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Topics - iago

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Episode Archive / BB014: Family Time
« on: April 06, 2009, 11:57:08 PM »
[19m 58s] In this first of three parts, Fred sits down with Jim at his house to talk about the things going on with his family, his proud  papa moment, swinging around nerf lightsabers in the dead of night while camping, exploding zombies with propane tanks, and oh, yeah, that signing tour he's going on in April.

Podcast to be found at:

Announcements / Database Rollback
« on: January 05, 2009, 01:19:08 AM »
Following a screw-up by our ISP, the database had been rolled back to December 11th or so.

Luckily I keep better backups than my ISP.

I just finished restoring the most recent database backup I had -- which was from this morning.  So we've lost anything from today, but thankfully, that's it.

DFRPG / Update
« on: December 14, 2008, 07:50:30 PM »
We've finished our renovation of -- it now has a new blog that should be tons easier for us to update (and you to follow).  We're also tying it together with Twitter for those who want an easy way to keep up to date on it:

DFRPG / Ennies Voting is Live
« on: July 28, 2008, 01:59:59 PM »
Ennies voting is live:

In order for indie and small/micro press games to have a chance and a voice at the Ennies, we need every single one of you reading this to get on over there and vote. Please participate! Earlier is better, of course, but you have a week. And please don't try to vote multiple times. We'd rather have your honest support!

Here's the "indie-focused" ballot, as I posted earlier on the Summer Revolution:

On a personal note, as the publisher of Spirit of the Season, I'd especially appreciate your vote this year!

DFRPG / For-Certain Character Types
« on: July 15, 2008, 03:35:26 PM »
This list is a little light on the faeriekind, but that's mainly because this is the list of "definitely-yes" player character types, and the faeries live on the "maybe-yes" list:

Pure Mortal
Champion of God
Emissary of Power
Focused Practitioner
Knight of a Faerie Court (* Might be a maybe, depending on what all's entailed here)
Minor Talent
Red Court Infected
True Believer
White Court Vampire
White Court Virgin

Episode Archive / BS002 - Slowdown on the Lowdown
« on: May 05, 2008, 03:17:35 PM »
(12min 23sec) It's the second episode of Butcher 'Spress!

Upcoming Glee:
Con Schedule:
Call in and leave the show voicemail at 301-6377-HAT!

The Music
Discuss this episode on the forum here.  Find a nearby branch of Priscilla's favourite pizza restaurant here!

Direct download: BS002_-_Slowdown_on_the_Lowdown.mp3

Episode Archive / BB012 - Dabbling with the Dabels
« on: April 11, 2008, 06:54:27 PM »
(32m 44s) Fred returns after a long hiatus with an interview.  Our guest is Ernst Dabel of the Dabel Brothers, publishers of the upcoming Dresden File comic.

- Catie Murphy
- The Dresden Files Comic Book
- New York Comic-Con

- 2006 Pl@stic Soul
- .22

Direct download: BB012_-_Dabbling_With_the_Dabels.mp3

Episode Archive / BS001 - The Mega-Minicast!
« on: April 09, 2008, 03:56:12 PM »
(12m 38s) The Butcher Block is back with a new style of episodes: Butcher 'Spress, all the news you mortals need to know!

12/04: Captain's Fury hardcover
12/26: My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon, "Heorot"
3/27: Captain's Fury audio
4/01: Small Favor US hardcover and audio
4/03: Small Favour UK hardcover

4/16: Welcome to the Jungle, issue #1
-- druiz (at) to inquire about missing posters
-- Diamond's Comic Shop Locator
5/28: Welcome to the Jungle, issue #2
6/25: Welcome to the Jungle, issue #3
7/30: Chris McGrath Cover Art Calendar
10/21: Blood Lite, "Harry's Day Off"
10/21: Welcome to the Jungle trade hardcover
10/31: Backup
-- cover art
-- pre-order Storm Front
11/20: Furies of Calderon, Academ's Fury, and Cursor's Fury on audio
11/25: Princeps' Fury audio
12/02: Princeps' Fury hardcover

and April 2009 (whoops! we said 2008 in the podcast!): Turn Coat hardcover

Call in and leave the show voicemail at 301-6377-HAT!

The Music
- 2006 Pl@stic Soul
- .22

Download the podcast here

DFRPG / Did I share this already?
« on: March 29, 2008, 12:37:52 PM »

Contains a look at a color layout test I did.

DFRPG / Spirit of the Season Preorder
« on: March 07, 2008, 03:22:18 PM »
Spirit of the Season is now available for print preorder at Indie Press Revolution.  Preorder customers will get the PDF together with the print version absolutely free, for immediate download.  We'll be shipping the books by mid-April, and will put the PDF up for sale as a stand-alone item at that time!

The miserly villain Doctor Scrooge hides behind legal technicalities as he steals from the pockets of the impoverished... explorer-gone-mad Jacques Frost preys upon the peoples of the north with his resurrected prehistoric murder monsters... the immortal Baroness Blackheart quests for the Elixir of Life, threatening to destroy all foundations of happiness for mankind... meanwhile Antiochus the Defiler and his spectral Seleucid Squad attack anything sacred or holy...

... and it's up to Nick Saint -- codename: Secret Santa! -- the Reindeer Men, their Chanukah allies, and you to save the holidays from their vile clutches!

Spirit of the Season is a holiday treat from the minds of Evil Hat Productions and Atomic Sock Monkey Press. Featuring characters and new rules compatible with both Spirit of the Century and Truth & Justice, Spirit of the Season is your ticket to two-fisted holiday pulp adventure!

Inside you'll find:

  • A bevy of ready-to-roll heroes for holiday-themed one-shots and beyond
  • Five dastardly villains you can harry your characters with no matter the time of year
  • How to create pulp-style characters using Truth & Justice
  • New rules material for Spirit of the Century including Mystic Spellcraft and Companions Reloaded
  • Two heaping handfuls of plot ideas for kicking off two-fisted holiday pulp

For those who downloaded the free version during Christmas season 2007, this upgraded version contains over 20 pages of new material, including the aforementioned Mystic Spellcraft rules -- as well as Empathy-driven minion stunts for heroes!

Announcements / Outage Report - 25 Feb 2008
« on: February 25, 2008, 11:57:19 PM »
Just a server glitch, today.  Nothing as drastic as a few days ago. I'll try to stay more on top of these things now that we're on a new site.

Policies / Supporting the Board
« on: February 22, 2008, 06:45:18 PM »
Hey, folks.

The recent outage was caused by this board going way over its fair share of CPU time on its server, again.  So I've gotten my provider to upgrade us to a "premium" server where we can use a fatter chunk of the CPU and memory without as much of a worry.  This has significantly increased the monthly server costs, but it's still well within the money the site takes in from advertising and store sales.

But that stuff needs to be sustained, and that's where you come in.

If you're interested in supporting the forums (completely optional, but appreciated!), here are the ways:

- Buy stuff from Amazon through the Jim Butcher Store.  Note!  Even if you aren't buying a book by Jim, clicking through to Amazon from the links on will tell Amazon that you came there from here -- and thus the site will get a small sales commission on whatever you buy, even stuff that's not books (so if you're eying that $500 exercise bicycle from Amazon, clicking through to Amazon from the store first is a big help).  Amazon's the biggest source of revenue supporting the site right now.  But the secondary sources are good too...

- Buy stuff from the Cafe Press shops (the t-shirts etc) from the Jim Butcher store.

- Buy the audio books of the Dresden Files from Buzzy Multimedia off of the Jim Butcher store.

- Click on the Google ads that show up at the top and bottom of any forum page (don't do it mindlessly, though -- click on stuff that grabs your interest, of course!).

If everyone does just a little of this, it will help sustain the site as it (and especially the forum) continues to grow.

DFRPG / Dresden Files Alpha Playtest Sightings
« on: February 11, 2008, 10:30:17 PM »
Rick Neal has started a blog to talk about his experiences:

Jeramy Ware posts about Dresdenified Austin Texas:

Rob Bohl of the Independent Insurgency has Dresdenized Newark New Jersey:

DFRPG / "Burn, You Greasy, Bat-Faced Bastards, Burn!"
« on: February 01, 2008, 06:04:54 PM »

From the inestimable Jennifer Rodgers, one of the artists we have on board for the RPG.  A slightly larger (and better looking) version can be found over at

In other playtesting news, the "bleeding alpha" group is tearing into the rules, making Dresdenified cities, and working through some core components of the system.  We've still got many more weeks to keep swinging at it, but the initial response is pretty good.

Keep an eye around the blogosphere, you might even see a few of them talking about it!

Policies / Forum Policy: Avoid Mega-Topics!
« on: January 05, 2008, 07:24:07 PM »
Mega-topics -- topics which have hundreds of pages (thousands of posts on one topic) -- should be avoided.  Two things to keep in mind:

1. If you feel yourself going significantly off the rails of the original topic of a thread with a reply please start a new topic instead of replying to that existing thread.  If you must, you can post a reply to the original topic saying "Hey, I wanted to talk about X, so I've started a new topic (link here)"

2. If you see that you're replying to a topic that has over 50 to 100 pages on it, stop.  Start a new topic, no matter what. 

In theory, this will help out with the server load a little (fewer posts for the software to slog through in order to display the topic), so I'm not just asking this to be annoying. :)

With this message I'm also asking all board moderators to be on the lookout for mega-topics and to try to split them up into useful chunks -- even if it's just separating the old part of the topics off into another topic labeled something like 'Mega Topic Alpha [April through July 2007]' or something like that.  When splitting off old chunks, please lock the old chunk so it doesn't take on any new posts.

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