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Messages - Tami Seven

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Personally I though Thomas's Wayfaring ability was less a matter of him opening portals directly to his target, and more that once he was in the NN he was able to sense where he needed to travel (in the NN) to be able to open a way back.  Essentially his traumatic personal experience (or the locations that resonate with his Hunger, the other criteria he can use) acts as a link the Hunger can follow basically just like harry's tracking spells operate

Yeah, nothing states that Thomas can't open a portal anywhere. As far as I know doesn't know where in the NN he will end up. Only that, once inside he can find his way back out.

Alright, so there are two components to opening a portal into the NeverNever. First is intent/destination, knowing where you want to go. Second is location, the sympathetic alignment of Real World locations with their NeverNever equivalents.

In WN, Thomas had to travel through the NeverNever to get to the Deeps. He couldn't just open a direct portal that lead straight to the Deeps from some other RW location. Only someone with the power of Odin or Mab could do that. So, Thomas knew his destination, he knew where to enter the NeverNever and what path to take. He could have even opened the portal to Deeps himself.

Harry had it trickier. He didn't know what was on the other side of the portal, only that whatever it was someone would be waiting there for him. Thomas found the location with the strongest Sympathetic alignment to the Deeps, Harry simply opened the portal between the two. It may have helped that he knew Thomas would be there.

So, I had it backwards. Harry didn't have to do much. Thomas was the one who lead Marcone and Karrin and company to the exact spot where he knew the portal would appear.


The problem is that it's not "path to Edinburgh", it's "a couple of steps from a path in the NN that happens to lead to one of the NN connections to the entrance to Edinburgh".  This doesn't sound quote like a localized area.
Now maybe you can still argue that somehow the intent to get to Edinburgh is enough?  That puts a lot of faith in the AI (for the lack of a better word) of spell to bring you exactly to where you desire.  This seems a lot more subtle than what you usually get for instant, evocation-like spells. 

Like I said.   Maybe.

How about another example?

In White Night, Harry opens up a NN portal and Thomas just happens to be standing outside.  Now maybe Thomas found one of those point where the NN touches, but how did Harry know exactly where to open the portal or which exact idea would bring Thomas?  Again, you can argue that Harry happened to have Thomas in his mind, so the spell automatically figured out where a White Court vampire would end up yada, yada, but that seems way more advanced than what the text seems to be implying.

IIRC Harry said that Thomas should have been able to open the portal between the NeverNever and the Deeps because he had an emotional,  though negative,  connection to it. If Harry had somehow signaled Thomas who then opened the Portal, that might have made more sense. But maybe it was enough that Thomas knew where to go, where the portal would appear while Harry had an image in his mind of Thomas standing there waiting fir him.

DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes: Buy Dresden Stuff!
« on: April 27, 2014, 04:02:26 AM »
I'd like to see this quote from Changes on a T-Shirt

(click to show/hide)

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: April 19, 2014, 08:27:14 PM »
Assuming that Jim knows that you need to be 18 and a high school graduate to join the service, I believe the only possible person it could be is Daniel.  I'm not sure any of the other kids are out of high school yet (during "Bombshells")

Daniel is about 22 as of Bombshells.  He would have had to join about 4 years prior to that date (assuming that he did, since it hasn't been fully confirmed). That would have been around the time of Small Favor,  give or take.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: April 07, 2014, 05:15:07 PM »
Was the context specifically about the position of Mayor, or could Cedar have been referring to general Influence over the town rather than the actual elected position?

My take was that it was an elected position right from the get-go. And Sharlee is right, there are noticeable dating discrepancies in Ghoul Goblin. Putting it into the Timeline has to take those discrepancies into account.

DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes: Buy Dresden Stuff!
« on: April 03, 2014, 04:30:12 PM »
I think something like this would be cool.  What slogans could Mac have?

 - "Serve yourself... the best."
 - "Come to an Accord... with your tastebuds."
 - "Hell is Empty... and All the Devils are Here." - Shakespeare

What did Harry call Mac? A Master Brewmancer?

But even so, what she did doesn't require any sort of trap door.  Like Harry said, she can just overlap her curse without needing to penetrate his protection.  Stop the energy from ever getting to him, rather than stop him from absorbing it, or whatever.

This is how I see it being done, like a blanket smothering him. Just as Harry described it. Any other way is too complicated and/or less effective.

The problem is if she was not the one that gave the protection to Lord Raith, and I think he needed a wizard for that which Lord Raith isn't himself, then he already had the protection. Either Margaret gave Lord Raith the protection or she knowingly consorted with someone who was protected by outsiders. She had visited the outer gates, she knew about outsiders.

That does not have to be that bad, she could have been on a mission for Lea and Mab directed against outsiders but we know she broke some laws, the outsider one could have been one of them. We just do not know enough about her but we know she did some bad things.

Either way she had studied his protection, she had enough nights for that, so she knew how to work around it even if she had not created it herself which is quite possible.

Assuming that LR had had the shield a long time, and that most experienced Wizards either knew about it or had heard rumors about it, and that Maggie either knew about it or heard rumors about it...she still might have had business dealings with LR for her own (Or Mab's or whatever) reason. It was a dangerous thing to do, but she took the risk.

As much as I find this UMO theory interesting, I still don't think it answers the questions well enough about Maggie and LR. The only thing I can suggest is that, the UMO (Or whomever) ,may have foreseen that the White Court would play an important role in the future war with the Outsiders, and that they had to gain some control or influence over it to make sure the White Court didn't join up with the Outsiders.

If someone predicted this, then I can imagine getting Maggie in close to Lord Raith may have been a calculated gamble. Might also explain why the Outsiders were directly involved in attempting to destroy the White Court in WN.

That was explained in woj. What she did was actually far more effective than killing him. It effectively sandbagged the white court and tortured Lord Raith etc. See the woj

But she didn't need to have been involved in giving LR  his antimagic shield in order for her to have been able to use her death curse to work around it. In fact, Maggie's death curse had no effect of LRs' anti-magic shield, which is like a Tick's carapace. Her Death curse worked like a blanket, smothering Lord Raith from the outside and keeping him from drawing in the life energy he needed to feed upon. Harry described how it worked in BR.

I prefer the theory that Lord Raith made a deal with the Walkers/Outsiders to turn over Maggie's Starborn child to them in exchange for the Antimagic defense spell. Or that LR made the deal with the Outsiders at the time of the first Starborn, and they called in that favor when Maggie was discussing becoming the mother of the next Starborn child.

Are we sure Harry being Starborn was planned?  I don't remember anything specific in the books or WOJ saying that.  However, I am sure I am probably wrong considering it is taken as gospel around here.  I was thinking that maybe all this hoopla around Harry being starborn isn't because they planned it but because it just happened.  Maybe the "key" ingredient is that he was born while his mother was killed by outsider enhanced magic.  Not just that she was killed by magic during his birth but that part of the catalyst of his birth was energy from "outside".  The reason Starborn are so rare is that outsider magic isn't used on women in the process of delivery very often.

The reason Elaine is a "candidate" is because her mother died during childbirth.  Maybe even by magic.  She is described as candidate and not a starborn because they don't know if OUTSIDER magic is envolved.

We really don't know anything about Elaine's background. Being an orphan,  the assumption is that her parents are dead, but when and how they died is unknown.  Forcall we know, her parents are still alive but just abandoned her to the system because they were unable or unwilling to care for her. Her being a Starborn is WOJ. No other evidence,  aside from being adopted by Justin,  is made available. 

As for Harry, it is still speculation.  We know he is Starborn, we know Maggie intended to have a Starborn child. We know she had business dealings with the bigwigs in the Supernatural Community and an association with the Winter Court. But Harry being Starborn is pretty much a given,  and Maggie planning on having a Starborn is fairly well accepted. 

Not if the knowledge and perspective he can only gain from that walkabout is part and parcel of the training, I would think. 

I don't, at this point, have enough handle on what the parasite is to have a strong feel for how it fits with this model.  I can buy it being a resurgent Lash operating against the goals of team UMO; I could also, given the ending of GS, speculate that its presence in Harry is somehow essentialled for keeping his body usable while his soul is on walkabout.

Mab did say something at the end of GS about The Quiet One (Uriel) and how he Angered Mab and "Had he been incorrect..", they may be working towards the same goal, but obviously Uriel and Mab have different ideas as to how to achieve them. Mab couldn't stop Uriel from playing his Gambit, nor could she have stopped Kincaid from shooting Harry in the first place, but she seemed to have expected both. Was prepared for both. I'd say this is an example of Uriel and Mab working together but being at odds with each other.

Either that or he had something really big going on with the mound-builder civilisations that failed  spectacularly, I suppose.

(Nicodemus with his plague habit connected to collapse and death of native American cultures on contact with European diseases ?  The Little Ice Age starting when all those Native Americans weren't using fires and in many cases slash-and-char agriculture and ending when the Industrial Revolution started replenishing those greenhouse gases again as an echo of stuff going on in Faerie ?  Interesting direction, but not enough ahd data to go on.)

OK, I had forgotten that, and that certainly counts as a boost more than just psychological.

I don't think we have any real evidence to distinguish that from Thomas always having been that good and just going to great lengths to hide it, though.  It's pretty clear that he's been doing the "useless party animal" act for a long time to avoid being taken as a threat. (I can see Maggie planning Thomas being as strong a White Court vampire as she could make him, and being born on Valentine's Day seems like it should give him a boost there too.)

My own personal assumption was that the Erlking and the Wildhunt targeted Thomas in DB in order to get even with Harry. However, and here is a wild thought. Maybe the Erlking, like Mab, has been in on this whole Starborn thing from the beginning. Maybe the Erlking knew, not only that Thomas was Harry's brother, but that not only was it important for the Starborn to be stronger, but that it was important for the Starborn's brother to be stronger as well.

What if the Erlking took advantage of an opportunity to go after Thomas in order to give him the choice, hide, flee or join. Getting Thomas to join, meant that the Erlking could influence him in such a way as to give him a power boost.

Then there is the Archive (Not necessarily Ivy), who might also be in on this in her own way. Choosing Thomas to be a Venator meant giving him a pathway to becoming stronger as well.

Of course, Mab seems to think she has rights over, not only Harry but Thomas also. Who knows where that might lead.

Maybe this is bigger than we realize, only we don't see the whole picture yet.

Marcone is Everybody's Godfather.

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