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Messages - MX

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I am SO looking forward to tomorrow! Are we there yet? Are we there yet?! ;D

Hours away, my friend.  Hours away :)

oohhhh...I should bring my video cam....but it's well, not that big...wonder if I have any extra video tapes...probably not, my son uses them all for train videos.  Crud, besides with taking pics, I probably wouldn't be able to do that too. ;D

MX  what if we brought the pizza to the store, would you want some?

The thought is appreciated, but cheese is just something that I shouldn't have.  If I ate it, I might need to miss the signing.

If we all still want to meet at the book store first and see how things are, that would be cool.  I would be more than happy to walk with folks to grab something if it doesn't look busy then.  Just don't do it just on my account.  Still want to meet all of you :)

At the least, I'm going to wear my Harry Dresden is My Hero pin from the last signing and a Stone Cold hat.  It has the writing Arrive, Raise Hell, Leave on the back of the hat.  I don't have any cool costumes in the closet, though.  At least none that work well in this heat :(

I would love to meet everyone here, if at all possible, but I think I am going to pass on the eating portion.  I just have a feeling it is going to fill up quick and want to be ready.  I'm planning on taking vid of the Q/A if I can get a good spot and tossing it up on the web, if everything goes as planned.

Little more info for Anderson's Bookstore

Drinks are allowed, especially as there is a Starbucks right across the street.  Eating is allowed, but there is no place to actually sit and eat.  I can verify that as I was in there this week.  Basically, I would say something along the lines of a small sub or a sandwich, maybe popcorn :p

They also have restrooms so that is a bonus.  I wanted to make sure folks didn't have to scramble at the last minute to go someplace else.

The lady said with this turnout, over 160 books currently reserved for signing, the chairs will not be put out as they take up too much space.  That, of course, is not even counting those folks coming in only for the Q&A.  She stated it would be standing room only.

Food for thought, such as it is.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: San Diego 2011 Comic Con
« on: July 23, 2011, 04:35:23 AM »
I don't see why not.  I'm sure there will be costumes harder to figure out than a character from a best-selling author.  If it is Susan, then a reporter ID would be something simple to make up and show, if you don't already have it :)

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: July 23, 2011, 04:30:45 AM »
I dunno, Serack, I don't think he just keeps the title like a former president.  I think he still actually is an Esquire of the Summer Court.

And, of course, Harry being an Esquire of Summer as well as the Winter Knight must cause no end of headaches for each court's royal office of protocol.   :D

Heh, then you have the whole killing of a queen thing.  And, as Rashid pointed out, assisting two people in taking up powerful positions in the Summer Court.  Oh, and it might be mentioned that said people actually paid Harry to find Lily so it could be thought that Harry was hired to kill the Queen to replace her.

And now he's the Winter Knight.  Awkward...

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim's 2011 Schedule
« on: July 23, 2011, 03:47:27 AM »
The one in Tribeca, NY. I plan on buying the book from B&N anyway, but I should probably call them and ask if a receipt would be enough of a validation. Thank you!

Glad to :)  Yeah, I don't see why they wouldn't allow it if you bought it from them, just at an earlier date.  As Priscellie didn't mention anything about having to buy it there, you may be safe anyway.  Good luck and ask something cool!

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: San Diego 2011 Comic Con
« on: July 23, 2011, 03:44:29 AM »
Probably nothing the size of SDCC, but there is a Geek.Kon going on in September in WI.  Costumes, gaming, vendors and such at it as well.

Good question.  I might call em up tomorrow and ask.

Well, Chiro, guess it's you and me and amaretto gelato, or possibly the pizzeria, we'll figure that out once we get down there, how's that?  :D  If anyone else wants to join us, they can let us know here, or in a message, they have a few days yet, but we'd love to get together with others if they'd like to meet us somewhere for supper/dinner.

I'm up for it :)  What was the plan?  Meet at wherever to eat or meet at the book store first?  The only thing I am thinking about is how fast the store will fill up.  I really should have stuck around for the signing Tuesday just to see how that played out, but it was a young adult auther so I didn't think that would correspond quite the same.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim's 2011 Schedule
« on: July 23, 2011, 03:20:22 AM »
Hi, uh, this might not be the right place to ask, but what's the policy of bringing a book to the signings? Like, do you have to purchase a copy there at that time to qualify or can you bring your own?

Most places want you to buy one at the store you are attending.  In the Signing tour thread, I pasted the link below, several won't let you have anything signed without the purchase there.

Which were you thinking of attending?,26082.0.html

I'll be going in to the store on Tueday morning to pick up my copy of the book (what can I say, I can't wait to read it).

I'm with ya there.  I have a book pre-ordered here in town, too, as my niece is a fan as well.  I am her 'connection' hehe.  I'll have one to read Tuesday before going up there and one to send her way.


Just a quick cut/paste job here.  There is a pic of the garage to the bottom right in the link above with the Anderson bookstore noted with an A in a pink circle in the upper left.  As Lany stated, just a couple blocks.

To give you a looksee, I would suggest using google maps.  Type the address to the store and then zoom in to street view and follow the path Lany stated above.  That will give you the actual driving view you would take to get to the garage.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim's 2011 Signing Tour (CONFIRMED!)
« on: July 19, 2011, 11:17:29 PM »
Similar story here.

I weened my niece away from Twilight and on to The Dresden Files before her thirteenth b-day.  Now, of course, I have to make sure she at least has the digital book since she has to wait on snail mail for me to send her the hard copy in Indianapolis.

Ok, just got back into town after the trip.

Kira, I will be in the area, if not in the store, around 11.  I don't see why you couldn't get the book when they open at 9 and find a quiet spot and read.  Also, if the weather is nice, the Riverwalk has a lot of places to go and sit outside, if that is appealing in any fashion.  There is also a starbucks a short walk away as well as several grills and a steak house.  I'll be having my lunch there, I think.

Onto store and parking info.

There is a chance that there will not be any chairs put out at all.  Reason being is they clear out the back of the store and use that.  It is not a huge place and I think the almost 150 now pre-ordered, as of the time I stopped in, might strain the place as it is.  Anyone can attend the Q+A, but only those whom pre-order or purchase the book that day will be able to sign.  I recommend pre-order as I am not sure how many 'extra' books will be on hand.  I forgot to ask, sorry.

Now, some decent news.

While I was there, there were two small groups, three and five people, sitting on the floor having what looked to be a book discussion of some sort.  They weren't part of the store staff, but it appears they were awaiting the signing tonight.

There also appears to be plenty of parking, if scattered along the surrounding blocks.  There are big parking lots designated Riverwalk parking.  There is also parking along the street and also at the Nichols library right down the road, although I would say to avoid that as we aren't technically using the library, even though we are interested in books :)

The only problem I see with parking is the time allowed.  The parking along the street states two hours only.  The parking in the Riverwalk designated areas state 3 hours.  I spoke with several folks on the street and staff in the store.  The common info was that yes, they do watch it, but are not metered as such.

I still plan on going up early, but I will probably rotate my car around to a few different spots and end up parking it in one of the Riverwalk zones around 5PM.  That will allow an hour past the start time and should give enough time to get back to the car.  Personally, I don't think there will be any issues, but I wanted to share my info with all of you.  Also, if anyone doesn't feel comfortable walking to their car alone, I would offer to walk with you in a group.  I'm not a huge guy, but I can at least be a deterrent of sorts.

Chiro, or anyone else of course, please let me know what your thoughts are if/when you go take a look.  I would appreciate a second viewpoint :)

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