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Messages - vultur

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DF Spoilers / Re: What's happening in Peace Talks?
« on: September 30, 2020, 07:16:48 PM »
The theory that Nemesis can't infect humans is based on them having Free Will. Imho that's too easy.

The argument I remember pre-BG was not so much that it was impossible as that it wouldn't really accomplish much - changing a mortal's Nature is a lot less effective if they aren't bound to their Nature and it is constantly changing anyway. But yeah most people don't seem to actually use Free Will that often/that strongly.

But anyway - in CD we saw outright possession/control with Cat Sith. That seems to be what happens with Justine at the end of BG.

Wasn't Nemesis infecting Maeve at the same time as Lea at some point? I think there might be a limit to the number of outright possessions, but definitely more than just one at a time.

Maybe one outright possession/total control at a time, but once Nemesis changes someone's Nature (as was done with Maeve) it stays changed without constant input from Nemesis?

DF Spoilers / Re: HUGE BATTLE GROUND SPOILERS - (Un)Answered questions
« on: September 30, 2020, 07:12:00 PM »
What is odd is that Namshiel and thus Marcone can use magic. Especially since no other Fallen uses magic unless their host is a wizard.

I think it's a matter of preferences/approach, not limited ability.

We know that it's technically possible for "regular people" to learn magic, but without the Sight it's compared to a blind person learning to paint. With a Fallen's knowledge, that can probably be overcome.

But it's probably a lot quicker/easier to turn into a giant monster Ursiel/Magog style, especially for someone who already knows how to fight.

And Harry calls Namshiel "Master of Sorcery". His preferences likely make that something he would offer early on (bring it up even if the host doesn't know it's possible) - not so for Ursiel or Magog.

DF Spoilers / Re: What's the deal with the horrible communication skills?
« on: September 30, 2020, 07:05:28 PM »
I go back to what Rashid told him in Turn Coat paraphrasing, "now is not your time to confront the Council."

Yeah this book I think starts to show how that confrontation can happen and Harry have a chance.

Harry as an isolated rebel is one thing. Harry as a member of the Winter Court and close ally (or sort-of member?) of the White Court and Warden of Demonreach is something quite different.

DF Spoilers / Re: Barbara Books Q&A
« on: September 30, 2020, 06:56:53 PM »
Yeah the Kemmler thing really surprises me. If the Warden can release the prisoners (as Alfred/Demonreach told Harry) why didn't he release some Ethniu-level power on the condition that it swore a magically-binding oath to destroy the White Council?

Maybe something to do with the 'starborn cycle' made Ethniu more freely able to act in the mortal world than would have been possible a century ago?

Still, even a half-dozen naagloshii assassins could have seriously messed up the White Council's war efforts, likely enough for Kemmler to win.

I assume that was either body hopping Capiocorpus style, or he'd performed a low-level Darkhallow that regenerated him slowly.

I thought it was what Corpsetaker tried to do in GS, except that Kemmler succeeded where she failed.

He definitely did do some kind of "low-level Darkhallow" however, since Mab says that eating spirits was the secret of the power that let him defy the Council. It's not just something he knew how to do but never got a chance to use - he actually gained power from it.

DF Spoilers / Re: WOW... PT First thoughts [Really major PT Spoilers]
« on: September 30, 2020, 06:49:50 PM »
3. I KNOW RIGHT! Slightly underwhelming, was expecting a Ferro level being. Maybe he is and we just haven't seen him yet. He hardly seemed to be worried about the fight.

I think he looks less impressive in this book since so many major powers are on stage (Ethniu, Mab, Titania, Odin, etc.)

Given that Beowulf was Odin, IMO it says something about the potential power level of the Forest People that Odin thought he needed to get involved personally... Being able to stand up to River Shoulders might be pretty impressive in and of itself.

Also, potentially able to win a fight against Mab per WOJ doesn't necessarily mean her equal in all ways.

The Elders were very underwhelming. They are supposed to be able to take on Mab. Maybe that wasn't all of them

Well, the full group ("thirtyish") were supposed to be able to. Not just five.

4. For now. Corruption isn't an overnight thing

Good point. I was mostly thinking that Namshiel would be opposed to protecting Chicago, but I think there is a WOJ about Lucifer being opposed to the Outsiders? So if Ethniu was working with the Outsiders maybe there's no "conflict of interest" in this fight.

- Weird. How do they know? Still though, makes things easier.

It might not actually be that hard to figure out, depending on what sources of information Michael has.

Given that they know Harry is Winter Knight & Molly is Harry's former apprentice, Winter is a logical suspect for weird supernatural stuff going on with Molly.

And Michael did see Molly's image on the statue in Skin Game. That might have started him asking questions. To those in the know, the two groups of three female figures would suggest the Queens of Faerie. (Sure, Hecate, but Hecate traditionally is at best tri-form, not six-form.)

DF Spoilers / Re: Gatekeeper's Age
« on: September 29, 2020, 06:34:19 PM »
Yeah I think Rashid has to be a case of NN time flow differences. He can be younger than Ancient Mai in their personal timeline (has experienced fewer years) though much older in terms of birth dates.

DF Spoilers / Re: What's happening in Peace Talks?
« on: September 29, 2020, 06:31:54 PM »
From a Doylist perspective, Nemesis is somewhat diminished as an antagonist / plot device if it can't cause Harry to second-guess the fairly good chunk of his friends and allies who are 100% human.

Also, the Gatekeeper wouldn't have to be so careful about talking about Nemesis if every member of the White Council was 100% immune to Nemfection.

DF Spoilers / Re: HUGE BATTLE GROUND SPOILERS - (Un)Answered questions
« on: September 29, 2020, 06:29:12 PM »
This suggests Dracula isn't really involved (or even un-alive) as Drakul seems to be very past-tensey about him.

I think Dracula got killed in the Stokerlypse. Yes the WOJs on it suggest Dracula created the Court as an act of rebellion against Drakul... maybe Drakul sort of 'inherited' it?

Anything other readers have been waiting to see or questions that were answered?

Confirmation that Nemesis is He Who Walks Beside, and near-confirmation that the Blackstaff is Mother Winter's walking stick (Eb's shadow turns into an "old woman, complete with the classic witch nose and chin").

And what questions do people want answered subsequently?!

What's the deal with "stars and stones", and why is knowing about it so important that Listens-to-Wind doesn't feel able to tell Harry?

What does it mean that Drakul is starborn? If Drakul is an inhuman entity trapped in human form, what does it even mean for him to be "born" at a specific time - is he possessing a pre-existing human body that was actually born, vs creating a body the way Uriel temporarily did in SG?

DF Spoilers / WOW... BG First thoughts [Really major Battle Ground Spoilers]
« on: September 29, 2020, 06:21:04 PM »

Edited to change the subject spoiler tag to be BG rather than PT
 - Griff

1. I can't believe Murphy actually died  :( :( :(. I was so sure all the hints in that direction were misdirections, since I was sure the series needed her.

2. I'm almost as surprised that Eb survived this book.

3. Drakul on stage  - finally. And confirmation that some of the Elders of the Black Court did survive the Stokerlypse. And Drakul is starborn???

3. Marcone has Thorned Namshiel's coin. And seems to actually be "in control". Wow.

4. What the heck is Mab doing, expecting Harry to marry Lara??? Isn't that going to give Lara the ability to control him? Why would she take that risk of 'losing' her Starborn Winter Knight?

3. A lot of theories confirmed or practically so:
- Nemesis is He Who Walks Beside
- Michael and Charity already knew about Molly being Winter Lady
- Harry calls Mac an "ex-angel". He's absolutely one of the Grigorim/Watchers.
- Lacuna is definitely a tooth faerie
- The Blackstaff has to be MW's walking stick. Eb's shadow becomes "a hideously twisted old woman, complete with the classic witch nose and chin, looking somehow darkly amused".

DF Spoilers / Re: What questions should Harry be asking?
« on: September 23, 2020, 02:21:52 AM »
Course, letting Harry fumble around in the dark is a pretty stupid idea so I don't get why they don't just be a bit straighter with him.

If by "they" you mean the various powers involved in Harry's life (Eb, the Gatekeeper, Mab, Uriel, etc.) I think it's to steer what Harry does and (except in Uriel's case) that they don't want him to be more powerful than he needs to be to do what they want him to do.

The "in the know" members of the White Council aren't sure which way Harry is going to go (I think that's why Eb is so reluctant to tell him anything about being Starborn until his life's on the line), Mab is apparently wary of Harry (there is a WOJ that things were bad in Faerie last time something like this happened and "Mab is keeping her enemies closer"), etc.

Let me put it this way: If Billy and the Werewolves can figure out closing surface wounds just like that [ admittedly, Billy's got an engineering degree or something similar IIRC, but he's younger than Dresden and Dresden is basically a kid compared to other wizards ], how come Listens-to-Wind, a shapeshifter, a shaman, a doctor with a LIST of university degrees, with centuries of experience never even considered that? [ I'm expecting some kind of retconning here in the future ]

Self vs. others, I think. Listens-to-Wind can turn himself into all kinds of animals, he could certainly close his own wounds, IMO.

But doing that kind of magic on others... much harder.

The Second Law probably also has made the White Council very leery of experimenting much with biological magic on others beyond the basics (much as White Council mental training was extremely rudimentary before recent events).

The Leanansidhe heals Harry in Blood Moon. Mab repairs Harry's broken back. There are possibly a few more instances when a character is affected in this manner, but they are there.

These are incredibly powerful entities, far beyond the scale of even the Senior Council. Lea is second to Mab, stronger than the Winter Lady, and she killed two Lords of Outer Night (beings that Odin calls "mostly retired gods") with one spell.

And: Yeah, by now you'd think that Dresden turned his Silver bear charm into a bunch of tiny magic grenades. I mean: The guy was fighting in a war. He's a nerd with a serious hatred towards the Red court. You don't get more Ka-boom than that.

Well, I think the force rings were his version of that. Magic grenades would be too uncontrollable, Harry is extremely wary of the First Law. The force rings let him modulate the force so he can just "pull the punch" rather than deliver a lethal blow against mortals.

Also, there's a WoJ that the items Harry had (pre-Changes when he had a full set) were all he had the time to maintain. He can't just keep adding more stuff and keep all his old stuff working.

DF Spoilers / Re: Jury Duty and the Peace Talks
« on: September 22, 2020, 05:02:42 PM »
wouldn't be anything physical, would there?

Nope, see the beginning of WN... there is no medically apparent cause of death for a WC victim, at least for a Raith. (Skavis are likely suicides, and Malvora, maybe a heart attack?)

DF Spoilers / Re: "Stars and Stones..."
« on: September 22, 2020, 12:12:50 AM »
Harry says in either TC or Changes that the original Merlin wrote the Laws of Magic.

DF Spoilers / Re: Vadderung and Ferrovax(PT Spoilers)
« on: September 19, 2020, 11:32:03 PM »
There's a WOJ that there were once weaker, non-Ferrovax/Siriothrax level, dragons but most of them were killed off - "thanks George" - so I think most dragonslayers weren't Odin and didn't deal with capital-D Dragons.

As for Odin/Kringle, we might actually have the cause and effect reversed. I don't think gods and other Nevernever entities need mortal belief or worship, just knowledge - knowledge of them as myths or folklore is good enough, as shown by the whole Grimm's Fairy Tales incident, and the stories of Odin survived even when he had no worshipers.

(Yes, there are some now, but there was a long time between the end of pre-Christian Norse worship and the origin of modern Neopaganism.)

I think it's at least as likely that in the Dresdenverse the original Norse paganism died out because the Aesir dwindled in power, giving over their Purpose at the Gates to the Fae.

DF Spoilers / Re: "Stars and Stones..."
« on: September 19, 2020, 09:24:53 AM »
It always makes me think of Stonehenge, and the idea that it was meant to be a kind of calendar when certain stars line up with certain stones and such.

I think it's either this (with reference to Conjunctions) or an Outsiders thing. In the Lovecraft story "At the Mountains of Madness" the Antarctic Old Ones (enemies of Cthulhu) left behind these five-pointed star stone things, which later Cthulhu Mythos authors made into weapons against Cthulhu-type entities.

DFRPG / Re: Cost to ignore Armor?
« on: September 19, 2020, 08:53:23 AM »
Don't have to worry about recovery powers if you take them out.

Sure, but they're still worth Refresh, and still have Catches. Ghouls have no Toughness, only Recovery, but they're consistently described as very hard to kill.

We'll just have to disagree with this -- I don't see how "destructive force" doesn't mean, well, destroying things.

What I'm getting at is an attack where it just doesn't matter if the person hit is wearing physical armor or not, and where merely physical resilience (Toughness) doesn't help.

Something like the Shardblades in Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive series, that just phases through inanimate matter to cut life force directly, or the "brilliant energy" weapons D&D used to have, that harm living flesh but just ignore inanimate matter.

Or a petrification attack (Medusa, etc.)

Things like that, that are somewhat magical/metaphysical in nature and that physical armor shouldn't help against, but shouldn't be mental stress since they inflict physical-type consequences rather than mental-type ones. Being cut up with a Shardblade leaves someone with a deadened arm, not mental trauma.

That's good that it will be limited, but I still think the cleanest way is to ape the Swords' power and have it cost a fate point to use for a scene.

Then it wouldn't work for NPCs with negative refresh. Also, it's just not that good.

Otherwise, what's to stop a player from deciding they're using that "particular mode of attack" for every attack?

Nothing. But it's still only a 2-shift conditional effect, so not unbalancing.

The only mechanical point of limiting it is so it doesn't get used with Evocation; that IMO might genuinely be unbalancing - if you've already invested in Refinement it would be better than spending more Refresh on Refinement.

But there isn't an equivalent of Refinement with its pyramid limitations for Fists/Guns/Weapons attacks.

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