembering two different versions of the rules and the book isn't exactly helping me come to a conclusion.

DFRPG / NPCs for my game
« on: January 16, 2013, 06:47:33 PM »
I'm getting ready to start up another DFRPG game for a few of my friends. Refresh level is 12 (one of the players wants to play her character from my first game, so I upped the starting refresh... I normally only do Submerged). We'll only have two players, a demon tainted Nephilim (angel scion that has been tainted in utero by a possessing demon) and the Mortal Knight to Kaminari (a summer aligned storm fae lady).

I just wanted to post up some of my NPCs so that they can be critiqued and tweaked. If anybody wants to use them, post them to resource lists, etc, by all means do so.

Rabbi Baruch Goldman
High Concept: Kabbalahic Wizard
Trouble: My Higher Authority Trumps Your White Council
Other Aspects: Dark Deeds For The Greater Good; I Know Things That Know Things

+5: Conviction, Lore
+4: Alertness,  Discipline
+3: Contacts, Empathy, Rapport
+2: Intimidation, Endurance, Presence, Resources
+1: Athletics, Deceit, Investigation, Scholarship

Mortal Stunts:
Person of Conviction

Evocation -3 (Spirit, Fire, Water, +1 Control for Spirit)
Thaumaturgy -3 (Summoning, +1 Summoning Complexity)
The Sight -1
Soul Gaze -0
Wizard's Constitution -0
Righteousness -2
Item of power: Robes of the Neshamah -2
Inhuman Toughness -2
Inhuman Recovery -2
Catch +1 (Attacks made with Spirit Magic)

Focus Items:
Ruach Staff - +1 Offensive Control for Spirit/+1  Defensive Control for Spirit
Book of Names - +1 Summoning Power/+1 Summoning Complexity

Physical: OOO(OO)
Mental: OOOO +1 mild
Social: OOOO +1 mild

Refresh Spent: -11
Total Refresh: 13

DFRPG / New fae: the Leipreachán
« on: January 10, 2013, 05:23:51 AM »
First off, back in the saddle again. It's been almost a year since I've posted in here. I've missed the board and the discussion.

Secondly, I'm going to be running a two person campaign with my girlfriend and a mutual friend of ours. Inspired by that prospect, I've sat down and started statting again. I present to you, the Leprechaun. Any comments and critiques are appreciated.

High Concept: Mischievous Wyld Fae Cobbler
Other Aspects: Not My Lucky Charms!
Craftsmanship (+4)
Deceit (+4)
Fists (+3)
Lore (+4)
Presence (+3)
Most other skills default to Mediocre, with a few standouts as Average
Supernatural Sense [-1] Pertains to his pot of gold. A Leprechaun seems to be able to feel the presence of his gold.
Glamours [-2]
Incite Emotion [-2; Greed, At Range]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch [+1] Cold Iron and the like
Wish Granting [Ritual reskin for Fortunamancy, which is a reskin of Entropmancy -2 ]

Total Refresh Cost: -10

Description:  A  human sized fae, the Leipreachán (westernized, Leprechaun) generally looks like an older human male wearing a red coat. Everybody thinks it’s green and they’d only be partly right. Generally considered Wyld Fae, only when aligned with a particular court will they change the color of their coat. Leprechauns also wear very fine leather shoes that never get dirty, regardless of where they’ve been walking.

What We Know:
A particularly vexatious fae, Leprechauns like to trick mortals and will often lead them on chases through the woods giving only the occasional glimpse of their quarry. They will also set up elaborate schemes motivated by their gold and can even throw out a mental whammy to help drive their plots. Leprechauns are also renowned for their cobbling abilities, something that few mortals know. While they are not as fascinated with shoes as Cobs, they can appreciate a good pair of shoes and can even be convinced to repair them on occasion. The spots where Leprechaun’s hide their gold, for some reason, makes the veil between the real world and the NeverNever thin. After a storm, a rainbow will mark the weakened area bringing about the whole “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow” myth. Those with the know-how can enter the NeverNever at that location, although the creatures the Leprechaun has placed to guard the gold won’t be nearly as sporting as the Leprechaun would be.

If captured, the Leprechaun has been known to offer his captor three boons in exchange for his release. The mythology has gotten muddy and calls it three wishes. These boons can be used for good luck. (use as Ritual created Sticky Maneuvers)

Leprechauns can be a little rowdy when drunk. They also prefer to fight with their fists.

Glamours and speed to befit their trickster nature, plus recovery for when things get a little hairy. They can also cause greed in mortals and when captured can alter chance for a price.

Weaknesses: Standard fae weaknesses

*edit: added deceit for Glamours and to befit his trickster nature*

DFRPG / Question about armor
« on: July 26, 2011, 11:58:04 PM »
This has been nagging me for a bit. Let me break out the math real quick to help illustrate what I'm asking and then see what I get back with answers.

Scenario 1: Dresden shoots a vampire with Supernatural Toughness that has armor:2 with a gun that is weapon:2. Dresden rolls his Gun skill and gets a total result of 4 (roll+skill). The vampire rolls his athletics and gets the same result. Dresden hits, he generates no shifts and the armor and the weapon cancel out for no stress.

Scenario 2: Dresden shoots a vampire with Supernatural Toughness that has armor:2 with a gun that is weapon:2. Dresden rolls his Gun skill and gets a total result of 4 (roll+skill). The vampire rolls his athletics and gets a result of 0. Dresden hits, but the armor and the weapon value cancel out.

My question is, even if Dresden had rolled higher or the vampire had whiffed his athletics check doesn't the armor cancel out the base weapon damage regardless of how well the skill roll is? So how does rolling even better actually give you the ability to damage that target when the base damage is still negated by the armor? This isn't ablative armor like the Hecatean Hag. 

I don't know... it just seems to me that this is the scenario where you break out the bigger weapons.

DFRPG / Austin City Limits Case Files
« on: July 23, 2011, 08:21:57 PM »
I've been running DFRPG for a few months now with a group that started as four and has sadly dwindled to three. The campaign title is Austin City Limits. We've managed to get two case files finished (a short and longer one) and we're more than halfway through the third. I'd like to start sharing the adventures here, first with the characters.

Active PCs:

Charley Cane is a former Austin Police officer turned private investigator who has more than a hint of demon blood in her. She ended up as a first responder to a shoot out between Red Court thugs and a lycanthrope gang. She got to see the full brunt of their powers before they dispersed when the other cops showed up. When she was truthful in her report about the abilities of the creatures she was fighting, she was put in for a pysch evaluation and eventually discharged. She is now runs Cane Investigations out of a converted house next door to Nanking Kitchen (more about that later)

"Robert" Shen Lo is a 1798 year old wizard and a relative new comer to the White Council, thanks to extenuating circumstances. During the Han Dynasty in China, the wizard Shen Lo belonged to the court of the Chancellor Cao Cao as a mystic warrior. Shen Lo was cursed to get into a long running battle with a rival sorceror Feng Li. Due to the curse, only one of them is allowed out of the NeverNever at any given time. When they do both come out, they must battle with the loser trapped in a pocket dimension for an indeterminate amount of time. Since time in the NeverNever flows differently nearly 1800 years have passed with Shen Lo and Feng Li spending a few years out or in. They are each supported by a clan of their ancestors, and it has come out in story that Ancient Mai is a lineal descendant of Shen Lo. She is much more powerful than he is, but he is by far the older although for all appearances he is younger. Since the White Council is a geritocracy, by sheer dent of his age he should be on the Senior Council. Because of the extenuating circumstances surrounding his curse, he is not allowed to be on the Senior council because he could end up trapped in the NeverNever during important political decisions. The eldest member of his clan, a withered chinese man called Grandpa Po runs a chinese restaurant in Austin called Nanking Kitchen. Shen Lo has become an almost Marc Katz type restaurateur (Katz is a bit of a local legend with his early morning commercials) in which Shen Lo plays up the stereotypical old chinese man.

Syrena Keres is a bit of a mystery. Supernaturally gifted, she exhibits both demonic and angelic qualities (part of the secret backstory is that Syrena is the result of an experimentation when a demon possessed person raped an angel possessed person.). An out cast, she ended up joining a new mafia outfit in town secretly run by the Red Court.

Retired to NPC-dom

The man known only as Lucky has been homeless for a number of years, having run away from home at an early age. He is extremely friendly and pious, but believes in living on the streets to help spread the Good Word. Lucky eventually joined the ranks of the Knights of the Cross, picking up the fabled fourth sword (more of that in the case file). He is a lineal descendant of the Gypsy King who forged the nails for the crucifixion. Due to personal reasons, Lucky's player had to leave the group, although I have brought him back as an NPC.

I'll post up the three case files we've done when I've got a bit more time. I gotta say though, I'm thoroughly enjoying this game.

*Update: Shen Lo is from the Han Dynasty, not the Ming Dynasty. That is a 1000 year difference that I didn't catch until like 10 minutes ago. I have updated his write up accordingly.*

DFRPG / IoP from that *other* wizard Harry
« on: July 15, 2011, 06:04:57 PM »
After watching Deathly Hallows pt 1 and 2 last night as a double feature, it got me thinking how difficult it would be to stat up the Deathly Hallows in the Dresdenverse. Some of the Imparted abilities are modified versions of standard abilities. As a fun exercise, how would y'all stat these out?

Resurrection Stone -
One-Time Discount +1
It Is What It Is. It's a polished stone from a river bed.
Ghost Speaker -1
Supernatural Sense (Ghosts) -1. Only you can see the ghosts you have summoned with the Resurrection Stone.
Total Refresh: -1

Invisibility Cloak -
One-Time Discount +2
It Is What It Is. It's a finely made cloak.
Greater Veils -3. Modified form of Greater Glamours, but removes Seemings and True Seemings to recover +1 refresh, limiting the ability only to veils at +2.
Sight Immunity -2. You cannot be seen through The Sight while veiled.
Total Refresh: -3

Elder Wand -
One-Time Discount +2. Instead of the +1 for a concealable IoP, the reputation of the Elder Wand precedes it.
It Is What It Is. It's an Evocation focus rod made from an Elder tree.
Refinement x6 -6. Because the Elder Wand is a powerful evocation focus, you are allowed up to 12 points in specialization bonuses for Evocation using whatever element you wish. Once this is initially set, it cannot be changed unless it is stolen from you and retrieved again (reflected by changing your High Concept to reflect you have lost the Elder Wand and then changing it back). You still must follow the skill pyramid.
Physical Immunity -3. If you are still the true master of the Elder Wand (reflected by your high concept), then magic cast at you using the Elder Wand will not harm you. (my math for this is as follows: -8 for power, +2 something specific, +2 bypassed by something reasonable anybody could get their hands on, +1 specific research material = -3)
Total Refresh: -7

What do y'all think? How would you improve it?

DFRPG / Outsider pictures
« on: June 07, 2011, 05:34:02 PM »
I found this great blog with an artists concepts of Lovecraftian outsiders. I plan on using these as Outsider inspiration when coming up with stats.

DFRPG / How to use Thaumaturgy to mimic Powers
« on: April 24, 2011, 11:09:46 PM »
I'm trying to find a way to use biomantic thaumaturgy to mimic certain powers. I understand that the powers duration would be limited by the amount of shifts dedicated specifically to time and that actually boosting the physical abilities beyond what the human body can withstand would provide consequences of their own, but how would we actually break down the intended powers into shifts to work into the formula?

Essentially what I'm asking is, if a wizard wanted to give himself Supernatural Strength (thus curtailing the second law violation by not giving it to someone else), would that be a 4 shift effect?

DFRPG / Violating the Laws through Evocation
« on: March 23, 2011, 04:49:13 AM »
Everybody seems to focus on spells that don't violate the laws. I personally like to think about spells that would break the laws, to give the villains (and some PCs with a more evil bent and refresh to spare) cool things to do that are plausible in the rules. A lot of the actual Law breaking seems to be done through thaumaturgy, but I don't think that the 1st Law should be the only one possible to break through Evocation.

The 3rd and 4th law seem easy enough to break through Spirit Evocations. What about the rest though?

DFRPG / Bigfoot - Scion of the Naagloshii
« on: February 24, 2011, 06:45:36 AM »
Been toying around with this idea for a while.

Since the dawn of human memory, the Naagloshii have existed as part of our world as messengers between the Holy People and the different mortal clans of North America. Semi-divine immortals, their power was bestowed on them by the Holy People as they were entrusted with protecting the natural world and teaching the clans the skills they needed to survive. It was understood that this power was temporary. When the Holy People were about to leave this world, they called back the Naagloshii. Most came, but some did not. Those that remained had become selfish with their power and refused to return it. They hid from the Holy People. Since that time, any Naagloshii encountered were not like those the first people knew. They were sadistic and cruel, exemplifying the harsher aspects of nature. They began to hunt the first people for food and tortured them for pleasure. They even took some mortals for the purpose of breeding. Thus the first Stiyaha were born.

With traits of both parents, the Stiyaha are described as large hairy ape-like creatures, standing nearly 10 feet fall and weighing 500 pounds, covered in hair that ranges from dark brown to golden. They also gained the Naagloshii's ability to transform into different animal forms. They can be faster than the fastest deer, stronger than the largest bear, and more agile than the nimble hare. The first people have always known of the Stiyaha, calling them such names as Kwi-kwiyai, Skoocooms, Sésquac, or Ts'emekewes. In modern times they are known by their anglicized names: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and the Yeti (for those Stiyaha that fled across the land bridge that connected North America to Asia). Each tribe had a different relationship with the Stiyaha and their creators. Those that chose to follow the Holy Path found their presence reviling. There were others still that attempted to emulate the demons and their progeny. These truly mortal practitioners became the Skinwalkers of legend, evil shamans that have learned to wear the skins of animals and emulate their gifts.

While the Naagloshii want to learn to harness other gifts like those taught to them by the Holy People (usually by feeding on the power of the being), the Stiyaha are most interested in returning the world to it's natural primitive state.

Name: Stiyaha (or Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, any number of tribal names)
High Concept: Skinwalker, the Scion of the Naagloshii
Endurance: Great
Intimidation: Great
Stealth: Great
Fists: Great
Survival: Superb
Most other skills default to Good

Mortal Stunts:
Hunter (Survival): Use Survival instead fo Investigation when tracking prey.

Hulking Size -2
Inhuman Strength -2
Inhuman Toughness -2
Inhuman Recovery -2
Catch (+1 Holy objects)
True Shapeshifting -4
Modular Abilities -8 (6 form points)

Mental: oo
Social: oo
Physical: oooooo(oo)

Refresh: -20

DFRPG / Evocation veil that targets social stress
« on: February 11, 2011, 12:20:58 AM »
I was just given a great idea by an old Fantastic Four comic. Let me know what y'all think of this quick veil.

Invisible Clothing
Type: Spirit Evocation, offensive attack
Power: Varies by what you think the characters perception is, typical is 3-4 shifts
Control: Roll Discipline plus appropriate specializations and focus items
Duration: One exchange
Target: One creature, with more shifts could affect everybody in a zone
Opposed by: Target's Presence
Effect: Renders the target's clothing invisible, causing the shifts of power and any spin to function as a Social attack.
Variations: The caster could add additional shifts of power to make the veil stronger (for more perceptive or against socially adept targets), to attack additional people, or to gain additional exchanges of duration without needed to concentrate and re-roll.


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