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Messages - Tami Seven

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DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: August 13, 2014, 10:48:59 PM »

WHY would they change that? Even with wizard healing, 5 months was pushing it in terms of credibility for Yukie's level of mobility. Siiiiiiigh.

Why would they have Issue Three begin with a scene from 3291 B.C. Babylonia? About 1500 years before it existed?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: August 13, 2014, 06:04:19 PM »
Correcting an error.

in the Timeline War Cry is listed as 6 ASF, March

In Issue one, Harry says that it's been 4 months since Yoshimo broke her leg. That sets War Cry in February 6 ASF.

It was in Small Favor that the Wardens set up shop in Murphy's house,  not Dead Beat.

What on earth is offensive about a nosebleed? ???

The British have been known to use the swear "Bloody Hell", I guess that is what is being referred to. Even though there is enough difference that I doubt it's even relevant.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: June 23, 2014, 04:59:44 PM »
Found this in the transcript from Jim's Booknation Talk interview last month:
That would put it right around Fool Moon, since both it and GP were October stories, but no idea where it falls between them.  Any hint of Harry knowing Michael in Ghoul, Goblin?

Nothing in Ghoul Goblin either proves or disproves that Harry knew Michael. So, it's possible they did but that their paths didn't cross all the time.

To add to the list SoI = Spirit of Intellect

DF Reference Collection / Re: Reference Collection Index
« on: June 10, 2014, 02:28:52 AM »
Does anyone have any theories on who Harry's grandmother might be? My theory is it's Lea. His mother, Margaret Le Fey, had close connections to Fairy, maybe because she was a changeling?

There is a WoJ that confirms she was an ordinary mortal.

:o  Thomas Raith lived with Harry during his training at cosmetology school, but I do not remember any reference saying that they actually had a sexual relationship.  They both knew they were brothers at that point.  I do remember Harry visiting Thomas's shop later, the staff assuming they were lovers, and it being something of a joke between Harry and Thomas.

It's both joke and obliviousness.  Two men being roommates? Especially when one is (supposedly) a gay hairstylist/a White Court 'sex god/incubus' vampire?  How can there not be anything going on?

Put it simply,  the idea of a Wizard and a Vampire being brothers is something the White Council isn't quite ready to accept yet. I bet it's the first time (at least since Merlin) that's it's ever happened. 

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: May 30, 2014, 05:24:37 PM »
Skin Game gives us a few new additions to the timeline, including the 'birth' of 'Harriet' (official name yet to be determined). And the death of Deirdre. 

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: May 30, 2014, 02:44:36 PM »
perhaps it's in the timeline and I'm just not seeing it...but where is Maggie LeFae's birtdate

I don't think there is enough information to get that specific.

I thought I'd throw this in here, just for fun. Something I posted a while back:

from: lt_murgen on October 14, 2013, 05:52:49 AM]

    Since favors are essentially Fae currency, it stands to reason that something must exist to keep the fae courts from accruing too much favor for the sake of balance.  Thus the wyld fae could be the balance agent.  Some go to one court or the other and ask for a favor, thus making a 'deposit' into their power base.  Others are needed, thus making a withdrawl (the courts now owe them something).

    The bigger question is, where do wyldfae, particularly the wee folk, come from?

In the beginning, the Big Bang produced not one, but multiple Universes. Binding these Universes together is a tenuous region of magic we know as the NeverNever. As mortal lives evolved from within each universe, the magic of the NeverNever gave birth to tiny beings. Creatures made of pure magical energies.

In some worlds, the barrier between them and the NeverNever became thin and magic leaked out, infusing some mortals with its power. In time, the tiny beings of the NeverNever also found ways of entering the Mortal world. It is through interactions between these Fae/Pixies/Little Folk and mortals that both became stronger,  more powerful.

In time, many of these magical creatures began adapting themselves to the mortal world, becoming more human or animalistic in appearance and form. Even to the point of being able to crossbreed with mortals. Those are the ones who gained the most power, the ones known a Sidhe as well as other similar beings.

Like Mortals,  evolved beings of magic began to organize into societies,  Courts as they are called. But many of these beings did not fit into these societies and remained Wyld, solitary or tribal but not belonging to any larger Court.

The ones that adapted the least, that remained closer to the original, pre-evolutionary form, are the ones like Toot Toot. However,  the more interaction even these little ones have with mortals,  the more like mortals they become.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 06:33:45 AM by Tami Seven »

The only reason I would say it might be Club Zero is because you are otherwise granting what appears to be a *lot* of power to White Court vampire.  Consider that every major city has numerous "houses of sin", and for a White Court vampire to be able to detect a portal to any of those means practically instant transportation to any city in the world -- *way* better than anything the White Council apparently has. 

Heck, Chichen Itza has a small town/village maybe 2 miles away (Pisté) that includes multiple hotels (catering to tourists) -- I'd expect "massage services" to be available.  There is also an actual city (Valladolid) is 20 miles away.  Sure it's further away than the 5 miles Harry gets to, but there is a direct road to CI from either of those places.  This means you can commandeer a vehicle --   can always circle around once you get close.

So why didn't Harry ask for Thomas to find the portal?

It has to be someplace Thomas has visited before, regularly and is familiar with. Or someplace, like the deeps, that he holds a strong emotional connection to.

I don't think Thomas would refer to Club Zero as a "gentleman's club" and "one of the finest in town." Not with anything like a straight face, anyway.

I suspect Thomas does have a certain amount of control over that kind of thing. The Gentleman's Club was probably the Tamest place in Chicago that he could get both himself and Michael to. Tame being a relative concept.

Thomas also refers to it as crossing over--he might not be able to open a full-blown rift capable of transporting more than one or two people at a time. I wouldn't be surprised if he was limited to just transitioning himself and maybe one or two people he's in physical contact with, without a "portal" opening at all.

Maybe, though we haven't actually seen him do it yet. Then again,  it seems that someone had to get Dresden’s Army into the NeverNever in WN, and I think Harry was too busy to do it himself. If so, then the only other person there able to do it would have been Thomas. 

DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes: Buy Dresden Stuff!
« on: May 02, 2014, 01:40:43 PM »
Here's another random design I came up with a few months back but forgot to post.  At least, I think I did and didn't. 

I thought it might make a good t-shirt.  It'd probably need to be the same tan as the background, or maybe black or white.

Nice Image!

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