
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: Ren on August 26, 2010, 03:27:17 PM

Title: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on August 26, 2010, 03:27:17 PM
Changed the title again cause I love the name...8)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on August 30, 2010, 05:44:08 PM
I'll take it as a no to anyone runnign a game in Austin...bummer...8(
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Arcteryx on August 30, 2010, 10:00:31 PM
I suggest checking out your local college & campuses for gamer clubs, checking with the local gaming stores to see if there are any groups they're aware of, posting want-to-play ads there if they let you, and looking up sites that connect gamers. For example, there's a forum on to advertise for GM's & players with a couple of stickies that point to resources to help out.

Good luck, I've been in your shoes plenty so I know the feeling.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: snowbank on August 31, 2010, 01:52:40 AM
never mind  :(
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: deathwombat on September 01, 2010, 02:34:56 AM
I'm in the same boat in DFW
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Arcteryx on September 01, 2010, 02:36:01 AM
Hows about you guys run a game on Google Wave or some similar outlet? Its not quite the same I agree, but it'd itch that scratch. Play by post games are always in demand as well.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on September 01, 2010, 03:03:27 PM
I don't have the books and can't afford them right now...8P
Rather try the game before buying. Tired of pickign up games I never play (and I have a TON of them).
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on September 16, 2010, 05:47:34 PM
Bugger...still no luck finding a local group...8(
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: deathwombat on September 17, 2010, 12:18:54 AM
Dang it!! Were we in the same area we'd at least only need to find a couple more folks :+)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: snowbank on September 17, 2010, 01:14:09 AM
is Landing in austin?
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: MrkMllr on September 17, 2010, 04:11:18 AM
I'm actually getting ready to start up a home game here in Austin...I think.  Time is a bit constrained right now but hopefully that will change soon.  I live in the Leander/Cedar Park area.  I'm not to sure on the details at this point but I will keep you in mind if we do decide to officially get up and running.  If/when we do play the game will be set in Las Vegas. I will let you know something as soon as I do for sure. 

Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on September 17, 2010, 01:07:46 PM
Awesome! I'm actually right nearby, just south of Anderson Mill off of 183.
The trick will be when to play. I currently run a Rifts campaign Friday Nights and play ina  D& 3.5 game Saturday Afternoon into evenings (but I can always elave early if needed). But I do have all sunday free and pretty much all weeknights.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: MrkMllr on September 17, 2010, 02:29:14 PM
That's where we are having an issue as well...finding the time.  Right now I travel a lot for work so that pretty much kills weeknights for me but if that ever changes (fingers crossed) then I'd likely run a game mid-week sometime.  Saturday night or Sunday evenings is what we are looking at now but it just depends on the alignment of the stars and our schedules.  I'll let you know if/when we firm things up. 

Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: deathwombat on September 18, 2010, 02:39:13 AM
Dang! How soon can I move to austin?
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: MrkMllr on September 18, 2010, 02:45:37 AM
Austin's a cooler town than DFW anyway.  ;)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on September 18, 2010, 04:22:35 PM
Sunday nights would work pretty well for me. Keep me posted!
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on September 22, 2010, 02:55:02 PM
Any updates for this potential game?
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: MrkMllr on September 23, 2010, 02:39:52 AM
Not yet.  Sorry.  Real life is getting in the way.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on October 08, 2010, 10:32:54 AM
Anyone else running a game in ATX that has room for another?
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on October 13, 2010, 04:56:52 PM
Looks like a friend of mine here in ATX is looking to start up a group for a weekday game that wills start after 6pm (Wednesdays or Thursdays preferred). We need players and a location large enough to play in that is in the north ATX area (both of us live and work in the area.).
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: deathwombat on October 17, 2010, 01:28:37 AM
Get a game!! Get a game!!
Positive mantra chant!!!!
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on October 17, 2010, 09:23:09 AM
So are you just sending me positive thoughts or are you in ATX looking for a game?
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: deathwombat on October 17, 2010, 01:12:20 PM
Positivity from DFW
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on October 29, 2010, 01:57:12 PM
Still looking for a group and/or players for a group for an ATX game. Trying to aim the GM at an alternating Sundays game, just to have more itme to play.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on November 11, 2010, 08:53:27 PM
*bump* still looking fer gamers or gorup for ATX...I don't bite!
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: zegion on November 13, 2010, 07:10:21 PM
hey, just back from over "over there". I my self would like to play. its been a dogs age since i played (hey im 30!) and the last time i cracked a role playing book was in college. I live in the Cedar park/ Leaner area.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: deathwombat on November 14, 2010, 12:47:33 AM
I live in DFw or I'd so play
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on November 16, 2010, 03:36:07 PM
Good to know Zegion, I'll definately kepe you in mind when I get a group together. I actually live just south of anderson mill and 183 so not far at all. Just a question of finding somewhere to play...8P
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on November 19, 2010, 02:42:24 PM
*sigh* I am still bereft of group and game...8P

There has got to be a group in Austin...right?...8(

Found one more! just need another two at least...8)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: zegion on November 22, 2010, 12:45:28 AM
Well if it ever get to the point where we have some people, and since we all live up north there is a starbucks over by Lake Line Mall (by DPS) they we could link up at and iron out details on who, what night and where.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on November 22, 2010, 01:14:47 AM
Starbucks...50 demerits...rofl
I'm not a starbucks fan, but I'm sure we can come up with some kind of meeting place.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: zegion on November 22, 2010, 02:55:15 AM
(ouch havent had demerits since i was a cadet, 50? Im going to be walking post for awhile) it would only to work out the details. I might have someone else that might want to join.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on November 22, 2010, 02:22:51 PM
Well that would bring us to 3, possibly 4. need to email a buddy of mine and see if he's still up for a game.
I still need to sit down and try to figure out the I haven't actually even played a game.
I was pondering the possibility of maybe rotating GM's, with each GM doing a short arc in the same setting, with one core GM for a central amd ongoing plot. might be another good way to develop a further degree of depth for the game.

As far as setting goes I'm currently fixated on using Miami, just like the idea that it sets a whole different tone and has a wide variety of odd things and places (Fountain of Youth?) as well as some swamps to hide bodies...that could be re-animated of course...8)
And I want to use were-sharks and were-rats as well...never got to use them in any old World of Darkness games! Well not the sharks anyway. And we can in a few local celebrities; Dexter, Michael Westin and crew? Fun stuff!
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on November 23, 2010, 10:58:07 PM
Looks like I may be able to find some more folks via the Austin Meetup Group, I'll let you know as soon as I can get something organized.
I'm not looking at anything until the weekend after Turkey Day at the earliest.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: zegion on November 24, 2010, 12:57:33 PM
Sounds good on both setting and time.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: zegion on November 26, 2010, 11:22:13 PM
First off, Hope yalls turkey day went well. My wife fed me more then i thought possible and my pants dont fit so well right now.

Second, my acquittance said he would be down to game. Hes a novice, and never done it before but he wants to give it a try. I will be gone on the 4th and 5th for my weekend drill so i wont be able to get together for a meet and greet. Can we shoot for the next weekend the 11th and 12th or when ever is convenient.

Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on November 30, 2010, 04:05:29 PM
There was someone else that also has Guard-related stuff, if his schedule matches yours I'll certainly considering delaying a meeting until the following weekend.
As far as location I'm thinking about the Barnes and Noble on I-35 and Louis Henna. Or possibly one of the Restaurants in the same mall (Logan's Steakhouse or possibly the Tilted Kilt?).
I'll post something on the Lair's Board and on the Austin Meetup Page. However as the Xmas holiday is fast approaching we likely won't get the actual game started until after the Holidays. In the meantime we can build the city and characters etc...
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: zegion on November 30, 2010, 05:01:31 PM
Sounds good.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on December 06, 2010, 05:40:24 PM
Well that would bring us to 3, possibly 4. need to email a buddy of mine and see if he's still up for a game.
I still need to sit down and try to figure out the I haven't actually even played a game.
I was pondering the possibility of maybe rotating GM's, with each GM doing a short arc in the same setting, with one core GM for a central amd ongoing plot. might be another good way to develop a further degree of depth for the game.

As far as setting goes I'm currently fixated on using Miami, just like the idea that it sets a whole different tone and has a wide variety of odd things and places (Fountain of Youth?) as well as some swamps to hide bodies...that could be re-animated of course...8)
And I want to use were-sharks and were-rats as well...never got to use them in any old World of Darkness games! Well not the sharks anyway. And we can in a few local celebrities; Dexter, Michael Westin and crew? Fun stuff!
I point you to this,22908.0/topicseen.html

and this
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: zegion on December 08, 2010, 10:35:20 PM
Thats good stuff man. thanks. Im not sure if we are ever going to get off the ground though.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on December 08, 2010, 10:46:08 PM
Thats good stuff man. thanks. Im not sure if we are ever going to get off the ground though.
meant to ask you about that, Happy B-day btw
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on December 09, 2010, 05:44:06 PM
I apologize for not posting anything sooner but I'm going to have to put everything on hold until at least after the holidays. Just going to be too chaotic until they've passed. Figure I'll aim for around January 9th to get folks together for a meet and greet etc...give everyone more time to read over the rules and such.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on December 10, 2010, 12:40:47 AM
I apologize for not posting anything sooner but I'm going to have to put everything on hold until at least after the holidays. Just going to be too chaotic until they've passed.
i'm Z's acquaintance in the Austin area *Cedar Park*
I picked up the books from Amazon, I've never RPGed before but it sounds cool.
Whats the Minimum number of people you need?
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on December 10, 2010, 01:46:38 PM
I'd prefer a minimum of 5, but four is workable. I've got at least 2 other interested folks from the Austin RPG Meetup group, but since I understand that a couple of folks are Guard and have to be gone for one weekend a month (?) and maybe special occasions I'd like to have the 5-6 optimum to cover for absences. Though I may consider going to an every other week scheduling depending on other player's schedules.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on December 20, 2010, 01:30:30 AM
fyi; I can plan for January 2nd or January 8th for an initial get together, depends on what works for the majority of people.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 02, 2011, 04:49:02 AM
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 02, 2011, 07:46:06 PM
Now that the Holidays are over... I just sent in a request to the Lair to get a Table for January 13th for the initial meet-n-greet. I will post details once I have confirmation but I am currently planning on 1pm to 4pm for meeting and discussion etc...
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 02, 2011, 09:03:14 PM
Look forward to meeting yall
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 03, 2011, 12:29:52 AM
cool, directions/address
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: deathwombat on January 03, 2011, 01:36:29 AM
Hope it goes awesome for ya'll errr Superb
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 03, 2011, 11:45:36 AM
Dragons Lair Austin: (

Date: 1/16/2011

Start time: 1:00pm

End time: 4:00pm

As I said before, this is purely a meet-n-greet to get to know who is interested and the direction we want to take the game in, character concepts etc...
Looking forward to meeting y'all!
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: quizboy on January 04, 2011, 04:03:49 PM
  So are the plans really to meet on a Thursday afternoon?
  I was interested in this game, but if it is going to happen during work hours, I will not be able to make it.  The last I saw, the game was intended to be on a weekend or weekday evening.

  I have the rpg books, and have played/run the game once at a con (very loose rules).  I've played Fate a handful of times, and I've read the Dresden books a few times.

  Is there any way to meet after work (7pm) or on a weekend?  I know there was mention on this thread of weekend issues with Guard duty and stuff, so some weekends are an issue.


Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 04, 2011, 08:52:31 PM
Dammit, i screwed the date, I must have been looking at the wrong month...sigh
I will get it updated as soon as I have it re-scheduled at the Lair. I'll reset for 1/16/11.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 04, 2011, 09:07:58 PM
Dammit, i screwed the date, I must have been looking at the wrong month...sigh
I will get it updated as soon as I have it re-scheduled at the Lair. I'll reset for 1/16/11.
arg, i rescheduled so that i could go Thursday. sat i have a wedding. sun i have to work
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 05, 2011, 03:36:23 PM
Sorry man, I'm trying to get a good open date that everyone could get to. I'm still working out the details.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 05, 2011, 05:35:08 PM
Dragons Lair Austin: (

Date: 1/16/2011

Start time: 1:00pm

End time: 4:00pm

As I said before, this is purely a meet-n-greet to get to know who is interested and the direction we want to take the game in, character concepts etc...
Looking forward to meeting y'all!

I will be there.

However, since you're not responding on meetups, I figured I would ask on here...

What kind of refresh are you thinking for characters starting out? 
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 06, 2011, 02:08:18 AM
Sorry man, I'm trying to get a good open date that everyone could get to. I'm still working out the details.
Its okay I changed it I'll be there, I basically bought a pizza and bribed my coworkers to leave early that day (I learned it from Harry!  :D)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 06, 2011, 07:03:51 PM
Sorry for the lack of Response Bumble, I'll get back to you on that later once I have a chance to review the rules.

Never mind, the organizer got the dates confused this time so we are good for the Lair on Sunday the 16th.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 06, 2011, 09:43:12 PM
Sorry for the lack of Response Bumble, I'll get back to you on that later once I have a chance to review the rules.

Never mind, the organizer got the dates confused this time so we are good for the Lair on Sunday the 16th.
cool, thanks for the hard work
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 06, 2011, 10:24:26 PM
Bumble, to answer your question I think the power level will vary based on what everyone wants and agrees on, plus whoever ends up running the game since I may not actually end up running the game.

I'm thinking using the second level in for starters but have to play it by ear.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 07, 2011, 01:03:40 AM
Bumble, to answer your question I think the power level will vary based on what everyone wants and agrees on, plus whoever ends up running the game since I may not actually end up running the game.

I'm thinking using the second level in for starters but have to play it by ear.

I think that will be fantastic.

My gf I think is going to want to play a weretiger.  She won't need a very high refresh.

I was thinking of starting out my character with a "submerged" refresh rate to begin with.  She is going to be very excited that it's Sunday instead of Saturday now. :)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 07, 2011, 03:12:53 PM
by way of fyi, if I end up running it I am going to use Miami as the setting for a number of reasons. It's such a contradictory setting in so many ways with a city base don beaches and sunshine, but with so much crime as well as a high elderly population (at least in some parts of the area). Can you imagine the amount of lore sitting around? I can see a whole Elderly Care home full of aging and retired supernaturals of various stripes...heck now I have to write that up...I'll call it the "Silver Fox Society" or some such...8)
And as an added note I am planning to set it just after the end of "Changes" so there is going to be a massive power vacuum and subsequent struggle due to the sudden death of every Red Court Vampire in the city as well as the death or loss of power of their minions. The whole of the power struggle is likely to be one of the central themes of the campaign.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 07, 2011, 08:57:39 PM
by way of fyi, if I end up running it I am going to use Miami as the setting for a number of reasons. It's such a contradictory setting in so many ways with a city base don beaches and sunshine, but with so much crime as well as a high elderly population (at least in some parts of the area). Can you imagine the amount of lore sitting around? I can see a whole Elderly Care home full of aging and retired supernaturals of various stripes...heck now I have to write that up...I'll call it the "Silver Fox Society" or some such...8)
And as an added note I am planning to set it just after the end of "Changes" so there is going to be a massive power vacuum and subsequent struggle due to the sudden death of every Red Court Vampire in the city as well as the death or loss of power of their minions. The whole of the power struggle is likely to be one of the central themes of the campaign.

That sounds pretty cool :)

Luckily I am familiar with Florida as well.  I've traveled a lot.

If we end up with a long campaign, it'd also be cool to get some sort of travel going eventually to spice things up.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 07, 2011, 10:17:37 PM
I drove to Miami from Dallas this past summer, it was the trip from hell, but we got to see Miami, the good and the bad
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 08, 2011, 02:53:16 AM
Well I don't have a real long-term plan as of yet but I'm sure there may be the occasional spot of travel...whether voluntary or not...8)

I've never been to Miami much less Florida but the idea of it intrigues me. I have some general city-notes already written and some NPC's but there's plenty of room to add or alter as needed. I'll bring plenty of blank city-sheets and character sheets and maybe another Aide or two.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 08, 2011, 03:01:53 AM
Well I don't have a real long-term plan as of yet but I'm sure there may be the occasional spot of travel...whether voluntary or not...8)

I've never been to Miami much less Florida but the idea of it intrigues me. I have some general city-notes already written and some NPC's but there's plenty of room to add or alter as needed. I'll bring plenty of blank city-sheets and character sheets and maybe another Aide or two.
I suggest reading some of the Dexter Books, his description of the driving is spot on, as in it's freaking terrifying.

A lot of Miami looks like 35 in South Austin, and other parts look like the fancy parts of Houston and Dallas. Then throw in tropical weather, smog, Mosquitoes the size of small dogs, and random swamps.
Also really good Cuban, Venezuelan, and Brazilian food (but sadly no good Tex-Mex or Mexican food that I could find).  Also old people as far as the eye could see. 
It's an interesting place to visit, and its  an experience to drive there from Texas.
Oh, yeah, Also, if you look Hispanic expect to be spoken to in Spanish first English second. There is a very Miami attitude that is very Machismo/flashy.
Got 5 days? Spend 1.5 of the driving there, 1.5 there and the 1.5 driving back.
or just fly there its a 3 hours flight
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 08, 2011, 11:27:34 AM
I suggest reading some of the Dexter Books, his description of the driving is spot on, as in it's freaking terrifying.

A lot of Miami looks like 35 in South Austin, and other parts look like the fancy parts of Houston and Dallas. Then throw in tropical weather, smog, Mosquitoes the size of small dogs, and random swamps.
Also really good Cuban, Venezuelan, and Brazilian food (but sadly no good Tex-Mex or Mexican food that I could find).  Also old people as far as the eye could see. 
It's an interesting place to visit, and its  an experience to drive there from Texas.
Oh, yeah, Also, if you look Hispanic expect to be spoken to in Spanish first English second. There is a very Miami attitude that is very Machismo/flashy.
Got 5 days? Spend 1.5 of the driving there, 1.5 there and the 1.5 driving back.
or just fly there its a 3 hours flight

I used to go to Tampa with my x wife for anime conventions.  Sadly, after going to a trip club in tampa, strip clubs in almost the rest of the country have been ruined for me for the rest of my life. :(

Oh yeah - that's another thing about FL... lots of good looking people.  Austin is not too dissimilar in that regard, but the folks in FL don't walk around as much in a constant drug induced stupor like a bunch of Austinites do. ;P

Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 09, 2011, 05:52:31 PM
Sadly I don't have the spare time or money to make a trip to Miami or I'd go in a heartbeat!
Here's the basic of the Setup (I'll have to repeat this on the Meetup board)
Blood in the Water

High Concept(s)
: The Happiest Place on Earth (Disneyland, sunshine and good times!)
& Old News is Good News (Positive Influences of the elderly population)
Trouble(s): Blood in the Water (Chaos in the wake of the Red Court’s destruction)
& What Lies Beneath (Supernatural and Secular Corruption)
Overview: Miami is one of the wealthiest, cleanest, brightest and most colorful cities in America, full of the beautiful and wealthy as well as the poor and the old. The Miami lifestyle and day-to-day living has been broadly influenced by a wide variety of cultures from Caribbean to Cuban and Puerto Rican cultures as well as the wealth of experience available to the many elderly residents who have retired to the area. Underneath it all lays a continually shifting and changing criminal and supernatural scene ranging from drugs and porn to the White Court’s struggling for control against both the Fae courts and the Merfolk who have recently emerged from the deep waters of the Atlantic. Intermixed with these struggles lesser practitioners, Voudoun priests and various Men of Faith and Knowledge struggle to survive the tides of violence all around them.
Timeline: The events of this Campaign take place shortly after the end of “Changes” and deals in large part with the destruction of the Red Court and its associates.

Power Vacuum:
The destruction of the Red Court Vampires has sent shock-waves throughout the supernatural and secular communities of Miami. With the deaths of the Vampires that controlled the businesses many of the local businesses have been sent into a tail-spin as the former allies and minions have started scrambling for control and the formerly tenuous balance between the various power structures has been spun out of control as they too scramble to pick up the reins of power that have been left behind. Many of the Red-Court controlled businesses have likewise suffered from a rash of fires and other random acts of destruction. These power struggles will form another major part of the campaign.

Missing Persons:
Along with the destruction of the Red Court power structure many other people in the secular and supernatural world alike have gone missing; many are suspected to have been suspected been at least semi-infected by the Red Court or were known allies that have been hunted down and killed by the former rivals of the Red Court. Amongst the missing is the Grey Warden, the only White Council representation in Miami. No Grey Wardens have come yet to investigate his disappearance, though any White Council wizards in town are free to investigate and if a Player Character wants to be a young Warden then the missing Warden is, or was, his Master and Teacher.

Martial Law:
In the wake of the Chaos that follows the destruction of the Red Court, Crime has seen a rapid and noticeable rise. This is not an unusual occurrence in major cities across the world, but given the suddenly increased influx of drugs, weapons and the sudden lack of control over the organized crime operations previously controlled by the Red Court has gotten severely out of hand. With the sudden and mysterious death of the Mayor the deputy mayor has stepped up to take his role and asked the Federal Government for assistance, which has been rendered in the form of activating Florida National Guard units to provide additional aid as needed and the Coast Guard has likewise seen an increase in activity.
Yes there are 2 each of High Concept and Troubles...just too much going on to NOT have two each! Not to mention some Hidden Themes etc...
I will have some Themes and Faces for the meeting, more should be made by the group to help flesh out the city some more.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 09, 2011, 09:02:11 PM
^^^ So far this looks excellent.

It also goes well (both the setting and the troubles) with my character concept.

My character (if we start with a submerged or greater refresh power level game...which would be nice) is an x soldier turned evocator turned emissary of power for Pele.

I'm going to do a lot of research into the myths of Hawaii, but I've already decided that Maui's Fishhook is going to be my item of power.

Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 10, 2011, 01:16:02 AM
if this works out we should all hit the gun range sometime. there's a good one in Leander/Jonestown, I assume none of us are convicted criminals.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 10, 2011, 03:38:24 AM
if this works out we should all hit the gun range sometime. there's a good one in Leander/Jonestown, I assume none of us are convicted criminals.

I'm down.

Shooting is one of my hobbies.

And even the x felons if we have any could shoot black powder. :)  I also LARP so I'm usually down for a few rounds of boffer practice too.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 10, 2011, 03:42:47 AM
I'm down.

Shooting is one of my hobbies.

And even the x felons if we have any could shoot black powder. :)  I also LARP so I'm usually down for a few rounds of boffer practice too.
you can use black powder as a felon? that seems...strange.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 10, 2011, 06:05:48 AM
you can use black powder as a felon? that seems...strange.
Indeed.  Black powder weapons are not considered to be firearms legally.  You can buy them online just like a bow.

This actually makes sense since they are probably less effective than a crossbow if a crazy person wanted to cause harm.

Boffer? (

My gf shot this vid over the course of about 5 months.  It's funny because it is not in chronological order but you can see my rapid weight loss in it... lol

I got fat when I moved from WV to TX.  Boffer fighting is one of the things I do now to stay in somewhat decent shape.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 10, 2011, 03:55:27 PM
I am WAY too out of shape for Boffer fighting...I get tired watching other people exercise...8P
Sadly, and for good reasons, I do not own a gun otherwise I'd be down for some target shooting.

Bear, you DO know that Hawaii is on the opposite side of the country form Florida right? 8)
You might want to look into more of a Caribbean influence (Voudoun etc) or possibly Hispanic/old European (to Represent Cuban/Puerto Rican influences in the area). Part of the campaign will revolve around ancient Greek Mythology. The newest club in town is Called "Club Siren" and is run by a woman named "Kalliope Athenopolus"; There'll be more info on her come Sunday.
As a note you said your GG was thinking about a were-tiger, may want to make it a were-cougar as they are native to Florida and won't stick out quite so much, unless sticking out is her intention! I'm not going to say she can't do the tiger, but it's something to consider as police will be more likely to chase down a tiger on the loose than a cougar. But it could also make a fun catch as well...8)

Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 10, 2011, 06:45:28 PM
I am WAY too out of shape for Boffer fighting...I get tired watching other people exercise...8P
Sadly, and for good reasons, I do not own a gun otherwise I'd be down for some target shooting.
I understand.  No worries. :)

Bear, you DO know that Hawaii is on the opposite side of the country form Florida right? 8)

Indeed!  My (perhaps somewhat sketchy) rationale is that Pele is one of the most powerful goddesses/demons/fae still walking the earth.  People still actually worship her, fear her, and even avoid construction to avoid angering her.  She has a lot of mojo....

And she is also a goddess of destruction - a jealous one at that.

I will be posting my character for peer review on this forum in another day or two, but the idea is that my character wants to help people, but he feels lost and while just a lowly evocator he was feeling vastly underpowered.  This was why he accepted power from such a questionable source.  The item of power he has will not only be a way to help mitigate his refresh (it contains all of his sponsored magice - /all/ of it.) but also provides a way for Pele to feed on the violence around him.

Pele is stuck on a little group of islands where not a lot happens anymore violence-wise, so she invests power in special individuals to experience it vicariously.  As a representative progresses, she invests more power into them.  This is my justification in-game for a character taking on more powers if/when he gets more refresh.

As such, he will be subtly compelled to seek out violence.  He does not know that the artifact does this... so it's a pretty insidious compel.  I was thinking that if the campaign lasts long enough, this could even become a plot point for something.

Anyway, the point is that heading to a hotspot while he is wandering to unknowingly jump into a fray created by other gods sounds like exactly the sort of thing he would be lead to do right now since he doesn't have much of a purpose or direction.

You might want to look into more of a Caribbean influence (Voudoun etc) or possibly Hispanic/old European (to Represent Cuban/Puerto Rican influences in the area). Part of the campaign will revolve around ancient Greek Mythology. The newest club in town is Called "Club Siren" and is run by a woman named "Kalliope Athenopolus"; There'll be more info on her come Sunday.

As a note you said your GG was thinking about a were-tiger, may want to make it a were-cougar as they are native to Florida and won't stick out quite so much, unless sticking out is her intention! I'm not going to say she can't do the tiger, but it's something to consider as police will be more likely to chase down a tiger on the loose than a cougar. But it could also make a fun catch as well...8)

I will bring it up with her, but I think she wants to be a white tiger.  Being so out of place would be a great compel, though.  Her character concept is that she was a lonely girl who dabbled in magic but never actually did anything all that fantastic before... until she was almost raped and killed in an alley.  In the clarity before she was actually hurt, after her clothes were torn off, she transformed into a white tiger and killed the rapist.

Since then she has been compelled to patrol her campus and try to watch over other girls, but she is not very good at it because she is rubbish at violence.  She's also painfully shy and she knows next to nothing about the supernatural.

I really like the concept - that of a relatively powerful power in someone who knows so little about what is going on.  Not only that, she is new to roleplaying so keeping her role closer to her real personality may be easier for her to roleplay.

We shall see.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 10, 2011, 06:47:35 PM
double post
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 10, 2011, 07:08:48 PM
Sounds good, but did you need to quote yourself for that?...8)
I need to check on what I posted on meetup and see if there are any questions or comment there, but I can't/won't check it form work.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 10, 2011, 08:19:01 PM
Sounds good, but did you need to quote yourself for that?...8)
I need to check on what I posted on meetup and see if there are any questions or comment there, but I can't/won't check it form work.

I didn't mean to quote myself. :/

And I will check it now.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 10, 2011, 08:26:16 PM
I'm going to work on finishing my character today, so I will consider the campaign in question while doing so.

I was thinking that a really easy way to get my character to go just about anywhere is to have one of his old battle buddies from the military ask for help.

For instance, if someone my character used to know has a  son/father/wife/daughter etc has gone missing and he or she calls my character for help due to the rumors of his supernatural circles.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 10, 2011, 08:38:13 PM
I'm thinking the group as a whole will have to find at least one or more mutually shared contacts that can bring the group together for different purposes. There are few potential contacts in place that could fit the bill but I will recommend the group create one for themselves. At the very least create an organization of your own with a specific charter and purpose.
With no Warden for Miami all of the local Supernaturals, Practitioners are pretty much on their own so I expect to see a certain amount of clumping together for mutual defense.
There are actually a few groups already in town for such a purpose including the Silver Fox Society; a bunch of old and retired Practitioners including at least one former, but now mostly senile, Wizard of the White Council.

As I recall Pele is a Volcano/Fire Goddess as well, if you start drawing that kind of power, whether accidental or otherwise, can imagine just how much damage that can do. Expect to spend a lot of refresh containing overflow...8)
I'm not sure whether the local Bokors will love you or fear you...likely both! Of course being so far away from her base of power will limit the access a bit...but once she gets going...
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 10, 2011, 08:56:07 PM
I'm thinking the group as a whole will have to find at least one or more mutually shared contacts that can bring the group together for different purposes. There are few potential contacts in place that could fit the bill but I will recommend the group create one for themselves. At the very least create an organization of your own with a specific charter and purpose.
With no Warden for Miami all of the local Supernaturals, Practitioners are pretty much on their own so I expect to see a certain amount of clumping together for mutual defense.
There are actually a few groups already in town for such a purpose including the Silver Fox Society; a bunch of old and retired Practitioners including at least one former, but now mostly senile, Wizard of the White Council.

This sounds really interesting.  I'm liking the sound of this campaign more and more.

As I recall Pele is a Volcano/Fire Goddess as well,
Indeed.  She is also a goddess of lightning and dance.  If my character gets oked, I think the lightning aspect would be most appropriate for him to use more often since he is primarily a spirit and air evocator.

[quote[if you start drawing that kind of power, whether accidental or otherwise, can imagine just how much damage that can do. Expect to spend a lot of refresh containing overflow...8)

Uh oh!  :P

I'm not sure whether the local Bokors will love you or fear you...likely both! Of course being so far away from her base of power will limit the access a bit...but once she gets going...

Both is great.  I'm really angling for more of a Kinkaid-esque anti hero with this character.  He's working for the greater good, but he is also an extreme pragmatist and a killer.  He admires the good guys but he can never be one himself.  He's not really trying to play the part of a leader either.  He's lost.  I want his path to redemption and his lack of a path to be a large part of his character....

Oh yeah, and eventually chasing down his x wife - who is a BC vamp now. :)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 10, 2011, 09:37:05 PM
You have no idea how many evil ideas you just added to my plans...8)

Just so you have an idea of what kind of GM I am; I ran a Legend of the Five Rings (Samurai fantasy action) a few years back. One of the characters was a fourteen-year old Samurai-Ko with a AND case of Hero-worship for the most Legendary swordsman and ladies man of their time. By the end of the game she'd found out her Hero was a drunkard, I had melted half of her body and tainted her. But in the end the hero turned out to be her Grandfather and Heir to the Throne, she got purified and became the next Empress. Then their was the Tattooed monk who'd pissed off ALL of the Elemental spirits, or at least his parents had, so he had to do penance for their errors...this included purifying a river by removing tainted sludge with a basket he had to weave himself, fill a valley with wind-chimes and flutes so the air could sing, apply Feng Shui to a mountain by moving boulders around and lastly had to learn to build fireworks form scratch with NO help...that last bit was a hysterical amount of fun...there were MANY explosions...8)
Give me ammo and I will use it...and hopefully you will like it...8)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 10, 2011, 11:06:24 PM

Give me ammo and I will use it...and hopefully you will like it...8)

That's the idea. :)

The more character flaws or troubles a character has, the easier it is for the GM, the more fun players have, and the more room for advancement there is.

Win win. :)

Not only that, I pride myself on my ability to tie everything together logically.  I really like how this character's backstory is coming together. 
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: quizboy on January 11, 2011, 07:43:34 PM
Well, since there are a couple of character concepts thrown out for Sunday's game, I wanted to chime in, as I have a couple of ideas.  I'm getting excited about the game getting off the ground! :)
I will probably wait to flesh out the characters themselves until the group meets so that we can get a feel for what will fit well with the group.

My first idea is an apprentice to Injun Joe--from a Native American background.  ("Council Connections," "inherited item," "Nature knows the way.")

My second idea is a character on the way to being a wizard (when the refresh is high enough); maybe a bookworm sort; a know it all; someone who believes knowledge is more important than anything else, and that gets her in trouble.  ("Bookwyrm," "knowledge fixes everything," "quiet--easily missed/ignored," "know it all," "remembers too much (eidetic memory), "maybe some synesthesia elements.")

I also like the idea of being the Warden's apprentice mentioned earlier, so I might change the Injun Joe apprentice concept to Missing Warden apprentice.  After writing some of this down, I may combine these two into a single character concept (just cut out the extra concepts to prevent the character from being too busy).

See you Sunday!

Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 11, 2011, 08:32:02 PM
Well, since there are a couple of character concepts thrown out for Sunday's game, I wanted to chime in, as I have a couple of ideas.  I'm getting excited about the game getting off the ground! :)
I will probably wait to flesh out the characters themselves until the group meets so that we can get a feel for what will fit well with the group.

My first idea is an apprentice to Injun Joe--from a Native American background.  ("Council Connections," "inherited item," "Nature knows the way.")

My second idea is a character on the way to being a wizard (when the refresh is high enough); maybe a bookworm sort; a know it all; someone who believes knowledge is more important than anything else, and that gets her in trouble.  ("Bookwyrm," "knowledge fixes everything," "quiet--easily missed/ignored," "know it all," "remembers too much (eidetic memory), "maybe some synesthesia elements.")

I also like the idea of being the Warden's apprentice mentioned earlier, so I might change the Injun Joe apprentice concept to Missing Warden apprentice.  After writing some of this down, I may combine these two into a single character concept (just cut out the extra concepts to prevent the character from being too busy).

See you Sunday!


Those all sound like great ideas!

I think we may be starting at a submerged refresh level... in which case if you didn't want to just start with a wizard you could just keep a bunch of fate points and eventually upgrade your character at different milestones.  That would probably be fun. :)

I'm still working on my character and my gf keeps changing her mind.  Now she wants to be a changeling instead of a were-tiger.  :P
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 12, 2011, 01:55:52 AM
Can I just be a guy who had a run in with the Super Natural, did some research and figured out that the world is a lie and that protecting people from "The Bad Guys" is a better hobby than World of Warcraft?
Basically I just want to be me. A Gun loving Texan, who reads too much sci-fi , plays too many video games, and like to blow up evil creatures.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 12, 2011, 02:24:07 AM
Can I just be a guy who had a run in with the Super Natural, did some research and figured out that the world is a lie and that protecting people from "The Bad Guys" is a better hobby than World of Warcraft?
Basically I just want to be me. A Gun loving Texan, who reads too much sci-fi , plays too many video games, and like to blow up evil creatures.

I don't see why not.

If you don't take any supernatural abilities, you get two extra refresh.  Then you can choose to buy mortal stunts with your fate points or just keep them all to use in-game.

I personally think it would be cool to just have all the fate points.  That would allow you to be a /lucky/ sci-fi loving, video game playing, evil creature blowing up Texan.

With 12+ fate points at your disposal, you could modify just about every important roll you did during a scene.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 12, 2011, 03:03:59 PM
Pure Mortal is perfectly acceptable. I figured someone would want to play one and it maybe useful for working with certain groups (Like the Florida Militia).

As a note I am going to set the overall Power level to "Chest-Deep" but you can choose to play as "Feet in the Water" or "Up to your Waist". There will eventually be bonuses for playing lower-powered characters, I just haven't decide what they will be yet. See what we end up with for characters.
Mind you. some of the NPC's will be fully submerged.

I plan to bring info packets for everybody; 1 Basic Setup, 1 City Themes & Threats (the intention is to have players come up with more along the line) and something called the 3x3x3 which is a character-building tool I use in other Campaigns. Basically its a list of 9 people/beings the character will know. Its  alot like the character development process but some of these are also intended to tie into the City Creation process. Its a list of 3 friends/allies, 3 contacts and 3 rivals/enemies. The 3x3x3 sheet will also include a list of 20+ Character Development Questions.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 12, 2011, 07:05:32 PM
Pure Mortal is perfectly acceptable. I figured someone would want to play one and it maybe useful for working with certain groups (Like the Florida Militia).

As a note I am going to set the overall Power level to "Chest-Deep" but you can choose to play as "Feet in the Water" or "Up to your Waist". There will eventually be bonuses for playing lower-powered characters, I just haven't decide what they will be yet. See what we end up with for characters.
Mind you. some of the NPC's will be fully submerged.

I plan to bring info packets for everybody; 1 Basic Setup, 1 City Themes & Threats (the intention is to have players come up with more along the line) and something called the 3x3x3 which is a character-building tool I use in other Campaigns. Basically its a list of 9 people/beings the character will know. Its  alot like the character development process but some of these are also intended to tie into the City Creation process. Its a list of 3 friends/allies, 3 contacts and 3 rivals/enemies. The 3x3x3 sheet will also include a list of 20+ Character Development Questions.

So I absolutely cannot start out with a submerged character?

Hmm.  I can't think of any possible way that I'd be able to play the character I want with lower fate points.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 12, 2011, 07:38:41 PM
As this will be my first time running the game I'd like to keep the power level limited until I can get a handle on the system and such. Eventually it will upgrade but not to start with. Chest-Deep is good enough to make a wizard so a Focused Practitioner shouldn't be an issue, but you may have to lose one of the Items of Power. I looked over the character you had posted but until I get a book to compare numbers I can't make any other calls.
Not so sure about the GF character; a were-pixie?...rofl, funny in thought but in practice...dunno. Have to think on that. Every game I've seen a pixie-type character played in they have annoyed the crap out of me. May have to add a compel "Can't fly when wings are wet"...(Its an Earthdawn thing).
Again these will not be finalized until after we meet and greet on Sunday.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 12, 2011, 08:05:13 PM
As this will be my first time running the game I'd like to keep the power level limited until I can get a handle on the system and such. Eventually it will upgrade but not to start with. Chest-Deep is good enough to make a wizard so a Focused Practitioner shouldn't be an issue, but you may have to lose one of the Items of Power. I looked over the character you had posted but until I get a book to compare numbers I can't make any other calls.
Not so sure about the GF character; a were-pixie?...rofl, funny in thought but in practice...dunno. Have to think on that. Every game I've seen a pixie-type character played in they have annoyed the crap out of me. May have to add a compel "Can't fly when wings are wet"...(Its an Earthdawn thing).
Again these will not be finalized until after we meet and greet on Sunday.

Ok fair enough.  My reluctance comes from the fact that actually travelling to Hawaii is a large part of how my character gets his mojo.

I would be willing to even have a "static" character for a while who does not progress with everyone else until the refresh levels have caught up.

I've been working on this particular character as I've read the book now, and I know it sounds petulant, but I really have taken a liking to the concept. :)

My gf doesn't really care.  And I could probably just take a few of her abilities away to bring her down to the next refresh level.  Her character is not much of a combatant anyway.

I just thought that the idea of a grandson/grandaughter of Zeus having a kid with a fairy was a pretty funny and unique idea. :)

As for the annoying bit, both my gf and her character are painfully shy.  If anything, the character will play like a skulking, quiet, introverted sneaker.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 12, 2011, 08:17:18 PM
Funnily I wrote up a concept today for an Asian Changeling Character who's father is the Thunder Dragon.
...Then there is the not-too-bright former White Court Virgin who's true love was murdered by her family for breaking her curse so now she hunts them with a vengeance...unfortunately the only tools in her arsenal are a lot of luck and a great fashion sense...8)

I wouldn't worry too much about not being able to access the power; Pele has many names and can be many places...
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 12, 2011, 08:20:51 PM
ROFL...just had a great idea; a Were-Cat...turns into a common Household Cat. Then goes and makes cute with rich people until they let her into their homes, transforms back at night, steals all their stuff then switches again and sneaks out...a true "Cat-burglar"...8)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 12, 2011, 08:30:37 PM
ROFL...just had a great idea; a Were-Cat...turns into a common Household Cat. Then goes and makes cute with rich people until they let her into their homes, transforms back at night, steals all their stuff then switches again and sneaks out...a true "Cat-burglar"...8)

That is pretty funny. :P  I am going to bring ideas like that up with my gf.  Honestly, I am not sure at this point if she will play.  She may be too shy.

As for the power thing...

If I started at a lower refresh rate, I'd have to leave open most of my fate points since most of my character's abilities are tied up in his deal with Pele.

Hmm.  ::me no likey::

Oh well, bitching about refresh rate and irritating the GM can wait until the weekend.  Maybe I can bring everyone snacks and they will be kind (and permissive) with me. :)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 12, 2011, 08:44:56 PM
You can tell her she'll be fine. I don't bite unless asked, and never another guys girl...8)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 12, 2011, 08:48:44 PM
You can tell her she'll be fine. I don't bite unless asked, and never another guys girl...8)

Lol ok I will let her know.

She's more worried right now about the math and the system.

This will be the first RPG either of us plays in but I have the geeky background for a smoother transition. :P
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 12, 2011, 09:03:44 PM
There's math?
This system has the least math I've ever seen and I've been playing/running games for almost 30 years...8)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 13, 2011, 01:33:54 AM
There's math?
This system has the least math I've ever seen and I've been playing/running games for almost 30 years...8)

That's one of the reasons I wanted to start with this system... well, that and my fanboi love of the Dresden Files series.... :P

BTW, I think your idea for starting everyone at different power levels is really gritty and cool.

I've talked to my gf more, and she says she doesn't care what she plays as except she wants to be really little.  So... ::shrug::
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: deathwombat on January 13, 2011, 05:16:37 AM
Good luck ya'll!!
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 14, 2011, 03:17:21 PM
Looking forward to seeing folks on Sunday!
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 14, 2011, 06:25:55 PM
Looking forward to seeing folks on Sunday!

It will be epic.  It's looking like there will be a lot of people too.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 14, 2011, 07:06:10 PM
Sadly the work printer I was using to print files crapped out after 1 run of the Themes and Threats but hopefully I otherwise have enough packets for everyone. If not I'll get everyone's Email and send them out after wards.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 14, 2011, 07:09:02 PM
Sadly the work printer I was using to print files crapped out after 1 run of the Themes and Threats but hopefully I otherwise have enough packets for everyone. If not I'll get everyone's Email and send them out after wards.

IT would be neat if we could get some sort of mailing list for everyone who shows up.

If all the people show up who said they were going to, we should have enough people to form two groups easily.

Since we will be presumably gaming at the same place (Dragon's Lair) the GMs could maybe even organize epic crossovers to mix things up.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 14, 2011, 07:37:02 PM
We shall see. There were some folks here and in other places who haven't posted back in a bit so I dunno how many will actually show up...could get crowded with only 1 table available...8P

In the meantime I'll be looking over my own character concepts, in case I get to play instead of run...8)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 14, 2011, 08:25:53 PM
HAd a couple of thoughts for you Bear, well one for you one for your GF...

I may have a nemesis of the Were-Pixie...a 14-year old boy who runs around with a butterfly net and a mason jar muttering something about Needing an extra life...8) (Yes this is obviously intended to be humorous, but I may consider making something like this but with a much more sinister edge...who couldn't find a use for pixie-blood?
After reading through your thread about the two characters I have had some other thoughts as well;
For her I'd say limit her to a Fae Changeling or an Olympian Changeling but not both. A three-way tie for the soul doesn't make a lot of sense from the standpoint that it doesn't seem like it would physically be possible. She could have had a half-Fae mother and half-Olympian father, but at that point the human half would be far more overwhelming and the overall power would be kind of diluted. I also think it may be too confusing for her as a first-time gamer. For the setting I have in mind an Olympian Changeling would fit beautifully.

For your character I might allow the Refresh 10 with a few caveats; Only 35 skill points (As if Chest-Deep power level)
- All of your supernatural powers except the Wizard Health are tied to the Hook. If you lose it you have NO supernatural powers at all. This would count as a +3 Catch.
- In addition if the Hook is ever Lost or Stolen you will have an automatic Compel to drop whatever you are doing to look for it. This can range from the "Stop! I dropped my hook on the ground, help me find it!" to "My nemesis has stolen my Hook and is going to melt it down.". This will not apply if you are still in close proximity (20' x Discipline Modifier) to the Hook, even if not in possession of it (You will know when you are within close proximity to the Hook.). You can of course spend a Refresh to cancel this effect for a number of hours equal to your Discipline Modifier; -1 cumulative for each time the refresh has been used for this purpose. 
- I'm also thinking about adding on a "Punishment Clause" where you have to perform some kind of Painful Obeisance to Pele to Reactivate the Hook's powers; typically will involve some form of self-mutilation by fire. Between the above Catch and Compel with this Clause it would cover the +5 you would need to have an effective refresh of 10. 
Note: As Pele is also an island Goddess I'm thinking a Catch related to being in water isn't really going to work, but again we can talk about it on Sunday.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 14, 2011, 09:22:25 PM
HAd a couple of thoughts for you Bear, well one for you one for your GF...

I may have a nemesis of the Were-Pixie...a 14-year old boy who runs around with a butterfly net and a mason jar muttering something about Needing an extra life...8) (Yes this is obviously intended to be humorous, but I may consider making something like this but with a much more sinister edge...who couldn't find a use for pixie-blood?
After reading through your thread about the two characters I have had some other thoughts as well;
For her I'd say limit her to a Fae Changeling or an Olympian Changeling but not both. A three-way tie for the soul doesn't make a lot of sense from the standpoint that it doesn't seem like it would physically be possible. She could have had a half-Fae mother and half-Olympian father, but at that point the human half would be far more overwhelming and the overall power would be kind of diluted. I also think it may be too confusing for her as a first-time gamer. For the setting I have in mind an Olympian Changeling would fit beautifully.

For your character I might allow the Refresh 10 with a few caveats; Only 35 skill points (As if Chest-Deep power level)
- All of your supernatural powers except the Wizard Health are tied to the Hook. If you lose it you have NO supernatural powers at all. This would count as a +3 Catch.
- In addition if the Hook is ever Lost or Stolen you will have an automatic Compel to drop whatever you are doing to look for it. This can range from the "Stop! I dropped my hook on the ground, help me find it!" to "My nemesis has stolen my Hook and is going to melt it down.". This will not apply if you are still in close proximity (20' x Discipline Modifier) to the Hook, even if not in possession of it (You will know when you are within close proximity to the Hook.). You can of course spend a Refresh to cancel this effect for a number of hours equal to your Discipline Modifier; -1 cumulative for each time the refresh has been used for this purpose. 
- I'm also thinking about adding on a "Punishment Clause" where you have to perform some kind of Painful Obeisance to Pele to Reactivate the Hook's powers; typically will involve some form of self-mutilation by fire. Between the above Catch and Compel with this Clause it would cover the +5 you would need to have an effective refresh of 10. 
Note: As Pele is also an island Goddess I'm thinking a Catch related to being in water isn't really going to work, but again we can talk about it on Sunday.

These are utterly /fantastic/ ideas!  I love it!  I would be 100% ok with tying all of my gifted supernatural power to the hook.  That said, Ethan's basic evocation is not tied to the hook.  That is what he had to being with to get "noticed"

Since all the power listed would be tied to the hook, wouldn't that be a +5 refresh, though?  I had +3 refresh for all 3 physical power (a +1 "catch" for all 3) and the +2 for the hook.

My idea was to give my opponents an huge equalizer (Like Nic's noose) and eventually add another level or two of supernatural abilities so if the hook is taken away Ethan doesn't go back to being /completely/ vanilla physically.

But yes, if the hook is ever stolen, Ethan is going to have to go after it.  Not only does most of his power come from that source... it would be a /bad/ thing to piss off Pele.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 15, 2011, 01:03:39 AM
so if this becomes a weekly thing, like what day would we meet?
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 15, 2011, 02:44:21 AM
so if this becomes a weekly thing, like what day would we meet?

No clue.  I am guessing Sunday...

I'm also guessing that his will be brought up when we meet.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 15, 2011, 04:37:13 AM
I'm hoping after 6 on sundays, or Sat anytime works for me
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 15, 2011, 10:33:28 AM
I'm hoping after 6 on sundays, or Sat anytime works for me

I would kind of like it to be moved later too.

I guess we will just have to see what everyone says. :)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 15, 2011, 03:39:59 PM
i just work 9-5 sundays,  had to pull some strings to get off on time this sunday (even then im finding out today if its 100% for sure)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 16, 2011, 03:00:31 AM
1-4 tomorrow (sunday) right?

I am stoked.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 16, 2011, 03:02:26 AM
coming a little late to the party as ive been out of the loop for awhile (picked up a new post for NG and ive been really busy with it). Are we playing sunday? or we just doing a meet in and greet got a decent character idea about a guardian angel.  Basicaly a human that has a bit of the divine and is now "a pawn of heaven."

If we are playing whats the refresh? Like i said really sorry been gone for the last few days.

Ren dont worry, i made my living on active duty doing math, i was a combat engineer for 4 years then artillery for the last 8.

Bear i was thinking of having my character be xmilitary as well. seening how as they can end up anywhere, not to mention McDill AFB is right there and for stories sake some shady stuff could have been going on there.

bear: My wife tried to play back when we were dating (college about 9 years ago), if your GF is to shy i dont think i can get my wife to get down there tomorrow (shes using this time to go to HEB, Target ect.) but the possibility is she might show up once or twice, not to play but just to hang out.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 16, 2011, 03:46:25 AM
coming a little late to the party as ive been out of the loop for awhile (picked up a new post for NG and ive been really busy with it). Are we playing sunday? or we just doing a meet in and greet got a decent character idea about a guardian angel.  Basicaly a human that has a bit of the divine and is now "a pawn of heaven."

If we are playing whats the refresh? Like i said really sorry been gone for the last few days.

Ren dont worry, i made my living on active duty doing math, i was a combat engineer for 4 years then artillery for the last 8.

Bear i was thinking of having my character be xmilitary as well. seening how as they can end up anywhere, not to mention McDill AFB is right there and for stories sake some shady stuff could have been going on there.

bear: My wife tried to play back when we were dating (college about 9 years ago), if your GF is to shy i dont think i can get my wife to get down there tomorrow (shes using this time to go to HEB, Target ect.) but the possibility is she might show up once or twice, not to play but just to hang out.

It's looking like whoever is actually running the game(s) the power levels could be all over the place, but I hear 7 refresh most often.

I think it is just a meet and greet.  Probably to establish groups and start setting up the city(ies).

I think the idea of an x military type who is now beholden to heaven pretty good.  Kind of like the priest in "The Warrior"... but less crazy.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 16, 2011, 10:29:06 AM
Good to hear form you Zegion, was beginning to worry you'd dropped off the face of the earth!
Arty man eh? Fine, you can do all the math...8)

Today is just a meet and greet to see how many people have interest, figure out group(s) and scheduling and hopefully do some city and character-creation.

Of note, it be an interesting take if everyone is ex-military then you could have all met a the local VA or even some local event or at the very least have a good reason to come together as a group...and to be apart for those that can't make it regularly.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 16, 2011, 05:48:58 PM

Meeting is in a little over an hour!

Be there.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 16, 2011, 11:48:01 PM
COOL to meet everyone. Sorry if I seemed kinda out of it, I am just now learning all this RPG stuff. Also that store is like nerd paradise, I stayed an extra 20 minutes just looking at comics afterward.
Gonna see if I can work Sat instead of Sundays, or work 8-4 sundays from now on
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 17, 2011, 01:47:06 AM
Looks like it will be a good group of folks, even if considerably larger than I'd normally run, but I think I can manage it.
It occurs to me that in certain situations I could even have someone co-Gm who is possibly involved in downtime actions, especially in situations where there just needs to be a resolution and not so much a role-play thing.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 17, 2011, 07:13:19 AM
COOL to meet everyone. Sorry if I seemed kinda out of it, I am just now learning all this RPG stuff. Also that store is like nerd paradise, I stayed an extra 20 minutes just looking at comics afterward.
Gonna see if I can work Sat instead of Sundays, or work 8-4 sundays from now on

That would be fantastic.

It's looking like we are going to cover a lot of ground very quickly if our schedule is up to snuff and stays the way we envision it.

I'm stoked that we could potentially have such an engaging story in a relatively short amount of time.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: deathwombat on January 18, 2011, 02:45:45 AM
Keep u s posted
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 18, 2011, 02:08:59 PM
Well like any good GM there are a few Themes I have left hidden for the time being...they only know SOME of the potential problems facing them...8)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 18, 2011, 04:30:46 PM
I just had a fun idea. Since there are a fair bunch of folks in the group who are gun buffs and owners it might be cool to have a group outing to the Gun Range. I think it would be a fun little group bonding experience...8)
I'll send out an email tonight.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 18, 2011, 05:21:30 PM
you can never have enough fingerprints on a gun
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 18, 2011, 06:36:36 PM
I just had a fun idea. Since there are a fair bunch of folks in the group who are gun buffs and owners it might be cool to have a group outing to the Gun Range. I think it would be a fun little group bonding experience...8)
I'll send out an email tonight.

I will be game.

I am still teaking my zero on a couple of new rifles and I want to test out my new laser on my carry pistol.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 18, 2011, 07:24:35 PM
Teaking? You're using wood on your rifles? Isn't plastic lighter?
(Yes I know you meant tWeaking...but Teaking...that's funny!)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 18, 2011, 08:04:17 PM
I will be game.

I am still teaking my zero on a couple of new rifles and I want to test out my new laser on my carry pistol.

Rifles is where I fall short, I dont own any, shot very few.
I need to zero my shotgun, but I'm thinking of scrapping the scope and getting something better, but its like anything worth a damn costs more than my shotgun  >:(. Also Eagle Peak is great for rifle and pistols, but wont let you shoot slugs from the bench rest, they have a little area for testing patterns on shotguns, and an area for  clays, and thats it
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 18, 2011, 08:44:59 PM
Teaking? You're using wood on your rifles? Isn't plastic lighter?
(Yes I know you meant tWeaking...but Teaking...that's funny!)

Ha.  Ha.  :P

Rifles is where I fall short, I dont own any, shot very few.
I need to zero my shotgun, but I'm thinking of scrapping the scope and getting something better, but its like anything worth a damn costs more than my shotgun  >:(. Also Eagle Peak is great for rifle and pistols, but wont let you shoot slugs from the bench rest, they have a little area for testing patterns on shotguns, and an area for  clays, and thats it
For your shotgun I suggest a red dot.  Red dots are good to about 300 to 400 meters if you have decent eyesight, they're fast, and a shotgun doesn't have much range beyond 100 yards.  It would be perfect for you.

I suggest a Millet Red dot.  They cost about $100 and they will get the job done.  I used one on my AR before I sold it.

As for Eagle Peak, I don't like going there.  They have a fantastic setup, but they won't allow FMJ rifle rounds there.  That sucks because hollow point 5.56 rounds are friggin expensive.

As for me...

I have a few firearms but my two favorite are my XD-9 Subcompact and my MSAR E4.  The MSAR takes AR mags and I put an Israeli MARS sight on it with a visible spectrum laser.



Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 18, 2011, 09:24:09 PM
I've never liked the Steyr-AUG or its clones, they just look too odd. Feels like my hand could accidentally hit the barrel if it slipped.
I do like the idea of a Bull-pup weapon, it just make so much sense to me to keep the size down but retain the barrel length.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 18, 2011, 11:13:33 PM
I've never liked the Steyr-AUG or its clones, they just look too odd. Feels like my hand could accidentally hit the barrel if it slipped.
I do like the idea of a Bull-pup weapon, it just make so much sense to me to keep the size down but retain the barrel length.

Maybe if you mess with mine you will change your mind...  :)  But yes, I like bullpup weapons too.

I already have a reservation for a Kel Tec KSG when they come out.

It is a 12 gauge pump action bullpup with a 14+1 shell capacity.  It has two feed tubes that can be switched between while in operation.



Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 19, 2011, 12:00:54 AM
Ha.  Ha.  :P
For your shotgun I suggest a red dot.  Red dots are good to about 300 to 400 meters if you have decent eyesight, they're fast, and a shotgun doesn't have much range beyond 100 yards.  It would be perfect for you.

I suggest a Millet Red dot.  They cost about $100 and they will get the job done.  I used one on my AR before I sold it.

As for Eagle Peak, I don't like going there.  They have a fantastic setup, but they won't allow FMJ rifle rounds there.  That sucks because hollow point 5.56 rounds are friggin expensive.

As for me...

I have a few firearms but my two favorite are my XD-9 Subcompact and my MSAR E4.  The MSAR takes AR mags and I put an Israeli MARS sight on it with a visible spectrum laser.
Yeah I'm going the red dot route. Just need to find one that can handle the recoil of shooting slugs, compared to buckshot/rifle rounds, without breaking, losing zero.

I believe the FMJ rule is because they dont have a certain amount of yardage of their property per state law or insurance regulations. I dont think Reds lets you either. I mean I like Eagle Peak, because I go during the day on Mondays and there is no one there, so I can call cease fires whenever I want, take my time, and occasionally double tap (if no one is around). So I figure, just sneak in some FMJs mixed in with a HPs in a HP box.
I went with a Glock 26 1. because they werent making XD Subcompacts yet 2. I like 9mm for practice (it's cheap) 3. It's smaller than a 17 or 19 but shoots the same (For me) more or less. I wish I would have gotten a 27 and a conversion barrell so I could pratice with mostly  9mm, and carry 40 everyday

I think Z said way back when, that when he was APD he carried an S&W MP40.

Thats a neat looking shotgun, I always wonder why the double magazine tube idea was never used, probably due to some gun makers wanting their shotguns to be associated with Hunting and not Self Defense (Remington for example)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 19, 2011, 12:08:39 AM
Yeah I'm going the red dot route. Just need to find one that can handle the recoil of shooting slugs, compared to buckshot/rifle rounds, without breaking, losing zero.

Millets will work.  A cheap Simmons will too and you can get them for 30 bucks.


Simplicity in red dots go a long way towards handling recoil.

I dont think Reds lets you either.

They do but Red's is run by a bunch of dickheads so I don't go there anymore.

As for glocks, I used to have a Glock 23 and a conversion barrel to 9mm.  It was a good combo.

Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 19, 2011, 12:20:28 AM
Millets will work.  A cheap Simmons will too and you can get them for 30 bucks.


Simplicity in red dots go a long way towards handling recoil.
They do but Red's is run by a bunch of dickheads so I don't go there anymore.

As for glocks, I used to have a Glock 23 and a conversion barrel to 9mm.  It was a good combo.

agreed, 15 bucks an hour to sit in a hot lead filled room? I think not. Also dont need the "Gun Store" 'tude they seem to swagger around with.
The best place I've been is the Academy at 1431, Shorter guy with a mustache *Ray or Roy?* and the guy who runs that hunting classes are the two nicest guys you can find, also they have Patience out the wazoo.
That or the guys at "The Gun Store" in Cedar Park at Buttercup Creek, nice guys, just too $$$ and never the stuff I'm looking for. They did help me when I first started, by teaching me how to clean, and take down my first pistol. They do have a good range of Ammo though, some nice high end stuff.

Also your Rifle looks bad ass, btw.

I'm gonna check out Millet.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 19, 2011, 03:05:05 AM
I was thinking....disney world is in orlando not miami   ???
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 19, 2011, 04:02:17 AM
I was thinking....disney world is in orlando not miami   ???

Good point.  :P
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 19, 2011, 04:41:48 AM
I have a tendency to like "every day weapons." I know that doesn't make a whole heck of a lot of sense, but stripped down weapons are my fav. Not a singe one of my weapons has any upgrades other then a rail for a tac light for my M&P 40. The only other "upgrade" if you will are trinitum night sights. Im a firm believer its the man behind the weapon, not the weapon that makes it deadly. That said....

Really nice gunz.  I happen to be a real big fan of the styer and associated clones. A bull pup style weapon generally has less range then a carbine but most infantry engagements take place less then 200 yards, and both the M-4 (a carbine) and styre clones are awesome for room clearing.  The only thing that gets me with the styer and co. is their lack of accuracy. The weapon design and body mechanics make them a little less accurate then a "true" carbine.

As for Disney, orlando and Miami are really not that far apart.

BTW am i the only one that got excited and finished the majority of my character and background?
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 19, 2011, 04:49:15 AM

BTW am i the only one that got excited and finished the majority of my character and background?

I did my 20 questions (just email those to the GM?)
And am working on my 3X3X3s.
Found out my PC cant support word (?) so I am using the wifes Mac, which I hate.

Spent about an hour today rereading Dresden RPG book. Picked up some "Hello my name is" badges, and went to Barnes and Noble, but couldnt find a good Miami Map.

I say we either 1. Ignore the Miami/Orlando distance 2. Explain it away with a portal or Disney world expanded to Miami or something
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 19, 2011, 05:14:35 AM
I'm just having trouble with building a character. As in, Fate points, skills ect.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 19, 2011, 05:58:11 AM
I have a tendency to like "every day weapons." I know that doesn't make a whole heck of a lot of sense, but stripped down weapons are my fav. Not a singe one of my weapons has any upgrades other then a rail for a tac light for my M&P 40. The only other "upgrade" if you will are trinitum night sights. Im a firm believer its the man behind the weapon, not the weapon that makes it deadly. That said....

There's a lot of truth to what you are saying, but if gizmos didn't give the operator an edge, we'd all be shooting Mosin Nagants. :P

Really nice gunz.  I happen to be a real big fan of the styer and associated clones. A bull pup style weapon generally has less range then a carbine
How do you figure?  A bullpup weapon has the same length of barrel or longer than most other similar sized carbines.  My M-4 I used in the 'Stan had a 14.5" barrel (I think).  My E4 has a 16.5" barrel.
but most infantry engagements take place less then 200 yards, and both the M-4 (a carbine) and styre clones are awesome for room clearing. 
The only thing that gets me with the styer and co. is their lack of accuracy. The weapon design and body mechanics make them a little less accurate then a "true" carbine.
Bullpups in general tend to be less accurate due to the crappy trigger.  That said, the MSAR E4 trigger is better than an Aug trigger and I've also installed a Neu-Trigger.  It brought the trigger down to a crisp 6 lbs. or so.  Now it feels like an AR-15 trigger with just a little creep and I can deal with that.

As for Disney, orlando and Miami are really not that far apart.

BTW am i the only one that got excited and finished the majority of my character and background?

Most of the work on mine was already done before the first meeting... lol.  Right now I am revising Ashley's character and waiting on Ren's decision about what he will allow me to do with mine.  Basically, I think my character is done.  We just need to agree on semantics at this point.

Ashley's character is going to be mortal except for the IOP camera.  This is rather interesting.  The only two PCs with supernatural powers in our groups are going to be my character and our friendly neighborhood bookish wizard... I think.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 19, 2011, 05:59:57 AM
I'm just having trouble with building a character. As in, Fate points, skills ect.

If you need any help or input, feel free to contact me.  I have no life at the moment so my door is almost always open. :)
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 19, 2011, 01:48:54 PM
The accuracy and the range of the styr vs the M-4 (which was used by me in the Stan and Icrapx2), for once, has nothing to do with barrel length. Which for the rest of you is the normal determination for range. I read, that it has to do with the manufacturing and how much gas is expelled with in the breach.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 19, 2011, 02:59:50 PM
That KSG is pretty cool-looking, reloading must take forever but I'm curious to see how it fires.

Sorry I didn't get back to you last night Bear, I had to call my Mom for her 70th Birthday and it turned into something much more involved than I had planned.
I'll look over the character stuff later today and get back to you.

The 3x3x3 and 20 Questions is more for you all and I don't need it right away. When characters are fully written up and ready to go then I'd like to get a copy of everything in one package.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 19, 2011, 07:34:25 PM
Bear; after doing some reading and math this what I came up with. Sponsored Magic allows you to purchase Evocation or Thaumaturgy for (-2) each, not both for (-3). It took a little reading and re-reading of the Sponsored Magic section to figure it out but I'm fairly sure that's right. Giving a (+X) Catch for an Item of Power that already gave you a +2 Bonus is redundant especially when they are both implying the same effect/cost. I thought that a straight up bypassing by Sea-Water was probably far too common given the setting so making it Blessed Sea-water makes it rare enough for the +1 still. As it stands you'll still have to lose a few points somewhere; I'd recommend losing the Mortal Stunt and the Refinement for right now or possibly one of the Enhanced abilities. Though you could go with the Raw Power version and ditch Thaumaturgy for a more "here-and-now" approach to Magic.

Ethan White: [Base  Refresh of 8]

Stunts and  Powers:
Mortal Stunts:
Armed Arts(-1)

Wizard’s Constitution (-0)

Maui’s Fishhook; Item of Power (+2)
Imparted Abilities – “Pele’s Gift”
Evocation; Sponsored Magic (-2)
Elements; Spirit, Air, Light (Fire, Earth and Spirit?)

Item Slots – 2 focus, 4 enchanted
Ring; +2 spirit defensive conviction
Ring; 1 Offensive Light 3 times a day (aimed with guns)
Bracelet; 4 shift block 3 times a day  

Refinement(Evocation) (-1); Additional Item Slots

Thaumaturgy; Sponsored Magic (-2)

Enhanced Abilities:
Inhuman Strength(-2)
Inhuman Speed(-2)
Inhuman Toughness(-2)
- Toughness Catch (+1) – Can be Bypassed by Blessed Sea-Water (even if in solid form; i.e. Ice).

*The Catch Implied by an Item of Power is that if he ever loses the Hook he loses ALL of the abilities of Maui’s Fishhook until the item is recovered. He will always keep the Wizard’s Constitution even if for any reason he should ever lose the Hook permanently (Pele will make you live with what you have lost for as long as possible.). At the very least the extended life-time will give you more time to locate the lost Hook.

Total Cost of Stunts/Powers: (-12)
Refunded Points:  (+3)
Total Refresh: -1 (You’ll have to find a way to get back 2 points somewhere)

Note: No Specialization Bonuses for Sponsored Magic and Refinement can only be applied to Focus or Enchanted items.
Note: Also note that I recommended a different set of Elements that seem more fitting for a Goddess of Fire and Earth and was what I think you were going for anyway.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 19, 2011, 07:49:23 PM
The accuracy and the range of the styr vs the M-4 (which was used by me in the Stan and Icrapx2), for once, has nothing to do with barrel length. Which for the rest of you is the normal determination for range. I read, that it has to do with the manufacturing and how much gas is expelled with in the breach.

I am willing to buy that.  The design is one of the reasons most folks agree that a suppressor does not work as well on a bullpup either.

That said, the MSAR is a redesign made by an American company.  It's not quite the same as a Steyr.  So... I honestly don't know what the actual range on it is.  I do know that 300 meters targets are no problem and that is really what I got it for.

If I need to shoot anything further than that I'll grab one of my .270s. :P

That KSG is pretty cool-looking, reloading must take forever but I'm curious to see how it fires.

Sorry I didn't get back to you last night Bear, I had to call my Mom for her 70th Birthday and it turned into something much more involved than I had planned.
I'll look over the character stuff later today and get back to you.

The 3x3x3 and 20 Questions is more for you all and I don't need it right away. When characters are fully written up and ready to go then I'd like to get a copy of everything in one package.

Ok cool.  I'm looking forward to getting your reply.

I'm not really doing much today so I should be able to respond promptly.  I'm just modding Nerf guns today in preparation for a zombie LARP on Saturday.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 19, 2011, 09:24:23 PM
I'm not really doing much today so I should be able to respond promptly.  I'm just modding Nerf guns today in preparation for a zombie LARP on Saturday.
We did something like that back in community college but then they got all touchy about "Guns" at school.
But that sounds cool. my friends would often play "What if Zombies were real and what would you do right now" after some late night drinking sessions
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: deathwombat on January 19, 2011, 10:56:14 PM
I'm curious about the 20 questions I saw mentioned
Could I get a copy?
 I hope your game is lots of fun
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 19, 2011, 11:39:28 PM
Bear; after doing some reading and math this what I came up with. Sponsored Magic allows you to purchase Evocation or Thaumaturgy for (-2) each, not both for (-3). It took a little reading and re-reading of the Sponsored Magic section to figure it out but I'm fairly sure that's right. Giving a (+X) Catch for an Item of Power that already gave you a +2 Bonus is redundant especially when they are both implying the same effect/cost. I thought that a straight up bypassing by Sea-Water was probably far too common given the setting so making it Blessed Sea-water makes it rare enough for the +1 still. As it stands you'll still have to lose a few points somewhere; I'd recommend losing the Mortal Stunt and the Refinement for right now or possibly one of the Enhanced abilities. Though you could go with the Raw Power version and ditch Thaumaturgy for a more "here-and-now" approach to Magic.

Ethan White: [Base  Refresh of 8]

Stunts and  Powers:
Mortal Stunts:
Armed Arts(-1)

Wizard’s Constitution (-0)

Maui’s Fishhook; Item of Power (+2)
Imparted Abilities – “Pele’s Gift”
Evocation; Sponsored Magic (-2)
Elements; Spirit, Air, Light (Fire, Earth and Spirit?)

Item Slots – 2 focus, 4 enchanted
Ring; +2 spirit defensive conviction
Ring; 1 Offensive Light 3 times a day (aimed with guns)
Bracelet; 4 shift block 3 times a day  

Refinement(Evocation) (-1); Additional Item Slots

Thaumaturgy; Sponsored Magic (-2)

Enhanced Abilities:
Inhuman Strength(-2)
Inhuman Speed(-2)
Inhuman Toughness(-2)
- Toughness Catch (+1) – Can be Bypassed by Blessed Sea-Water (even if in solid form; i.e. Ice).

*The Catch Implied by an Item of Power is that if he ever loses the Hook he loses ALL of the abilities of Maui’s Fishhook until the item is recovered. He will always keep the Wizard’s Constitution even if for any reason he should ever lose the Hook permanently (Pele will make you live with what you have lost for as long as possible.). At the very least the extended life-time will give you more time to locate the lost Hook.

Total Cost of Stunts/Powers: (-12)
Refunded Points:  (+3)
Total Refresh: -1 (You’ll have to find a way to get back 2 points somewhere)

Note: No Specialization Bonuses for Sponsored Magic and Refinement can only be applied to Focus or Enchanted items.
Note: Also note that I recommended a different set of Elements that seem more fitting for a Goddess of Fire and Earth and was what I think you were going for anyway.

I think you might have misunderstood my previous character build.

The RAW states that if a character already has evocation, the channeling ability of sponsored magic costs 1 less.

I think part of the problem is that you may have forgotten that Ethan had evocation.

Perhaps it will help if I write everything in a more concise form like you did.  Also, if he is going to lose all of his physical supernatural powers, wouldn't the catch give back more refresh?

The catch in the book only applies to toughness, not strength and speed.  I was really hoping to have a character like Samson who actually loses quite a bit of his strength in certain areas or coming in contact with certain things.  Blessed Seawater would work I guess - and that would actually go with Hawaiian mythology.

The reason I mentioned the ocean before is that Pele was originally supposed to become a water goddess. She chose her own way.  She was also eventually killed by her sister Namaka - the ocean goddess... they hated each other and presumably still do.


If you're only going to allow a -1 as a catch I could remove a physical ability.

So are you not going to allow this character to be submerged now?  You said you might before...


Ethan White: [Base  Refresh of 8] (still hoping for a submerged but I'd be happy with 8 refresh and the original 35 skill)

Stunts and  Powers:

Wizard’s Constitution (-0)

Evocation -3
(Spirit, Air, Water)
Control (+1 spirit, +1 air), Power (+1 Spirit)

Maui’s Fishhook; Item of Power (+2)
Imparted Abilities – “Pele’s Gift”
Evocation; Sponsored Magic (-1)
Elements; Fire, Lightning, Earth

Item Slots – 2 focus, 4 enchanted
Ring; +2 spirit defensive conviction
Ring; 1 Offensive Light 3 times a day (aimed with guns)
Bracelet; 4 shift block 3 times a day  

Refinement(Evocation) (-1)

Thaumaturgy; Sponsored Magic (-2)

Enhanced Abilities:
Inhuman Toughness(-2)
- Toughness Catch (+1) – Can be Bypassed by Blessed Sea-Water (even if in solid form; i.e. Ice).

*The Catch Implied by an Item of Power is that if he ever loses the Hook he loses ALL of the abilities of Maui’s Fishhook until the item is recovered. He will always keep the Wizard’s Constitution even if for any reason he should ever lose the Hook permanently (Pele will make you live with what you have lost for as long as possible.). At the very least the extended life-time will give you more time to locate the lost Hook.

Total Cost of Stunts/Powers: (-10)
Refunded Points:  (+3)
Total Refresh: 1 (This brings his refresh to 1 but I am not happy with it at all) :(
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 20, 2011, 12:51:09 AM
I'm curious about the 20 questions I saw mentioned
Could I get a copy?
 I hope your game is lots of fun

I'll post it up under resources for you a bit later.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 20, 2011, 04:39:33 AM
refresh of 1 just means that your character has problems. The GM can play with your trouble and compel you to do things. From the sound of your character and our conversation, i think it fits. Hes got some serious issues going on and hes just learning how to use his powers right (if i remember the conversation) there are bound to be growing pains.

Hell im 95% done with mine (finished the 20Q and 3x3 before i finished my character) and im gonna had the GM 2 troubles and only have one refresh (i guess thats the price you pay when you professionally hunt monsters for the government).

My two troubles: Right Place, Wrong time.  My Family has a history.

Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 20, 2011, 05:17:46 AM
refresh of 1 just means that your character has problems. The GM can play with your trouble and compel you to do things. From the sound of your character and our conversation, i think it fits. Hes got some serious issues going on and hes just learning how to use his powers right (if i remember the conversation) there are bound to be growing pains.

Hell im 95% done with mine (finished the 20Q and 3x3 before i finished my character) and im gonna had the GM 2 troubles and only have one refresh (i guess thats the price you pay when you professionally hunt monsters for the government).

My two troubles: Right Place, Wrong time.  My Family has a history.

Yeah... I'm just impatient and now I have to wait longer for my character to get to where I want him to be....

But yeah, I like your take on it that he is just learning to use his power.  I can deal with that and it makes me less irked now that he won't start at submerged level.

Not only that, I've asked Red how fast we will advance, but I'm assuming it's pretty fast if we're doing 8 hour sessions every week. :)

I'm just glad that Ren has been so patient with me.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 20, 2011, 02:44:11 PM
If you account for BSing time it'll be more like 6 hours of play time...8)
Course y'all could surprise me and we could stay on task the whole time...hrm...I had better plan accordingly. As of Now I'm essentially planning to have a two-part inter-twined story going on so there should be plenty to do. Half the trick will be getting everyone involved in some aspect of what is going on.

As a rough rule of thumb we'll probably be hitting a growth milestone every other session or so. Don't quote me on that though as I've yet to read up on the advancement rules.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 20, 2011, 03:11:54 PM
Oh and Bear? if she isn't already in it you should Name the Ex-wife and list her in your 3x3x3...not that I plan to use her...right away... ;D
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 20, 2011, 03:26:27 PM
At some point I need to get some manila folders and some more printer ink so I can do up some good-looking case files or at least some limited ones.
Have to ask Zegion if he has any blank Case-File forms I can use and see if we can get Tess to come up with some letterhead and logo etc...for the organizations "Solutions Unlimited". Y'all need a Face for the Organization as well. The Rabbi and the other benefactors are just the backers.
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 20, 2011, 04:58:37 PM
I may have mentioned this before but I can't check Gmail from work so here is a great way to reach me and I do get PM's though I may not notice the fact that I have new messages right away.

Going to change the name of this Thread here since we have now found a group...8)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 20, 2011, 07:34:26 PM
Ok sounds good.

For the time being, would you like me to go with the character stats I posted in this thread a page back?  They were pretty much the same as the ones you posted but with the inclusion of my original evocation and the exclusion of most of the physical abilities and the mortal stunt.

Lastly - a general question about equipment for all the PCs - are we assuming that our PCs are professionals in their line of work and have gear accordingly?

I am working on finishing Ashley's character later today and I will probably get the relationships done for the two characters tonight as well.

By the time I roll around on Sunday, I should have everything on my end done.  I'm going to bring hardcopies of all of it too.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 20, 2011, 07:51:34 PM
Yes that version works just fine. I wouldn't worry too much about the 1 refresh, I see a trend towards a lot of those and I expect there will be many opportunities to gain extra fate points...plenty of Aspects I can compel...8)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 20, 2011, 07:52:32 PM
On another note I need to find out if anyone has a set of Poker we can use them as Fate Points...8)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 20, 2011, 07:57:18 PM
On another note I need to find out if anyone has a set of Poker we can use them as Fate Points...8)
I can grab some, if need be
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 20, 2011, 08:09:33 PM
I can grab some, if need be


Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 20, 2011, 08:26:00 PM
so i'm going to be late to the game because of work, how does that work?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 20, 2011, 08:43:03 PM
Chips will be cool. Its fun to have a physical representation of your Fate flying around the room...8)
I'll explain more how I intend to use Fate on gameday.

As for joining late it will be no issue, your character will be backing up the group in some capacity when you aren't here then when you show up someone will bring you up to speed, along with anyone else who shows up later, then its off to the races!
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 20, 2011, 10:19:57 PM
Picked up poker chips. Also found map of florida / miami
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 20, 2011, 10:34:47 PM
Chips will be cool. Its fun to have a physical representation of your Fate flying around the room...8)
I'll explain more how I intend to use Fate on gameday.

As for joining late it will be no issue, your character will be backing up the group in some capacity when you aren't here then when you show up someone will bring you up to speed, along with anyone else who shows up later, then its off to the races!

As soon as you oked my initial character concept, I bought a Maui's fishhook pendant off of Etsy from some chick in New Zealand.


I plan on accessorizing all of my IOP and foci so I don't forget about them in game.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 21, 2011, 12:55:55 AM
Finally got everything Ren wanted for the game last night.  With the amount of stuff were sending his way I think we have gone along way to establishing Miami.

Ren, good reading man, between all of us your are going to have a small novella.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 21, 2011, 01:24:53 AM
Woo thats a lotta reading...reading John Ringo's "When the Devil Dance's", Tad Williams "Shadowmarch", the DFRPG Book(s) and now y'alls I at least get a cookie for all my work?...okay so its fun work but you get the point...8)

And I've got most of the first session laid I'm lucky and the RP takes longer than I planned then I may have some extra for carryover...8)
If not I'm sure I can whip up a random attack by ornery monkey's that fling coconuts (what, you WANTED flaming green poo?...sickos!).
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 21, 2011, 02:50:58 AM
200 chips should be enough right? I just bought a big thing of them at Target
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 21, 2011, 10:49:19 AM
Should be plenty sufficient.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 21, 2011, 02:03:04 PM
I'm really looking forward to this powwow

What specifically are we covering again?  I'm assuming that we're finishing character and city creation.... finalizing character background and motivations, etc.

Do you have anything specific for us to start thinking about before Sunday, Ren?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 21, 2011, 02:41:59 PM
Well I'm actually hoping we'll be able to start gaming if we get finished up with all of the character stuff early enough. I've already got a major of the scenes and events planned out I just need to detail opposition and zones etc...

I need to get some over-large pieces of graph-paper so I can have re-usable zone maps.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 21, 2011, 07:47:01 PM
I'm basing everything off of this and what I am reading in the RPG Book

In Stunts and Powers, if you play as a vanilla Mortal, do you just leave that blank?
Also as far as Skills go, how many is too many? How many is not enough?

Also the Stress system is really tripping me up. Like do we change that in game (In pencil)?

As a Mortal I have no Refresh rate, right?

Sorry for all the questions, but this is all Brand new to me.

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: quizboy on January 21, 2011, 08:18:14 PM
I'm basing everything off of this and what I am reading in the RPG Book

In Stunts and Powers, if you play as a vanilla Mortal, do you just leave that blank?
Also as far as Skills go, how many is too many? How many is not enough?
I'll try to answer your questions, but others may correct me...
  As a Vanilla Mortal, you actually can still have Stunts; only powers are treated as supernatural.  These stunts are encouraged for Mortals; they are what allows Murphy to be a skilled shot, Butters to be a smart guy, and Marcone to be well connected.
  Just remember that one of the big powers of being a Vanilla Mortal is having extra refresh; more on that below.  Each of the Stunts you buy during character creation causes your refresh to be lower, which will limit the Fate points you start with (and thus your choices in the game).

I'm not certain about the best skill amounts.  I based my skills off the table in the book (listed for 30 skill pts, you can have 2 superb, 2 good, ...).
After we get more used to the system, Ian said we could update our characters some (happens at some milestones anyway).

Also the Stress system is really tripping me up. Like do we change that in game (In pencil)?

As a Mortal I have no Refresh rate, right?

Sorry for all the questions, but this is all Brand new to me.

As a Vanilla Mortal, you still have a refresh rate.  In fact, you get two extra refresh points. 
Your Fate Points (represented by the refresh you get at the beginning of each session) allow you to add to any rolls that you do (so you literally have fate on your side), change a scene (with GM's permission), and other stuff.

I'm uncertain about the stress changing in game.  I haven't seen much on that yet.  What I have seen is that different skills alter your refresh based on the skill level.


Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: quizboy on January 21, 2011, 08:38:29 PM
I haven't had much of a chance to work on my character; work has kept me very busy.  I plan on finishing everything out on Saturday, and I'll bring it to the game.
I think I've finished my skills and aspects.  I think most of what I have left is refinement of my existing aspects (including back story), and selecting some items.

I miss not having any mortal stunts, and considered stepping down from full Wizard by lowering my Evocation to Channelling.  This would allow me to take a stunt (or more with a catch) so I could be more well rounded.  I'm thinking this probably isn't the way to go, since we are going to have a lot of pure mortals (75%), and only two spellcasters.  I think I'll stick with a full wizard with a refresh of 1.

I have an idea for one item, and I wanted to run it past you, Ian, before I went much further:
My wizard will be focused on Thaumaturgy and knowledge.  I was thinking that rather than having a staff focus item, I would like an arcane tome.  My idea for this tome is to leave a page of it in each library that I have access to; this would form a link with the rest of the book, and allow me to access the books in the library that I leave each page.

I would like to have pages placed in a couple of places already, including my mentor's library and the white council's library in Edinburgh.

I still have a couple more items that I'll have to think of as well.


Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 21, 2011, 08:54:21 PM
Thanks for the response Quizboy (Steven #1).
So I could have items of power that wouldnt be required to be magic (like a Pistol that my grandfather carried in the War)

You could have a haunted Dewey decimal card catalog! lol, I kid I kid.

So as far as skills go, if for example you have a background in law, would that be under a general academic Skill or would you put Skill "Lawyer" or some such.

Also my hand writing is crap (Early Arthitis or carpal tunnel, not sure yet! YAY!) so does anyone know of a good free program to write on PDFs? 
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 21, 2011, 08:54:35 PM
You are correct on the Refresh levels Steven.
Pure mortals start with 2 extra refresh so if you take chest deep you would end up with 10 refresh instead of 8. And remember you can always spend a Refresh for 5 extra skill points, but as a  one-time event. so You could end up with 9 refresh and 35 skill points.
Mortals have their disadvantages but are VERY flexible in exchange.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 21, 2011, 08:56:13 PM
A single magical ability or item is considered becoming a "Minor Talent" and thus no longer pure mortal. So as soon as you take an Item of Power you exit the realm of Pure Mortal and no longer gain the 2 extra refresh. No Magic for you!
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 21, 2011, 10:59:12 PM

 Heres a quick run down on how I did my character. My character thinks hes a pure mortal, but hes actually a minor talent. Since this is your first time doing any RPG's ive broken the descions down with their reasoning so you have something to compare yours to.

8 Refresh/Fate (Hence forth known as r/f), 30 Skill Points (if your a pure mortal you get two more refresh points to use, but if your a pure mortal the only "powers you can buy come from the "stunts" portion of the RPG book).

I then spent Fate Points on the following,

-1 r/f on +5 skill points (GM Fiat), because my character, Ian Fabian, needs to know a little about a lot as an FBI agent. I see my character as being more skillful then "stunt" driven.

-1 r/f 1    I know just the guy, but we have to find him first: when gathering info contacts +2. (was I know just the guy +1 Contacts, +1 Time increment change, change allowed by GM)- Since my character investigates the weird it stands that hes fairly well connected, but the weird like to stay off the radar, so i got to do a little digging to find em.

-1 r/f  Is that all you got (no pain no gain) 2 additional mild consequences. - he hunts the weird professionally, got to be able to take a few bruises if you hunt monsters.

-1 r/f  scene of the crime: +1 investigation and one increment faster - ahh, because im a special agent, this was the first stunt i thought of when i made my character.

-1 r/f On your toes, +2 for initiative: Again in my line of work sometimes the big nasty thing with claws really is coming to eat you. Better be ready for it.

 -1 r/f  Monster Killer: due to training and knowing how to fight those that things that go bump in the night add +2 to guns when fighting the weird (and only the weird). - Worked this one out with Ren. He liked the idea so we kept it. An alternative was +1 to guns and +1 to Discipline (for fear).

Now for the power that keeps me from being human.

-1 r/f (2 -1 for the catch) Inhuman recovery (catch: ?) - will recover from any wound. can shrug off one minor consequence. heal at one increment lower (severe to moderate), the thing is my character has no clue he has this, where it came from or why. From his prospective its ahh well maybe that gibbering nasty only got me for a flesh wound, but man i could have sworn it cut to the bone....o' well.

Leaving me a grand total of 1 refresh/fate (have to keep one or your just a goon) for the start of the game. Basically that means the GM can compel me though my aspects and i cant fight back. I also cant influence "fate" to help me out (re-rolling dice ect). We can earn more r/f as the game goes on, but starting off we have a slight up hill battle to climb.

Your stress tracks don't change, permanently (well unless you loose a hand or something). They may go down if you suffer a defeat of some sort, but will bounce back to there full capacity at some point.  Your Skills determine your starting stress. The big ones are, Conviction, mental stress; Endurance, physical stress; and Presence for Social Stress.

Does that help? How about your Aspects, you having an OK time coming up with those?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 21, 2011, 11:25:00 PM
I haven't had much of a chance to work on my character; work has kept me very busy.  I plan on finishing everything out on Saturday, and I'll bring it to the game.
I think I've finished my skills and aspects.  I think most of what I have left is refinement of my existing aspects (including back story), and selecting some items.

I miss not having any mortal stunts, and considered stepping down from full Wizard by lowering my Evocation to Channelling.  This would allow me to take a stunt (or more with a catch) so I could be more well rounded.  I'm thinking this probably isn't the way to go, since we are going to have a lot of pure mortals (75%), and only two spellcasters.  I think I'll stick with a full wizard with a refresh of 1.

I have an idea for one item, and I wanted to run it past you, Ian, before I went much further:
My wizard will be focused on Thaumaturgy and knowledge.  I was thinking that rather than having a staff focus item, I would like an arcane tome.  My idea for this tome is to leave a page of it in each library that I have access to; this would form a link with the rest of the book, and allow me to access the books in the library that I leave each page.

I would like to have pages placed in a couple of places already, including my mentor's library and the white council's library in Edinburgh.

I still have a couple more items that I'll have to think of as well.



In "Our World",  Molly does not have full thaumaturgy.  Her strength is in evocation - specifically in veils.

I see no reason why as a wizard you "need" full evocation - channeling should be fine.  You just need to make sure it's in your primary aspect and that you take the Sight etc.

Part of the cool thing about this RPG is the amazing flexibility in building a character.

Since your character is going to be less of a combat wizard, I think it would fit thematically if you only took chanelling.  If you specialized in thaumaturgy, that would be something you could definitely bring to the table.  My character can do quick and dirty thaumaturgical stuff, but I plan on playing him with an aversion to ritual.

Use the template guidelines as just that... guidelines.  Nothing is set in stone - Ren is the deciding voice on anything you want to do.
Title: gear
Post by: BumblingBear on January 21, 2011, 11:32:34 PM
Ren hasn't gotten back to me yet, but I am assuming that our characters will be starting out with gear appropriate to our fields/aspects/agendas.

I'm honestly curious what some people are including for gear especially since most everyone else are playing more mortal flavored, varied characters.

Other than a few guns, maybe some provisions on my island, and an obsidian knife gifted by Pele, I am not sure what else to include or if it is even necessary.

Ashley's character won't have much on her except for a 9mm pistol her character has a CCL for and camera gear.

Title: Re: gear
Post by: fantazero on January 21, 2011, 11:56:47 PM
Ren hasn't gotten back to me yet, but I am assuming that our characters will be starting out with gear appropriate to our fields/aspects/agendas.

I'm honestly curious what some people are including for gear especially since most everyone else are playing more mortal flavored, varied characters.

Other than a few guns, maybe some provisions on my island, and an obsidian knife gifted by Pele, I am not sure what else to include or if it is even necessary.

Ashley's character won't have much on her except for a 9mm pistol her character has a CCL for and camera gear.


Garlic, Holy Water, Silver, Wallet, Cell Phone, Pocket Knife, Flashlight, Zippo Lighter, Cash, Body Armor, Boots, Socks, Shirt, Belt, Lucky Rabbits foot, Lucky Coin, Pepperspray keychain (Asp makes a nice one I carry).
We could go with what people have in their real life cars, Me for example 100 Rounds of Ammo ,Crowbar, Hiking Axe, Pocket Knife, First aid kit, Fix-a-flat, chick-fila wrapper, tool kit, spare work uniform, umbrella, tire iron, spare tire, jumper cables, freeze dried food, bottles of water.

Or since its Miami, Hawaiian Shirt, speedo, black socks and flipflops (I've seen it!)
Can I wear an ankle holster while wearing swim shorts? lol
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 22, 2011, 12:27:01 AM
Since there has been so much question about gear, i went back and relooked at the RPG and basically it all covered under resources. If your character does something professorially, more then likely you have it (as long as its not to extravagant).  So if for some reason you want a Barret .50 cal and you dont have the resources to support it, then i think its a matter for the GM.

 The Forums have a nice list of home brewed stunts here,,21952.0.html. A few looked pretty promising. One person thought up a stunt that allows them to use there guns and there resources to determine if they own a particular model (think it was gun nut), then another one allowed the person to use guns as their contacts to get a hold of other gun lovers.

If you you need something in game, it can be assumed that you have have it if it falls into resources -2. Basically a +2 or +3 makes you middle class, so I think most of our lives are pretty good examples. Also remember, resources is your disposable income. For example at a +2 (according to the book) rounds out at 1000 a month. 
Title: Re: gear
Post by: BumblingBear on January 22, 2011, 12:28:23 AM
Garlic, Holy Water, Silver, Wallet, Cell Phone, Pocket Knife, Flashlight, Zippo Lighter, Cash, Body Armor, Boots, Socks, Shirt, Belt, Lucky Rabbits foot, Lucky Coin, Pepperspray keychain (Asp makes a nice one I carry).
We could go with what people have in their real life cars, Me for example 100 Rounds of Ammo ,Crowbar, Hiking Axe, Pocket Knife, First aid kit, Fix-a-flat, chick-fila wrapper, tool kit, spare work uniform, umbrella, tire iron, spare tire, jumper cables, freeze dried food, bottles of water.

Or since its Miami, Hawaiian Shirt, speedo, black socks and flipflops (I've seen it!)
Can I wear an ankle holster while wearing swim shorts? lol

If we went with what we have on us in RL, my character would be OP.  lol

I was never a boy scout, but "Be Prepared" rings true for me.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 22, 2011, 12:32:03 AM
Since there has been so much question about gear, i went back and relooked at the RPG and basically it all covered under resources. If your character does something professorially, more then likely you have it (as long as its not to extravagant).  So if for some reason you want a Barret .50 cal and you dont have the resources to support it, then i think its a matter for the GM.

 The Forums have a nice list of home brewed stunts here,,21952.0.html. A few looked pretty promising. One person thought up a stunt that allows them to use there guns and there resources to determine if they own a particular model (think it was gun nut), then another one allowed the person to use guns as their contacts to get a hold of other gun lovers.

If you you need something in game, it can be assumed that you have have it if it falls into resources -2. Basically a +2 or +3 makes you middle class, so I think most of our lives are pretty good examples. Also remember, resources is your disposable income. For example at a +2 (according to the book) rounds out at 1000 a month. 

Thanks for posting that.  It goes with what I remember as well.  Like, the RAW state that if your character is skilled with guns, they probably have a gun.

Sort of like if they are skilled with melee weapons, specifically swords, they probably own a sword.

It really seems to be kind of common sense approach.

For instance, a PC playing as an 18 year old kid who just discovered her powers is going to have a lot less gear than a 30 year old mercenary who's been killing vampires for 15 years.  (just an example).

Obviously, tanks and such are out of the question unless someone has a 5 or 6 in resources, but I think it's reasonable to assume that our skill points are a fair indication of what our PCs start out with.

Like, Ashley's character is a professional photographer, so it would make sense that she has a Cannon 5D... or maybe even a Hasselblad.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 22, 2011, 12:51:31 AM
For Ashley, yes, she probably has 2 professional cameras, with a bunch of different lenses, but at the same time one or both might be owned by newspaper she works for (Ive known a few journalist, infact i was interviewed in Iraq this last time by the Houston Chronicle, type my real name into google and both my wife and I pop up).

But dont forget, just like you, me and fan we own weapons in real life but none are overly expensive (no gold plated desert eagles, barret .50 cals ect), if you want something thats obviously over your resource limit, you need to justify it for example most of my characters weapons are owned by the FBI. Expect for one "off duty" weapon.

In game terms your really only talking about the difference between a weapon 2 (pistols) and a weapon 3 (heavier stuff) with varying aspects. For instance i think we can assume that a glock generation 3 or 4 would be a weapon 2 with the aspect: reliable and high capacity magazine, a MP5 might be a weapon 2 or 3 (hey its only a 9mm round, but if used with holopoints) but with the aspects, automatic, accurate at short range, reliable, high capicty magazine ((there is a reason just about every swat team in existence use one of these)).

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 22, 2011, 01:01:43 AM
For Ashley, yes, she probably has 2 professional cameras, with a bunch of different lenses, but at the same time one or both might be owned by newspaper she works for (Ive known a few journalist, infact i was interviewed in Iraq this last time by the Houston Chronicle, type my real name into google and both my wife and I pop up).

But dont forget, just like you, me and fan we own weapons in real life but none are overly expensive (no gold plated desert eagles, barret .50 cals ect), if you want something thats obviously over your resource limit, you need to justify it for example most of my characters weapons are owned by the FBI. Expect for one "off duty" weapon.

In game terms your really only talking about the difference between a weapon 2 (pistols) and a weapon 3 (heavier stuff) with varying aspects. For instance i think we can assume that a glock generation 3 or 4 would be a weapon 2 with the aspect: reliable and high capacity magazine, a MP5 might be a weapon 2 or 3 (hey its only a 9mm round, but if used with holopoints) but with the aspects, automatic, accurate at short range, reliable, high capicty magazine ((there is a reason just about every swat team in existence use one of these)).


I was going to go with a Kel Tec RFB and a Sig P220 for my character's main weapons.

His main melee weapon will be a gift/compel from Pele.  I'm thinking of talking to Ren about eventually making it a compel for Ethan to use this blade in combat as an attack instead of other means.

I pretty much agree with you, btw.  I think it would be a little much to have a character start out with a Walther WA 2000 or a Barrett 50 cal....

But a pretty common rifle shouldn't be a problem.

Heck, I'm not even taking contracts to kill vampires nor am I using weapons for employment anymore and I've still got weapons worth about 4k.

Oooh!  I just thought of a great example to common sense rules.

A character with a weapons: +2 may have a decent, production quality katana.  A character with weapons +5 may have a genuine nihonto katana.

I think that when it comes to starting weapons, we should go based on skills.  A character who has invested the time and effort and money to be proficient enough with guns to be a 4 instead of a 1 is going to have much better weapons.

This was my reasoning with Ashley's character too.  Her character has a low guns skill, but still has the skill and a CCL.  I am giving her a Taurus 9mm.  It's not the best of the best but it is an adequate pistol.

What do you think about my logic here?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 22, 2011, 01:06:45 AM
For Ashley, yes, she probably has 2 professional cameras, with a bunch of different lenses, but at the same time one or both might be owned by newspaper she works for (Ive known a few journalist, infact i was interviewed in Iraq this last time by the Houston Chronicle, type my real name into google and both my wife and I pop up).

But dont forget, just like you, me and fan we own weapons in real life but none are overly expensive (no gold plated desert eagles, barret .50 cals ect), if you want something thats obviously over your resource limit, you need to justify it for example most of my characters weapons are owned by the FBI. Expect for one "off duty" weapon.

In game terms your really only talking about the difference between a weapon 2 (pistols) and a weapon 3 (heavier stuff) with varying aspects. For instance i think we can assume that a glock generation 3 or 4 would be a weapon 2 with the aspect: reliable and high capacity magazine, a MP5 might be a weapon 2 or 3 (hey its only a 9mm round, but if used with holopoints) but with the aspects, automatic, accurate at short range, reliable, high capicty magazine ((there is a reason just about every swat team in existence use one of these)).


Well for example, my character is a gun runner, part of his job is getting guns, so it wouldnt be crazy for him to "sample" his merch.
Just out and out, steal it from where ever. National Guard armories will be lightly staffed if the troops are out on the streets  ;)
Thanks Z for the character help, I feel like I'm back in school with all the "book learning" and math and such :P. Cant wait till sunday.
Does anyone have a Beer Preference?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 22, 2011, 01:15:25 AM
Bear, I think the rule makes sense, but I see resources as a defining factor in all of it. Take this for example, the best shot in the last company i commanded was a PVT, i dont think hes going to go out and be able to buy a Car 15 without saving up a few months.  

The only reason i say this is a bit more of a game mechanics type thing. A character with a resources of 4 or 5 obviously meant that to be the focal point of his character. Being able to step in with something way out of your league monetary wise seems a little out of touch with the game, unless you have a stunt to go along with it (hey im a gun nut, thats WHY i have a resource of 1 and live in a van down by the river, but i have enough weapons for the FBI AND ATF to have me on their watch lists).  

Also Ren is the deciding factor on it, but we gotta keep him free to design our adventures.

A Tarus, Really? Coundn't you have gone with a Glock 22 gen 2 or 3?  Something else to keep in mind, if she has it for personal protection, there a world of good pocket pistols out there, which would have the concealable aspect.

Shiner Bock is nectar of the gods, but ive sworn off beer for 3 more weeks. Then im going to celebrate with one or 2 and go right back to this paleo diet.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 22, 2011, 01:19:30 AM
So they even make Walther Wa 2000s? I though they stopped making them in the mid 90s?

50 cals are nice and all, but you can pick up a Decent 308 /30-06 at Academy for 200-300 bucks, and if need be pick up/make tungsten or steel core ammo that should penetrate light vehicle armor, standard cars, and any bullet proof vest on the market.

I was thinking of my characters pistol being a P-35 ( Browning Hi Power) made while the FN factory was occupied by the Nazis during WW2, it was gifted to him by his great grandfather, an Irishman who fought in WW2. It's got the Nazi Factory markings.  It just seems more sinster that way, also its old tech, so Wizards and such shouldnt mess with it. Also old Hi Powers can still take the new Hi Power magazines (they make 20-30 round mags).
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 22, 2011, 01:20:40 AM

A Tarus, Really? Coundn't you have gone with a Glock 22 gen 2 or 3?  Something else to keep in mind, if she has it for personal protection, there a world of good pocket pistols out there, which would have the concealable aspect.

Taurus makes a damn fine 38 revolver. The finish is crap, but it's accurate and reliable and only 200 bucks. also its not too big, you could hide it in a camera bag
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 22, 2011, 01:25:28 AM
Sorry for not getting back on this one but yes you will have a certain amount of basic gear relevant to your profession, concept and resource level. i.e.
Yes the FBI Agent would have his issued side-arm as well as an off-duty weapon and possibly a personal shotgun, but unless he is part of an FBI Tactical Unit he's not likely to have an SMG or autofire weapon of any kind though given his departments particular needs he may be able to requisition special gear on an as-needed basis.
The Ex-soldier warrior of Pele will likely have a slightly larger range of personal gear and weapons but may lose them and have to take some time to replace any lost gear.
Photographer can have a small pistol or more likely a Taser, several cameras and related gear, small photo-lab.
Loremaster likely has a sword-cane if he has the Weapon skill.
The Shyster will likely have at least one large-caliber weapon and ready access to more.
The Redneck...well he likely has an arsenal...8)
The Driver will likely have a Sidearm and possibly a small SMG with appropriate licenses.
Crazy Pirate guy...probably has a cutlass and a brace of black-powder pistols...8)

For other Resources here is a rough guesstimate of valuables.
Resources (0); You have no real income, likely live on the street or in a shelter or on someone's couch. No Computer, maybe 1 change of clothes, bare minimum of food no transportation other than Mk.1 Personal Mobility Units...(feet). Give blood or plasma for extra cash.

Resources (+1); Would you like fries with that? Live in a tiny, rundown apartment in a bad section of town or room with others in a slightly better section of town, older laptop, decent food, a week's change of clothes a Bicycle or old run-down scooter. Basic Cell Phone.

Resources (+2); Welcome to the Machine! Have a decent sized apartment or very small (rented) house with or without roomies in a decent section of town. Good-quality computer (Desktop or laptop), many low-priced entertainment options, small car or nice motorcycle, good cellphone, eat out several times a week anywhere or one really nice place, several weeks worth of clothes.

Resources (+3); You are being assimilated. You own a small house to yourself or rent a larger place or condo either in a nice part of town, very good-quality computer, entertainment center, Smartphone, good selection of brand-name clothing, eat out when you like, drive a decent car (low-middle end BMW, Audi) or a slightly modified bike or street-racer. You can afford to have a maid come around twice a week.

Resources (+4); Like a Boss! You own a really nice and good-sized house (beachfront if desired) or a super-luxury condo, you your own servers, big plasma screen and home-theater system, you don't have to wear the same clothes twice unless it looks really good on you, you have your own cook/maid/butler-type, high-end Smartphone with Bling if desired, small but expensive house pet, mutliple middle-high end luxury or sports car.

Resources (+5); You don't have to ask the price, you CAN afford it....McMansion of your own design, all the food, wine and women/men you could desire, own multiple super-cars and ultra-luxury vehicles including personal jet, yacht etc...really don't need to go any further do I?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 22, 2011, 01:28:07 AM
Ahh, the Hi-Power a simple great gun that has simply stood the passing of time. I admit, im becoming more of a fan the new glocks , for any that know me, i used to HATE glocks. But the gen 4's are sweet. One thing ive always liked about my M&P 40 is the way it just feels good in the hand, accurate with a pretty good trigger pull. Well the last glock I shot felt just as good.

And for anyone one lurking reading the forum, fan is absolutely correct. A good hunting rifle (no scope or bipod) can be found at academy for about 325. Grant it were talking about a single action weapon (one round at a time) but Winchester makes lss aoad of .308s/ 30-06 in that price range. You can even get a decent .30-.30 for less.

Heck my .38 special, feather weight, a conceable, 6 shot pistol only cost around 400 when it first came out.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 22, 2011, 01:28:51 AM
And for the record no the WA-2000 is no longer made. In fact there were so few made that they are now considered collectors items and sell for upwards of $75k for 2nd generation models. (I recently did some research on Null-pup weapons, mostly by whim, and it was one fo the ones that came up.).
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 22, 2011, 01:30:02 AM

Crazy Pirate guy...probably has a cutlass and a brace of black-powder pistols...8)

all i'm saying is you dont need a license to buy a cannon
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 22, 2011, 01:37:38 AM
My Fav line of the moment: Crazy Pirate guy...probably has a cutlass and a brace of black-powder pistols

BTW an SMG is illegal, any fully automatic weapon is. The only appropriate way to own one is to have a class 3 licences, which is mostly for companies and people working for Tactical Teams, and even then they only have the ability to carry them though the agency they work for. Also keep in mind, the general public (take away gun shows for a minute) are not allowed to own or have access to weapons, those in the police or military can buy. For instance my M&P 40, has no safety. I could only buy it because 1) at the time i worked for APD and 2) I was in the National Guard (only have to meet one of the criteria)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 22, 2011, 01:43:40 AM

Crazy Pirate guy...probably has a cutlass and a brace of black-powder pistols...8)

This seriously made me laugh out loud.  God I love that character concept... lol!

Thanks for clarifying, Ren.  That was the idea I got as well.

Since minor character advancement allows PCs to switch around skills, it would make sense that starting gear may not be the same as resources.  My character's resources are going to be 0 starting... because he will be living out of his truck.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 22, 2011, 01:47:55 AM
My Fav line of the moment: Crazy Pirate guy...probably has a cutlass and a brace of black-powder pistols

BTW an SMG is illegal, any fully automatic weapon is. The only appropriate way to own one is to have a class 3 licences, which is mostly for companies and people working for Tactical Teams, and even then they only have the ability to carry them though the agency they work for. Also keep in mind, the general public (take away gun shows for a minute) are not allowed to own or have access to weapons, those in the police or military can buy. For instance my M&P 40, has no safety. I could only buy it because 1) at the time i worked for APD and 2) I was in the National Guard (only have to meet one of the criteria)

Well, if you can jump through the hoops you can own a Full Auto that was made before 1986*. 200 bucks, a buttload of ATF forms, and I think the local PD/Sheriff has to sign off on it later and its your. Same with Supervisors and short barreled shotguns (minus the 1986 stuff)
You live near Buttercup creek in Cedar Park, you should check out "The Gun Store" the guys there are class 3 Dealers, and have some neat stuff

*Thanks Ronald Regan  :-\

Wait, my g26 has no external safety. I believe you can buy m&p40s without safeties... is their a law you are referring to?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 22, 2011, 01:48:19 AM
Heck i would be a crazy pirate guy too, if I could only see one ghost and all he wanted me to do is go dig up his treasure. I still think its funny that problem "manifested" its self in the middle of a minor league hokey game he the character was playing in. now that is a concept.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 22, 2011, 01:52:47 AM
Short Barreled shot guns? really. According to the texas penal code its illegal if its at or under 16 inches in total length, no mater what year it was made in. Ive been to the Gun Store (really thats its name). They didn't really have a lot of stuff the last time i visited, and i really wasn't in the mood to buy, just create a "wish" list. The proprietor wan't really all that friendly either. Even when i explained that i wanted to get my wife her concealed hand gun permit (which she has yet to do).

As for weapon and safites, no law that im aware of (might be a federal one, but im only repeating what ive been told), but for instace if you go to GT distributars if you buy a certain weapon, they are supposed  :P to ask if you are in the military or law enforcement before they sell it to you. Also certain stores such as academy and walmart can sell certain types of weapon either.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 22, 2011, 01:55:37 AM
Hey Zegion, since your about for now, can you get me some scans of a .pdf of a blank case-file form? Or whatever would be used for settign up cases of various kinds. I'd like to build up a stack of character briefing information for future info briefs and pre-mission brief where apropos. Basically I'm looking to get as much immersion stuff as we can (I Highly recommend some bit of costuming...though leave the real guns at home...with the exception if course for those who own guns where we'll be gaming at!). IN fact Tess is going to be working up some Business cards, letterhead and a Logo for Solutions Unlimited!
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 22, 2011, 01:56:17 AM
My Fav line of the moment: Crazy Pirate guy...probably has a cutlass and a brace of black-powder pistols

BTW an SMG is illegal, any fully automatic weapon is. The only appropriate way to own one is to have a class 3 licences, which is mostly for companies and people working for Tactical Teams, and even then they only have the ability to carry them though the agency they work for. Also keep in mind, the general public (take away gun shows for a minute) are not allowed to own or have access to weapons, those in the police or military can buy. For instance my M&P 40, has no safety. I could only buy it because 1) at the time i worked for APD and 2) I was in the National Guard (only have to meet one of the criteria)

That is not actually necessarily true.

You can buy a Class 3 weapon (IE machine gun or SBR) but you need to get the 200 dollar tax stamp for it and it has to be in a state that allows them.

As far as I know, Florida and Texas both allow them.

Florida is also an open carry and concealed carry state for pistols.

The only caveat to the tax stamp is that for a regular civilian to own one, it has to be manufactured before the date of the class 3 cutoff... I believe it was in 1986.

As such, Class 3 weapons are limited and keep appreciating in value.  They are very, very expensive.

Even a crappy Mac-11 goes for about 3k-5k.

Just a few examples:

Civilians can own SBRs (short barreled rifles) that are semi auto with a tax stamp. (

However, full auto weapons that are transferrable (buyable) tend to be very epensive.

Exampes: ( ( (

I've considered buying a class 3 weapon before, but doing so requires notifying the ATF every time you take them out of state, and there are many other rules too about how they have to be locked up and such.

In my opinion, most of the time it's not worth the hassle.

On the flip side, AOWs (any other weapon) are cheaper to get ahold of and more states allow them.

An example is the Serbu super shorty.


I actually know people who own these.  They're about the same price as other combat shotguns and only require an AOW transfer fee, which I think is $5.

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 22, 2011, 02:02:04 AM
Short Barreled shot guns? really. According to the texas penal code its illegal if its at or under 16 inches in total length, no mater what year it was made in.


The minimum legal length (federal law here) for barrels on shotguns is 18".  It's 16" for rifles.  However, in states that allow them you can go lower than that.

There is an overall length law as well, but that doesn't usually end up being a concern except for on bullpups.

Texas does not ban short barreled shotguns, but you must have them registered with the BATFE and the tax form also requires the local sheriff's signature on the form.

The Tromix is a great example of a SBS. (

It is considered an AOW and requires a $5 transfer fee.

Edit:  As far as I know, one of the only things gun related not allowed in Texas is open carry... which is odd.

However, rifles and shotguns are allowed to be carried loaded in vehicles.

In general, Texas is much more pro-rifle than pro-pistol.  You could probably legally carry a Tromix in your backpack but God help you if you carry a loaded pistol like that with a concealed handgun license.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 22, 2011, 02:03:13 AM

 There really is no standard "case file". All the reports i ever filled out were on my computer in my car. I was never a detective so i don't even know where to start.  I can come up with something if you want, but its going to be on a word document.

Bear, just letting you know what the penal code says and as far as i know, there are NO exceptions. If a police officer were to stop that individual  during a traffic stop see the shotgun and measure it (he has probable cause, because hes already pulled you over for a traffic code violation) he will arrest you for it being an Illegal shotgun. No where in the Texas Penal code does it give exemptions for short barreled weapons. That individual may win in court via a lawyer arguing a finer point in law, but as they say, you can beat the wrap but you cant beat the ride.

edit: yes on rifles and shotguns. you by law are allowed to carry ANY weapon in your vehicle, as long as its out of site. A shot gun or Rifle can be displayed openly. I have no clue on the difference and why legislators made the law the way they did.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 22, 2011, 02:27:46 AM
Short Barreled shot guns? really. According to the texas penal code its illegal if its at or under 16 inches in total length, no mater what year it was made in. Ive been to the Gun Store (really thats its name). They didn't really have a lot of stuff the last time i visited, and i really wasn't in the mood to buy, just create a "wish" list. The proprietor wan't really all that friendly either. Even when i explained that i wanted to get my wife her concealed hand gun permit (which she has yet to do).

As for weapon and safites, no law that im aware of (might be a federal one, but im only repeating what ive been told), but for instace if you go to GT distributars if you buy a certain weapon, they are supposed  :P to ask if you are in the military or law enforcement before they sell it to you. Also certain stores such as academy and walmart can sell certain types of weapon either.
GT does that because they can sell those guns for dirt cheap to LEOs and Military per their contract with those gun makers (Boss's Ex-Bf is a manager there(total scum bag btw)
 Thats kinda Glocks game, they would buy the old revolvers, Berretas from Deparments and sell them Glocks for Pennies on the dollar, 20 years later they are one of the biggest LEO and Private pistol makers in the world.
It was about spreading a "Brand Name" if people saw Officers, and Movie Stars using them, then Civilians would want one too. It worked.

as for how you go about it short barreled rifles/shotguns ect
Reason you can do it
Texas Penal Code 46.05c
It is a defense to prosecution under this section that
the actor's possession was pursuant to registration pursuant to the
National Firearms Act, as amended.
The 1986 thing is only for Machine guns.

Sorry about "The Gun Store" the Hispanic guy is cool, the Asian guy is stand offish. I like them only because they taught me the 123s of guns. My wife's grandfather lost his marbles, so they took his pistol and car and gave them to me (Sweet) I went there looking for info and he told me the price, date of manufacture, and how to clean and care for it.
The prices are a bit steep, but Academys down the road, and I was able to trade a p22 for a mossberg 500 and felt like I was ahead on the deal.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 22, 2011, 02:46:06 AM
You can open Carry in Texas and Florida on private property or in your business (but that parts tricky)
So basically I can mow my lawn with a 6 shooter, but expect a visit from the local constabulary.

You cannot open carry in Texas or Florida on a day to day stuff (Wal Mart). You can open carry while hunting. You can keep a rifle on your back and walk around and thats legal, but expect to be brought up on charges of "creating a panic" or some such, like Z said, you might win it in court, but you'll get to visit the back of the car. "

My G26 is like my Visa, never leave home without it. I learned a bunch of state gun laws during my Trip to Miami last year.
 In Mississippi you cant bring it to a parade (which is like wtf?)
 Louisiana you can take it to the applebees but you cant take it to the bar in the applebees
 I think in one of those states you cant bring it into a church without permission.
Florida has silly concealed carry laws while in a vehicle.
Example, in Texas, I can wear it in my waistband, get in the car, get pulled over, give the officer CHL and Drivers ID, get a ticket go on my way, and he might not even ask me about the gun.

Florida, the gun has to be in case or a holster with a strap of some kind of it, in the glove box or in the trunk.
So not on your person/under the seat.
Somehow this 3-4 steps nonsense got started in the PD there/ Concealed Carry Classes that there must be 3-4 steps between you and the gun. Which is nonsense. So people would argue that you would have to lock the glove box with the gun in the case/strapped holster. AND THEY WILL CHECK and whats even scarier is some of the Local PD there think thats the law. I spoke with several guys at Miami-Dade office over the phone, because I'm not trusting internet forums to keep me out of jail. Basically I sat there with the Florida and Miami laws and went over it, and the first guy told me the 3 steps thing, when I started asking hard questions he bumped me up the line.

When I met one of my Friends Law School friends he could carry on campus (Private school) but had to go through a class with the school, and he told me this 4 step nonsense.

Which is funny because Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana could give a _____.

Sorry too much talk about gun laws.

I found a good pdf editor  pdf995
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 22, 2011, 02:58:10 AM

Florida has silly concealed carry laws while in a vehicle.
Example, in Texas, I can wear it in my waistband, get in the car, get pulled over, give the officer CHL and Drivers ID, get a ticket go on my way, and he might not even ask me about the gun.

Florida, the gun has to be in case or a holster with a strap of some kind of it, in the glove box or in the trunk.
So not on your person/under the seat.
Somehow this 3-4 steps nonsense got started in the PD there/ Concealed Carry Classes that there must be 3-4 steps between you and the gun. Which is nonsense.

In FL is that including if you have a CHL - you can't keep it on your person in the car?

I'd always heard that Florida is very pro-CC....

My two licences are in GA and WV.  Luckily I have reciprocity in TX so I don't have to get one here.

In WV, you can legally carry while drinking at the bar.  However, you cannot have any loaded weapons in your vehicle except for a CC pistol with a license.  Wild, huh?

There were also no laws against CC in colleges.  I carried every day while I went to school there.  It was against school regs, but if they caught me (IE if someone went on a rampage and I shot them) they could expell me, but I highly doubt they would have.

Each state is wildly different with weapons regs.  It's kind of a headach.

I have two best friends who are beat cops.  Their federal concealed carry laws kind of suck too, because any state they go to they have to carry abiding by the laws from their home state AND the laws in the state they are in.  They also cannot carry anything but a weapon they have been certified with and qualified with at work.  The advantage is that they don't have to pay money or time to get a CCL.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 22, 2011, 03:13:56 AM
Something that looks official-ish is just fine.

I'm going to re-send out my phone number for everyone via email in a bit as we have yet to establish where we are going to be gaming and I know you have that test tomorrow Z so if you haven't heard from anyone by Sunday give me a call and I'll let you know what's up.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 22, 2011, 03:14:49 AM
In FL is that including if you have a CHL - you can't keep it on your person in the car?

I'd always heard that Florida is very pro-CC....

My two licences are in GA and WV.  Luckily I have reciprocity in TX so I don't have to get one here.

In WV, you can legally carry while drinking at the bar.  However, you cannot have any loaded weapons in your vehicle except for a CC pistol with a license.  Wild, huh?

There were also no laws against CC in colleges.  I carried every day while I went to school there.  It was against school regs, but if they caught me (IE if someone went on a rampage and I shot them) they could expell me, but I highly doubt they would have.

Each state is wildly different with weapons regs.  It's kind of a headach.

I have two best friends who are beat cops.  Their federal concealed carry laws kind of suck too, because any state they go to they have to carry abiding by the laws from their home state AND the laws in the state they are in.  They also cannot carry anything but a weapon they have been certified with and qualified with at work.  The advantage is that they don't have to pay money or time to get a CCL.
Yeah Florida, with or without the license, you cant have the gun on you while in car (I dont know the "logic" to this)
You can drink in a bar in Texas (As long as the bar doesnt have a LEGAL 30.06 sign (heh) or a 51% sign) but it's illegal to be DRUNK while carrying (Though there is no legal limit like while driving in Texas.) so basically dont drink more than 1 beer, or even look at a Trudys Mexican Martini (mmmm)

k-12 there are Federal Laws against carrying (under the guise that it somehow effects interstate commerce) but Public Colleges in Texas it's illegal under state law. Since Perry won the election lets hope Governor Good Hair does what he promised the NRA (i'm a member) that he would do away with that law (I know, I know, he doesnt write the laws, but you know what I mean)  

Florida is pro-gun, the City of Miami and Orlando have a slanting population that votes a certain way, and many of them are former residents of New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. Unfortally Miami and Orlando have more people and money than the rest of the state and tend to get their way.
But there's a saying I heard in my CHL class "concealed means concealed". Did I have a gun on me today? Did you see one? You'll never know (or I hope you never have to find out)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 23, 2011, 01:37:48 AM
Now we haz a maps, so Game On!
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 23, 2011, 02:53:57 AM
Now we haz a maps, so Game On!


We got off on kind of a rabbit trail in discussion the last few days, but I suggest we try to bring it back on topic in this thread.

I already mentioned it via email, but does anyone have any questions/comments/concerns about adding aspects to the other people's stories that we assigned?

I know that I have had a few problems, but luckily both of the characters I have connections with were pretty well defined.  I bet folks who got PCs who were just an idea last Sunday may be having problems... or not.  I don't know.

Anyway, that is the part tomorrow that I see may take a while and that people may not have done yet.  Just a thought.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 23, 2011, 03:03:12 AM

We got off on kind of a rabbit trail in discussion the last few days, but I suggest we try to bring it back on topic in this thread.

I already mentioned it via email, but does anyone have any questions/comments/concerns about adding aspects to the other people's stories that we assigned?

I know that I have had a few problems, but luckily both of the characters I have connections with were pretty well defined.  I bet folks who got PCs who were just an idea last Sunday may be having problems... or not.  I don't know.

Anyway, that is the part tomorrow that I see may take a while and that people may not have done yet.  Just a thought.

Basically yes to everything you said
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 23, 2011, 03:32:06 AM
Basically yes to everything you said

What two characters did your character have ties to?  Perhaps I could throw a few suggestions out there.

I'm just doing school right now for the next hour or so.  After that I will be finalizing my Miami stuff... so I will be available.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 23, 2011, 04:51:13 AM
What two characters did your character have ties to?  Perhaps I could throw a few suggestions out there.

I'm just doing school right now for the next hour or so.  After that I will be finalizing my Miami stuff... so I will be available.

I believe Steve the Non-Wizard
The Lady with the Limo
and Z's FBI guy

Can you get PDFs? I have a kinda completed character sheet typed out (Or atleast the stuff I understand is completed...kinda) I could email it to you

I just dont want to be "That guy" who drags everyone else down with them or stalls the game too much.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 23, 2011, 05:01:31 AM
I believe Steve the Non-Wizard
The Lady with the Limo
and Z's FBI guy

Can you get PDFs? I have a kinda completed character sheet typed out (Or atleast the stuff I understand is completed...kinda) I could email it to you

I just dont want to be "That guy" who drags everyone else down with them or stalls the game too much.

Sure!  I will be up for the next couple of hours too.

Go ahead and email me what you've got (PDF is fine) and I will email you back a (probably lengthy) email with suggestions and ideas.

I'm helping Ashley with her stuff right now. :)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 23, 2011, 05:51:16 AM
Oh if anyone cares. Shinerbock, Corona,Woodchuck Cider, and Orange Fanta (get it?)
I'm not a beer guy so I guessed, I like woodchuck I dare you not to like it.

I printed a bunch of stuff out. I'm going to try like hell to get out of work ASAP.

When to when is the game again?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 23, 2011, 05:55:53 AM
Oh if anyone cares. Shinerbock, Corona,Woodchuck Cider, and Orange Fanta (get it?)
I'm not a beer guy so I guessed, I like woodchuck I dare you not to like it.

I printed a bunch of stuff out. I'm going to try like hell to get out of work ASAP.

When to when is the game again?

1-9 I believe is what Ren said.

I don't like beer either.  I will be bringing wine coolers.

It doesn't bother me to drink girlie drinks.  I used to jump out of airplanes and blow stuff up so I don't have anything to prove. :)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 23, 2011, 06:46:10 AM
1-9 I believe is what Ren said.

I don't like beer either.  I will be bringing wine coolers.

It doesn't bother me to drink girlie drinks.  I used to jump out of airplanes and blow stuff up so I don't have anything to prove. :)

I like girly drinks and work a girly job, so I have a lot to prove  ;)

Also try the woodchuck, its good.
And in Northern Ireland the REAL men drink cider which high in booze content than some silly American ales.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 23, 2011, 10:13:19 AM
I like girly drinks and work a girly job, so I have a lot to prove  ;)

Also try the woodchuck, its good.
And in Northern Ireland the REAL men drink cider which high in booze content than some silly American ales.

I may try it.  Unfortunately I cannot bring any of my hard stuff since I have to eventually drive home and I don't want to get too silly... :P

I finished your character sheet.  Unless you hate it or want to mess around with it, it should be good to go now at the basic level.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 23, 2011, 10:48:58 AM
Don't forget the Limes for the Corona! Its about all I drink for beer anyway...8)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 23, 2011, 01:30:46 PM
Don't forget the Limes for the Corona! Its about all I drink for beer anyway...8)
I have no limes. I have a bottle of lime juice.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 23, 2011, 03:58:31 PM
Well duh, that's what grocery stores are for!
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 23, 2011, 04:45:16 PM
Looking like closer to 6  >:(
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 24, 2011, 05:16:39 AM
Pretty awesome stuff.

I am looking forward to next time.

Question: should we start posting recaps after each session so that anyone who misses a week can catch up to speed before even showing up again?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Malkyne on January 24, 2011, 06:37:40 AM
Oh look... there's this whole conversation going on here that I didn't know about...

Pretty awesome stuff.

I had a blast, even though I didn't get much "screentime," as it were.

I am looking forward to next time.

Me too!

Question: should we start posting recaps after each session so that anyone who misses a week can catch up to speed before even showing up again?

I put a "Session Synopses" subfolder in the Google Docs folder that I shared with you guys.  We can drop recaps in there, if anyone would like to do the writing.

Tess (Gloria)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: PirateGhost on January 24, 2011, 06:51:23 AM
Crazy Pirate guy...probably has a cutlass and a brace of black-powder pistols...

Now that I'm actually here.... that's a machete on the skiff, and another on the yacht.  And at least one flintlock pistol, though I generally don't carry it around.  It's more for home, er, boat defense. ;)

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Malkyne on January 24, 2011, 07:04:26 AM
It's more for home, er, boat defense. ;)

It's too bad they don't have an eyepatch smiley.

Tess (Gloria)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: PirateGhost on January 24, 2011, 07:14:47 AM
I like girly drinks and work a girly job, so I have a lot to prove  ;)

Also try the woodchuck, its good.
And in Northern Ireland the REAL men drink cider which high in booze content than some silly American ales.

I'll tap my latest homebrew for the next session I host at my place.  When I tasted it before setting it aside for conditioning and carbonation, it tasted like something between root beer and chai tea, and yet is still a good strong beer at about 8.4% ABV.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 24, 2011, 08:11:20 AM
I'll tap my latest homebrew for the next session I host at my place.  When I tasted it before setting it aside for conditioning and carbonation, it tasted like something between root beer and chai tea, and yet is still a good strong beer at about 8.4% ABV.

I'll try it.  I just wish I could get a little more silly... as in not driving.  :P

I liked the woodchuck stuff - so did Ashley.  It may be her new favorite drink.

I also like this signing off with our character names thing. :)

I'm going to do a lot of research this week on aspect mechanics and such.  I'm blessed/cursed with a good memory and I don't have anything else going on this week so I'll take one for the team that way.

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 24, 2011, 01:24:29 PM
This was my first real exposure to How an Rpg game is played and how aspects,  dice rolling ext all fit into a game. So I was impressed by the level of freedom you could exercise while still being "In the rules ".
I think ill stick to "....and then I shot it" until I understand more  :D

Just need to do my 3x3x3. Fix character math ( thanks again for helping me)also thanks to everyone for being so patient with me. Im kinda a shy guy so I don't mean to be stand offish or awkward.

This next time I have the full time for the day.  Where are we playing? I thought I heard Zs. House but then I thought he said he was out of town? My hearing is crap.

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 24, 2011, 02:27:44 PM
It will be my house. Im in the DFW area again on Saturday and gone all weekend two weekends after. I will email out the map to my place later this week.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 24, 2011, 03:08:51 PM
That was probably the best start to a game I've ever had! I already had much more material written...well rough outline anyway of events, and I made some modifications as the session progressed. I'm sorta kinda planning to do each game as a "Book" with the end of each book being a Major Milestone. I think I have enough materials for at least two more sessions at the current rate of progression. As we finish lesser chapters there will be minor milestones.

In all I think it was a great session for learning the basics of the system including combat, which was kind of the purpose of the Gator Attacks...though I should have gone with three gators after all, just to make things...interesting...8) But in all seriousness I had planned in advance who would be out there for the fight and suspected there would be more than enough firepower and I was right.

There are a few things we will have to work on;
- Fluid Seating arrangements; there was a fair amount of cross-talk which was good as it kept people busy talking and exchanging info but it made it hard to hear. For future reference it'll be easier if those that need to talk independently step away form the table to cut down the confusion and volume, I'm more than happy to go with if needed and I may occasionally take folks aside for private discussion.

- Tess, I'm going to go ahead ahead suggest a change of Trouble for you. Being constantly broke does not reflect well on Gloria's professionalism and given the number of high-profile and rich clients there's really no way she'd be broke unless she has a gambling addiction. We also need to work on some way to get you more actively involved in the group and I think I may have a way to do that.

- Melon, need to find a reason for her to get more actively involved too. Maybe some additional hobbies to support the photography that could be useful; scholarship or investigation. Maybe working for the paper on the side as a cub reporter or writing a blog. Something to give her a reason to be on-scene other than just photography. Hrmm come to think of it a reporter and crime-scene photographer may not work...oh here we go, CSI! She works in the actual police lab. Will need some science and scholarly skills but it would be an addition.

I think everyone else is fine as is, but lets go ahead and consider the middle of this session to be a minor milestone for everyone so y'all can swap skills around a bit and some powers.

Lessons learned: Awareness and Investigation are VERY Important skills...Sadly no-one at the Everglades scene had any investigative skills so you missed out fully one one clue and didn't look too closely at another. Luckily if no one reports the scene it won't be found for quite awhile so y'all can always go back to investigate it more thoroughly with better-trained eyes.

- Tess and Jason, if you all like we can either get together or talk via mail etc about what your characters will be doing while you all are gone this weekend and maybe during the following week get together and play out what you did so you will be caught up. I'll plan to do the same for others that miss sessions as well.

Note to All: Starting in the middle of February until the beginning week of march I will begin moving out of my current apt into a friends house so there MAY be a weekend we will not have a session, we'll have to see how it goes. Help is welcome too...8)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 24, 2011, 04:11:27 PM
fyi: I just finished writing out the Outline for the Campaign Arc and its going to take place in three "Books" and just as a Teaser here's the Titles;

"Blood in the Water" (but you already knew that)
"A Dirty Black Summer"
"Monsters at the Gate"


Note: Names maybe subject to change!
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 24, 2011, 07:39:47 PM
Since you gun nuts hijacked the thread earlier, my turn...8)

If I had the Money, strength, mental stability and could even locate one (Out of production), I'd want one of these in my collection;

Dan Wesson PPC:

Mateba Model 6 Unica:
and maybe one of these...

I like odd-looking guns...8)

Also the LeMat, what a great concept for a gun, would love to see it modernized...
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 24, 2011, 08:18:51 PM
why not get an in production gun that shoots better and looks weirder?  ;D
chiappa rhino

The barrel is at the bottom instead of the top. supposedly the recoil pushes back on you not up and away
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 24, 2011, 08:38:21 PM
Look they make a baby one

Speaking of which, I went to the range today, I suck, I havent been in months.

I have some questions about the 3x3s, but I gotta take my pug to the vet for some shots

Kermit the pug
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 24, 2011, 08:46:33 PM
Oooh! I like it! Wonder how expensive they are...though the grip is a little odd-looking...

Huh, guess its a new release but I see prices ranging form $800 to $2600...8P
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 24, 2011, 10:04:47 PM

 Melon, need to find a reason for her to get more actively involved too. Maybe some additional hobbies to support the photography that could be useful; scholarship or investigation. Maybe working for the paper on the side as a cub reporter or writing a blog. Something to give her a reason to be on-scene other than just photography. Hrmm come to think of it a reporter and crime-scene photographer may not work...oh here we go, CSI! She works in the actual police lab. Will need some science and scholarly skills but it would be an addition.
I just spoke with her about it, and she likes the idea of a blog.  She already has an aspect, "Darling of the Paranet", so it would be conceivable that she would also have a blog.  Not only that, a big motivation of Melon is that she hates her job and the supernatural but she can't escape it anymore and feels obligated to do what she can.

On last thing... Melon's investigation is +5.  :)  It's already her highest skill.

Note to All: Starting in the middle of February until the beginning week of march I will begin moving out of my current apt into a friends house so there MAY be a weekend we will not have a session, we'll have to see how it goes. Help is welcome too...8)
I may be able to help.  We'll just have to see what day(s) it is.  I could use the exercise anyway.

One last thing - you did say that we should consider a minor milestone at some point in our story so far, right?

That would make sense... especially for the gator group.

My armor has tooth marks.  That's just not right. :P
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 24, 2011, 11:11:46 PM
Steven aka Quiz Boy aka Steven 1 aka Steven the Engineer aka Steven the coiffed (Cause he has hair) and me were talking about Character death. Can you die? If so, what then?

Also I made up all those nicknames after Quiz boy, no offense meant.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 24, 2011, 11:48:59 PM
Steven aka Quiz Boy aka Steven 1 aka Steven the Engineer aka Steven the coiffed (Cause he has hair) and me were talking about Character death. Can you die? If so, what then?

Also I made up all those nicknames after Quiz boy, no offense meant.

You can, but the cool thing about this game is that you don't have to.

From what I understand, how far a character is willing to go has everything to do on the situation and how strongly they feel about things.

For instance, if you get into a fight with a gangbanger, they would probably concede after a moderate or even a minor consequence.

Not many fist fights are to the death. :)  The GM could decide that after a 6 stress attack, a normal person is "taken out"

If someone is "taken out" - (you or an NPC), the winner of the fight decides what happens to them.

So for instance, if I blast a vampire with magic and they are "taken out, I could decide that they either die from the blast, or are temporarily knocked out.  Once it comes to, I can instruct it to take a message to its master.

Concessions are where you or another are in combat, and it's a kind of yield.  Concession means you're done with the fight and you lost, but you get the final say over what happens - not the enemy.

So for instance, if an alligator had taken a big chunk out of me in that fight yesterday and scared me sufficiently, I could have taken a concession.

An appropriate one would be, "I pass out and lie in the mud at an awkward angle, breathing shallowly, but the alligators mistake me for dead and leave me alone."

So a character may run away, hide, etc if the stakes are not high enough, but if we were say... trying to save several children from ritual rape and dismemberment, I know that my character for one would be fighting to the death.

Does that make sense?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 24, 2011, 11:58:29 PM
And for weird guns....

I suggest checking out (

It contains such gems as :



...and this is Ashley's gun.


Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Malkyne on January 25, 2011, 01:01:35 AM
Check out this awesome Gloria jacket:

There are a few things we will have to work on;
- Fluid Seating arrangements; there was a fair amount of cross-talk which was good as it kept people busy talking and exchanging info but it made it hard to hear. For future reference it'll be easier if those that need to talk independently step away form the table to cut down the confusion and volume, I'm more than happy to go with if needed and I may occasionally take folks aside for private discussion.
For future games at my place, by the way, you are welcome to invade the room next-door (my office / TV room / project room) for side-conversations.  You guys didn't get to see much of it, but it's got a large sofa and a countertop with bar stools.  Also, there's another bathroom back there.

- Tess, I'm going to go ahead ahead suggest a change of Trouble for you. Being constantly broke does not reflect well on Gloria's professionalism and given the number of high-profile and rich clients there's really no way she'd be broke unless she has a gambling addiction.

Oh, I can think of lots of ways she could be broke, that have nothing to do with gambling, but I was never very enthusiastic about that Trouble, anyway.  Her professionalism is turning out to be a far more dominant character trait than I was expecting, when I was first devising the character.

I think that a good Trouble aspect for her would be something related to her lower-class upbringing, during her teens, since that dogs her in multiple ways, now that she is moving in more sophisticated circles.  She lacks the education to keep up with her more intellectual clients and other acquaintances.  Moreover, her poise and polish are largely artifice, and can slip up when she's under great stress (or when she thinks nobody is listening).  Finally, various loyalties and connections from her past (particularly rakish Cousin Orfeo and his amigos deshonrosa), can invade her life, tap her resources, and become obstacles to her.

Now, I just need a pithy (or at least concise) name for my Trouble.  Hmmm...

And here I thought you were going to go after my "Don't ask too many questions" aspect!  The source of that aspect was that when her parents were put in prison, she learned the value of being sheltered from the knowledge of their criminal activities, since she was neither a useful witness against her parents in court, nor in any sort of trouble, herself.  Likewise, as a neutral driver, she prefers not to know about the criminal activities of her clients (and their potential activities against one another), so that she bears no culpability for those activities, and so that her knowledge can't be used against them.  The positive side of this aspect is that she has a reputation for keeping her mouth shut, and staying out of peoples' business -- which opens doors for her which might otherwise be closed.  The negative side means that she's left in the dark about some information that might be useful to her.

It turns out that it's remarkably difficult to play this aspect, in practice.  Moreover, I think she might have too much curiosity (and hunger for an interesting life) to pull it off.  It would probably be wise to replace this aspect with another aspect relating to discretion and/or professionalism.  I'll give it some thought.

We also need to work on some way to get you more actively involved in the group and I think I may have a way to do that.

Cool.  I think Marty is (already) turning out to be an important lynchpin in the group, and he'll help a lot with the cohesiveness, too.

- Tess and Jason, if you all like we can either get together or talk via mail etc about what your characters will be doing while you all are gone this weekend and maybe during the following week get together and play out what you did so you will be caught up. I'll plan to do the same for others that miss sessions as well.

Sure thing.

Note to All: Starting in the middle of February until the beginning week of march I will begin moving out of my current apt into a friends house so there MAY be a weekend we will not have a session, we'll have to see how it goes. Help is welcome too...8)

Are you going to compel my "Friends help you move..." aspect?  :D

-Tess (Gloria)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 25, 2011, 01:22:59 AM
Man i had a blast its been awhile (a decade), and i think at times i actually wanted to start interrogating people, instead of role playing and getting things moving. I couldn't believe how self conscience i felt when Ian said, its 5.30 am on a Sunday and your phone rings (i can remember thinking is great, frying pan, fire and why the hell am i first).... Last time i felt self conscience in front of a group was when i took over my first platoon 8 years ago. Also i didn't think i did a good job role playing my character. Hes a nicer guy then i am.

I also think i may need to relook at my social skills, I purposely designed my character to be more skilled (I took the GM fiat) then stunt driven. I have a 3 presence so i figured i would be able to use that assist my rapport, empathy and intimidation (yeah i know its on the sheet and i forgot to use it), which are 1's or 2s. Was i wrong in this assumption? I've read the rule books section covering and it implies you can but when?

Tess, how about Love 'em hate 'em my family all the same.

Thank all i had a great time. But i kinda felt bad for the rest of the group because Steve the Bald and I hogged a lot of the "air time."  

Special Agent Ian Fabian (Z)

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 25, 2011, 01:46:15 AM
Thank all i had a great time. But i kinda felt bad for the rest of the group because Steve the Bald and I hogged a lot of the "air time."  

Special Agent Ian Fabian (Z)

I may be speaking for no one but myself and mean no disrespect to anyone else, but I think you, Steve the bald  :P, and the Steve the un-Bald  ;D had the most to say and really got into it. It was very entertaining.
Yeah you did seem like you wanted to shine the spot light in some peoples faces, and start demanding answers. Ian and *The Wizard could do a real "Good Cop/Bad Cop" thing in the future.

*( Can we get a Character list going with the Characters name, and the person who is playing them?)
i'll start

Real Name                Character Name                   Character Description.

Mark Lewis                   Brian Moman                        Redneck Gun Runner

I was looking at clothes my character could wear, and then I saw my character
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Malkyne on January 25, 2011, 01:54:00 AM
I couldn't believe how self conscience i felt when Ian said, its 5.30 am on a Sunday and your phone rings (i can remember thinking is great, frying pan, fire and why the hell am i first)...

I thought you did great, under the circumstances!

I have a 3 presence so i figured i would be able to use that assist my rapport, empathy and intimidation (yeah i know its on the sheet and i forgot to use it), which are 1's or 2s. Was i wrong in this assumption? I've read the rule books section covering and it implies you can but when?

That's an interesting question.  I like the idea that your character is more presence-based, and mine is more rapport-based.  That fits really well with their respective roles.

Tess, how about Love 'em hate 'em my family all the same.

Hmm.  That works really well for explaining why she puts up with Orfeo, but I would probably need to change her current relationship with her parents, to reflect a stronger family loyalty.  (She correctly blames them for her reversal of fortune, when she ended up living with Aunt Marisa, and it's a sore spot with her.)

Thank all i had a great time. But i kinda felt bad for the rest of the group because Steve the Bald and I hogged a lot of the "air time."  

Don't sweat it.  We're still feeling out the group dynamic (and where everyone fits in), so a bit of that is going to happen at first, I think.

Tess (Gloria)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: PirateGhost on January 25, 2011, 02:13:29 AM
Quote from: Malkyne
I think that a good Trouble aspect for her would be something related to her lower-class upbringing, during her teens, since that dogs her in multiple ways, now that she is moving in more sophisticated circles.

Now, I just need a pithy (or at least concise) name for my Trouble.  Hmmm...
From this, I'm picturing Eliza Doolittle (Shaw's "Pygmalion: A Romance in Five Acts" or the "My Fair Lady" musical/film)

As for my character, right now he's feeling a little bit like the guy who brings his fists to a gun fight.  Of course, most of his fighting experience involves either hockey or close-combat on a boat.

Also, now that I've had time to read up more on the skills and stunts, I think I'd prefer to swap Lore (currently at +2) with Intimdation (currently at +1), as they make more sense in that order.  I view his lore skill as mostly occult information he's picked up during his adventures with assorted wizards and other supernatural creatures, and from his ghost, where Intimdation would be something he's had long practice at from his time as a hockey player.  I was looking at the "Infuriate" and "No Pain No Gain" stunts as well, based on his background.

Quote from: Ren
- Tess and Jason, if you all like we can either get together or talk via mail etc about what your characters will be doing while you all are gone this weekend and maybe during the following week get together and play out what you did so you will be caught up. I'll plan to do the same for others that miss sessions as well.
Sure.  We can either meet up somewhere or do it over email.  My schedule is pretty flexible.

Real Name                Character Name                   Character Description.
Jason Maltzen                Mike LaFleur                        Curse of the pirate's ghost.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 25, 2011, 03:19:24 AM
Armor with tooth-marks is just natures way of telling you that you are still alive...8)

Yes now is the time to swap skills around and even some aspects a bit.

Bear; Blog will work as long as she has some Journalistic credentials that allow her into SOME places.

Overall I think the group as a whole is going to end up gelling fairly well though there will be a certain amount of roughness around the edges just due to character-types, but then again its a dirty world we live in.

Z, I apologize if I put you on the spot, but you really were the best character to start of the story and that particular scene was designed to set the tone for the entire campaign; just how serious and weird shit is going to get...and as you all know by now you've jumped right down into it...8)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 25, 2011, 03:22:24 AM

I was looking at clothes my character could wear, and then I saw my character

Utterly awesome/hilarious.

That's an interesting question.  I like the idea that your character is more presence-based, and mine is more rapport-based.  That fits really well with their respective roles.

I agree.  I think they work pretty well as intended.  We just need to progress through the story and "level up" we we can all be a little more varied with our skill sets. :)  The way the skills work in this game, one really has to be.

Hmm.  That works really well for explaining why she puts up with Orfeo, but I would probably need to change her current relationship with her parents, to reflect a stronger family loyalty.  (She correctly blames them for her reversal of fortune, when she ended up living with Aunt Marisa, and it's a sore spot with her.)

How about...
From lame to limos
Driving away from my past
Pip has nothing on me
Fish out of water
What's a salad fork actually for?

Or my personal favorite:

My family sucks

Also i didn't think i did a good job role playing my character. Hes a nicer guy then i am.
Maybe so, but your RL knowledge of legalities and law enforcement really lends a ton of credibility to your character.  I think since you've established your character, it would not be too hard to steer his character development where you want it to go.

I also think i may need to relook at my social skills, I purposely designed my character to be more skilled (I took the GM fiat) then stunt driven. I have a 3 presence so i figured i would be able to use that assist my rapport, empathy and intimidation (yeah i know its on the sheet and i forgot to use it), which are 1's or 2s. Was i wrong in this assumption? I've read the rule books section covering and it implies you can but when?
I think that is up to the GM.

What would be more appropriate would be to make a maneuver using your presence, then use the free tag from that to mod your following skill roll by +2.

We're all new to this system and I get the feeling we are not using aspects to their full effect.

As for my character, right now he's feeling a little bit like the guy who brings his fists to a gun fight.  Of course, most of his fighting experience involves either hockey or close-combat on a boat.

It would be cool if your character starts developing his guns skill more since he's hanging out with so many long distance types.  In fact, it would be really cool if he had a brace of black powder derringers that he left primed but not loaded.  Then before a fight, he could just load whatever type of ball is appropriate (silver, iron, lead, garlic, etc) and let fly. :)

This could be part of his character development in the future.  I'm sure that Brian would be able to procure some interesting weapons.

And yes, cannons are legal.  A cannon or two on the boat would be /awesome/.

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 25, 2011, 03:49:29 AM

Like Ian said were still early in this. I wouldn't worry about the fists to a gun fight.  At some point, i think we are going to be put in a position to use fists and quite frankly, your the man for that (ive got a 2 in it). Guns are only appropriate when there is no one to come and arrest you for them. At some point we are going to be in Miami, in a crowded place, with innocent bystanders where guns will NOT be appropriate. We as a group though are mostly mortal, we kinda are all like glass cannons. We hit hard, but we take a hit like France fights wars, badly. Heck Steve the Coiffed and Bear didn't even really get to any magic. Bear did get almost eaten by alligators though, which was entertaining.

Also there are alot of specialists in our group, so when its your time to shine you will do well, i think you are the only one with fists that high. Then Steve the bald and i purposely designed our charters as jack of all trades masters of looking good in a suit. So we have a lot of skills but most of mine are 1 ors 2. With stunts to augment the ones i deemed important.

Hell look at things from my characters point of view: 5:30 Am on a sunday he has a dead half shark half socialite on his hands, who has sewed HERSELF into that shark skin. Not to mention shes the daughter of the most powerful man in town. His best friend in Miami and the most knowledgeable man I know on the spooky side (steve the coiffed) has no clue what the hell is going on, and hes the Mage. The man who he would love to drag in on charges but none would stick, and who he acknowledges as an equal (steve the bald) added his own spin on it when he showed up the the prints and gun of the brother of the most powerful crime syndicate in Miami. An "associate" of said most powerful man in Miami has sent his driver "tess" to keep tabs on him (i think).  My crime scene photographer (ashley) happens to know the location of one of the few significant clues we have to date (that photo).  The club hes about to go ask question in, is under the sway of merfolk, and he knows it, and apparently this is tied to them somehow.  He knows The Redneck from previous run ins with steve the coiffed, but has yet to meet the pirate or Pele's simpleton.  And this has all happed BEFORE 1600 on Sunday.  

Special Agent Ian Fabian  (Z  Clued in well dressed FBI agent with a family history)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 25, 2011, 04:07:02 AM

Special Agent Ian Fabian  (Z  Clued in well dressed FBI agent with a family history)

I'm sorry all I heard was

I know you dont watch TV, but that's Special FBI Agent Booth (Descendant of John Wilkes Booth) frm the show Bones.  Also Booth was an Army Ranger Sniper.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 25, 2011, 04:14:28 AM
or Pele's simpleton.  

Hey!  I resemble that remark!

Josh Acker                         -                Warrior/Simpleton of Pele
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 25, 2011, 04:34:24 AM
He knows The Redneck from previous run ins with steve the coiffed, but has yet to meet the pirate or Pele's simpleton.  And this has all happed BEFORE 1600 on Sunday.  

*In Character*
Brian Moman dont like talking to no Gub'ment man with his fancy badges and unconstitutional FBI patriot act nonsense. Police power is for the states not the Feds, this aint Russia comrade!
*spits tobacco*
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 25, 2011, 07:14:16 AM
Armor with tooth-marks is just natures way of telling you that you are still alive...8)

True enough lol

Bear; Blog will work as long as she has some Journalistic credentials that allow her into SOME places.
She was thinking it might give her the motivation to do investigating of her own.  It might also give her the motivation to call a certain living-out-of-his truck someone to back her up for security.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on January 25, 2011, 01:25:08 PM
Hey, guys.  Steve M. here, or Bald Steve or whatever you prefer.  (I try to keep last name and most personal info the hell away from the internet.)  Noticed how much conversation was happening over here and figured I'd register.

Sunday was awesome.  The game was hours of investigation and story and jokes and frantic combat and character development and aspect suggestions.  Monday I played in my regular D&D game, and it was literally a single four hour combat that didn't really matter story-wise.  Guess which one of those I loved and which one was kind of dreary.  Working my schedule, it's incredibly difficult to find a regular game, so I'm really delighted by what we have going here.  I hope everybody else had fun too, but especially newbies Ashley and Mark.  This hobby can be kind of a lot to take in if you're jumping in the deep end.

Although we have some kinks to work out, it seemed to go pretty smoothly.  I apologize for, in retrospect, being a bit of a spotlight hog.  With this many players in the group, I definitely like the idea of players making their way to the sidelines when necessary while they RP out conversations.  Also, Ian, since a lot of what Marty does involves contacting potentially helpful people, would I be able to make some rolls for that in between games or before the game officially starts or something so as not to take up actual game time by, f'rinstance, seeing if I can reach the were-gator swamp folk?

It seems like we need to work on incorporating our aspects more into the game.  They're a new concept for me, at least in practice.  I've got to try to find more opportunities for compels, especially.  Did we manage to compel at all?  My PC definitely seems the type to get into lots and lots of trouble (compels) and who then needs to really struggle to get out of it (spending fate points).  And, as others have stated, we've got to integrate some of the PCs more thoroughly into the plotline(s).  Love the idea of Ashley's photographer being a clued-in CSI, but then again she's not my character.

Anybody else feel the need for some serious central-repository-type database?  Whether through Google Docs or Obsidian Portal, I think an investigation-heavy game like this with as many PCs and NPCs and locations as this has could really use it.  I like the formatting of Obsidian Portal, but don't really know what Google Docs might have going for it, not having used it before.  What are the high points of using Docs?  To that end, though, I've got a fillable forms character sheet ( llable%20v1.3.pdf) 90% filled out that I'd upload to G-Docs if I could figure out how.  Tess?  Little help?

I'd like to cast a vote for Obsidian Portal, though.  I think Ian would have to open the campaign page itself, but after that I believe everyone else would be able to take it from there.  The "wiki" section isn't the only one accessible by all.  We could set up a listing under NPCs for Marcy Railsback, to give a limited example, and list everything we know or suspect about her (unfortunate mermaid princess of the sea, pint-sized speedy bugger running from her apartment, etc.), put in links to known associates/relations (Martin Railsback, Marius Vulpas), and we already have a picture of her, ah, demise.  Also, we can more readily access what one group of players learns while the others are chatting on the sidelines.  Mark could put up the newfound (and wonderful) picture of his PC as part of Brian Moman's page, I can throw up a character sheet, background questions and some investigative notes, Tess can throw up her business card and pictures of her swanky car, and Ashley can post a blog entry or two.  Any takers?  We don't need participation from everyone, and it needn't take hours and hours; I know we've got busy lives.  But I'm willing to put in some time, and think we could really use something like this.  The link from my original email to the New Orleans campaign is here (  (I'm still willing to be sold on Google Docs, though, despite some obvious bias.)

I've got more I'd like to say, but it's way past bedtime for me.  I'll get back here later on.

AKA Marty Holbrook, Miami's premier clued-in fixer and smart-ass.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 25, 2011, 02:41:47 PM
Tess already opened a Google Docs thingy for us to use, I think there's an email around somewhere if not it can be forwarded.
I'll take a look at Obsidian Portal, I still have the link you sent me but I haven't gotten around to checking it out.

And in other news, I found this little gen on the web...I want a setup like this! (
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: quizboy on January 25, 2011, 05:56:18 PM
  I had a good time as well; I'm glad you guys thought so as well.

  One thing that really stood out to me was the way that there were so many "side role play" things going on.  This is something that I've only rarely seen in the past, and indidates good players.  In my opinion, it's a good habit to get into, and will help Ian (GM, not PC) when he is working with a different group of players.
  We probably need to work on the best way to do handle the side conversations, but it'll help out the game when we can do it well. :)

It would be cool if your character starts developing his guns skill more since he's hanging out with so many long distance types.  In fact, it would be really cool if he had a brace of black powder derringers that he left primed but not loaded.  Then before a fight, he could just load whatever type of ball is appropriate (silver, iron, lead, garlic, etc) and let fly. :)

  You guys may already know this, but my understanding is that pirates kept braces of loaded pistols on strands of rope; this was a primitive way of getting a repeating shot (shoot one pistol, drop, shoot next pistol, repeat).
  This would work great if you decided to load the pistols with different types of ammo:  mundane dangers would all be damaged by silver, iron, or lead.  For supernatural dangers, you'd just have to pick the correct pistol.

Lastly, there have been a couple of discussions regarding aspects and the way we are using them.  What I've seen from the previous games I've played, we aren't using them enough.  They are supposed to be one of the most powerful and unique parts of the system.

The aspect and fate point systems leads to an economy of points going back and forth around the table as bad things happen, and we use fate points to get out of tight spots.  We seemed to use the "free tags" from the maneuvers that were done, but that was about it.

I have one suggestion to try to help this:  how about we all list our aspects for Ian to put into a table/spreadsheet/bookmark?  That way, when we're in the middle of something, he can just glance down at it to compel us.

I'm not certain on the details of how aspects work, so maybe some talk about them will help.
  I'm uncertain if/when players can tag other players aspects.
  Are other players aspects private or public? 
  Does the GM tag positive aspects as well?  (give a player a fate point for playing up an aspect)
    I think the GM does, but players need to point it out when this happens.


--Steven (aka Gavin, aka the coiffed, aka the LoreMaster)

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 25, 2011, 06:21:18 PM
O don't see why the pirate hockey guy can't have acannon on his boat.  Make those weresharks think twice my character could hook him up
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 25, 2011, 06:31:58 PM
I actually Have a list ready to fill up with everyone's aspects once I have them all. In the same document with the list of aspects and compels we started working up.
I do agree we need to use aspects more, I tend to prefer a more storytelling approach to things and keeping dice to a minimum and using aspects would certainly heighten that for us. We just need to get sued to how they are and are not used.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on January 25, 2011, 08:38:12 PM
Tess already opened a Google Docs thingy for us to use, I think there's an email around somewhere if not it can be forwarded.
I'll take a look at Obsidian Portal, I still have the link you sent me but I haven't gotten around to checking it out.

Yeah, that's why I was asking Tess for help on how to use it.  I think I'm finally figuring it out somewhat, though.  I have my character sheet .pdf uploaded, theoretically.  I think Mark's working on doing the same, but is experiencing technical difficulties.  Can somebody verify that my character sheet uploaded successfully over there?  There should be a folder for Marty with the sheet in it here (
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 25, 2011, 08:52:25 PM
I'll check when I get home but I  can't access gmail or such form work...damn web-site blocks....8P
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 25, 2011, 09:35:06 PM
I have boffer fighting practice tonight, but after I get back home I will be posting Ashley's character and mine to the google thingie.

I think I may also make a list for Ian of both characters' aspects and a few ways they could be compelled negatively and positively just to give them a little bit of context.

I think part of the reason aspects haven't come into play as much yet (Ian correct me if I'm wrong here) is that the GM is still starting the story and establishing how we all know each other.  This requires doing certain things to make sure we all eventually meet and actually know who each other are.

As for aspect compels, since we all agree that we should be using them more, let's just start looking for ways to use them in the next game.

Also, how does everyone feel about using the optional Spin rules?  Basically it means if you're rolling on defense or some other roll where the excess of a fantastic roll isn't immediately used, you get a temporary aspect that you can tag on your next offensive or benefitting roll.

For instance, if someone takes a swing at Melon and she dodges by more than 2 or 3 excess (up to Ian), it could put her in a very advantageous position or the opponent in a bad position which would thematically justify a +2 tag to her next attack.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 26, 2011, 02:41:29 AM
Okay I sent out invites to the Obsidian Portal Thingy, It looks pretty cool but for the fact that posting anything I have in tables will be a pain. One of the things I really dislike about web-format work...Once I figure out how to get my table formatted over...anyone know html?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 26, 2011, 04:28:56 AM
Okay I sent out invites to the Obsidian Portal Thingy, It looks pretty cool but for the fact that posting anything I have in tables will be a pain. One of the things I really dislike about web-format work...Once I figure out how to get my table formatted over...anyone know html?

It actually does look pretty cool.  It looks like a neat tool.

I like that I've been able to compile all of my character stuff in one place.

I also like the wiki option and the place for recaps.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 26, 2011, 05:28:16 AM
It actually does look pretty cool.  It looks like a neat tool.

I like that I've been able to compile all of my character stuff in one place.

I also like the wiki option and the place for recaps.

I put up a bunch of stuff on my character. still working stuff out. Everytime I crack the book and get something done on this, some crazy random bullcrap pops up.

Also I am using my wifes MAC and ugh, I dont like Macs. I also cant get to this forum from her mac because it says my ip address is banned (???????????)

I really like the character stuff being in one place, I'm bad with names to begin with, so calling people Limo Lady, Bald Steve  :o, FBI Guy (or as my wife has been saying "Booth-ey") Pirate guy, and Joe vs the Volcano (I kid, I kid) is getting old for me.
Title: Pic of my character
Post by: BumblingBear on January 26, 2011, 06:59:22 AM
Mike found a pretty cool pic of his character, so I had Ashley make one for me.

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on January 26, 2011, 08:21:10 AM
I got the Obsidian Portal invite and now it's being picky with my account and claims, hilariously, the invite isn't for me.  I think it might be because I already had an OP account that was linked to a different email address, but it still doesn't work even after I switch it over to the correct email.  Googling the error message leads me to believe that it'll work once Ian sends an invite to my OP account itself and leaves email out of it.  I sent an email your way, Ian.  So I won't be able to contribute anything until probably after work tomorrow, which sucks.

I think part of the reason aspects haven't come into play as much yet (Ian correct me if I'm wrong here) is that the GM is still starting the story and establishing how we all know each other.  This requires doing certain things to make sure we all eventually meet and actually know who each other are.

As for aspect compels, since we all agree that we should be using them more, let's just start looking for ways to use them in the next game.

It's especially hard in the first session when the GM can't possibly have up to seven different aspects for EIGHT different characters memorized.  I was mostly just saying I think the players themselves should be on the look out for places to point out good opportunities for compels.  "Can I get a fate point if I ruin negotiations with the well-armed, jumpy men with hair triggers by playing up my Shifty-Looking aspect?"  That sort of thing.

Also, how does everyone feel about using the optional Spin rules?  Basically it means if you're rolling on defense or some other roll where the excess of a fantastic roll isn't immediately used, you get a temporary aspect that you can tag on your next offensive or benefitting roll.

For instance, if someone takes a swing at Melon and she dodges by more than 2 or 3 excess (up to Ian), it could put her in a very advantageous position or the opponent in a bad position which would thematically justify a +2 tag to her next attack.

Sounds fun to me.  GM?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 26, 2011, 12:13:58 PM
I canceled the email invite then re-sent to your OP name.

I think we will probably incorporate the "spin" rules eventually but first we have to get used to the base rules.
As it stands I've already been using "spin" to a degree on information gathering by providing more information on rolls that exceed the base target number. Hence why when the Driver and the Agent both made contacts rolls she got a bit more info than he did as she got a one-degree better success. In that case since they likely used similar, and maybe even some of the same, contacts if there had been different information available then they would have gotten different info. But there was only so much info to be had. 
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 26, 2011, 12:52:37 PM
I canceled the email invite then re-sent to your OP name.

I think we will probably incorporate the "spin" rules eventually but first we have to get used to the base rules.
As it stands I've already been using "spin" to a degree on information gathering by providing more information on rolls that exceed the base target number. Hence why when the Driver and the Agent both made contacts rolls she got a bit more info than he did as she got a one-degree better success. In that case since they likely used similar, and maybe even some of the same, contacts if there had been different information available then they would have gotten different info. But there was only so much info to be had. 

IIRC, spin has more to do with social and physical combat than alertness or investigation/empathy rolls.

Spin generally is generated on defense rolls - like rolling discipline against a social attack or rolling athletics against gunfire, etc.

I don't think that info rolls would be applicable.

Once again, IIRC, what you're doing for information rolls is 100% correct and how the fate system is supposed to work.

Spin would only really take effect during some kind of combat or activity where stress has to be avoided.  I will find the reference for it tomorrow and post it up here.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 26, 2011, 02:45:04 PM
Well as GM I will over-rule that limitation here and now...I can do that...8)
It doesn't really affect much anyway and I think it will make things more interesting.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on January 26, 2011, 08:27:42 PM
The re-invite worked.  In my limited time before I've got to head back to class, I created a few NPC pages.  Guys, feel free to add to them (my notes, recollection and time being limited), correct things, put up more, etc.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 26, 2011, 08:50:07 PM
Well as GM I will over-rule that limitation here and now...I can do that...8)
It doesn't really affect much anyway and I think it will make things more interesting.

Sounds good to me!

You won't hear me arguing against MORE flavor or unpredictability!  :)
Title: Re: Pic of my character
Post by: fantazero on January 26, 2011, 09:59:55 PM
Mike found a pretty cool pic of his character, so I had Ashley make one for me.

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Malkyne on January 27, 2011, 12:48:28 AM
I made this picture of Gloria:

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 27, 2011, 01:04:41 AM
Does everyone have photoshoppe but me?
I do have ms paint
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 27, 2011, 02:12:57 AM
Does everyone have photoshoppe but me?
I do have ms paint

Ashley is making her character portrait with Sims 3.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 27, 2011, 02:18:06 AM
Ashley is making her character portrait with Sims 3.
i have Minecraft and Fall Out New Vegas on my PC at the moment....and thats it.
I asked my friend (named Brian Moman...yeah I named my character after my friend) to make a pic for me. He is also the same guy who made this Dresden Figure,23290.msg994547.html#msg994547
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 27, 2011, 02:34:56 AM
i have Minecraft and Fall Out New Vegas on my PC at the moment....and thats it.
I asked my friend (named Brian Moman...yeah I named my character after my friend) to make a pic for me. He is also the same guy who made this Dresden Figure,23290.msg994547.html#msg994547

Nice!  It will probably turn out awesome. :)

I'm debating on how far I want to geek out later on in the game.  I may have to start wearing Kevlar armor and an obsidian knife. :P
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 27, 2011, 02:51:29 AM
Looking at our Obsidian page, i was wondering how to upload some of the notes i did when digging though Miami's law enforcement agencies, any one know? Also as far as NPC's the characters came up with, is Ian the only one that can upload NPC's?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 27, 2011, 02:54:48 AM
Nice!  It will probably turn out awesome. :)

I'm debating on how far I want to geek out later on in the game.  I may have to start wearing Kevlar armor and an obsidian knife. :P
If we show up at Z's house wearing 5.11 tactical gear, body armor,guns, and knives I think his wife might have a problem.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 27, 2011, 02:57:59 AM
Looking at our Obsidian page, i was wondering how to upload some of the notes i did when digging though Miami's law enforcement agencies, any one know? Also as far as NPC's the characters came up with, is Ian the only one that can upload NPC's?
Copy  paste them into the wiki part I guess. Or are they like PDFs?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 27, 2011, 03:50:01 AM
Well seeing as how i own a few knives, military body armor (courtesy of the US Army but its in my supply room), guns and a bunch of 5.11 stuff from my time as a police officer my wife is just going to look at yall and wonder what the hell yall are doing.

Everyone good with the map to my place?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 27, 2011, 03:55:23 AM
Well seeing as how i own a few knives, military body armor (courtesy of the US Army but its in my supply room), guns and a bunch of 5.11 stuff from my time as a police officer my wife is just going to look at yall and wonder what the hell yall are doing.

Everyone good with the map to my place?
Did you send an email out? I didnt get anything
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 27, 2011, 04:15:42 AM
Well seeing as how i own a few knives, military body armor (courtesy of the US Army but its in my supply room), guns and a bunch of 5.11 stuff from my time as a police officer my wife is just going to look at yall and wonder what the hell yall are doing.

Everyone good with the map to my place?

Since it will be at your house this time and you wanted to see some of my gear, I don't mind bringing it by btw.  Just as long as you've got somewhere safe/secure for me to stow it while we're playing.

I'm weird about leaving weapons/gear unsecured.

You into swords?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 27, 2011, 04:46:50 AM
Since it will be at your house this time and you wanted to see some of my gear, I don't mind bringing it by btw.  Just as long as you've got somewhere safe/secure for me to stow it while we're playing.

I'm weird about leaving weapons/gear unsecured.

uh...(looks around aparment, shotgun on coffee table, Revolver on printer, dissembled glock drying on porch outside)  :-[

You into swords?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 27, 2011, 04:49:38 AM
Well seeing as how i own a few knives, military body armor (courtesy of the US Army but its in my supply room), guns and a bunch of 5.11 stuff from my time as a police officer my wife is just going to look at yall and wonder what the hell yall are doing.

Everyone good with the map to my place?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 27, 2011, 04:53:07 AM
uh...(looks around aparment, shotgun on coffee table, Revolver on printer, dissembled glock drying on porch outside)  :-[

Shame shame!  Most of my stuff stays locked up.

I've even considered locking up some of my swords, but they just look too cool on the wall and I doubt a thief would steal them anyway.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 27, 2011, 05:02:56 AM
Shame shame!  Most of my stuff stays locked up.

I've even considered locking up some of my swords, but they just look too cool on the wall and I doubt a thief would steal them anyway.

Heh, one day walk in Man Cave/Gun Safe/Bomb Shelter for all my guns.

I tend to put them in my "Man Closet" at the end of the day, or they will migrate with me to the room I'm in. Shotgun goes next to bed, Glock stays in Car Safe or nightstand. No clue why the revolver is out, think the wife was asking about it for some law school question.

I dont have any swords, I have a Kabar my dad gave me, its like a Tiny Sword. You ever visit knife sharpest? They sell some crap, but they put a good edge on a knife.
But did we get a map? Does no one have my email or something?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 27, 2011, 05:59:08 AM
Heh, one day walk in Man Cave/Gun Safe/Bomb Shelter for all my guns.

I tend to put them in my "Man Closet" at the end of the day, or they will migrate with me to the room I'm in. Shotgun goes next to bed, Glock stays in Car Safe or nightstand. No clue why the revolver is out, think the wife was asking about it for some law school question.

I dont have any swords, I have a Kabar my dad gave me, its like a Tiny Sword. You ever visit knife sharpest? They sell some crap, but they put a good edge on a knife.
But did we get a map? Does no one have my email or something?

I will forward you Z's email in a few.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on January 27, 2011, 09:37:41 AM
Looking at our Obsidian page, i was wondering how to upload some of the notes i did when digging though Miami's law enforcement agencies, any one know? Also as far as NPC's the characters came up with, is Ian the only one that can upload NPC's?

I'd say upload the notes under an appropriate heading in the wiki.  And anybody can upload NPCs.  If you look, I started all the NPC pages that are currently up.  Anybody can edit what's already up, too.  By all means, help me out with NPC notes and descriptions and whatnot, especially when it comes to the merfolk side of things.  I missed huge sections of that.  Mermaid princess?  What?  Who?  Huh?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on January 27, 2011, 09:38:55 AM
Does everyone have photoshoppe but me?
I do have ms paint

You must use that as your character portrait.  Especially if that's a Texas-shaped belt buckle.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on January 27, 2011, 09:48:37 AM
If anyone cares, by the way, I think it would be Los Cuchillos Rojos (instead of Rojas) in order to maintain gender consistency between noun and descriptor. 
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 27, 2011, 10:10:51 AM
Nice to see im not the only one you cant sleep tonight (so tired)...

bear, i dont have a gun safe, but i do have my man closet. We can put what ever you bring up in there until you vamanos. Most of my weapons are in that, to include my collapsible baton. The only exception is for my compact M&P40, which sits quite happily in my night stand. Not really into swords but the others might be.

My real life interests are Guns, and hand to hand (im a lvl 1 instructor yeah i know that just makes me the punching bag), ive also done krav on and off for a few years, and traditional Korean tai kwon do {none of that "American" crap} for 10 years before that. Ive never really had any inclination to learn ancient weapons, they just are not my bag. The closest ive ever come to trying was showing up for a few Escrema practices taught by one of the Gracie brothers when i lived in Hawaii.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 27, 2011, 10:24:22 AM
I'd say upload the notes under an appropriate heading in the wiki.  And anybody can upload NPCs.  If you look, I started all the NPC pages that are currently up.  Anybody can edit what's already up, too.  By all means, help me out with NPC notes and descriptions and whatnot, especially when it comes to the merfolk side of things.  I missed huge sections of that.  Mermaid princess?  What?  Who?  Huh?

Ethan's x wife is up.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on January 27, 2011, 10:46:39 AM
Ethan's x wife is up.

Are the character pictures actual pictures of your ex?  If so, that is hilarious.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 27, 2011, 11:11:34 AM
Are the character pictures actual pictures of your ex?  If so, that is hilarious.

I plead the 5th
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 27, 2011, 12:51:14 PM
You must use that as your character portrait.  Especially if that's a Texas-shaped belt buckle.
i hope thats what that is  ;)

Check out what my friend made, which is impressive and somehow hilarious

He's a good friend to do it on the whim.
I think the coat is too Dresden, and too hot for Texas and Miami
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 27, 2011, 01:05:22 PM

I think the coat is too Dresden, and too hot for Texas and Miami

That depends on how acclimated he is to the weather.

I got used to wearing 2 layers + Armor with 110 degrees in the shade.

Your body can get used to anything.  Unfortunately, it can take a while to change it.  This is why so many of the illegals wear jackets when it's 85 degrees outside.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 27, 2011, 02:41:54 PM
Tess that picture is Fantastic! Did you do that entirely from scratch??

Wow this game is totally taking on a life of its own. Pretty soon I'll just have show up and throw out the scenes and clues and y'all can do the rest! 8)

On the subject of weapons; I actually own several swords myself including a cheap-ass but pretty Katana and an 18th Century Spanish Cup-hilt Broadsword that is in dire need of re-conditioning...also needs a sheath or at lest belt and sword frogge.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 27, 2011, 02:43:08 PM
Looking at our Obsidian page, i was wondering how to upload some of the notes i did when digging though Miami's law enforcement agencies, any one know? Also as far as NPC's the characters came up with, is Ian the only one that can upload NPC's?

As far as I know anyone should be able to add in Case Notes to the Adventure Log Section. Let me know if you can't.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 27, 2011, 05:12:06 PM
I can donate two folding chairs to the cause come sunday btw
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 27, 2011, 05:23:15 PM
I'm calling GM dibs on a comfy chair...8)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 27, 2011, 08:12:36 PM
I'm calling GM dibs on a comfy chair...8)
See my aspect "cold dead hands"  >:(
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 27, 2011, 09:02:47 PM

and an 18th Century Spanish Cup-hilt Broadsword that is in dire need of re-conditioning...also needs a sheath or at lest belt and sword frogge.

Ooooh sounds pretty!  I may be able to help you at at a later date.

I still need to make a new scabbard for my Angus Trim sword, but I have a quick, cheap, and functional one on it now that I may be able to emulate for your sword.

Now that I have a dreml tool I can make wood fit the blade a lot better too.  I made mine when I didn't have any tools but a jigsaw and sandpaper. :(

I've got half a side of leather waiting in the house for my scabbard project.  I just keep getting sidetracked with other projects.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 28, 2011, 12:25:43 AM

Someone explain to my wife that I'm not spending sundays with half naked ladies  ???

i do like the character profile.... i take it shes based on someone in real life lol.

can I use Npcs from my story and post them?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 28, 2011, 01:12:17 AM

Someone explain to my wife that I'm not spending sundays with half naked ladies  ???
Point out to here that she's an NPC (non player character)

i do like the character profile.... i take it shes based on someone in real life lol.

can I use Npcs from my story and post them?

I don't see why not if Ian has signed off on your stuff. I just posted couple that are crucial to my character's backstory and that Ian needed.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 28, 2011, 01:30:00 AM
I thought of a new aspect for your character "B*tches be Crazy"  :D
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 28, 2011, 10:41:01 AM
I've been working on the wiki and I added a recap of our first session.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Malkyne on January 28, 2011, 11:44:23 AM
My real life interests are Guns, and hand to hand (im a lvl 1 instructor yeah i know that just makes me the punching bag), ive also done krav on and off for a few years, and traditional Korean tai kwon do {none of that "American" crap} for 10 years before that.

"Traditional" Tae Kwon Do?  Heh.  Tae Kwon Do has only existed since the 1950s... now, subak... taekkyeon...

So, you're a KTA guy, then?  I was strictly sport (World TKD Federation).  But, that was back in my teens.  I was great, but I would surely be mauled, today.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Malkyne on January 28, 2011, 12:13:36 PM
Tess that picture is Fantastic! Did you do that entirely from scratch??


I started with a reference photo with that composition, loaded it into Photoshop, did a sketch over it (changing the parts that I wanted to be different), painted the sketch, merged the layers, adjusted the contrast, and then cropped it, for the most part.  I can show you the photoshop layers, if you're curious how it's constructed.  I can still see a lot of errors in that painting, but I didn't want to spend much more time on it.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 28, 2011, 01:18:54 PM
Yeah i know it was "compiled" in the 50's (after the Japanese Occupation of WW2) from other various Korean and Chinese arts. That said, everyone in their army learns how use it. Non-traditional stuff, is the sport that it has become, when people learn it more for sparing then self defense. Master Choi was a teacher for the Korean special forces and he always used to say "rules, there are no rules in war, its either him or you. Which do you want it to be?"

that said we still did a lot of point sparing. Now that ive seen a lot of different techniques out there, my favorite is Krav. There are about 40 different "techniques" they want you to know, thats it. But the trick is mastering them. When i get the chance i want to get back into it.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 28, 2011, 02:10:31 PM
I learned KAJUNK.  Example.
wife "I think someones in the house"
me "on it, *grabs shotgun Racks round into chamber* KAJUNK"

So you guys are my new SHTF group.

I gotta learn photoshop. Did you use a tablet Tess or is that all mouse work?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 28, 2011, 03:10:32 PM
Wow...we are a scary, scary group...guns, martial arts and geekery? I pity the fool that tries to rob any house we happen to be in...8)

fyi I studied Traditional Tae Kwon Do ages ago when I was in junior high.high school at the Park Institute. Actually it was a branch in my town but I went to the main school for the 1st belt test and several others. I got up to yellow + blue stripe then broke a toe on a bad kick and never got back into it. I'd like to get back into Martial Arts in general but I've got a hip/leg issue that won't let me bend my left leg fully at the hip...8P

The Broadsword I have is NOT pretty but it was at one point functional. If I ever had the skill or money to have it done I might get it re-worked to be nicer-looking but really it's really basic and I think it may have been a mold-cast blade as opposed to properly forged.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 28, 2011, 03:25:16 PM
Never bring a fist to a gun fight. The Kajunk method is the best method of them all.

We never bothered with stripes except for the red belt (the last one before black) it had up to 5 stripes. Which i had all of them, because i never had enough money to pay for the test to black. That kinda why i got away from a lot of the martial arts. Im not a fan of the belt system. Plus most are family oriented, i wanted to go into a place with a few heavy bags hanging up, maybe a speed bag, chalk on the floor, and a ring in the middle....then proceed to learn and then beat the living snot out of each other.

To become an instructor (lvl 3, im lvl 1 its just a week long class) in the Army they send you to Fort Benning for a month, where you learn and fight for 8 hours a day 5 days a week. On the second week, when people are slowing down, the instructors start putting tasers into the ring. You loose, when the other guy tases you. thats a lot of incentive not to loose.

See yall sunday.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 28, 2011, 03:37:20 PM
We should incorporate a taser into our game. You mess with the dm you get tased  ;)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 28, 2011, 03:53:12 PM
Well that certainly sounds like one way to learn how to fight...8)

I need to figure out how Tess and Jason Formatted their Character Sheets to looks so nice. Makes finding things easier!
However it looks like only 1 person posted their 3x3x3 on the OP site, where did everyone else put theirs? In the Google Docs Site?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 28, 2011, 04:25:32 PM
Its sitting in my wifes laptop ill send it when I get off work
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: PirateGhost on January 28, 2011, 08:08:34 PM
I need to figure out how Tess and Jason Formatted their Character Sheets to looks so nice. Makes finding things easier!

I spent a little time playing with their formatting options to organize it in a way that seemed to make sense.  I can copy out the raw source for you if you'd like, and you can paste it into your characters and fill in the appropriate parts.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 28, 2011, 08:32:00 PM
Might be a good idea to post a blank for example. I''ll have to play with it a bit later.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 28, 2011, 09:10:46 PM
I went search for an image of an Ivory-handled, nickle-plated Desert Eagle with an Underbarrel Laser sight...I got these instead...

I'm a sucker for Slab-Shrouds in Revolvers...

LOVE the grip design...

The funny party is that these are airsoft guns...
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: PirateGhost on January 28, 2011, 09:15:16 PM
Might be a good idea to post a blank for example. I''ll have to play with it a bit later.

I updated mine with some of the fancy rounded boxes and more condensed format that Tess used.  Here's the source:

Code: [Select]

<td style="vertical-align:top">

<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border-radius: 10px;margin-top:10px;">

h3. Basics

*Template:* Pure Mortal
*Musts:* No Supernatural Abilities.  +2 Refresh.
*Power Level:* Up To Your Waist
*Skill Cap:* Great
*Skill Points:* 25
*Base Refresh Level:* 9  ( +2 pure moral )
*Adjusted Refresh:* 6


<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border-radius: 10px;margin-top:10px;">

h3. Aspects

|>. *High Concept*     | _That crazy guy who lives on his boat_ |
|>. *Trouble*          | _Curse of the Pirate's Ghost_ |
|>. *Background*       | _At Least I Know How to Fight_ |
|>. *Rising Conflict*  | _Inherited boats_ |
|>. *The Story*        | _Prove it!_ |
|>. *Guest Star*       | _Pay Me in Gold_ |
|>. *Guest Star Redux* | _Where Has All The Rum Gone?_ |


<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border-radius: 10px;margin-top:10px;">

h3. Stress

|_.           |_. 1 |_. 2 |_. 3 |_. 4 |_. 5 |_. 6 |_. 7 |_. 8 |
| *Physical:* | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |     |     |     |     |
| *Mental:*   | [ ] | [ ] |     |     |     |     |     |     |
| *Social:*   | [ ] | [ ] |     |     |     |     |     |     |

*Armor, etc:* 1 natural vs blunt (Tough Stuff)


<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border-radius: 10px;margin-top:10px;">

h3. Consequences

table{border:1px solid black; border-spacing:1px;}.
|_. Type     |_. P/M/S |_. Stress |_. Used? |_. Aspect |
|>. Mild     |=. ANY   |=. -2     |=. [ ]   |          |
|>. Moderate |=. ANY   |=. -4     |=. [ ]   |          |
|>. Severe   |=. ANY   |=. -6     |=. [ ]   |          |
|>. Extreme  |=. ANY   |=. -8     |=. [ ]   | _REPLACE PERMANENT_ |


<td style="vertical-align:top">

<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border-radius: 10px;margin-top:10px;">

h3. Skills

table{border:1px solid black}.
|_. Skill Level |_. Skills |
| *Superb ( +5 )*
# Slots: 0 | |
| *Great ( +4 )*
# Slots: 2 | Fists, Endurance |
| *Good ( +3 )*
# Slots: 2 | Athletics, Might |
| *Fair ( +2 )*
# Slots: 3 | Intimidation, Driving (boats), Weapons (sword) |
| *Average ( +1 )*
# Slots: 5 | Guns, Craftsmanship, Contacts, Scholarship, Lore |


<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border-radius: 10px;margin-top:10px;">

h3. Stunts & Power

*Tough Stuff*
<blockquote>1 natural armor vs blunt</blockquote>
*Step Into The Blow*
<blockquote>On failed defense with fists, can sacrifice next action for immediate counterattack at +1 </blockquote>
<blockquote> +1 to Might when maintaining grapple</blockquote>

*Total refresh adjustment:* -3


<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border-radius: 10px;margin-top:10px;">

h3. Equipment and resources

* Skiff in the everglades.  When in use, there is always a machete onboard.
* Sailboat.  Morgan 37' Yacht with an outboard motor.
** Flare gun with flares
** Machete in the cabin
** Revolver kept in the cabin
** Pair of flintlock pistols
** Harpoon gun
** Several hidden compartments for smuggling
** Charts of local waters and a sextant
** Spyglass
** Fishing gear


Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 28, 2011, 09:24:13 PM
fancy eagle there
crimson trace doesnt make any lasers for eagle
but you can get eagles with rails on them

Virdian makes cool lasers though

So you could get a Eagle with a Rail, put a viridian  laser on it, and then make some custom grips for it and have it nickle plated

Or you can go into photoshop and just fake it. Ivory just looks white or yellowish in real life, change a gold plated eagle to look silver, and put some laser on it

Also while we are geeking out, is it a 357, 44, or 50ae Eagle?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 28, 2011, 09:33:32 PM
I am in this case referring to the one that Marty picked up. In this case its a .50AE
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 28, 2011, 09:34:20 PM
I updated mine with some of the fancy rounded boxes and more condensed format that Tess used.  Here's the source:

Code: [Select]

<td style="vertical-align:top">

<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border-radius: 10px;margin-top:10px;">

h3. Basics

*Template:* Pure Mortal
*Musts:* No Supernatural Abilities.  +2 Refresh.
*Power Level:* Up To Your Waist
*Skill Cap:* Great
*Skill Points:* 25
*Base Refresh Level:* 9  ( +2 pure moral )
*Adjusted Refresh:* 6


<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border-radius: 10px;margin-top:10px;">

h3. Aspects

|>. *High Concept*     | _That crazy guy who lives on his boat_ |
|>. *Trouble*          | _Curse of the Pirate's Ghost_ |
|>. *Background*       | _At Least I Know How to Fight_ |
|>. *Rising Conflict*  | _Inherited boats_ |
|>. *The Story*        | _Prove it!_ |
|>. *Guest Star*       | _Pay Me in Gold_ |
|>. *Guest Star Redux* | _Where Has All The Rum Gone?_ |


<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border-radius: 10px;margin-top:10px;">

h3. Stress

|_.           |_. 1 |_. 2 |_. 3 |_. 4 |_. 5 |_. 6 |_. 7 |_. 8 |
| *Physical:* | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |     |     |     |     |
| *Mental:*   | [ ] | [ ] |     |     |     |     |     |     |
| *Social:*   | [ ] | [ ] |     |     |     |     |     |     |

*Armor, etc:* 1 natural vs blunt (Tough Stuff)


<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border-radius: 10px;margin-top:10px;">

h3. Consequences

table{border:1px solid black; border-spacing:1px;}.
|_. Type     |_. P/M/S |_. Stress |_. Used? |_. Aspect |
|>. Mild     |=. ANY   |=. -2     |=. [ ]   |          |
|>. Moderate |=. ANY   |=. -4     |=. [ ]   |          |
|>. Severe   |=. ANY   |=. -6     |=. [ ]   |          |
|>. Extreme  |=. ANY   |=. -8     |=. [ ]   | _REPLACE PERMANENT_ |


<td style="vertical-align:top">

<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border-radius: 10px;margin-top:10px;">

h3. Skills

table{border:1px solid black}.
|_. Skill Level |_. Skills |
| *Superb ( +5 )*
# Slots: 0 | |
| *Great ( +4 )*
# Slots: 2 | Fists, Endurance |
| *Good ( +3 )*
# Slots: 2 | Athletics, Might |
| *Fair ( +2 )*
# Slots: 3 | Intimidation, Driving (boats), Weapons (sword) |
| *Average ( +1 )*
# Slots: 5 | Guns, Craftsmanship, Contacts, Scholarship, Lore |


<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border-radius: 10px;margin-top:10px;">

h3. Stunts & Power

*Tough Stuff*
<blockquote>1 natural armor vs blunt</blockquote>
*Step Into The Blow*
<blockquote>On failed defense with fists, can sacrifice next action for immediate counterattack at +1 </blockquote>
<blockquote> +1 to Might when maintaining grapple</blockquote>

*Total refresh adjustment:* -3


<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border-radius: 10px;margin-top:10px;">

h3. Equipment and resources

* Skiff in the everglades.  When in use, there is always a machete onboard.
* Sailboat.  Morgan 37' Yacht with an outboard motor.
** Flare gun with flares
** Machete in the cabin
** Revolver kept in the cabin
** Pair of flintlock pistols
** Harpoon gun
** Several hidden compartments for smuggling
** Charts of local waters and a sextant
** Spyglass
** Fishing gear



Wow...I don't understand ANY of
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on January 28, 2011, 09:48:11 PM
I updated mine with some of the fancy rounded boxes and more condensed format that Tess used.  Here's the source:

Looks great.  I'm glad you and Tess know what you're doing in this regard.  You're all lucky I know how to press Enter after every paragraph.  I might have to just nick that formatting when I get back from work.

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on January 28, 2011, 09:50:37 PM
However it looks like only 1 person posted their 3x3x3 on the OP site, where did everyone else put theirs? In the Google Docs Site?

I don't know if you're referring to me or not, but I put mine up temporarily at the tail end of Marty's character page.  I didn't want to start updating NPCs or anything like that without approval.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 28, 2011, 11:06:31 PM
I'm going to revamp my page now.

I'd say if anyone doesn't want to make character pages without permission, make a wiki page.  They're easy to erase if you don't want them anymore.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 29, 2011, 12:04:26 AM
looking over the 3x3x3s and I gotta ask, am I supposed to make up everyone or can I use characters already made up  (like the Mer-King for example) ? I've had a hell of day, so I might be out of it.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 29, 2011, 12:44:55 AM
My character page is done.

I've included my 3x3x3 too.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 29, 2011, 02:53:30 AM
Looks great.  I'm glad you and Tess know what you're doing in this regard.  You're all lucky I know how to press Enter after every paragraph.  I might have to just nick that formatting when I get back from work.

If you tranferred the NPCs over to me (field at the bottom in edit mode) I could fix them up with pretty boxes, add pics that are viewable before opening, and then transfer them back over to you.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 29, 2011, 06:24:22 AM
this is making me have to dust off some unused skills.
Html coding, writing fiction, talking to adults lol, homework ect

So I think I got everything all together (though later than I would have liked, damn I'm a slacker). Z said something about his house being a "No Fun Zone" as far as sodas and food go.
So Pluckers wings sound good? I have an "in" at the restaurant so I can get a break in price (I hope)
I still have Woodchucks and Sodas sitting in my kitchen from last time.

I was telling my wife I should go in character, but I dont have a cowboy hat, or cowboy boots. I do have a 5.11 Vest left over from paintball that has AR15 mag holders (you have shove RAP4 paintball Pods in there)  but I think I'll leave it at home this time.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 29, 2011, 07:02:01 AM
this is making me have to dust off some unused skills.
Html coding, writing fiction, talking to adults lol, homework ect

So I think I got everything all together (though later than I would have liked, damn I'm a slacker). Z said something about his house being a "No Fun Zone" as far as sodas and food go.
So Pluckers wings sound good? I have an "in" at the restaurant so I can get a break in price (I hope)
I still have Woodchucks and Sodas sitting in my kitchen from last time.
I've been wondering what I should bring myself.

I was telling my wife I should go in character, but I dont have a cowboy hat, or cowboy boots. I do have a 5.11 Vest left over from paintball that has AR15 mag holders (you have shove RAP4 paintball Pods in there)  but I think I'll leave it at home this time.

I'm thinking about going in character too.  Shorts, boots, body armor, Maui's fishhook, etc.  I'm thinking about using dressing up as an excuse to buy an obsidian knife too.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Malkyne on January 29, 2011, 08:02:11 AM
Yeah i know it was "compiled" in the 50's (after the Japanese Occupation of WW2) from other various Korean and Chinese arts. That said, everyone in their army learns how use it. Non-traditional stuff, is the sport that it has become, when people learn it more for sparing then self defense. Master Choi was a teacher for the Korean special forces and he always used to say "rules, there are no rules in war, its either him or you. Which do you want it to be?"
Yeah, I was strictly in the sport stuff, but I loved sparring, so that was fine by me.
that said we still did a lot of point sparing. Now that ive seen a lot of different techniques out there, my favorite is Krav. There are about 40 different "techniques" they want you to know, thats it. But the trick is mastering them. When i get the chance i want to get back into it.
Cool.  Yeah, Krav Maga is all about practical defense.  Gotta love it.

I miss my TKD.  I keep thinking about going back, and then I think I need to build my endurance back up, first.  So, I dash around in the woods, instead.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 29, 2011, 09:03:22 AM
I used to teach Kenpo Karate in WA state.  I helped out with women's self defense too.

I did a little bit of Jiu Jitsu in Ranger Battallion when I was at 4th RTB, and then in the 82nd when they had Royce Gracie come by and teach some combatives.

All that said, I don't care for Jui Jitsu much.

Since then I've done Kung Fu and I really started getting into weapons.

I did some time in the SCA, I've done some work with WMA stuff (mainly longsword and sword and board), I've messed around with Kenjutsu...

I'm getting back into my roots with guns now, though.

As for SHTF, I keep thousands of rounds of ammunition in case the zombies ever attack.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on January 29, 2011, 11:17:14 AM
If you tranferred the NPCs over to me (field at the bottom in edit mode) I could fix them up with pretty boxes, add pics that are viewable before opening, and then transfer them back over to you.

I moved the 3x3x3 from the PC page to a wiki so anyone can edit it:

Have at it if you like.  I learned a bit of HTML over a decade ago and have utterly forgotten it since. 
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on January 29, 2011, 11:46:28 AM
So I think I got everything all together (though later than I would have liked, damn I'm a slacker). Z said something about his house being a "No Fun Zone" as far as sodas and food go.
So Pluckers wings sound good? I have an "in" at the restaurant so I can get a break in price (I hope)
I still have Woodchucks and Sodas sitting in my kitchen from last time.

Didn't Z say his wife would be making some food?  I think he said wings, actually.  Isn't that right?

Meanwhile, Mark, I still need Brian's starring story so I can write Marty in.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 29, 2011, 12:05:37 PM
I moved the 3x3x3 from the PC page to a wiki so anyone can edit it:

Have at it if you like.  I learned a bit of HTML over a decade ago and have utterly forgotten it since. 

I'm not an expert by any means.  Half my day is spent glued to the computer so I figured I could save you a little trouble. :)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 29, 2011, 02:34:54 PM
Didn't Z say his wife would be making some food?  I think he said wings, actually.  Isn't that right?

Meanwhile, Mark, I still need Brian's starring story so I can write Marty in.

Okay, sorry, I have some stuff written on scrap paper, let me send a rough outline to you, I'm not much of a writer. Check your Pms
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: quizboy on January 29, 2011, 03:56:40 PM
So I think I got everything all together (though later than I would have liked, damn I'm a slacker). Z said something about his house being a "No Fun Zone" as far as sodas and food go.
So Pluckers wings sound good? I have an "in" at the restaurant so I can get a break in price (I hope)
I still have Woodchucks and Sodas sitting in my kitchen from last time. 

I have the soda's (pepsi and maybe half a 12pack of coke) from last time.  I'm fine with the Pluckers, and I can donate with the cost.  I guess we should have some variety of spicyness for those who like "burn your intestines" as well as the "normal" people.  :)

 Z, if your wife is looking at cooking to entertain, then what can we bring?  I think we have a couple 12 packs of sodas.  Any other snacks that people prefer?

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 29, 2011, 08:36:24 PM
I have the soda's (pepsi and maybe half a 12pack of coke) from last time.  I'm fine with the Pluckers, and I can donate with the cost.  I guess we should have some variety of spicyness for those who like "burn your intestines" as well as the "normal" people.  :)

 Z, if your wife is looking at cooking to entertain, then what can we bring?  I think we have a couple 12 packs of sodas.  Any other snacks that people prefer?


Ashley keeps bugging me about what I should bring too.  I still have no clue.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 29, 2011, 09:48:45 PM
Hmmm... the day i have work is when people want to hear from me, how am i not surprised.

Yes for the most part Z's house was it put...."a no fun zone." My wife and I are really into this paleo diet and trying to get our selves right (well mostly me, she has some how avoided putting on any weight since we started dating).  We do have a few sodas left, but please bring drinks and what not. Bring what ever other food yall want the more the merrier.

My wife is planning on making a stew, (its not paleo it has noodles) its kinda like a meatball sandwich stew and so freaking tasty that we have never had left overs with it AND home made biscottii.  If someone wants to take pitty on my dishwasher and the clean up after words, disposable bowls would be nice.

As for coming in character........really......Jen promises not to laugh at you.....much. I on the other hand make no such promises.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 29, 2011, 10:39:59 PM
The 3x3x3 can be anyone you make up or people out of the known list.
That being said please try to avoid things like the KING of the Merfolk (No one in the party has ever met him) or others of that power-level.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 30, 2011, 12:15:52 AM
The 3x3x3 can be anyone you make up or people out of the known list.
That being said please try to avoid things like the KING of the Merfolk (No one in the party has ever met him) or others of that power-level.

Yeah I tried to keep most if not all of my 3x3x3 vanilla mortals.  It didn't make any sense for the power level we're at or for my character's back history to be hanging out with Harry Effing Dresden or the Erlking.

That said, I think I need to add at least a wizard or two into my contacts or friends since Ethan had to learn evocation from them...
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 30, 2011, 01:44:02 AM
So my friend who is named after my character designed these logos for Solutions Unlimited

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 30, 2011, 01:58:23 AM
They both remind me of the Wheel of Time for some reason.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 30, 2011, 02:05:53 AM
They both remind me of the Wheel of Time for some reason.

infinite logo and a sword, yeah I can see it too. I dont think Brian ever read those books, but he worked at a Borders, so it could have rubbed off on him
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 30, 2011, 02:41:52 AM
infinite logo and a sword, yeah I can see it too. I dont think Brian ever read those books, but he worked at a Borders, so it could have rubbed off on him

The snake eating its tail is a sign of infinity too - the Aes Sedai wear rings like that.

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 30, 2011, 03:17:26 AM
and then he sent me these
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 30, 2011, 03:24:36 AM
I like the middle one best of that batch.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 30, 2011, 03:29:12 AM
I like the middle one best of that batch.
I got a 5.11 catalog in the mail and was like, we need a patch lol
So I asked him about it.
Anyone else got some ideas? MS Paint is acceptable.

they can basically do something like this
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 30, 2011, 06:06:18 AM
I'll try to think of something... but I liked that middle image above.

I finally got Ashley to finish her 3x3x3 tonight.  Now hers is on the wiki and mine is in my character page.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 30, 2011, 04:40:13 PM
I kinda like the Infinity Symbol + Sword design as it Implies a Gordian Knot Solution...8)

Tess was working on some designs as well so I'm curious to see what she has come up with.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 30, 2011, 05:29:03 PM
I'll see you all in an hour and a half.  We're going to try stopping on the way to bring some food too.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 31, 2011, 04:16:28 AM
mmmm soup
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Malkyne on January 31, 2011, 04:17:47 AM
You know, I'll tell you, the SU01b.png logo is not bad!

...and let me be clear on the matter: I am a ruthless critic of logos.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: PirateGhost on January 31, 2011, 06:42:50 AM
I'll try to get my 3x3x3 up tomorrow.  I'd done some of it on paper, but I'm having trouble finding it now, so I'll have to start over.

In any case, here's what I was up to this weekend that kept me from making it to Z's place: (
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 31, 2011, 08:17:11 AM
I'll try to get my 3x3x3 up tomorrow.  I'd done some of it on paper, but I'm having trouble finding it now, so I'll have to start over.

In any case, here's what I was up to this weekend that kept me from making it to Z's place: (

I may have your 3x3x3.  I will look.  If I do, I will type up what you had an email it to you.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 31, 2011, 11:03:31 AM
As an FYI to the group, if you get the time and remember what happened during our session, feel free to make new wiki pages about it.

This will make it exponentially easier for me to do a recap... unless someone else wants to do it.

We had 2 player not present, gone killing alien hamsters or something (not quite sure what that's about... :P) and they could probably benefit from being brought up to speed.


You two missed one HELL of a battle.  

x3  = BAD.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 31, 2011, 01:52:36 PM
That is actually a fairly close approximation of what y'all faced, sans the tentacles.
This however was the inspiration...

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on January 31, 2011, 02:26:17 PM
That is actually a fairly close approximation of what y'all faced, sans the tentacles.
This however was the inspiration...


Nasty critters.

Good thing Brian had fate points to burn or he may be in the hospital atm.

It's a REALLY good thing they didn't even know Melon was attacking them.  That would have been bad.  lol
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 31, 2011, 02:36:40 PM
We learned 2 very valuable lessons...armor 3 is bad news, and for god sakes don't tap the glass of giant aquariums anymore.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 31, 2011, 02:46:04 PM
I learned next time, use the Volcanic wizard as bait, and dont leave Marty alone.
F**** Lobster bastards.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 31, 2011, 03:04:46 PM
Yeah, just imagine what that Lionfish could have done to you...8)

And in other news...jeebus; (
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on January 31, 2011, 03:13:21 PM
Who's a good lobster?  *Tap tap tap*  Who's a good lobster?  *Tap tap tap*

(Turns out none of them were good lobsters.)

In other news, Marty's gotta always bring a gun.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 31, 2011, 03:18:38 PM
Yeah, just imagine what that Lionfish could have done to you...8)

And in other news...jeebus; (
took them long enough, people have being doing the  454 casull/410 thing but some of them have been less that successful/ dangerous.
I dont know why you would carry a  45 long colt or 410 shot/slug/or that shot/slug mix they sell, when you can carry the 454 which is more powerful than a 50AE Desert Eagle.
I know why, really, 410 is cheaper than 45 and 454 to shoot.

Also yeah, I learned, Shotgun dont leave home without it.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 31, 2011, 04:24:23 PM
Here's the stats for those Monsters btw:
“Clackers”            Total Refresh: -12
Other Aspects:
 Some Kind of Monster!, Dumb as a Box of Rocks

Great: Fists, Endurance
Good: Might, Athletics
Fair: Alertness, Intimidation
Average: Stealth, Survival

Aquatic [-1]
Claws [-1]
Echoes of the Beast [-1] (armor 1)
Hulking Size [-2]
Beast Change [-1]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
> Catch: Can Only be Bypassed by Fire or Boiling Water (Turn red wherever hit) [+2] (And develop aspect "Distranctingly Deliscious Smell"
No Pain, no Gain [-1]
Tough Stuff [-1]
Wrestler [-1]

Physical: OOOOOO (OO)   (+2 Mild Consequence)   Armor: 3   
Mental: OO      Social: OO      Damage: Pincher 4   

Note: Once they are fully dead/ cooked they revert to their true forms and become regular sized but well-cooked lobsters.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 31, 2011, 04:35:17 PM
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 31, 2011, 05:25:07 PM
Well played sir, well played...
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 31, 2011, 06:00:41 PM
Man I haven't had lobster since boston. Might need to talk the wife into trulucks fir v-day
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 31, 2011, 07:57:07 PM
I am re-reading through the rules again myself so I can have a better grasp of them. I figure that each session will keep building on previous skills.
One thing I have discovered though; If you wish to make a Declaration, i.e. to Add and aspect to a scene such as a Candle, Requires the expenditure of a Fate Point.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around Evocation then Thaumaturgy though. Bear, can you do me a favor and list out everything you did to get up to that 27-shift spell you pulled off on the first Fry-spell? i.e. all the base Shifts Declared, Maneuvers used, Focus Items used, Rote Spell and whatever Aspects were invoked. It will help me understand how Evocation works when I get around to having a Villain that uses it.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on January 31, 2011, 09:07:05 PM
Ren, great game i wanted to share that before we all dived back into the books to start looking at rules and what not.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on January 31, 2011, 09:32:48 PM
Thank you! I have to admit that was a truly fun and Epic fight! I could totally visualize that in my head with everyone sliding around in the ankle-deep water amidst fish in their death-throes, bits of coral and of course sea-urchins...8)
All while being chased about by Hulking Hybrid Lobster/Man things who had severe issues with their glass being tapped on. Poor guys, bad enough they get trapped inside a limited living space but then here come some damn humans tapping on the'd be a might cheesed off too!
My only disappointment is that I didn't get to inflict any lasting damage on anyone...8(
I guess I'll just have to settle for mass wetting-of-pants...8)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on January 31, 2011, 09:42:26 PM
Ren, great game i wanted to share that before we all dived back into the books to start looking at rules and what not.
I'll jump on the Thank You train
Thank You Ren, Lobsters, Gators, Gumbo, and Accents! Also for letting us feel it out as we go
Thank You Z for putting us up
Thank you Z's wife for putting up with us!
Thank you Bear for letting me play with your rifle, Z too (also was their Blood on you MP's sites?)
The Steve's rocking as ever (Sorry for leaving you in there marty, I demand that other Steve does a Scottish accent  ;) )
Thank you Ashley for distracting the lobsters.
I was at Barnes and Noble looking at some of the other RPG books, and DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN they get complicated.
I need to seriously hit the books.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on February 01, 2011, 12:15:49 AM

I'm still trying to wrap my head around Evocation then Thaumaturgy though. Bear, can you do me a favor and list out everything you did to get up to that 27-shift spell you pulled off on the first Fry-spell? i.e. all the base Shifts Declared, Maneuvers used, Focus Items used, Rote Spell and whatever Aspects were invoked. It will help me understand how Evocation works when I get around to having a Villain that uses it.

No problem.  I believe I still have my notecard with all of my tags.

4 shifts of that blast cost me 2 debt points to pele, and 2 more shifts of it was a fate point to heighten my control.

All those shifts add up if someone waits long enough and if a teammate creates taggable aspects like Ian Fabian was.

That's the cool thing about this system.  Even non-combat oriented people like Melon could create aspects through maneuvers that a heavy hitter (like me) could use.

For instance, Gavin doesn't really throw around that much less power than I do.  However, since he was fighting for his life, just holding off a lob-strosity and taking evocation pot shots at it, it didn't do as much damage.

It also helps to have a catch-killer.  That's one reason I was willing to take the debt to Pele for the exra shifts there.  By interlacing my spells with Pele fire, I had a really good chance of meeting an aquatic creature's catch.

It's all a balancing act.  While I was able to make a huge attack, I had to spend resources and wait 4 rounds to do it.  I don't have 4 or 5 fate points kicking around (unless I get a bunch of compels in the future) so any fate points I use on the attack I cannot use on defense.

That could be bad.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on February 01, 2011, 12:23:15 AM
BTW in case people haven't see, I made a comprehensive PC aspects list in the wiki. :)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on February 01, 2011, 01:21:04 AM
Bear, can you do me a favor and list out everything you did to get up to that 27-shift spell you pulled off on the first Fry-spell? i.e. all the base Shifts Declared, Maneuvers used, Focus Items used, Rote Spell and whatever Aspects were invoked. It will help me understand how Evocation works when I get around to having a Villain that uses it.

Against the lobstrosity – spell of doom.
Round by round breakdown.

Before battle:  Ethan rolled discipline to get the aspect “Prepared for battle.”

Upon reaching attacking distance of one lobstrosity:
Ethan used discipline (was going to be athletics) to wave his arms in arcane gestures, focusing his spell.
This created the aspect, “Arcane gestures.”

Ethan then spent another turn to roll for another maneuver, this time using athletics to get the best position to fire his blast.  This created the aspect, “Vantage point.”

Before Ethan went, Ian Fabian used a fate point to declare “slippery ground”.

Before Ian went, all powerful GM gives Ethan the reoccurring offensive aspect, “Proximity to Pele” (worth 1 shift, not 2).

Attach round:  Ethan casts his spell.

Ethan casts a 4 shift weapon spirit evocation attack.  He then uses 2 debt points to Pele to bring it up to 8.  (1 debt point = 2 shifts of power or control).  This also gives Ethan the option of adding 1 point to either power or control via the Pele write up okayed by the GM since it’s a spell to hurt something and Pele loves violence.

So base spell strength is 8 weapon.

After this, Ethan rolls for discipline.  He has a base of +5 and rolls a +2.  This gives him a 7 which normally would not control the power of the spell.

However, Ethan uses his “Proximity to Pele” tag and his +1 for violent Pele magic and applies it to his control.  This brings it to +9.

Now we are looking at:
8 shift power (interlaced with fire and with the catch for most aquatic supernatural creatures)
9 shift control

Then the fun begins.  Ethan tags:
Prepared for trouble +2
Arcane gestures +2
Vantage point +2
Slippery ground +2

That is +8 to control.
Now we have:

8 shift power (interlaced with fire and with the catch for most aquatic supernatural creatures)
17 shift control

However, Ethan decides this is not overkill enough and uses 1 fate point to invoke the aspect, “Warrior of Pele”.  ::Note- the GM probably could have compelled him via “Maui’s Fishhook” to go even MORE overkill.  He would have had to use one more fate point, but he would have gotten one in return for accepting the compel.

Thing brings the final spell to:
8shifts of power (with aquatic catch)
19 shifts of control

…For a total of 27 shifts.   

The second spell breakdown:

Ethan spent a turn waving his hands in arcane gestures to focus the spell again.  “Arcane gestures”

Someone (I believe Ian) gave the lobstrosity 2 mild consequences before Ethan attacked.  GOODIE!

Ethan attacks.

He calls up 4 shifts of power with 2 shifts of power from Pele (for 1 debt point) for a total of 6 shifts.

So base spell strength is 6 weapon.

Ethan rolls a +1 to discipline, adding to his +5 base to give +6.  He controls the spell.

He then tacks on the +1 for offensive Pele magic and the +1 from “Proximity to Pele”.

This brings it to a:
6 weapon spell (laced with fire and satisfying the catch of most aquatic monsters)
8 to control

Now the fun begins again.

Ethan cannot tag “Slippery floor” since it has already been tagged.
However, he can tag:

Arcane gestures +2
1st mild consequence +2
And 2nd mild consequence +2

This bring it to 6 weapon spell (with fire and meeting the catch of most aquatic creatures)
And a cool 14 shift attack rating.

=another dead lobster when the 20 shift spell hits.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on February 01, 2011, 01:40:24 AM
Just remember the wetting of pants was because Lob-Zilla was trying to use me as a human piñata, not because the lob-Zillas were taking everything we threw at them and laughing at me, really.

That being said, im sure Ian is much happier with wet pants and a sea urchin in his shoulder, from jumping over a table and landing ass down in a lab awash from the broken remains of the very large aquarium,  then seeing what his insides look like on the outside of him. Ian will no long antagonize the lion fish next time he sees Calliope. And the next time Marty asks who the good lobsters are and taps on an aquarium the resounding answer will be none of them and we will proceed to call an air strike if available.

Ahem... Now we have to find out if Riley actually knew that his (rock...rock) lobsters were freaking capable of taking on (the combatants) 2 wizards, an FBI agent and a 2nd amendment loving, ATF hating redneck, not to mention a reporter, and a certain lovable rouge who will remain nameless who might not be able to go to red lobster for awhile. OR....Riley is clueless and those (rock...rock) lobsters were there to silence him if he found to many things out with his trips to the Med. Or Z is too paranoid and that was just REN wanting to dish out a little hate with a side of melted butter.

Fantazero - My particular model of the M&P40 was recalled because the finish was not set right so no it was not blood on the sights, it was a tad bit of rust. Seeing how that was my duty weapon, i couldn't just send it back to get the finish redone.

Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on February 01, 2011, 01:44:31 AM it was not blood on the sights, it was a tad bit of rust. ...
sure it was  ;)
Title: Also...
Post by: BumblingBear on February 01, 2011, 03:55:07 AM
For those who have not read the books or don't want to obsessively read the books three or more times to glean the rules like I've had to, I am going to make wiki pages that quickly and concisely list some of the mechanics.

I think it may help quite a bit - for me and for everyone else.

I'd like to encourage everyone once they're up to check them out and make any necessary revisions.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Malkyne on February 01, 2011, 06:49:24 AM
I am very much looking forward to the campaign synopsis!  I wish I could have been there... argh.  I can't wait for the next session.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on February 01, 2011, 07:04:23 AM
I am very much looking forward to the campaign synopsis!  I wish I could have been there... argh.  I can't wait for the next session.

It looks like I'm the one with
1. Sufficient motivation  and
2. Lack enough of a life

so I'll probably be doing the recap.  I'll try to get it done in the next day or two while the session is still fresh in my mind.

I'm really hoping that we can get some more wiki pages or characters up so I don't have to rely on my memory too much.

During some of Ian and Gavin's story, I was in the other room pigging out on wings. :/
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Malkyne on February 01, 2011, 09:17:14 AM
I'm really hoping that we can get some more wiki pages or characters up so I don't have to rely on my memory too much.

I'll probably help with characters, in the future (when I'm not absent), because that's fun.  I'm still trying to find a good picture for cousin Orfeo.  I can't paint all of them, because that takes too long.

For those who didn't notice, I've refined/replaced two of my aspects.

My trouble is now "From the wrong side of the tracks," since that seemed to encompass all of the ideas I was going for, there.  As for "Don't ask too many questions," I have now replaced that with "Everybody knows that you've been discreet" -- which someone other than PirateGhost (I'm betting Funge) would recognize as a Leonard Cohen line.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on February 01, 2011, 10:13:55 AM
I'll probably help with characters, in the future (when I'm not absent), because that's fun.  I'm still trying to find a good picture for cousin Orfeo.  I can't paint all of them, because that takes too long.

For those who didn't notice, I've refined/replaced two of my aspects.

My trouble is now "From the wrong side of the tracks," since that seemed to encompass all of the ideas I was going for, there.  As for "Don't ask too many questions," I have now replaced that with "Everybody knows that you've been discreet" -- which someone other than PirateGhost (I'm betting Funge) would recognize as a Leonard Cohen line.

Yeah I saw that.  Thanks for updating the wiki too. :)  I made it so we could do exactly that and make life easier for Ren.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on February 01, 2011, 11:36:25 AM
Updated the entry for scary Businessman with a picture that I find fairly appropriate...8)

The very Brief Synopsis (Note: maybe slightly out of sequence)
The Agent and the Loremaster went to Club Siren to speak to Kalliope. On their way in they briefly encounter a strange, very large and intimating man in a business suit who was just leaving the club in the early evening. An attempt to communicate was quickly brushed off and the stranger left.
She readily identified Marius Vulpas as the body of the Shark and was devastated by his death. He had been her bodyguard, head of security, chief Agent and best friend since they were children. She has no opinions on his relationship with Marcie, she was a sweet girl after all. When the strange man is mentioned Kalliope has an obviously fearful reaction and is clearly terrified of the man but due to political considerations she cannot tell them anything about him other than to warm them away as the stranger is a Descendant of one of the Greater Powers. She also says that the Agent may want to look into any recent arrivals form her homeland.
Also of Note at the location was another stone tablet she had in a glass bookshelf. It is similar to the one that was found at Marcie's apartment. Lastly the wall of Kalliope's office was occupied by a large Salt-water aquarium that looked out into the club itself but no one on the outside could look into the office. In the Tank was one over-large, jealously protective and angry lion fish that watch them like hawks.

In the meantime The Shyster bailed the Warrior, and the Redneck out of jail then they got together with the Photographer to go back to the scene of the Gator attack. While there the Photographer found a voodoo doll hidden under the driver's seat of the SUV and also noticed a pair of metal stakes out in the swamp in the direction the gators had attacked from. While looking around the dead gator with the strange spine started to move, illiciting an almost immediate reaction from Marty who promptly shoot it in the head again. The shot dislodged the spine which promptly jumped off the head and started to skitter away as fast as it could. Several shots were made until final the Warrior potted it with an Evocation and vaporized it and a two-foot circle of muddy earth. However the Photographer did get several pictures of it while it was escaping.

Later Marty, Ethan and Brian went to have a chat with Papa Zidane while Melon went to process the film. After some brief and amusing interaction that resulted from them being 3 white guys in a Jamaican-Cajun eatery they got to meet with Papa Z. Papa examined the Voodoo Doll and told them that it was a fake designed to look real, but was otherwise worthless. Otherwise Marty made a new friend ...maybe, he IS white after all...8)

After some discussion the group with Marty realizes that Ethan has not actually met the Rabbi or really been brought in on the whole Solutions Unlimited group though that was part of his express purpose in traveling to Miami. So Marty calls the Rabbi who arranges for everyone to meet at the Winchester to make introductions all around and discuss the nature of events in the city. During this time Agent Fabian gets a message with the results of the Autopsy of Marcie/Marius. The results state that Marcie was hopped up on some bizarre blend of chemicals that the M.E. believes may have been a Hallucinogen of some kind. The Examiner also believes that it was the Chems that killed her; Marcie was known to have a weak heart and was in fact slated for Heart Replacement Surgery in the coming weeks. He also receives a callback on the prints run from the hand at the SUV scene which belonged to one of Eduardo's bodyguards. They part ways and agree to meet in the morning to go out to Olympic Key to look for some more clues.

Eventually things broke up and most folks went home and most went to sleep. Gavin stayed up to do some research on the new tablet and found a reference to something called the "Font and the Tree". Marty paid a visit to Renato Trujillo to bring him up to speed. He gives Renato the Desert Eagle and told him what he knew and that his brother was likely dead. Renato tells him he had no idea who his brother was meeting, he had a lead on some kind of new business. As they are talking Renato receives a call from the Lobby Desk and once he gets it he drags Marty out front to find Eduardo's body dangling naked off a lamp-post outside, his body covered in bloody marks. Naturally this gets Agent Fabian woken up a mere 30 minutes after he went to sleep so naturally he gets a hold of Gavin to get to the scene. Melon is called in as well. When the body is finally cut down the Examiner finds that it is covered in carved lines apparently meant to represent Vodoun Script, but Gavin believes it is badly done script designed to throw suspicion onto some local Bokor or another. 

Eventually everyone gets back together the following morning to take the Pirates boat out to Olympic Key. There they meet Etahn’s friend Hiapo, a big Samoan Hawaiian who runs the only real bar on the Key, “Volcano”. He is able to tell them that some stranger, who matches the description of the Strange/Scary Businessman from outside of Club Siren, came through not too long ago and apparently went up to the Riley Estate but he has no idea who he is. So they rent a pair of old VW “Things” Hiapo has available and head up to the house. After some brief discussion Agent Fabian contacts Elias Donovan, the son of Nolan Riley (The Infamous Explorer and Adventurer), who gives him permission to enter the Mediterranean-style house (Red tile roof with a central courtyard) to search it for clues and gives him the entry code. In the house they find lots of random things including a two-hundred foot long study/office that Dr. Riley used for his research. The walls were full of shelves occupied by books, knick-knacks, tools and various archeological treasures. The wall facing the Courtyard is occupied by a vast sea-water aquarium full of brightly-colored fish, sea-urchins, coral…and three large oddly-colored lobsters; one blue, one white and one yellow. On one of the long row of trestle-tables in the middle of the room they find a recently cleared space that is now occupied by copious notes and photographs (Including one of the stone tablet from Marcie’s apartment) sadly all of the writing is in Greek but at least Melon was able to take several pictures before she and Ethan went down to the lower level of the Estate to examine and empty shark-tank. Before they could continue their investigate Marty just HAD to taunt the Lobsters…
Who promptly leapt to the attack and transformed into giant lobster/man hybrid monsters.

What followed was an epic battle, a tale to be told throughout the ages…or at least later on this week it will be told in detail. The end result was a lab full of precious ancient relics smashed to pieces, nearly consumed in fire and filled with the delicious scent of cooked lobster…and that’s where we left off.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on February 01, 2011, 11:46:54 AM
^^ Wow thanks!!!

I will transfer that over to Obsidian Portal in a while with all the fancy tags and such. :)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: zegion on February 01, 2011, 03:42:05 PM

 Thats pretty much how i remember it. As a general note, next time someone sees marty taunting lobsters, tackle him.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on February 01, 2011, 03:42:28 PM
That was more for the folks that missed out and I think I may have missed some information so feel free to fill in any gaps.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on February 01, 2011, 10:44:24 PM
Note of Amusement; watched an episode of Bones that revolved around a murder at an Aquarium...six million gallon main my 2000 gallons was a smidge on the small side of underestimating the size...8)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on February 01, 2011, 11:38:00 PM
Note of Amusement; watched an episode of Bones that revolved around a murder at an Aquarium...six million gallon main my 2000 gallons was a smidge on the small side of underestimating the size...8)

It's ok.  You had me at "big assed tank".  I didn't get too hung up on the gallon size.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Malkyne on February 01, 2011, 11:41:51 PM
I've had the Dethklok song "Murmaider" stuck in my head ever since the first session.

"There are no fingerprints deep under water.  Nothing to tie one to a crime..."

Thanks for the synopsis, Ren! 
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on February 02, 2011, 12:45:40 AM
I've had the Dethklok song "Murmaider" stuck in my head ever since the first session.

"There are no fingerprints deep under water.  Nothing to tie one to a crime..."

Thanks for the synopsis, Ren! 

You seriously missed one hell of a battle.

With no false modesty, if Ethan hadn't been there waving his hands around for half the battle, someone may have gotten seriously messed up.  As it was, Brian had a very, very close call.  Gavin was out of spell juice, and Ian was about to be lobster food.  If there had been 1 more bad guy, things would have gotten really ugly.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on February 02, 2011, 02:06:58 AM
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on February 02, 2011, 03:49:53 AM
...i have not laughed out loud like that in a very long time.
Dunno if its original or not but well played! +1 fate point for next Session!
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: fantazero on February 02, 2011, 04:01:49 AM
...i have not laughed out loud like that in a very long time.
Dunno if its original or not but well played! +1 fate point for next Session!
it's a t-shirt I saw, and said, yeah, thats awesome.

I was going to post this, but that one won
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Malkyne on February 02, 2011, 04:12:23 AM
...i have not laughed out loud like that in a very long time.
Dunno if its original or not but well played! +1 fate point for next Session!

Yeah, I think he won the Internet, today.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on February 02, 2011, 10:11:44 AM
I am re-reading through the rules again myself so I can have a better grasp of them. I figure that each session will keep building on previous skills.
One thing I have discovered though; If you wish to make a Declaration, i.e. to Add and aspect to a scene such as a Candle, Requires the expenditure of a Fate Point.

By the book, not necessarily.  On page 20, it talks about making a Declaration by spending a fate point, but pages 116 and 197 talk about making Declarations by rolling.  The differences are somewhat spelled out in the sidebar on 116.  It isn't explicit about it, but it looks like you might not be able to declare an Aspect via the fate point method.  At least they don't mention an example of that.  The description on 20 starts off, "Declarations are usually handled with a skill roll (page 116), but in some cases you may simply lay down a fate point and declare something.  If the GM accepts the fate point, it will be true."  So maybe the fate point spend is good for making an important Declaration when you have crap for ranks in the appropriate skill.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on February 02, 2011, 10:27:05 AM
It looks like I'm the one with
1. Sufficient motivation  and
2. Lack enough of a life

so I'll probably be doing the recap.  I'll try to get it done in the next day or two while the session is still fresh in my mind.

I'm really hoping that we can get some more wiki pages or characters up so I don't have to rely on my memory too much.

During some of Ian and Gavin's story, I was in the other room pigging out on wings. :/

Yeah, I think with a group this big there will frequently be people missing out on bits of the plot.  Sometimes I too am pigging out on wings or frantically writing down what Marty just learned or something, and I'll miss a little.  It's probably a good idea to take a more wiki-influenced approach to the recaps.  If memory fails, but the writer knows something's missing, put up a [placeholder] to indicate the need for help fleshing things out.


Pictures were taken and shoes were bagged and gator ridges were shot at.

[Gavin and Fabian talked with Kalliope or something?]

Then everyone met up with the Rabbi at the Winchester.

And maybe a little [?] when the writer needs clarification on a little detail?  I'm about to doze off, but I'll edit a little bit of the recap.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on February 02, 2011, 10:41:40 AM
By the book, not necessarily.  On page 20, it talks about making a Declaration by spending a fate point, but pages 116 and 197 talk about making Declarations by rolling.  The differences are somewhat spelled out in the sidebar on 116.  It isn't explicit about it, but it looks like you might not be able to declare an Aspect via the fate point method.  At least they don't mention an example of that.  The description on 20 starts off, "Declarations are usually handled with a skill roll (page 116), but in some cases you may simply lay down a fate point and declare something.  If the GM accepts the fate point, it will be true."  So maybe the fate point spend is good for making an important Declaration when you have crap for ranks in the appropriate skill.

See, this is why I both love and hate the books.

On one hand, they're fun to read and very pretty.

On the other hand, certain rules are talked about very verbosely and split up all over the book.  Seriously.  I've been arguing for days with the community here over what some things mean.  I am not comfortable using all of my abilities until I am sure what exactly they do and how to do them.

8 people are too many for Ren to keep track of.  I feel like it is my responsibility to learn the rules for my character.

That is why I started the wiki pages on rules.

Perhaps you could make an entry or add to one I've started on declarations?  Proof from the text would be a nice touch.

Yeah, I think with a group this big there will frequently be people missing out on bits of the plot.  Sometimes I too am pigging out on wings or frantically writing down what Marty just learned or something, and I'll miss a little.  It's probably a good idea to take a more wiki-influenced approach to the recaps.  If memory fails, but the writer knows something's missing, put up a [placeholder] to indicate the need for help fleshing things out.


Pictures were taken and shoes were bagged and gator ridges were shot at.

[Gavin and Fabian talked with Kalliope or something?]

Then everyone met up with the Rabbi at the Winchester.

And maybe a little [?] when the writer needs clarification on a little detail?  I'm about to doze off, but I'll edit a little bit of the recap.

I think we got it ironed out. :)  Have you seen the recap portion on Obsidian?
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on February 02, 2011, 12:21:28 PM
8 people are too many for Ren to keep track of.  I feel like it is my responsibility to learn the rules for my character.

That is why I started the wiki pages on rules.

Perhaps you could make an entry or add to one I've started on declarations?  Proof from the text would be a nice touch.

Yeah, I can do that.  But right now I'll get five hours of sleep and then wake up for class, so maybe later today or tomorrow.

I think we got it ironed out. :)  Have you seen the recap portion on Obsidian?

Yes indeed.  I just added/revised about two-thirds of the most recent recap, up through the meeting at the Winchester.  I'm adding some things I think are important, revising for clarity and getting all word-geek on present/past tense agreement.  There were a lot of smaller details that I added in not just for narrative purposes but because I'm wagering they'll be important.  Once again, bed now, more of that later.

(Oh, and I came up with a title I think you'll like for the first session recap.)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: BumblingBear on February 02, 2011, 01:05:38 PM

Excellent job.  Pure gold.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on February 02, 2011, 03:18:34 PM
I completely forgot about the Shoes!....hilarious...8)

And now that I've re-read the Adventure Logs...I LOVE the titles; "The Makeshift Mermaid and the InvestiGators"...cracking me up! Sounds like a weirdo band-name...hrmm...I sense some new NPCs in the world at a future point...8)
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water
Post by: fantazero on February 02, 2011, 04:55:40 PM
are we still going to Disney world?
I found some neat stuff, for example.

and some strange stuff about their secuirty, apparently they tried to keep Armed Florida Highway Patrol out if they are armed.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water
Post by: Ren on February 02, 2011, 05:10:05 PM
I'm sure that at some point there will be an adventure that takes the game to Disney World...but it's the "Happiest Place on earth" so it could only be for vacation right? Right?  8)

Over the years I've read some interesting bits about Disney's draconian Employment and Security policies. Thus why I added them into the set-up for the game.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Funge on February 02, 2011, 07:43:38 PM
Which movie is that creepy picture of Peter Stormare from on the "scary businessman" NPC page?
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 02, 2011, 07:46:15 PM
Whoah...don't tell me you don't recognize that...I'll give you a hint, the movie would absolutely fit into the Dresdenverse just fine...
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 02, 2011, 07:48:10 PM
Whoah...don't tell me you don't recognize that...I'll give you a hint, the movie would absolutely fit into the Dresdenverse just fine...
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 03, 2011, 12:08:10 AM
I dont know if my email got out, internets being strange.
Basically Ren asked if anyone wanted to hit the range Sat the 5th.
good for me, but it might be frozen over everywhere
Sat the 12 I'm free too, and I should have a bunch of extra ammo, and some Zombie targets I ordered by then
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 03, 2011, 01:02:54 AM
I dont know if my email got out, internets being strange.
Basically Ren asked if anyone wanted to hit the range Sat the 5th.
good for me, but it might be frozen over everywhere
Sat the 12 I'm free too, and I should have a bunch of extra ammo, and some Zombie targets I ordered by then

Yeah I should be free as well.  Whether Ashley will go or not probably depends on whether the temperature is tolerable or stuck at a balmy freezing.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 03, 2011, 04:21:41 AM
Oh good news!

I will have a Pele dagger prop for next Sunday to help complete my costume!

It's the one at the bottom of my post. :)

Title: gah
Post by: BumblingBear on February 03, 2011, 09:17:12 AM

It turns out we were wrong in how we were doing some movement and the sneak attack stuff.

I've updated the wiki with the relevant rules.  By the time I get done with the Wiki, I'll probably be a walking talking DFRPG sourcebook. :/
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Funge on February 03, 2011, 10:03:36 AM
Finished revising/fleshing out the second session recap.  I can probably do similar for future sessions if you like.

Also, Tess, I'm pretty sure I left my water bottle at your place the first time around.  I'm bad about that sometimes.  Can you bring it to Sunday's session?
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Funge on February 03, 2011, 12:42:21 PM
Whoah...don't tell me you don't recognize that...I'll give you a hint, the movie would absolutely fit into the Dresdenverse just fine...

Finally remembered to look that one up.  Looks like it's Constantine.  I might have to watch that then.  I never really heard much in the way of good things about it, so didn't watch it.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 03, 2011, 12:44:53 PM
You got the right one. And no its not high art, it's Keanu Reeves after all, but it is an entertaining part. Peter Stormare's part was small, but one of my favorite parts of the movie.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Ren on February 03, 2011, 04:31:28 PM

We should get this as a a Group T-Shirt...too bad we can't replace the fish with a lobster though...8)
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 03, 2011, 04:33:03 PM
It occurs to me that with the possibility of Saturday being a no-go for the Range (Unless we go to an indoor range) then maybe we could do a Movie day?
Wonder if we can get a copy of "Practical Magic"...that and Constantine...any other suggestions?
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 03, 2011, 04:39:26 PM
It occurs to me that with the possibility of Saturday being a no-go for the Range (Unless we go to an indoor range) then maybe we could do a Movie day?
Wonder if we can get a copy of "Practical Magic"...that and Constantine...any other suggestions?

Harry Potter?  ::please don't beat me!::


Also, has everyone been able to check out my rules compilations so far on the wiki?  I just moved the links higher so they can actually be seen.

I'm actually rather proud of my work on them.  I'm trying to condense most of the important rules in the book down to about 10 short entries.

If we print these off or have wifi at a session, they'll make it easy to look up rules.  The references are included for most of them if anyone wants to check the book too.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 03, 2011, 05:08:21 PM
I looked them over briefly, good job! +1 Fate Point for next session!
It will certainly make them easier to look up though print-outs would be good as well.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: devonapple on February 03, 2011, 05:23:19 PM
We should get this as a a Group T-Shirt...too bad we can't replace the fish with a lobster though...8)

My apologies for intruding, but this reminded me of the Darkest of the Hillside Thickets songs "One-Gilled Girl (" and "The Innsmouth Look ("
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 03, 2011, 06:30:57 PM
No worries, we've taken up a lot of space with chatter about our game.
Sadly I can't check out those lyrics from here but I will when I get home.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: zegion on February 03, 2011, 07:40:37 PM

 good job, ive looked over all of them.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 03, 2011, 08:04:50 PM
I want one of these... ( $40 is steep...may have to talk to a friend of mind who works at a print shop about making something similar for me. I once saw a really cool screen that was magnetized and had customizable magnetic strips you could move around to reflect initiative changes etc...just need an aid to keep track of all the changing aspects on NPCs...8P
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 03, 2011, 08:37:05 PM
Added another NPC to the OP page; Amos White-Tree. Since someone wanted to get a hold of him.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 03, 2011, 09:14:25 PM
Added another NPC to the OP page; Amos White-Tree. Since someone wanted to get a hold of him.

Our obsidian page is getting huge and awesome.

I've poked around the site a bit looking at other games, and ours by far is the most complete and has the most information.

After another session or two, I've considered linking it to the community here since there is such a huge amount of info and resources for other groups just starting out.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 03, 2011, 09:20:01 PM
I'm not sure we should do that since you have the stripped-down rules posted there. I think its fine for our own use but unless we can lock down that section we should keep it to ourselves.

Also, I altered Amos to be a Were-Crocodile and made a Rival Were-Gator clan...just to add some MORE color to the Glades...8)
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Funge on February 03, 2011, 09:48:48 PM
I'm not sure we should do that since you have the stripped-down rules posted there. I think its fine for our own use but unless we can lock down that section we should keep it to ourselves.

I don't think we have anything to worry about. You couldn't even come close to running the game just from the brief references we have posted.  None of it makes any sense without context.  Even if you take the free FATE rules and try to make sense of what little is up on the wiki, you'd be completely lost.
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: Funge on February 03, 2011, 09:53:38 PM
My apologies for intruding, but this reminded me of the Darkest of the Hillside Thickets songs "One-Gilled Girl (" and "The Innsmouth Look ("

You got your Cthulhu in my Dresden!
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Funge on February 03, 2011, 09:55:16 PM
Our obsidian page is getting huge and awesome.

I've poked around the site a bit looking at other games, and ours by far is the most complete and has the most information.

After another session or two, I've considered linking it to the community here since there is such a huge amount of info and resources for other groups just starting out.

There are some huge games on there that have been going for years, but I haven't had a chance to look at much of the Dreseden-specific stuff so we might actually be ahead of the curve on that.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Malkyne on February 03, 2011, 11:14:26 PM
Also, Tess, I'm pretty sure I left my water bottle at your place the first time around.  I'm bad about that sometimes.  Can you bring it to Sunday's session?

You sure did.  I think I've moved it to Jason's place, already, in anticipation of your arrival.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Malkyne on February 03, 2011, 11:21:23 PM
I'm not sure we should do that since you have the stripped-down rules posted there. I think its fine for our own use but unless we can lock down that section we should keep it to ourselves.

If we need space to post eyes-only game information (e.g. game rules info, non-PG-rated stories, etc.), we can either use the Google Docs folder for that, OR, Jason or I could provide a private wiki area for that.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 04, 2011, 01:28:29 AM
Watching "Freaks and Geeks"  last episode involves them playing D&D.
Turn on Community
and their playing D&D.
And then the wife she turns to me and says "Is this what you've been doing?"
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 04, 2011, 01:53:53 AM
Shoulda been playing this game instead...8)
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 04, 2011, 02:05:06 AM
Shoulda been playing this game instead...8)
then my nerd-gasm would have destroyed the world.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 04, 2011, 02:35:33 AM
If we need space to post eyes-only game information (e.g. game rules info, non-PG-rated stories, etc.), we can either use the Google Docs folder for that, OR, Jason or I could provide a private wiki area for that.

I am in awe of our secret-squirrel vibes as a group.

then my nerd-gasm would have destroyed the world.

Just don't tap on a scary fucking fish tank's glass, ok?

Soooomebody has problems in that regard....   :P
Title: Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
Post by: devonapple on February 04, 2011, 02:49:13 AM
You got your Cthulhu in my Dresden!

Yeah, *I* put that there. Jim Butcher had nothing to do with it. ;)
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 04, 2011, 05:17:20 AM
I hope we start getting significant milestones soon.

I've got to save 5 of them before I can do what I want to do skill-wise. :( 

Poor Ethan may be stagnant for a while.

I'm not sure where we are in the story yet (any hints Ren?) and lots of stuff keeps happening.

I'm pretty sure I heard Ren say this last weekend that we have some sort of milestone coming up at the beginning of our next session and I've been bouncing off the walls thinking of the possibilities.

So anyway - I have a question (yes, there is actually a point to this post).  For the people who miss a session or two, will they be advancing at the same rate as everyone else?  How are we going to handle that?
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Funge on February 04, 2011, 06:08:30 AM
Watching "Freaks and Geeks"  last episode involves them playing D&D.
Turn on Community
and their playing D&D.
And then the wife she turns to me and says "Is this what you've been doing?"

Be sure to tell her we all look like James Franco, too.

Fun fact:  the Dungeon Master in the Freaks and Geeks episode is played by Stephen Lea Sheppard, who these days writes roleplaying games.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Funge on February 04, 2011, 01:54:03 PM
Hey, who's the "lenpw" listed as a member of the party on the Obsidian Portal page?
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 04, 2011, 01:58:06 PM
Be sure to tell her we all look like James Franco, too.
speaking of Dungeons and Dragons and James Franco and getting off topic  ;)
anyone see the R-Band Trailer for "Your Highness"?
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 04, 2011, 03:16:34 PM
I have seen the trailer and the movie looks like it will be fun!

[edit] confirmed, lenpw is the friend I invited to check out our site.

I am going to talk to him about crossing up adventures at some point so we can have an even more greatly-expanded group of players at least for special events.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: quizboy on February 04, 2011, 07:18:14 PM
I want one of these... ( $40 is steep...may have to talk to a friend of mind who works at a print shop about making something similar for me. I once saw a really cool screen that was magnetized and had customizable magnetic strips you could move around to reflect initiative changes etc...just need an aid to keep track of all the changing aspects on NPCs...8P

  I have quite the collection of RPG supplies, and I might be able to help out with this a bit.  I have a generic (slip in the pages you want) style GM screen that I'll bring to the next session; the only problem I've heard with this type of screen is that they can tear at the joints.  You can try this out to see if you find it useful and still want to pick one up.
  The one I have is in landscape mode, and has three panels; I have Dresden print outs for the outside (copies of the RPG cover artwork), and the two page GM screen printout from the DFRPG website.  I slid in an extra insert for spellcasting, but it's sidewayes (portrait not landscape).

I also have one of the magnetic initiative tracker boards (a bought one, and one I made myself).  We could try them out as well, and see what you like.  I'll also bring a couple of dice towers to see what people thing about them as well...


--Steven (aka. Gavin the Lore Master)
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 04, 2011, 07:38:47 PM
Wow nice! Thanks! Be glad to give them a try out!
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 05, 2011, 02:24:47 AM
I sure hope this weather clears up before Sunday.  It's looking like it's official I won't be going anywhere tomorrow.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 05, 2011, 02:43:20 AM
I sure hope this weather clears up before Sunday.  It's looking like it's official I won't be going anywhere tomorrow.
no range I take it. Brrr too cold, I was the only one to show up for work today, which was interesting.
I have a copy of the movie pratical magic, well really the wife does. Its terrible.
Are we doing the game at Tess's place again?
I saw some Sushi at HEB and I thought, "Perfect" lol.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 05, 2011, 02:52:15 AM
no range I take it. Brrr too cold, I was the only one to show up for work today, which was interesting.
I have a copy of the movie pratical magic, well really the wife does. Its terrible.
Are we doing the game at Tess's place again?
I saw some Sushi at HEB and I thought, "Perfect" lol.

Nah - Jason's place.  I hear there will be shrimp (at a minimum).

My inner glutton did a flip.

Ashley may not make it.  She's under the weather.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 05, 2011, 03:00:43 AM
Nah - Jason's place.  I hear there will be shrimp (at a minimum).

My inner glutton did a flip.

Ashley may not make it.  She's under the weather.
Did we send out an email? Am I not getting them? Can someone email me Jasons address?
I might bring wings again, because I just like wings.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 05, 2011, 03:05:49 AM
Did we send out an email? Am I not getting them? Can someone email me Jasons address?
I might bring wings again, because I just like wings.

I will copy and past the email into another email and send it to you tonight.  That way we can be sure you get it.

As for wings... mmm.

I am kind of enjoying being everyone else's food disposal for stuff they don't want to bring home. :)
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 05, 2011, 05:18:00 AM
heh, Steve was talking about this last time
Muppet Meat
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 05, 2011, 08:46:22 AM
Just as an FYI, I'm going to work on the wiki some more tonight.  I've got to be up all night taking care of Ashley anyway so I may as well do something productive.

I sincerely hope that nobody sees me as a know-it-all the next few sessions.  I'm not trying to be smug with this stuff, I've just literally read through "Your Story" about 6 times now.

I'm beginning to hate that book.  I dream Dresden files now.  I think I had a dance off with a few red court vampires last night.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 05, 2011, 02:49:31 PM
how dare you try and understand the complex game mechanics and help relate them to a large group of people playing the game for the first time  >:(
HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT! Oh water bed of my tears!  :'(

But seriously. I'm still getting how aspects work, fate points ect. You and Steven have complicated characters and I mean I only get like half of what you guys are saying when you talk about spell casting and such. So yeah, explain away, next time I play I was thinking being more than "Point and shoot" guy.

Also yeah, been there. Listened to the Books on tape on the way to Germany. Jet Lag, sleeping pills and German booze equal weird dreams.
If we catch you trying to start a fire by yelling Fuego, we'll have the men with butterfly nets take you away.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 05, 2011, 02:58:43 PM

But seriously. I'm still getting how aspects work, fate points ect. You and Steven have complicated characters and I mean I only get like half of what you guys are saying when you talk about spell casting and such. So yeah, explain away, next time I play I was thinking being more than "Point and shoot" guy.

I just added a page on the Sight for Steven and anyone else who may have that power in the future.

Also yeah, been there. Listened to the Books on tape on the way to Germany. Jet Lag, sleeping pills and German booze equal weird dreams.
If we catch you trying to start a fire by yelling Fuego, we'll have the men with butterfly nets take you away.

I think you won the internet today too.

Strangely enough, there has not been any violence in my Dresden dreams.  I usually have very violent, disturbing dreams, but my Dresden dreams so far have all included dancing to 80's music.  I'm choosing to interpret this to mean I am even funkier than I thought.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 05, 2011, 03:41:09 PM
On an awesome note, I am finally done with my rules pages... for now.

Having them all handy should streamline things quite a bit.

I highly suggest everyone read the pages relevant to their character.  Reading all of them may be good too.  Even if someone's character doesn't use magic, it may be good to understand how it works in case one ever has to defend against it.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Funge on February 05, 2011, 09:33:31 PM
It's not Dresden Files specific, but a game designer named Adam Jury compiled a very short version of the FATE rules here. (  It's in the form of a two-page (!) PDF.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 05, 2011, 09:53:09 PM
It's not Dresden Files specific, but a game designer named Adam Jury compiled a very short version of the FATE rules here. (  It's in the form of a two-page (!) PDF.

I checked it out.  It's nifty but not all the rules gel with DFRPG rules.

I really liked the zone explanation, though.   I think in future games, the gun people would be wise to get some space between them and the bad guys.

Our group makeup is pretty wacky.  Usually (apparently) there are tanks, really tough characters to block monsters while the evocators do their thing to maximize damage and then let fly.

We don't really have any tanks in our game.  lol 

Things may get crazy.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Funge on February 05, 2011, 10:43:13 PM
Ian, reading more about declarations made me realize one of my stunts is useless.  My "I Hear Vampires Taste Like Strawberries" stunt basically allows me to do something anyone can already do, e.g. make a declaration where appropriate with a successful roll on Lore.  Can I either switch that out for another stunt or get the wasted point of refresh back before the next session?

Also, you mentioned in email that as of the end of last session, we've achieved a significant milestone.  Should we apply any changes before tomorrow?
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 05, 2011, 11:00:23 PM
Ian, reading more about declarations made me realize one of my stunts is useless.  My "I Hear Vampires Taste Like Strawberries" stunt basically allows me to do something anyone can already do, e.g. make a declaration where appropriate with a successful roll on Lore.  Can I either switch that out for another stunt or get the wasted point of refresh back before the next session?

Also, you mentioned in email that as of the end of last session, we've achieved a significant milestone.  Should we apply any changes before tomorrow?

Good question.

I'm not going to use my skill point so it doesn't apply to me, but I was planning on switching two skills for my minor milestone that goes with the significant one.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 06, 2011, 12:02:29 AM
Can I add a stunt named, Kill Aquatic Animals in one hit?  ;D
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 06, 2011, 12:05:19 AM
Can I add a stunt named, Kill Aquatic Animals in one hit?  ;D

Pele hates aquatic supernatural creatures....

You might be able to talk to Hiapo or Ethan about that.

Then again, you might have to burn evidence down to the ground if you were to take that path. lol
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: zegion on February 07, 2011, 04:01:12 AM
Hey yall, thanks for understanding as i bailed to watch the superbowl today. Jen (my wife) and I are both football fans and have been waiting for today and we had a blast watching it together. Next time yall are over, she perfected a TON of finger foods and she said if i was nice she would make it next time we played at my pad.

Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 07, 2011, 05:34:55 AM
Hey yall, thanks for understanding as i bailed to watch the superbowl today. Jen (my wife) and I are both football fans and have been waiting for today and we had a blast watching it together. Next time yall are over, she perfected a TON of finger foods and she said if i was nice she would make it next time we played at my pad.
Mama said football the devil!
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 07, 2011, 05:57:44 AM
Abdula ablongata.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 07, 2011, 06:08:20 AM
Townie "You can do it. Cut his fucking head off. "

Bobby "My Mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush. "
Thats the problem, we just need to brush their teeth
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Funge on February 07, 2011, 11:22:29 AM
Hey yall, thanks for understanding as i bailed to watch the superbowl today. Jen (my wife) and I are both football fans and have been waiting for today and we had a blast watching it together. Next time yall are over, she perfected a TON of finger foods and she said if i was nice she would make it next time we played at my pad.

No problem.  I think everybody realizes we're the outliers when it comes to giving a shit about the Super Bowl.  But you missed some fun.  I'll try and have a recap up in the next few days.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 07, 2011, 01:56:58 PM
Fun? You call exploding dead guys fun? Clearly I'm not being mean enough...time for the Satanic Head Lice...they suck out your brains, evilly...8)

Well, now that I have everyone's 3x3x3's and aspects at my I can start up some serious head games!
So next session should get really interesting, but more on an individual level than a group level. Yes, it's time for side-quests, red-herrings and other distractions...not that there aren't a few already...who is the assassin in town to kill? What is the Purpose of Distributing the Siren's Call? Why is the bald chick so...bald? Okay so one of those is main-plot relevant, but you get the idea. So expect to see people from y'alls backgrounds show up...for good or for ill. And yes the introduction of side-quests will slow the pacing of the main story a bit as you all are actually very close to the end but I don't think you want to get to the end game without FBI-man and I think he'd hate to miss out on the final chapter...8)
Not saying there won't be some stuff relevant to the current scenario, I'll just be delaying the final chapter for a session.

And don't worry, I'd NEVER EVER in a million years use your loved ones against you...[not]...Internal Commentary! Internal Commentary! Internal Commentary!
When will I ever learn?...time for the evil laugh...

Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 07, 2011, 03:40:21 PM
Just for Marty...
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 07, 2011, 03:46:15 PM
Just for Marty...
speaking of man vs wild
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 07, 2011, 03:50:12 PM
speaking of man vs wild

^^^ More like, better eat bear vomit and then retire to my heated trailer after the cameras stop rolling.

I see Man Vs. Wild as: "Jackass.. in the Woods!" :/
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 07, 2011, 03:51:30 PM
...I was referring to the "I GOT THIS"
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 07, 2011, 03:56:27 PM
...I was referring to the "I GOT THIS"

I know :) - that was epic.  It sucks that Ashley missed some great moments.  :(
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 07, 2011, 04:16:28 PM
I thought of this, when it came to Marty

oh yeah, who won the superbowl?
who was playing?
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 07, 2011, 04:18:59 PM
Thats a great image...8)

fyi...the "I'd Tap That" picture is now my work desktop...need someone with Photoshop skills to replace the fish with a stylized lobster so we can get some T-shirts made up...8)
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 07, 2011, 04:22:24 PM
I thought of this, when it came to Marty

oh yeah, who won the superbowl?
who was playing?

Dunno but after I got home I watched Christina Aguilera screw up the national anthem and a painful-to-watch halftime show.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 07, 2011, 04:29:31 PM
I will say this, our National Anthem is terrible.
America the Beautiful is a much better song.
Easier to sing
Better Rythem
it gets to the point

There are lost verses, additonal lyrics, long and short versions of the Star Spangled Banner. I mean, you rarely hear the long version, ever.  And no one knows all the words

Also coked out singers who get the words right, dont honor America anymore than coked out singers who get the word wrong.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 07, 2011, 04:36:22 PM
I don't get too worked up about it either way.

The national anthem doesn't make a person patriotic, much in the same way that attending church does not make someone religious.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 07, 2011, 04:40:15 PM
I don't get too worked up about it either way.

The national anthem doesn't make a person patriotic, much in the same way the attending church does not make someone religious.

heh, I knew some people who would disagree with you there *, but no Touchy Topics per Board rules

*Notice I said KNEW

And then I promise I will get back on topic
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 07, 2011, 04:54:11 PM
^^^ Uh huh.... riiiight.

So anyway - Ren, am I correct in my understanding that you're planning this current arc to last 2 more sessions so Z can get in on the climax?

 I had no idea that the nurse was a/the character you wanted to play.

You talked when we first started about being able to switch out GMs - did you want to do that after this arc we are on, or after the second story arc, or later?  If you do play for a session or two or three, what would be a good transition point?

I'm actually pretty confident with my rules knowledge now.  If nobody else steps up to the plate so you could play your character, I was thinking I might give it a shot. :)
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 07, 2011, 05:32:12 PM
Yes 2 more sessions to the end of the current Arc. I have plenty more planned for after that and lots of little stuff planned for in between the major arcs.
We'll see where we stand on open plots by the time this Arc is wrapped as I have some other things that will be coming up afterwords that I may want to continue working with for awhile.
Sarah is one of several character I'm thinking of playing when I get a turn to play but I'm not 100% settled on the idea as there are several other character ideas I have available. I'm also still tweaking the details for her.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: zegion on February 07, 2011, 06:29:34 PM
Exploding dead guys? Man.....

As for who one Green Bay beat the Steelers by 6 but it came down to Green Bay making a good defensive play with about a minute left to stall the Steelers drive. As for that half time show.....good lord that was horrendous. Jen even said "i thought the black eyed peas would have put on a good stage performance." That was bad in so many ways that it hurts the soul. 

The game was so so. Green Bay took the lead and kept it the entire game and at times almost blew it but the Steelers had 3 turn overs or the game would have been more exciting.

The commercials were ok. None made me laugh out loud, some were worth a chuckle but over all Jennifer and I were disappointed about the general lack of quality. To quote her once again "coke needs to get the add agency that the car insurance companies use. At least theirs are funny."

Yes, i will be gone next week, but its a good thing. I will officially take over command of my third command this weekend. Its a vote of confidence for me. Most guys get one, and some sections of the army dont even get to command (human resources, most MP's, Air Defense, few more).  I will say that ive been having a blast.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 07, 2011, 06:41:17 PM
Yeah I think the Half-Time shows have sucked quite a bit the last few years. The Stones came out looking pathetic when they did their thing a few years ago. I don't actually recall last years show as I didn't watch though given it was the Saints I should have.

Anyway yes there will be a write up at some point but suffice to say they located Eduardo...or rather he found them...
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 07, 2011, 08:03:55 PM
Yeah I think the Half-Time shows have sucked quite a bit the last few years. The Stones came out looking pathetic when they did their thing a few years ago. I don't actually recall last years show as I didn't watch though given it was the Saints I should have.

Anyway yes there will be a write up at some point but suffice to say they located Eduardo...or rather he found them...

I got all kinds of nasty mental imagery from how that one turned out.

I like to think that the pieces of penis landed on Marty.  His expression would have been priceless.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Funge on February 07, 2011, 08:12:14 PM
I thought of this, when it came to Marty

Hollowed-out superhuman flesh balloon on a rampage?  I'm sure we can have a rational discussion about this like adults.  Hug it out, maybe.

Also, can't stop laughing about handegg.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 07, 2011, 08:22:52 PM
Speaking of flesh balloon...

Ren, what would have happened it I would have hit the zombie thing with a 35 stress magic spirit/fire attack I was about to use before Gavin had popped it?
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 07, 2011, 08:29:26 PM
There may have been a very large and possibly even earth-shattering ka-boom...luckily you will never know...until you run into another of those...what, you thought there'd only be one weird sea-spider death-balloon controller bug?
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 07, 2011, 08:35:22 PM
There may have been a very large and possibly even earth-shattering ka-boom...luckily you will never know...until you run into another of those...what, you thought there'd only be one weird sea-spider death-balloon controller bug?

Good thing Ethan knows to try zapping them now. lol
Title: Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
Post by: Delmorian on February 07, 2011, 08:45:22 PM
As far as setting goes I'm currently fixated on using Miami, just like the idea that it sets a whole different tone and has a wide variety of odd things and places (Fountain of Youth?) as well as some swamps to hide bodies...that could be re-animated of course...8)
And I want to use were-sharks and were-rats as well...never got to use them in any old World of Darkness games! Well not the sharks anyway. And we can in a few local celebrities; Dexter, Michael Westin and crew? Fun stuff!
You forgot about Were Alagators, in the Everglades, Immortal Cursed Pirates in on Lake Ocachobee, and the City of Rotonda, FL 33947 (check it out on google maps, its a big eight slice circular development, with one slice missing. I have decided the eighth slice is located in the Never Never).

My planed DF game will have an accorded hotel on Miami Beach, which is done in raw stone, and has an aztec style. The fence is a stone serpent and holds a "dont see me" spell that keeps the "Straights" away, allowing the more... exotic... members of the accords to come and visit without having to use personal glamor. (there are banners collecting energy from the wind, and ceramic tiled pilings in the surf collecting energy from the waves that drive the spell, rather elegant, I thought)

So far, one friend has created an Okinawan hydro-mage for his character. Am still working on finding more RL local folks I can trust to game with. Am living in the town of Davie between Ft. Laud and Miami.

Note, Was half way through thread when posted this... feel free to disregard, or delete as desired.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 07, 2011, 08:57:47 PM
No worries its an open board, everyone is free to comment. And trust me I haven't forgotten the Were-Gators. In fact the Everglades Were-Gators are all part of a large inbred swamp-dwelling redneck freaks and their dire enemies are the Indian Were-Crocodile that also lives in the 'glades.
I may have to look into the Cursed Pirates thing as one of the players is actually haunted by a Cursed Pirate...then again maybe that's here he got it...8)
Thanks of the share!
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 08, 2011, 12:46:14 AM
Updated the OP Board with Images and a new character. Will be adding some other characters as soon as I can find pictures.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 08, 2011, 12:03:07 PM
I just thought of a new title for a movie.

"Lobstrosities on a plane."
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 08, 2011, 04:03:51 PM
As a note I can't access Gmail from work so I can't use the new mailing list while I'm here so I will continue to post here or on the OP page.
So if anyone needs to reach me Post here. PM me here or mail me on the OP board.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Malkyne on February 08, 2011, 09:21:36 PM
As a note I can't access Gmail from work so I can't use the new mailing list while I'm here so I will continue to post here or on the OP page.
So if anyone needs to reach me Post here. PM me here or mail me on the OP board.

I set up both an OOC and IC forum for us to use.  However, the information is all in a mail I sent to the mailing list that you can't get to.  D'oh!  I'll send you a copy on the OP board.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 08, 2011, 09:38:30 PM
I still need to register for all that good stuff.

I find it highly convenient that we have so many computer-savvy people in our little group.

In fact, we're probably a pretty good cross section of geek culture for our general age group.  Weird.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 08, 2011, 10:07:46 PM
I still need to register for all that good stuff.

I find it highly convenient that we have so many computer-savvy people in our little group.

In fact, we're probably a pretty good cross section of geek culture for our general age group.  Weird.

Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 08, 2011, 10:13:23 PM

::while eating a lobster::
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Funge on February 09, 2011, 05:22:01 AM

Things I learned today:

1)  Mr. T shits diamonds.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 09, 2011, 05:27:02 AM
Things I learned today:

1)  Mr. T shits diamonds.
When I was growing up, my family was so poor we couldn't afford to pay attention.- Mr T
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 09, 2011, 05:44:14 AM
I sent an email out, but why not here too.
So with the Milestone thing, we should take a second and see what we are short on
As Bumbling bear has said, we should be tagging aspects on things like crazy, it just makes them die faster.
We can also tag aspects on each other for good or bad

I think I've used 3 fate chips, total ever. Lets start throwing those suckers around like dice at a craps table. I just dont know how per say?
Like do we say, oh well I'll spend a fate point and say that their was a chandelier in the room, I shot it (Roll Dice) and it fell on lobster.

Alertness could be raised for everyone I guess
We can set ambushes (Gator Revenge time!)
Wizards can craft spells, that we can use, supposedly?
Do we need driving skills if Limo Lady is a bad ass at it?
Could Ian spend a Fate Point to get an Airstrike from the National Guard?

I dont know, just spit balling. Bear has a good grasp on the game, as does Z (but he's off playing Captain America  8) ) Ren has a character he wants to play I guess, and he knows "Da Rules"  so that should be cool.

i ramble, I'll stop,  discuss amongst yourselves
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: zegion on February 09, 2011, 06:27:00 AM
Fanta, i think a bit of scholarship for your charter does makes sense, after all hes actually taken the time to read the constitution, develop a hate for federal law enforcement and actually read the crap that comes out of congress. Maybe you should save a skill rank in the subject. The rest goes to alertness/athletics, after all what else to hill-billy-gun-toting-dam-destroying-gun runners do in their spare time besides be paranoid?

As for playing captain america....i dont play...playing is for kids, what i do is for real. ;D
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 09, 2011, 06:33:46 AM
As for playing captain america....i dont play...playing is for kids, what i do is for real. ;D
I meant it with all due Respect of course

There was a part where Captain America is fighting some guy, and getting beat the shit out of. The bad guy says "Just surrender and I'll let you live"
to which Cap says
It says "Surrender, what do you think this A stands for FRANCE?!" he then cuts the dude in half with his shield. Bad ass.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Malkyne on February 09, 2011, 07:16:40 AM
As for playing captain america....i dont play...playing is for kids, what i do is for real. ;D

Damn straight.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 09, 2011, 07:20:08 AM
I sent an email out, but why not here too.
So with the Milestone thing, we should take a second and see what we are short on
As Bumbling bear has said, we should be tagging aspects on things like crazy, it just makes them die faster.
We can also tag aspects on each other for good or bad

I think I've used 3 fate chips, total ever. Lets start throwing those suckers around like dice at a craps table. I just dont know how per say?
Like do we say, oh well I'll spend a fate point and say that their was a chandelier in the room, I shot it (Roll Dice) and it fell on lobster.

Alertness could be raised for everyone I guess
We can set ambushes (Gator Revenge time!)
Wizards can craft spells, that we can use, supposedly?
Do we need driving skills if Limo Lady is a bad ass at it?
Could Ian spend a Fate Point to get an Airstrike from the National Guard?

I dont know, just spit balling. Bear has a good grasp on the game, as does Z (but he's off playing Captain America  8) ) Ren has a character he wants to play I guess, and he knows "Da Rules"  so that should be cool.

i ramble, I'll stop,  discuss amongst yourselves

I'm waiting until I get a few more milestones to raise my alertness.  I already know exactly how my character's will go for the next year or so.

We won't have to raise our alertness if people used maneuvers more.

Like how I tend to use self maneuvers for future combat, anyone could create a maneuver like "very cautious" for a +2 tag on their alertness rolls.

We aren't using maneuvers and such to their full potential right now.

Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 09, 2011, 09:55:03 AM
Soooo... after much discussion, Melon has decided where she is going to take her character.

She's decided that Melon is going to learn martial arts and be a photographer ninja.  Seriously.

I cannot wait. :)

BTW, while Melon was out and not helping us much this last session, she was starting to receive intense martial training off screen.

Her encounter with the lobstrosities scarred her and made her vow to never be useless in a fight ever again.


Also, I'm working on some story ideas so whenever Ren wants to take a break for a session or two, I'd like to run a story where certain character meet certain.... other characters and get a chance to take up or turn down power. :)

It's kind of a theme in the books that the possibility of power presents itself, and even if a character refuses, they have the option of taking it up later.

We have several PCs in our campaign who could be prime candidates of that. :)

I think it'd be fun for the people who don't know where they want to take their characters to get possibilities to choose from in-game.

What do you all think?
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Funge on February 09, 2011, 10:01:03 AM
There was a part where Captain America is fighting some guy, and getting beat the shit out of. The bad guy says "Just surrender and I'll let you live"
to which Cap says
It says "Surrender, what do you think this A stands for FRANCE?!" he then cuts the dude in half with his shield. Bad ass.

And then there was this other time (
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 09, 2011, 10:12:02 AM
To help dress in character, I think I may get Ashley this t-shirt now...

Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 09, 2011, 01:18:56 PM
I already emailed Fanta about the aspect thing and skills, I agreeing that keeping scholarship makes sense, but swap empathy for Athletics. While I can see Brian whipping out his Brain and laying a legal smackdown on some unsuspecting fool I don't see him being to emotional about it...8)

And Bear, think I don't already have a temptation of power scenario planned? You don't know me so well...8)

I'd say Melon was definitely more in need of some Weapon training than Martial Arts or possibly Gun Training. Unarmed combat wouldn't have done a lot of good against those things and in fact may have gotten her hurt. Plus as a character who typically prefers to hide in the background Ranged combat maybe her friend. She might want to consider taking up archery and some craftsmanship to make arrows that impart different aspects (It Burns! Danger will Robinson! Let there be Light!). Stuff to consider. Character development should indeed be inspired by in-game activities and trauma but Melon was never physically harmed and none of the monsters went after her directly so the trauma wouldn't be quite as bad. If she wants to play it up as something more, or maybe add in some stuff from earlier childhood where she was attacked by something and the nightmares came back that's fine as well.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 09, 2011, 02:04:12 PM
While I can see Brian whipping out his Brian and laying a legal smackdown on some unsuspecting fool I don't see him being to emotional about it...8)
woooooooooooooooooooooo! :-*
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 09, 2011, 05:02:48 PM
BRAIN! BRAIN! sigh...damn dyslexia
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 09, 2011, 05:44:44 PM
I already emailed Fanta about the aspect thing and skills, I agreeing that keeping scholarship makes sense, but swap empathy for Athletics. While I can see Brian whipping out his Brain and laying a legal smackdown on some unsuspecting fool I don't see him being to emotional about it...8)

And Bear, think I don't already have a temptation of power scenario planned? You don't know me so well...8)

I'd say Melon was definitely more in need of some Weapon training than Martial Arts or possibly Gun Training. Unarmed combat wouldn't have done a lot of good against those things and in fact may have gotten her hurt. Plus as a character who typically prefers to hide in the background Ranged combat maybe her friend. She might want to consider taking up archery and some craftsmanship to make arrows that impart different aspects (It Burns! Danger will Robinson! Let there be Light!). Stuff to consider. Character development should indeed be inspired by in-game activities and trauma but Melon was never physically harmed and none of the monsters went after her directly so the trauma wouldn't be quite as bad. If she wants to play it up as something more, or maybe add in some stuff from earlier childhood where she was attacked by something and the nightmares came back that's fine as well.

Well, she won't be a mundane ninja.

She wants to learn the sword-  drop guns and take up weapons.  She also is going to learn how to create throwing stars out of ectoplasm.  This will be using the breath weapons power but thematically they will be ectoplasm shurikens that evaporate in a few minutes after being thrown. :) 
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 09, 2011, 07:22:08 PM
sounds like that Ice Knife I've been working on.  The perfect crime
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 09, 2011, 08:50:20 PM
Not sure how conjuring throw stars is relevant to her background. She is basically a mortal with a fancy camera and some stunts, where is She suddenly developing the ability to create throwing stars from thin air? I'm not saying she can't eventually learn it but there needs to be something to prompt that kind of growth even if it's from some kind of special training.
I know the RAW says that characters can add powers with Refresh levels but once you have them you really can't swapping the actual powers around so much. Especially not spontaneously developing a Supernatural power where one did not previously exist.
Personally I believe that character growth be thematic to the character concept and also to be partially based on things the character experiences in the game. So if she can come up with a good story-line reason why she is making such a dramatic shift from mousy photographer to supernatural-ninja then no problem. I'm sure we can work together to come up with a mentor or group she can join that will give her the training she needs to learn these new abilities. That and it's a lot more fun to develop this kind of thing in-game.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 09, 2011, 09:00:51 PM
Not sure how conjuring throw stars is relevant to her background. She is basically a mortal with a fancy camera and some stunts, where is She suddenly developing the ability to create throwing stars from thin air? I'm not saying she can't eventually learn it but there needs to be something to prompt that kind of growth even if it's from some kind of special training.
I know the RAW says that characters can add powers with Refresh levels but once you have them you really can't swapping the actual powers around so much. Especially not spontaneously developing a Supernatural power where one did not previously exist.
Personally I believe that character growth be thematic to the character concept and also to be partially based on things the character experiences in the game. So if she can come up with a good story-line reason why she is making such a dramatic shift from mousy photographer to supernatural-ninja then no problem. I'm sure we can work together to come up with a mentor or group she can join that will give her the training she needs to learn these new abilities. That and it's a lot more fun to develop this kind of thing in-game.

A ghost could have taught her.  Her aspects right now are that she does not like the supernatural and she hates her job. This won't change.

However, after feeling so useless in a fight, she could use the camera as a means to an end to get teaching from dead martial arts masters as well as the living.

That's the basic story I have so far I guess.

I don't think she's in a huge hurry either way, but Ashley wants her character to be more useful.  I understand what she means.  I feel like my character pretty much just stands around 60% of the time. :(
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 09, 2011, 09:51:16 PM
I am aware of that, I'm trying to make sure that everyone has something to do. Unfortunately the downside to being heavily specialized is that there are times where you may get bored because there is nothing for you to do. Ethan is built to be almost purely combative and you do exceptionally well when combat breaks out but you have almost no social skills and no hobby skills or description of interest in things that aren't related to the military or to Pele. Now I understand that the characters Concept is based on his ties to Pele who is a creature of violent action. Sure it's easy to use all of that fact what reason do you have to NOT use it? Other than exposing your abilities to Normals?
You may want to look at your skills and see if there are any that can be changed out for more useful skills or how they can be used in different ways than might normally be expected. Also, you may want to look at your 3x3x3 again, a third of your contacts are ex-military buddies and the first two really have no other description other than what they were. What do they do now?
All food for thought!

Now I'm off to go back to pounding my head against these Rote spells for a Character I'm working on.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: zegion on February 09, 2011, 09:54:05 PM
Thats the thing about all our characters. We each have our own strengths.  Gavin, and You and even the redneck (with his massive gun skill) can potentially put down a crap ton of damage. But only really Bear and Gavin can protect them selves agisnt any of the big beasties out there, the rest of us will get a good beating out of anything stronger then your average thug....and we can attest to this as Lobzillas almost handed 2 characters their asses.  

Pirate and Gloria (and she knows a lot of influential people) are the "wheel men <----non gender specific.

Steve (knowing a lot of people), gavin (hey hes a full blown wizard he get billing in more then one role), my self (investigation and charm) and mel (skills most of us dont have) are the jack of all trades, we take care of alot of the non-combat things. Which right now we are involved in.

In literary terms were in the "rising action." Right now all our characters know is there is a problem and we need to find out more about it. Like every dresden novel ever, Dresden spends the first half of the book a) discovering the problem, b) finding out how deal with it, c) geting beating up, then  in the second part cowboying up and taking it out.  We are, and correct me if im wrong, in part A about to slide into part B.

Not to mention, per our characters it makes sense, Bear you play the heavy artillery and designed him as such.  Heck Tess has a problem playing gloria, cuz gloria is not nearly as intelligent as Tess is. I have to remind my self that agent fabian is a heck of alot nicer person then I am. Though i didn't really stretch my self that much, i like detective work hence the FBI agent.

 I think you did a good job with peles flame thrower. With out you the red neck, marty and I would have been in a world of doo-doo.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 09, 2011, 11:01:26 PM
Steve (?) mentioned running side quests for certain things while the main action is going down, I think that could be neat. Like Steve or Z act as the "DM" for a 10-15 minute quest or action.

I think what got me a little "Butt Hurt" at first was that I couldnt roll the dice and Rambo it up in one turn.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: zegion on February 10, 2011, 12:49:36 AM
yeah dice are the problem. Thats why for skills i see my character using most, Investigation and Guns, i gave him stunts that basically give him a bonus to these actions. That way i can always count on a decent outcome when i use those skills. the lowest i can get on investigations is a 1 (4 skill -4 for dice +1 for stunt plus i get the info a little quicker), and guns a 0 (4 skill -4 dice) or a +2 vs the weird (4 skill -4 dice +2 stunt). The rest of my skill fall into the +1 category with just enough to keep the skill pyramid intact. 

I also have no skills at a 5. I chose not to super specialize in anything.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 10, 2011, 03:23:31 AM
I just wish I had more to do more often.  My character is not so much the interview-people type.  He is a weapon... and he knows it.

Ian Fabian or instance does it all.  Granted, he may not be able to potentially handle getting hit a few times by a lobstrosity without taking a ton of damage, but he could still bounce back from it.  Whether it's social interactions or shooting, other characters have more versatility in the current story.

So far the five most unused characters are Brian, Mike, Ethan, Melon, and Gloria.  Then again, with Gloria it's more an RP thing than anything else.  She's supposed to keep her mouth shut.

Melon has a shy /player/ who may take a little bit to be confident enough to really start jumping in.  But if she were not afraid of being gang raped by the first group of monsters she came across (hence wanting to take up the sword and mystical martial arts abilities) she'd probably be a bit more confident too.

Mike will probably be overshadowed for a while since he is at a lower refresh than everyone else.  Still, his character concept is funny.  I wish I could see the ghost more.

The problem for Brian and I is that we don't really do /anything/ unless there is fighting going on.  During a fight, /everyone/ else can help out or take action... or take consequences.  Sure, the talky people may not be great in a fight, but they can still fight.  That is the difference.  They are still helping by creating aspects and such.  There's a big difference between not being great at something but still being involved (like the squishy characters are during a fight), and being forced to stand on the sideline for 2/3 or more of the story like Brian and I are.

The reason for this is simple - fighting is crunchy.  We're using aspects and rolling dice.

The game has mechanics for conversations to be that way too.  For instance, if someone were holding out on Marty in an investigation and we had a social conflict, I could do something scary to try placing an aspect of "scary dude behind Marty" that he could then tag.

I actually built Ethan to be decent in social situations ... if we were doing social combat.  He has pretty decent social defenses but can be lied to fairly easily.  I was kind of figuring that he could not be easily intimidated, but he could be lead astray.

For investigations he's absolutely terrible, though... and pretty much has nothing better to do than follow Marty around.

That said, Ren has said that next session we're getting into little solo adventures and that gives me hope that Ethan will be doing something other than standing around and listening to people.

As for my crappier alertness skills and such, that would not be as big of a problem if I were getting compelled more often and had more fate points to work with.  I get Pele compels fairly often... which are awesome and I enjoy a lot. :)  I just want to be regular-compelled more often in general.

I've actually been thinking about just relying more heavily on my link to Pele since it's easier to fit those type of compels into the story.

That will suck for everyone else though since I'll be burning their evidence to the ground and eating falling foes.... lol.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 10, 2011, 03:59:06 AM
Me and you COULD do some talking but, it wouldnt get us anywhere.
We could though, pick up some midget were-rats and shake the crap out them  ;D
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: zegion on February 10, 2011, 04:33:59 AM
you guys sell your self short. Ever wonder why your traditional gang banger has his associates around? If marty is talking and Red Neck and Peles Flame thrower, stand behind marty and look intimidating then you are adding to the situation. Your helping marty accomplish what the party wants. Were a big team and none of us can do it our selves.( Not to mention Marty cant fight his way past a 5 year old boy scout, thats why he has people.)

If both of you Tag an Aspect for Marty, ON TOP of Martys already formidable social skills....holy crap......

Even if you cant add to the social situation that doesn't stop you from being eyes and ears, taking a perimeter post to get another view, watch people backs etc. During a surprise round, you might be the only one to act because you tagged your self with "over watch" or " totaly suspicious" or a million other things.

And remember a Fight Avoided is a Fight won, and that is always a success.

Part of the reason I and marty are always involved, in my opinion has a lot to do with who we are as people, because we (as in the real us) asks a lot of questions and we try to eliminate possibilities and find answers, were natural talkers. We still dont ask all the right questions or get everything done that we need, but thats why there are others around. None of us can ask all the right questions, i try, as an military/police officer I'm used to asking a ton of questions but i still dont get it right.

The whole team in my opinion has the ability to offer to the group, and Ren has done a great job at getting us involved. Melony actually has a higher investigation then Ian Fabian, Gloria and Le Flur are going to shine when we get into those chase scenes coming and our full wizzard is a researcher not a fighter. Bottom line is we are a team. Marty, Gavin and Ian cant ask every question. And sooner or latter there is going to be a lot of combat going on. Hell Ren even mentioned in his case files on the front page of the obsidian portal. Martial Law is coming to town and were about to be stuck in the middle of a 4 way war (sun fun and the need for guns).  And if the lobzillas are any indication of how brutal things are, im not sure Ian Fabian is going to make it. You actually have the ability to survive shots.

In the social situations certain characters are going to take a back up role, but that doesn't mean your not involved. In Combat most of us are going to be supporting those that can actually fight or running away to the sound of "brave sir robin." The difference is no one is going to die from purely social combat.

Its just a case of your time will come, hell you saved have the partys bacon once already.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Malkyne on February 10, 2011, 04:54:43 AM
So far the five most unused characters are Brian, Mike, Ethan, Melon, and Gloria.  Then again, with Gloria it's more an RP thing than anything else.  She's supposed to keep her mouth shut.

Well, there's also the matter that she's the type who gets information from people by establishing a rapport.  She makes them feel comfortable, safe, and important.  She wants a client (or other potential information source) to feel like he is special, favored, and that she has his back.  The objective (whether conscious or not) is to get people to offer information, willingly, as an exchange that further solidifies that imagined bond, rather than to pry it out of them.  Unfortunately, this style is rather difficult to pull off when she has a small mob of potentially intimidating companions with her, and she only has a sort of vague idea of what information they're trying to get, in the first place.

There might be some cases where it might make sense to tag social maneuvers, to take advantage of her less direct approach.  For example, if Donovan had been resistant to helping Gavin find out about the sea spider, Gloria's established rapport with him as a client and her surprising display of compassion and humility in fetching him and his lover coffee might have easily tipped things in the team's favor.  (Luckily, our specimen was interesting enough that it piqued his interest without any further necessity for buttering him up.)
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: zegion on February 10, 2011, 05:00:48 AM
^ see team work, at its best.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 10, 2011, 05:12:51 AM

In the social situations certain characters are going to take a back up role, but that doesn't mean your not involved. In Combat most of us are going to be supporting those that can actually fight or running away to the sound of "brave sir robin." The difference is no one is going to die from purely social combat.

Its just a case of your time will come, hell you saved have the partys bacon once already.

When I'm not doing anything for an hour but notionally playing cards with Brian, that is not a backup role.  That is having nothing to do.

I don't mind being in the background but investigations bore Ethan and he doesn't have much to do during them.  ::shrug::

Since 2/3 of the game is investigation-based, I'm struggling to find a way to get my character more involved.  I don't think the problem is my aspects - I have great aspects.  I guess I just wish I felt like more of an asset to the group.  Even in combat that's not too big of a deal.

I mean, if I weren't there for the lobstrosities, people could have just taken concessions to escape.  Not every battle has to be won.

My point is that other characters always have something to /do/ when they are on stage.  Ethan does not - unless I were able to play the way I wanted to... and I can't.

If it were up to me, I think my character would have been razing people to the ground a while ago.  I was RPing (you weren't there, Z), but I really think he would have kidnapped a were-alligator.

Ethan doesn't know a lot of people in Miami, he's not really super into investigation, and most importantly, he doesn't really care.  He's there for the money, but as for the actual case/mystery, one of his aspects is "Magic is the answer to everything."  He probably would have done rituals and gotten information from demons or something.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: quizboy on February 10, 2011, 05:28:38 AM
While I agree that there are a couple of characters that don't get the attention a few others do, I've seen this before.  It's actually one of the big drawbacks for having such a large group.  To be honest, Ian has avoided so many of the pitfalls I've seen so often with large groups; it must be due to his experience.

I know Ian was reluctant to run a game with so many players, and I have gamer friends who won't play in a game with more than six.

With larger groups of players, there are more and more times that players won't be active.  It makes it easier to get bored.  There are some options to work with this.  Take another player aside, and roleplay while you don't have the spotlight.  I'd like to talk about some of the rules during down time.  Try out some little side adventures (get in a bar fight for real!  with consequences, tags (like bruised, and drunk), and maybe a fate point or two.

I've seen lots of crunchy games and lots of story games; DF seems to come down more on the story side to me.  It's got the crunch, but the aspects are a big part of the game.  Other systems have numbers to indicate a characters' statistics, but DFRPG has one sentence stories for stats!

Like many other story games, DFRPG seems to hand over narration to the players more often than most games.  It takes some getting used to, but it's a good thing

I really like our group, and I miss the players who can't make it.  It would be really odd to play with only five now.  We've only been at this a month or so, we're still learning it.

Let me know what I can do to help, and I'll work on it.

Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Malkyne on February 10, 2011, 05:46:15 AM
Take another player aside, and roleplay while you don't have the spotlight.

I GMed an Amber DRPG game for an entire year with about ten players, and this is the only way I survived to tell the tale.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 10, 2011, 06:05:25 AM
While I agree that there are a couple of characters that don't get the attention a few others do, I've seen this before.  It's actually one of the big drawbacks for having such a large group.  To be honest, Ian has avoided so many of the pitfalls I've seen so often with large groups; it must be due to his experience.

I know Ian was reluctant to run a game with so many players, and I have gamer friends who won't play in a game with more than six.

With larger groups of players, there are more and more times that players won't be active.  It makes it easier to get bored.  There are some options to work with this.  Take another player aside, and roleplay while you don't have the spotlight.  I'd like to talk about some of the rules during down time.  Try out some little side adventures (get in a bar fight for real!  with consequences, tags (like bruised, and drunk), and maybe a fate point or two.

I've seen lots of crunchy games and lots of story games; DF seems to come down more on the story side to me.  It's got the crunch, but the aspects are a big part of the game.  Other systems have numbers to indicate a characters' statistics, but DFRPG has one sentence stories for stats!

Like many other story games, DFRPG seems to hand over narration to the players more often than most games.  It takes some getting used to, but it's a good thing

I really like our group, and I miss the players who can't make it.  It would be really odd to play with only five now.  We've only been at this a month or so, we're still learning it.

Let me know what I can do to help, and I'll work on it.


I pretty much agree with this whole post.

As for a barfight - who would run it, though?  We've got pretty much two little groups that operate independently of each other so in order to run a fight with one group while the other group is "on stage", a person from the focus group would have to step out and run the conflict.

I'm not sure that would work....  hmmm.

This is a great game.  I just want Ethan to feel more useful.  I don't think there's anything wrong with the character, it's just that a magical and combat oriented PC isn't finding much of a niche yet I don't think.

In many ways he is not beholden to the laws of magic.  He honestly could have summoned a demon and just asked about some of the stuff going on but I'm not sure that would fit in the story.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 10, 2011, 11:39:41 AM
Just a reminder for the players -

We have a wiki page started now to stat out how our various aspects can be compelled or invoked.  This is a valuable tool for everyone in the group - including ourselves.

I've also been reminded by Ren that my 3x3x3 could use some work so I will be working on that.

Ren has a lot to keep track of with so many players - let's make it easier for him and the rest of us too.  I'm going to really start putting my money where my mouth is and trying to self compel, compel others, and create as many aspects as possible next session.

The thing about Fate games is that it's not just the storyteller's job to work the aspect angle.  The players have to be involved too.  I plan to start putting more effort into it. 

Like... instead of standing around and listening to others talk, I can use a fate point to make a declaration that would allow me to self compel an aspect.  If the compel is successful, I'd get the fatepoint back and both be involved in the story while making it more fun. :)
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 10, 2011, 12:46:52 PM
Grrr, you wont have to worry about me this Sunday, looks like I wont be there till 6  >:( at the earliest.
Talked to the boss lady, basically gonna to start working Sat instead of Sunday, I just need to finish out the schedule we have up, and the dog training classes I have on Saturdays.
Also my wing contact isnt working this sunday  :-[ It's the worst day ever
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 10, 2011, 01:39:30 PM
I am starting construction of Ashley's katana right now. :)

In the story, (quite appropriately) Ethan is going to be making it and giving it to her.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 10, 2011, 02:06:14 PM
God I love this group...8)
Yes I do have several side adventures planned for various folks. Going with the idea of people taking each other off to the side to do some one on one stuff that's more than fine in fact I may set up some scenarios to give to folks to run individually for a small group while I'm running another scene for a larger group.

I will definitely work out some additional background scenes for individual and I have some ideas already and I've got some other ideas to implement as well.

I liked the idea of Melon learning her new skills from a ghost via the Camera and have a slightly alternative idea to offer that also ties in another character. Mike's Pirate-Ghost has decided that he likes Melon but she needs to learn how to fight...more importantly learn how to fight to win. He will push Mike to help her learn via using the Camera to talk to her and instruct them both. So this will give Melon a reason to learn combat skills; thought it will be a rapier instead of a Katana and replace throwing stars with throwing knives. If Ashley is okay with this then will run with that route and that should be some fun.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: zegion on February 10, 2011, 03:23:24 PM
Im down for helping GM side quests when next i see yall. But for it to work to support the main story, we are going to need some over view from Ren (sheesh, switching between handles, character names and nick names is starting to become a chore, almost need a whos, who just to converse) on the who, what, when, when, where, and somewhat of a how. The last part would be for the stand in GM to do mostly but this is Rens story, and I dont want to throw such a spanner in the works that it derails the rest.

I actually like the idea. That would mean, that when you get back to the "main table" other characters are going to have to fill you in on what you missed.

and now for something completely different: The kitten just discovered dog food, and loves it. He now is attacking my water buffalo for his food. Its quite funny to see a 125lbs dog, that stands to my wifes waist being run off by something smaller then some of the dogs waste.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 10, 2011, 03:43:10 PM
Ian, I mean Fabian, I mean Zegion, I mean Z I mean Captain Z I mean Officer Matthew...THAT GUY! Is right about the name thing. I  had several people call me Brian outside of game and it freaks me out. I can't see this happening in D&d when everyone is Lulu the troll king or schuster mcfancybottom.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 10, 2011, 03:48:26 PM
Ian, I mean Fabian, I mean Zegion, I mean Z I mean Captain Z I mean Officer Matthew...THAT GUY! Is right about the name thing. I  had several people call me Brian outside of game and it freaks me out. I can't see this happening in D&d when everyone is Lulu the troll king or schuster mcfancybottom.

You should feel lucky.  I get called, "Volcano Boy." :P
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 10, 2011, 03:51:48 PM

I liked the idea of Melon learning her new skills from a ghost via the Camera and have a slightly alternative idea to offer that also ties in another character. Mike's Pirate-Ghost has decided that he likes Melon but she needs to learn how to fight...more importantly learn how to fight to win. He will push Mike to help her learn via using the Camera to talk to her and instruct them both. So this will give Melon a reason to learn combat skills; thought it will be a rapier instead of a Katana and replace throwing stars with throwing knives. If Ashley is okay with this then will run with that route and that should be some fun.

I actually think she would like that.  She likes rapiers.  That would probably be easier to hide from the world too since she could just say she's a fencer.

I will run it by her today.

Since I made her a katana last night/this morning though she'll be bringing the katana as a prop until she gets a rapier... lol.

But if she were getting taught by a pirate, I'd think a scimitar or a cutlass would be more appropriate. Maybe even a falchion.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 10, 2011, 03:56:36 PM
You should feel lucky.  I get called, "Volcano Boy." :P
I think it was you who said " wait are we martys goon squad? "
Im bad with names to begin with, heck I called a coworker by the woman she replaced name for months on accident ...then when I got it right she was.fired a few days later
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: zegion on February 10, 2011, 04:20:20 PM
Aside from popular belief, rapiers were used even at sea. cutlass is what we associate as pirate weapon, but thats mostly due to the royal navy arming its officers with cutlass. Your basic seamen, sacalywag and pirate used belaying pins, boarding pikes, or what ever was handy. Swords were used by the upper tier on a ship with maybe the botswans mate and a few of the most trusted wags getting a sword.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 10, 2011, 04:23:51 PM
Aside from popular belief, rapiers were used even at sea. cutlass is what we associate as pirate weapon, but thats mostly due to the royal navy arming its officers with cutlass. Your basic seamen, sacalywag and pirate used belaying pins, boarding pikes, or what ever was handy. Swords were used by the upper tier on a ship with maybe the botswans mate and a few of the most trusted wags getting a sword.
A Katana is still justifiable , this pirate maybe went to Japan, or met a Japanese ghost. Or if you're me, a Roman Short Sword is the same as a Katana, seeing as I would just use it to hack and slash.  I mean you think if you taught a cowboy from 1860 how to use a Glock he wouldnt trade up?
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 10, 2011, 04:24:28 PM
Yes and a Rapier has far more class than a mere cutlass...8)
And I figure that the Pirate Ghost was a Captain so he likely had a Rapier. Which means that Mike will also likely be driven to learn to use a Rapier as well.
I see several sword-canes in the future. Now I need to go see if Mike Named his Ghost...8)
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 10, 2011, 04:29:10 PM
Yes and a Rapier has far more class than a mere cutlass...8)
And I figure that the Pirate Ghost was a Captain so he likely had a Rapier. Which means that Mike will also likely be driven to learn to use a Rapier as well.
I see several sword-canes in the future. Now I need to go see if Mike Named his Ghost...8)

Well, I suppose what she learns is immaterial.  Almost all of it will translate to basic sword skills - then Melon could buy/choose her own weapon.

Who knows - perhaps she could find an enchanted on in future. :)

Either way, the/a ghost teaching her how to bend ectoplasm in order to make throwing weapons is very important.

In the future, maybe Ethan can notice her using a sword and teach her more.  Ethan has a sword skill of 4.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 10, 2011, 04:33:55 PM
Well, I suppose what she learns is immaterial.  Almost all of it will translate to basic sword skills - then Melon could buy/choose her own weapon.

Who knows - perhaps she could find an enchanted on in future. :)

Either way, the/a ghost teaching her how to bend ectoplasm in order to make throwing weapons is very important.

In the future, maybe Ethan can notice her using a sword and teach her more.  Ethan has a sword skill of 4.
I have a sword skill of 9mm ;D
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 10, 2011, 05:12:22 PM
Aside from popular belief, rapiers were used even at sea. cutlass is what we associate as pirate weapon, but thats mostly due to the royal navy arming its officers with cutlass. Your basic seamen, sacalywag and pirate used belaying pins, boarding pikes, or what ever was handy. Swords were used by the upper tier on a ship with maybe the botswans mate and a few of the most trusted wags getting a sword.
Indeed this is true, but cutlasses WERE popular.  They can be a fairly compact weapon.  The slash of a cutlass is absolutely devastating - similar to a falchion.  When worn, the curved blade makes it a bit easier to move.  The knuckle protection that many of them had built it would be a huge advantage during a close fight on a ship.

There was a reason why military men of the time used them.

+1 on pirates using whatever they could get their hands on, though.  That said, a decent crew would have sacked several ships and had their pick of weapons to choose from.  A successful pirate crew could more than likely be picked out by the quality of their gear.

All of this also depends on what time period the pirate(s) were operating in.  Pirates have used anything from stone axes to AK-47s throughout history.

Yes and a Rapier has far more class than a mere cutlass...8)
True - and it's a great dueling weapon.
Unfortunately, it doesn't have a lot of cutting heft and would have limited application against supernatural enemies.

You don't want to impale something that has supernatural strength and claws. :P

And I figure that the Pirate Ghost was a Captain so he likely had a Rapier. Which means that Mike will also likely be driven to learn to use a Rapier as well.
I see several sword-canes in the future. Now I need to go see if Mike Named his Ghost...8)

That sounds more than reasonable to me.  Sword canes are cool - but they're illegal as hell too.  That may be a compel or at least an issue for characters carrying them in the future.

I personally know how to use a rapier, but I am not a big fan.  

If anyone is using armor, a rapier is all but useless.

On the high seas, this would not be an issue.  Wearing any kind of armor could be the difference between swimming and drowning.  

Still, a small sword does pretty much the same thing but is more compact.  Given the choice, I'd rather have a small sword (which can be equally as classy and beautiful as a rapier).

Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 10, 2011, 05:28:32 PM
Sword Canes are legal in Florida if you have a CWL
Everything short of Machine guns and grenades are legal in Florida (But not Texas  ??? )

Now would I want to go before a Judge and say The Florida Penal code, sorta kinda says I can carry one around? Fudge No.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 10, 2011, 05:35:27 PM
Rapiers, like Pikes, were more or less specifically create to combat knights in plate and chain armor as the thinner blades could seek out and penetrate chinks and gaps in armor that fuller blades could not exploit. And rapiers can have cup-hilts as well as swept-hilts. Many and varied are Rapiers.
But again, Rapiers are SO much classier than Cutlasses and certainly more lady-like...its so much hard to match a cutlass to a great pair of shoes than it is a Rapier...8)
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Ren on February 10, 2011, 06:19:26 PM
As a Note: We should start moving discussions that are not directly relevant to the Campaign, System or Setting over to the Solutions Board.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: BumblingBear on February 10, 2011, 06:32:53 PM
Rapiers, like Pikes, were more or less specifically create to combat knights in plate and chain armor as the thinner blades could seek out and penetrate chinks and gaps in armor that fuller blades could not exploit. And rapiers can have cup-hilts as well as swept-hilts. Many and varied are Rapiers.
But again, Rapiers are SO much classier than Cutlasses and certainly more lady-like...its so much hard to match a cutlass to a great pair of shoes than it is a Rapier...8)

I have to respectfully but strongly disagree.

Rapiers were developed /after/ armor stopped being worn due to firearms easily penetrating it.  Rapiers were not a weapon of war - they were more of a civilian sidearm than anything.

Military men of the time used muskets with bayonets.

Pikes were used in war, yes.  Rapiers were NOT.  A man with a shield and a decent cut and thrust would own a guy with a rapier so fast it would make his head spin.

After the advent of plate, /crushing/ weapons were used on the battlefield... until the advent of the gun.  Plate could shrug off just about any melee weapon other than crushing weapons.  Two handed swords of this time became pointed for halfswording, true... but a longsword is a lot different than a rapier.

Now stilettos and similar daggers could be used while grappling.  A dagger through the eye slits... lights out.

I'm something of a student of history and I've done SCA, SMA, Kenjutsu, and boffer fighting.  I have a lot of knowledge about this subject. :)

The rapier, like the katana, was created to be used against lightly armored or civilian opponents.  Thus the huge and endless debate of "katana vs. rapier".

As a Note: We should start moving discussions that are not directly relevant to the Campaign, System or Setting over to the Solutions Board.

Fair enough. :)
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 10, 2011, 06:39:00 PM
I created two accounts on the soultions board, one as Brian and the other as my email address.

Brian has a blog now!  ;D
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: zegion on February 10, 2011, 06:59:10 PM
sword discussion continued on the solutions unlimited forums set up by gloria.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 11, 2011, 02:44:53 AM
So if you arent a part of our group and are reading this, what say you?
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on February 13, 2011, 04:05:59 AM
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on November 17, 2011, 03:57:56 AM
Just a fun update, we're still playing this game! We meet every sunday, we've had a couple of people move on, but go some others, but its still 90% the orignal group.

Just spent the last 30 minutes reading this thread, thinking "Where the f#### did the time go?"
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on January 31, 2012, 12:41:07 AM
AND WE ARE STILL PLAYING! We just finished a WW2 Dresden game yesterday that ties into our current game
We are unkillable
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on June 18, 2012, 12:56:46 PM

Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 20, 2012, 09:24:12 PM

It's always nice to see a game end properly. Too often, they just die.
Title: Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
Post by: fantazero on June 20, 2012, 10:20:54 PM
yeah Ren reigned it all in (kinda   ;) ) and got us across the finish line