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Messages - peregrine

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 [50]
DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions
« on: March 17, 2012, 11:56:41 PM »
Well, then why bring it up?
Mostly because I'm incapable of just letting something so wrong (or so I think, obviously) become the standard accepted opinion without saying something about it, really.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions
« on: March 17, 2012, 11:21:24 PM »
The words the Whisperer said got him dead-- he would have become the Winter Knight with or without them. We know this because did become the Winter Knight without them, after Molly erased his memory.
He had made the decision, even if he didn't remember why he made that decision.  But before he heard the words, it was hopeless, there was nothing he could do.  It was only after he was told it was all his fault was he willing to take that extra step.

But again, we've gone and done this over and over, nobody's getting their minds changed.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions
« on: March 17, 2012, 06:09:34 PM »
No ureil is the one who told him to be wk methinks. Lasciel tried to kill him three times in that book i believe: once on the ladder, once with the words, and a third time with stevie d. Shes one ticked off chickie.
How was Lash responsible for the ladder?  Also, and I know you'll never agree, but the words made Harry become the Winter Knight, not that they got him dead.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions
« on: March 16, 2012, 05:34:49 PM »
I wouldn't say that we can call what Harry Sees their "true" form.  Unless Murphy is actually an angel.  The immense size is a metaphor for their power, rather than them being titanic creatures that wear people sized suits of meat to interact with people.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions
« on: March 16, 2012, 04:17:52 PM »
Lash was the parasite that kept Harry's heart beating while Demonreach kept his body "fed" and Mab kept him on the porch of death, but not yet through that door.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions
« on: March 14, 2012, 10:00:34 PM »
just a thought...
Maby it was not the denarians that freed Lasciel from the church. The BC would probably be more than happy to have an inventive intelligent and powerful ally if not totally under their control at least on their side.
Have another inventive intelligent and powerful ally.  There's at least one Denarian contributing hellfire to the BC.  Of course, Nic, and by extension the majority of the others are only on the same side of the BC in that they're both evil.  It's a gamble I personally would be unwilling to take.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions
« on: March 14, 2012, 09:46:32 PM »
It would have been only maybe 1 or 2 years or so for Lasciel to get a new host, which seems fairly quick as such things go.  Especially since Lasciel can't tell anyone where she is, that she's back on the market, as it were.  Nic thought Lash was still in Harry, if getting rid of the coin would have eliminated that temptation and link, he wouldn't have tried to speak with her still.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions
« on: March 14, 2012, 08:51:24 PM »
So the only way to resist temptation is to first give in to temptation and then change your mind?
No, Harry has done just fine resisting the temptation without giving in.  But the only way to get the tempter to stop tempting you is to give in.  You either give in, or constantly deal with having to resist it.  How do you know you won't like it if you don't give it a taste first?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions
« on: March 14, 2012, 08:37:00 PM »

There is certainly something going on about the Denarians that I don't understand because I am unsure how Lasciel could have wispered to Harry in Changes...  Jim's answer to AA's question at last years BBB Q&A only served to confuse me further.
My personal theory is that as Harry never took up the coin, he has not had the opportunity to truly cast it aside, so he's the closest thing to a bearer Lasciel has right now, thus, she can whisper at him now that he's taken her out of the circle.

We do have one other example of someone who entered the world without the "parents" having relations, given the Swords that are in play.

And I'm'a shut up now before I hit a very TT with a question about whether that guy had a soul.
Jesus's parents may not have had relations, but Bob said that angels are nothing but soul, it's reasonable to assume that the White God (not real God, but made up DV Christian God) is the same if not more so.  So he could probably have managed that.

However, if angels don't make baby angels, then it argues against procreation being necessary for a soul.

Also, I've always considered the Stone Table being less of an actual location, and more like an idea.  It is where and when the Queens want it, and they can put it wherever they want.

Given something someone (either Bob or Harry, maybe Thomas) said about love, sex, making a whole new soul from the merging of two souls, and how powerful it is, I would think that souls might be needed for reproduction.  So something genderless, something that doesn't procreate, would have no soul.

This is, of course, probably entirely unsupported and even contraindicated by the rest of the series though.

This is a really great idea.  I'm glad you thought of it.

Or we might have to wait until we get more info in the books :D
Well yes, but that's like finding out who lives in the white house third from the end with what kind of pet and what they do by knocking on the door and taking a census.  No fun at all.

It's always possible that I'm right about the prehistory, and that it's from a time when humans had writing, or at least pictographs for recording information/warnings, and that they were still put there by some non-human entity.

Another question though, if the runes are prehistoric, that means the Lighthouse is prehistoric.  So who made that?  The earliest recorded evidence of a light house is the Pharos, but even that was only built in 300 BC (or so).  We'd be looking at something probably 2-3 millenia older than that if it's prehistoric.

Fair enough.  I think of Prehistory being before we have records from, not necessarily before records were kept.  I suppose without WoJ on what he considers prehistory, it's impossible to tell, really.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Demonreach
« on: July 15, 2011, 06:25:07 PM »
So in the earlier discussion we were talking about how Jim has said that the runes were prehistoric,woj#1 which strongly implies that they ain't human (being writing, and prehistoric meaning before written history), and DominicJ made this comment:
Not... quite.  There have been glyphs and other forms or writing that predate a written history as we understand it. for example.  Since they're runes on the building, it's entirely possible that they were just symbols of warding and protection, carved by humans, but not necessarily the same thing as spoken words like we'd understand them. also has similar symbols from an even earlier time period.

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