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Messages - Yuillegan

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DF Spoilers / Cowl and Kumori are...
« on: October 21, 2018, 01:09:32 AM »
Cowl is Justin and Elaine is Kumori. Time to drag out this old theory again.

1. Cowl has appeared in several books - first notable one is Death Masks at the Bianca's ball. He delivers a gift (possibly nemfected) to several guests, but only confirmed through Mab about the Leansidhe. Morgana's Athame is traded for Amoracchius (Excalibur).
2. In Dead Beat Cowl mentions many things of significance happened that night, Dresden is only aware of a few of them. Cowl likely conspired with Mavra and Bianca and her progenitor (Ortega), who's wife Ariana was part of the group that Margaret Le Fey, the White King, and possibly Justin Dumorne were all a part of. A group that might have decided it was time for the White Council to end.
3. A shadowy figure sponsors and is seen in White Knight. Harry seems to recognise his magic as Cowl's. In this book, the Circle is mentioned for the first time.
4. Cowl is an expert at Evocation, Neuromancy, Veils, Ways and Necromancy. He also mentions his skill at swordplay. Why would Cowl have a sword? Most wizards do not carry them. But an ex-Warden would. All his magical skills and talents would make him an excellent warden (excluding the fact he can't use Necromancy).
5. Justin is likely a skilled Nueromancer - he enthralls Elaine before Harry gets to the confrontation.
6. Justin was in the assault on Kemmler. Cowl says he despised the "mad man" Kemmler, despite being his student. He may well have taken the opportunity to erase his enemy for his own ends.
7. Justin was Simon's apprentice. It is stated in Summer Knight that Simon's fortress was impregnable, and the Warden's forensics suggest that someone let them in past the defences. Eb says it would still have required someone who knew the place inside out. Justin is only discounted on being dead, but otherwise as a rogue Warden and Warlock would have been a candidate, who the Council suspect passed on the knowledge to Harry. Now we know that it wasn't Harry - so it doesn't leave much leeway.
9. Simon is said to have been found dead, along with the brute squad. Whilst it doesn't explicitly state his body was found, it would be a hell of a thing for them not to notice his missing corpse. A whole plot point in the series is built around how intolerable it would be to have a high-level wizard turned to the enemy. A missing Senior Council member might have provoked a stronger reaction.
10. We only have Harry's word that Justin died, and that he fought Justin in earnest. Most people thought is unlikely he beat Justin. Fires in stories tend to be useful covers for other events, a physical symbol of chaos.
11. Jim says Justin is dead. D-E-D dead. He has also said not to trust a word he says. JB has also described death as "a squishy line in the Dresdenverse"
12. Many characters, including Mab, have said Death is a spectrum.
13. Harry believed Elaine was dead. Harry was wrong. If he was wrong about her...
14. From a writing perspective, consider Star Wars (one of Jim's favourite stories). Luke is raised an orphan by others, his lovely aunt and uncle. He then goes on an apprenticeship with a wise old mentor. He is told his father was a Jedi, who his most feared enemy killed. Vader reveals he is Lukes father, which Luke is in denial about but realises must be true. Obi-wan does the fae-speak of half truths (When your father became Vader, he killed Anakin Skywalker). The trope of Harry thinking his foster father and first mentor is dead, who actually isn't would be a good technique and mess with Dresden's psychology majorly.
15. Cowl hides his face, the other Necromancer's do not. Harry suspects White Council. He might be right, but likely that is not the only reason. They even distort their voices. Vader hides his face too - and was a jedi once. Luke just did not know it.
16. Cowl wishes to end Death. Why? The Outsiders might want that, perhaps it would limit the power of TWG. But why would Cowl? Kumori seems to believe him. I suspect it is because he is traumatized by the Death of someone he loved.
17. Justin and Cowl both have links to HWWBH.
18. If Justin is dead, why no Death Curse?

1. Kumori is tall enough to hold a knife to Harry's neck - Harry is 6'9" roughly so not an easy feat.
2. Elaine is described as being tall, tall enough she only has to stretch a little to kiss him on the cheek.
3. Elaine is described as being a better at magic than Harry, while Harry is brawnier. She is skillful enough she is not worried about people seeing through her veils. 
4. Kumori seems to use less brawn and more subtler magic than Cowl; less of a duelist but still deadly.
5. Kumori is a distinctly japanese name.
6. Elaine uses japanese as her magic words.
7. Kumori shows compassion - she resurrects a dead gunman of Marcone's for apparently no other reason than because she thinks she should.
8. Elaine has shown much compassion for her fellows, whilst still distrusting the institution of the White Council.
9. Elaine was the Emmisary of Summer/Harry's opposite. She says she was part of the Summer Court for a long time. Summer has been involved unusually in the books. Mostly ambivalent or directly in contest with Dresden. Rarely against the foes of Dresden.
10. Kumori and Elaine show compassion for Dresden, but not so much that it impedes their goals.

Bit of a wild theory here. I believe Justin was in love with Maggie. They had a relationship and they both felt the White Council was too harsh and too rigid. Maggie and Justin had two children - Elaine and Harry (perhaps twins?). Elaine is older than Harry - he is always referred to as Margaret's youngest. When Maggie was killed by the White Court - Justin was furious. But he could not yet move against them. He finally gets his children back when Malcolm died. He raises them to be his disciples and enforces but it goes wrong and he either dies and is revived or fakes his own death. He finally gets his revenge by "accidentally" murdering half the White Court when his uber-ghouls start murdering everyone. He definitely would want to end Death as he is still grieving Maggie.

From a writing perspective (and fitting nicely with the Star Wars inspiration) - it would be a major shock to discover not only is Justin alive, but he is Cowl and been orchestrating all the terrible stuff in Dresden's life. It would also majorly freak Dresden out is he realised Elaine was his sister, something Justin would have definitely encouraged (like a good cult leader). It also matches the weird Luke-Leia thing. Finally, you might argue Dresden should have recognised Justin's magic. I think he sort of did without realising it. Cowl's magic is human, with a bit of Dark Magic in it - unlike the Mavra or even the Corpsetaker. Harry recognises so is his, which makes sense when you realise he was taught all the basics by Justin/Cowl. I also believe Justin will likely kill Ebenezar while he tries to protect Harry. Very common trope. Harry might find it very hard to be good when he realises his whole life is a lie, he was born to be a weapon, he commited incest (potentially) and that his mother was in on it for a long time. Harry is given power over Outsiders. Yes he uses this as a weapon - but perhaps the real purpose is to be a leader (very Hellboy in my mind).

Anyway, have at it. Let's debate this all again!

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's name: NMWYG, TYA
« on: October 19, 2018, 10:48:32 PM »
Interesting idea. I agree that the is significance in the phrase - hell of a clue bat if an Archangel says that to you. Considering how he uses words in general. Not sure if I totally agree with your theory, but I like the idea that it is related to time travel.

Anyway, good to have you back my man!

DF Spoilers / Re: The Dresden Codex - Links to Mayan Mythology and the DF
« on: October 17, 2018, 02:49:57 AM »
Very true - they all fit the bill to a degree. However the issues I found when examining them as candidates is that Molly and Murphy are love interests (not great if you are a twin...) and Thomas is his brother but not actual twin (which would make more sense if he was the archetype, and he is male and the twin dichotomy for the theory is male/female). I certainly understand where you are coming from, but the way I see it coming about is thus:

Harry and Elaine are both starborn (twins not necessarily in blood, but in conjunctions, perhaps even on polar opposite conjunctions). They are raised and trained by Dumorne, then the falling out happens and Harry leaves after appearing to kill Justin and Elaine. However, Elaine returns and my guess is Justin survived too - how else did Elaine survive? She was enthralled at the time and Justin was the most powerful Wizard in the room at that time. I suspect he is Cowl and Elaine is Kumori, and that in the end she will betray Justin and stand with Harry against the Old Ones in the BAT.

DF Spoilers / The Dresden Codex - Links to Mayan Mythology and the DF
« on: October 11, 2018, 03:00:41 AM »
While rereading Changes for the millionth time, I was researching Mayan mythology and came across an artifact, rediscovered in Dresden (Germany). It is the oldest surviving book from the Americas dating back to the 13th or 14th Century. read about it's history here. Of note, it links to a 260 year cycle of the Maya Calendar and the 365 days in a year.  Interesting then that Harry Dresden ends up in the Yucatan with a bunch of expired and/or impersonating Mayan deities.

The Lords of the Outer Night
I believe that the Red Court is strongly linked to the finale of the series. We know they have links to the Outsiders, and the Lords of the Outer Night (an interesting concept; Outer Night could mean the night beyond the stars, as in the Universe or more likely beyond the Universe - the Netherworld of the Outsiders) surely are directly linked.

The Mayan underworld Xibalba roughly translates to "place of fear" and is ruled by the Mayan Death Gods. Normally it is accessed through a cave, and in some Maya areas the Milky Way is viewed as the road to Xibalba. Xibalba is described as a court below the earth.

There are twelve LoON and the are twelve gods of Xibalba. Two are considered above the others, the strongest is Hun-Came (One Death) and then Vucab-Came (Seven Death). The others are considered demons and rule over aspects of human suffering - causing sickness, starvation, fear, destitution, pain and death. They all work in pairs: Xiquiripat ("Flying Scab") and Cuchumaquic ("Gathered Blood"), who sicken people's blood; Ahalpuh ("Pus Demon") and Ahalgana ("Jaundice Demon"), who cause people's bodies to swell up; Chamiabac ("Bone Staff") and Chamiaholom ("Skull Staff"), who turn dead bodies into skeletons; Ahalmez ("Sweepings Demon") and Ahaltocob ("Stabbing Demon"), who hide in the unswept areas of people's houses and stab them to death; and Xic ("Wing") and Patan ("Packstrap"), who cause people to die coughing up blood while out walking on a road.

So how does Kukulkan fit in? He doesn't quite. Perhaps like the myths, he was a boy born a monster and passed on what he was to those around him. But I don't think so. He is more like Camazotz - the Bat Monster God in form, and more like Gukumatz/Q'uq'umatz in role (as creator god).
BUT, there is another significant group of Mayan gods. The thirteen creator gods who helped create humanity. Not much is known about them other than there names and that they tried to create humanity three times, first from mud and water, then from wood and finally from maize.

It is difficult to reconcile these different groups. JB likely has pieces of information that help link the two - I have a rather grand theory that I will outline in another thread that should help explain that. Possibly he also didn't do a lot of research when naming and designing the Red Court. I find this unlikely, but it remains a possibility given the inconsistencies of the story to real-world mythology. For example, Kukulcan is rarely considered the ruler of the Mayan deities. The most obvious reason that JB chose him is that at Chichen Itza the main temple is El Castillo which is a temple to Kukulkan. This would help place the battle in an exciting location, but makes sense in terms of why the Red Court used the location rather than another.

The Hero Twins
Another interesting connection is the Maya Hero Twins, Hunahpu and Xblanque. They are the oldest Maya myth to be preserved from the text Popol Voh. The Twins are often portrayed as complimentary forces (e.g. life and death, sky and earth, day and night, sun and moon AND INTERESTINGLY male and female). The twins often challenge gods and had a shitty upbringing. They are also talented and use their wits to overcome great foes. They also bring down the Lords of Xibalba. I suspect they are a loose basis for the Starborn in Jim's writing. You might argue that only Harry was there - but I think not. I think Elaine was there, I believe she is one of the members of the Grey Council despite whatever her other allegiances are.

I have more that I might add at another time - but for now I will say that while I acknowledge this theory is incomplete and loosely fits the "facts", I believe that Jim has certainly done his homework here.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ancient Mai's Statue Temple Foo Dogs
« on: September 18, 2018, 03:31:25 AM »
Good boy!

DF Spoilers / Re: Formorians and Outsiders
« on: September 18, 2018, 03:30:08 AM »
and where is #8 proven at in canon... or anywhere else? Never have a seen that even hinted at that I recall..

Con is correct - see the Even Hand story. But is makes sense too; they like to mishmash body parts.

DF Spoilers / The Death of Margaret Le Fay
« on: September 16, 2018, 09:52:29 PM »
Margaret le Fay died due to the powerful malacchio curse, like the Barabass curse, that causes horrible deadly misfortune on the recipient. This spell was done by the White King Lord Raith, possibly with the help of a cult of practitioners and potentially even He Who Walks Behind.

However, malacchio can mean "evil eye". Who has an evil eye in mythology? Well one interesting individual does: King Balor of the Fomor. Known for his singular eye that killed all it looked upon, he was a ruthless tyrant and terrifying opponent. But what if it was not his eye, or even his physical eye, but the eye was a power he was given through his daemonic (Outsider) heritage from HWWB? This could make a lot of things very personal for Dresden.

DF Spoilers / Re: Formorians and Outsiders
« on: September 16, 2018, 09:35:11 PM »
Indeed, specifically Outsiders are in-text referred to as coming from the the Nether World. There is definitely a big link. Jim will of course have his own spin...but even in Hellboy there are links between, and in Warcraft, and D&D between the Celtic/Norse/Greek/Faerie/Elves and Demon. And JB uses all those, plus regular mythology and a few other fictional works.

It is just we know so little about them in-world.

Fact 1: They were related to the Fae and the Jotuns. The married, fought and were eventually driven back to the sea.
Fact 2: The currently are a nation of outcasts, not just the original Formor, but dark gods and spirits united together.
Fact 3: The Cantrev Lords look like frogs and have powerful, water based magics. (This further shows Harry's understanding of Magic is seriously limited).
Fact 4: Their servitors (turtlenecks) steal magical talents for an unknown purpose. They use both modern and ancient and arcane technology. They are sort of like magical cyborgs (but instead of machine parts, they have weird animal and monster parts).
Fact 5: The Red Court was somewhat keeping them at bay, or at least less active. When the Red Court fell, the Formor quickly and fiercely took its place.
Fact 6: One of their Cantrev Lords is Lord Omogh (who I can find not much info on), and another is Mags who was defeated by Marcone.
Fact 7: Their leader appears to be King Corb, who's court is located in Lake Michigan (I mean come on JB, change it up a little, we get you like Chicago but not everything of significance has to be there, there is an entire PLANET outside of America, let alone Chicago).
Fact 8: They created the beasts used by the Denarians, the hybrid monsters. This suggests dealings between the two groups.
Fact 9: The have had dealings with the Corpsetaker...and Evil Bob. This suggests a link to the Disciples of Kemmler and perhaps even the Black Council/Circle.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who are the members of the Grey Council?
« on: September 16, 2018, 09:06:07 PM »
Yeah but Jim said that anyone on the Council would mop the floor with Harry.  Langtry also appears to be very good at mind magic...  I think he'd have assaulted Harry's mind to test him rather using kinetic force.

I specifically believe he was referring to Senior Council at that time. Of the thousand plus wizard in sheer might, even before he became the Winter Knight, Harry always saw himself in the top 30-40 strongest. Which is not to say most capable fighters or most powerful wizards. Even though I suspect he has had a pretty meteoric rise in combat ability over the series. Jim has even gone back and said not every wizard, not even most wizards are suited to combat. That was why there was only 200 wardens in a thousand plus group. And of the senior council only Simon (dead), Eb (who replaced him, and is also the Blackstaff and was captain of the wardens), Langtry (the Merlin), Rashid (the Gatekeeper), Listens-to-Wind and Cristos are fighters and skilled in Evocation. Martha Liberty, Aleron Lafortier (dead), Ancient Mai are all considered to have talents that do not lend themselves to direct combat. Though I acknowledge Liberty is an unknown quantity here, all we really know is she is good at veils.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Horned God, the Triple Goddess and the Pentagram
« on: September 16, 2018, 08:53:59 PM »
I also believe Harry is weaker than the Ladies, and Mab vs Odin seems tilted against Odin (nevermind the Erlking vs Mab, which is even more lopsided). And the Gatekeeper is a very old Wizard.

Very true but my point is that he doesn't likely outrank Odin in power, (who himself is several millennia old.

Sibelis, it has always seemed the Gatekeeper is more dangerous not because he has tons of magical might, but because he (like a true JB wizard) has knowledge and ability to affect enemies most vulnerable elements. Which is not to say he isn't a bad ass wizard, but if Harry or Eb is like a hammer, Rashid is like a scalpel.

We're limited in what we know about the Gatekeeper.  But JB has teased that he might have thrown down with Demonreach and by inference the last warden.  Drag, thump.

Sorry Morris, believe that one has been debunked by the man JB himself. He said what caused the limp was the last friggin ice age, which one could interpret as the island being physically limited (like being cut off from the ocean perhaps). Check out Serack's WOJ page under demonreach - pretty sure it has the direct quote. 

DF Spoilers / Re: The Horned God, the Triple Goddess and the Pentagram
« on: September 16, 2018, 11:27:08 AM »
An odd choice considering the Queens scale up - lady<queen<mothers. So knight<fae king<sage (?) The gatekeeper is unlikely as powerful as the mothers - considering they outrank just about everything apart from archangels.

DF Spoilers / Re: Potential new identity of Mac
« on: September 15, 2018, 06:14:51 AM »
Also - the Archive may have a link in mythology.

Fintan mac Bóchra -
the repository of all knowledge of Ireland and all history

DF Spoilers / Formorians and Outsiders
« on: September 15, 2018, 06:08:52 AM »
The etymology of the name is debated. The first part is now generally agreed to be the Old Irish fo, meaning under, below, lower, beneath, nether, etc. The meaning of the second part is unclear. One suggestion is that it comes from the Old Irish mur (sea), and that the name thus means something like "the undersea ones".[5] This was the interpretation offered by some medieval Irish writers.[6] Another suggestion is that it comes from mór (great/big) and means something like "the great under(world) ones", "the under(world) giants" or "the nether giants". A third suggestion, which has more support among scholars, is that it comes from a hypothetical Old Irish term for a demon or phantom, found in the name of The Morrígan and cognate with the archaic English word "mare" (which survives in "nightmare").[7][8] The name would thus mean something like "under(world) demons" or "nether demons". Building on this, Marie-Louise Sjoestedt interprets the name as meaning "inferior" or "latent demons", saying the Fomorians are "like the powers of chaos, ever latent and hostile to cosmic order".[4]

Interpret that how you will. They also have some interesting links to Noah, and to Perseus in Greek Mythology. Jim does his homework.

ALSO:The Fomor are supernatural demon-kin who dwell in the cold, dark waters. Folk tales say they are ancient evil gods – the personification of death and blight, but many have proven that they are not as all-powerful as told. The Fomor were described as having a missing body feature, such as an eye, leg, arm or all 3! Some have heads akin to reptilian goats and many have tails or other features to help them swim. Being creatures of magic and borne of daemons could be Outsider blood in them  - Ed note, no two fomor look identical and are instead categories by size and power.

DF Spoilers / Possible names of the Queens
« on: September 15, 2018, 05:58:54 AM »
If Callieach is one of the original forms of Mother Winter (which is pretty bloody obvious - literally she is known in Scotland as Beira, Queen of Winter), her counterpart is normally Brighide or Brigit.

Here is where it gets a little tricky. Brigit is the daughter of the Dagda (head god (Zeus-level) of the Tuatha De Dannan - the celtic gods) and married Bres (a Formorian). She is also normally associated with Minerva/Athena.

Somehow - back in ye olde times, I believe that when the Gods were putting all their punch in the fae, Athena was a big part of it. Along with Hecate, I think they created some sort of mega-deity that became the Queens. And they had a reason to split the Courts - it was necessary but I am not sure why. And somehow, I think Black Annis may have been Mab or maybe not. The whole scene in Ghost Story or Cold Days where she resembles a praying mantis and a cat struck me.

And yes, I sound nuts and have indeed lost control of this theory. Still though, anyone want to join in?

DF Spoilers / The Horned God, the Triple Goddess and the Pentagram
« on: September 15, 2018, 05:47:52 AM »
Hi gang,

In further research and meanderings I was reading a little bit about the relationship between the Horned God and the Triple Goddess in Wicca/Celtic mythology.

The pentagram is interesting. In Wicca, the two horns represent balance and are two points of the star, and the other points represent the Triple Goddess. This fits nicely with the nature of magic (the combination of the natural elements and magic) and the druid origins of the white council (the OG Merlin being originally a druid as well as a wizard).

Now Jim has mostly slotted the Horned God into the role of the Erlking/Herne/Cern, however I took interest in the part about the Warrior (youth), the Father and the Sage.

Now Herne and Kringle could be considered Fathers. Warriors/Youths correlate nicely with the Knight (though I am not sure this was intentional by Jim) but where is the Sage? This would be something akin to the Mothers, something unmentioned so far with no hints. I can only think of TWG or Archangels, but it seems a bit of a stretch.

Any thoughts?

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