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Messages - Darkshore

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Author Craft / Re: Where to hide your Eldridge Abominations
« on: August 18, 2012, 03:21:51 AM »
Considering that Seoul is pretty darn ancient, there should be ruins under ruins under ruins to work with.  Old construction, old cellars and suchlike with things like apartment buildings built over them...

My thoughts exactly. But even if there somehow isn't? I couldn't see many people knowing enough about it to call you out on it. Fiction is fiction, even if it has some connections to reality.

Author Craft / Re: Where to hide your Eldridge Abominations
« on: August 18, 2012, 02:40:52 AM »
To put it simply i want to write a short story in a H.P. Lovecraft type style based in the city of Seoul, South Korea. I am currently living in the city so writing about it is not an issue but I have no idea where to put the damn monsters.

I know how i want them to look. I know what kind of nasty things they do to people. I have them pretty much fleshed out.

And I don't have a damn place to put the buggers.

Seoul is the second largest city in the world next to Tokyo but as far as i know there is nothing like Undertown here. There are the subway tunnels but they are all pretty new and well maintained. The sewer system is also very modern. There are tunnels, mostly dug by people fleeing North Korea, but they are found quickly and either sealed or collapsed quickly.

The problem is putting underground system that normal people couldn't find easily but could still access quickly within the city if they knew where it was. And as far as i know Korea is very efficient in keeping track of their underground in Seoul.

This right here. I'm not sure about Seoul exactly, but even here around Cincinnati it is extremely common for there to be tunnels simply forgotten or "broken-down/decayed". Almost every city in the world is capable of having an entire underground world that normal folks just wouldn't know about. Heck, in Vegas there are literally hundreds of people living in these types of places.

Got a few thousand words today! College starts back up on the 22nd...I really want to have my first draft finished by then. I've got a big course-load this semester, just spent 300 smackers on text/novels for class. Hurt my wee little pocketbook.

I'm reaching the end of my tale, but I fear it will turn into a novella rather than a full length novel. I know how the story ends and I don't see it going far past 40k. Sadly though now that I'm finally almost finished the world seems to be against me. I've only gotten maybe 2k words this week.

Congrats, Deposed King. Keep up the good work everyone.  8)

Hows everyone been? My novel is finally almost finished. The first draft anyway... I wish I could make more time to work on it. Lifes been crazy, with college, my gf and I now living together, my uncle having to stay with us for awhile, and a new job that went from part time to overtime. My writing time has suffered and my blog is pretty much on hiatus. But now things are finally settling down.  ;D I'm just diving into the novel at the moment, but even though I only have twenty followers, I promised a blog series that has actually only made it to one posting so far. Not sure how to get the blog alive again or if it would even be worth it.

Ah, feels good to vent. Hope you guys don't mind!   :-\

I suppose this is the benefit of being an architect or outliner. Of all the problems or things I might have and might need to change in the re-write rearranging chapters has never been one of them and that sounds horribly painful.

Today wasn't so good on the wordcount front for me. I got a late start and have to head to work in about an hour, just not motivated enough right now. Oh well, I suppose everyone has bad days.


Too many thoughts, lines, images and scenes from the story I wasn't ready to work on are piling up and creating a self-sustaining reaction.  Problem is, I can't write while I'm researching the things I need to because I cant' write them until I research them but I can't research them because the WORDS ARE TRYING TO GET OUT OF MY HEAD AND THEY AREN'T TAKING NO FOR AN ANSWER!

A kind of awesome sensation, I must admit.

You could always kind of write it in the way you think it works, just to get the story down and then add in your knowledgeable info into the revisions. That's what I always have to do, or I'd never finish anything :D.

Author Craft / Re: Do you blog?
« on: June 08, 2012, 01:01:54 AM »
Forgot to check this thread hehe. Yay! I'm glad to see some other bloggers! I'm in dire need of tips for how to keep up a blog and make it gain some followers. My idea was for the blog series to bring in some readers that liked the premise, novel and college/work almost stopped that project dead.

As for Wordpress. I'm still a big newbie to blogging, but I feel like it's really easy to get a hang of the basics. I haven't really tried to customize too much of it yet though.

If you came form an overarching plot that connects all three stories that might not be a bad way to go. Good luck.  ;D

30,000 words isn't to bad Cen. Completeting works of any length is a good way to improve your writing skills. It's around novella length I think, but for a commercially publishable novel the norm is around 90k I believe. It depends on the genre but I think between 70k to 90k ends up around 200-300 pages. I might have the same problem with my current novel. I feel like I'll finish the tail at around 50-60. Might need to find a way to make it longer.

Pardon me for saying it like this but that is some long is your novel?  :)

I should talk my first novel came in at 320,000 words.

Yikes. I hope you cut a lot in revisions or split it into volumes! That sounds a bit like when Patrick Roth fuss originally wrote the Kingkiller Chronicles as one book. That's over 2,000 pages  :o

Author Craft / Do you blog?
« on: June 05, 2012, 02:35:02 AM »
Hey there all. I have a blog, it's here at if anyone's interested. I've kinda "epic failed" at keeping up with it during college...I got completely swamped and the thought of keeping up with interesting posts and my blog series (cool idea, didn't think about the time sink) just filled me with dread. But now I'd like to get back into the swing of it and I was wondering if any of you do the same?

My blog series is sort of like if Supernatural was a B-movie with a little more realism. You can check it out here if that sort of thing interests you. I went very minimalism with the prose here, but a lot of people have told me they enjoyed it. I'd be glad to stop by your blogs as well and I'd be really interested in any other "blog series".

Finally got a few thousand words done the other day. I'm closing in on 20k. Writing this novel has been a very slow process which is odd, because I basically have the entire plot mapped out already.

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