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Messages - BrainFireBob

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DF Spoilers / Re: Bob's Parents
« on: January 06, 2022, 08:00:59 PM »
I also think Leanansidhe.

She gains power by doing what she does, which is unlocking creative potential at the cost of shortened life.

I've thought a lot about the shadows, and I think what's supposed to happen is that they are re-absorbed by the parent when the coin is taken up. They're an imprint that is to be over-written or returned to the host.

If Leanansidhe works similarly, then what she does is put a seed of herself in a mortal that unlocks their potential by hardwiring in skills they'd otherwise need years of study to unlock, and the shadow grows in said mortal until mommy comes along and reabsorbs it, growing stronger by what the "father" has put into the child. Perhaps the birth of the spirit is what kills the host?

Furthering that analogy, if Bob was safely delivered, his fear of Mab would come down to his being simply too powerful. If Leanansidhe reabsorbed him, she'd grow too strong too quickly, and throw the Courts into turmoil. Amusingly, it would also- if Leanansidhe can track Bob- provide a way for her to have protected Harry's old home- her link to her "child." Perhaps she gets info from Bob.

As to the father- whoo boy! Rashid's old enough. Vadderung and Lea have a bit of something alluded to at Chicken Itza (wouldn't that be a crazy twist!) Assuming Bob's original knowledge of magic is derived from his parents, his knowledge of faith magic and the Knights is, IIRC, a bit sketchy but his knowledge of the Winter Fae pretty extensive. I'd lean towards one of those.

I also really hope Lea drops a line about liking her men- and women- best at 27.

DF Spoilers / Re: Outer Gates and cup of coffee.
« on: December 17, 2021, 07:15:13 PM »
So the Outer Gates in Deep Fairy. But Fairy borders the mortal world. The never-never encompasses everything else outside Mortal World. Which includes fairy. So The Outsiders can go to the Never Never. But fairy guards The Outsiders from the mortal world. So it's looking like a round ball with fairy surrounding and then a wall then never never? But..Or...

Or is there a whole in reality in deep fairy between the never never and fairy that the wall blocks. And must have a gate for balance. That they always protect. Grab cup of coffee discuss?

Unsourced assumptions:

1) Outside the Outer Gates remains within the Nevernever
2) The Nevernever includes everything outside reality- ie, is infinite

Proposal: There is an uttermost edge of the Nevernever, and that is referred to as The Outer Gates.

The Nevernever itself is something like the multiple universes theorem- it is all the parallel universes that could be. Call it the wave function of reality. The light cones, then, would be the Outer Gates.

This is also similar to the Chronicles of Amber, with its infinite number of Shadows between the two anchors of reality.

The real world - or in theory, real worlds- have substance and mass. Faery, with its breeding dependence, therefore has real non-ectoplasm mass- hence why you can trap the Fae in circles and they don't splort like Binder's goons- whoch one supposrs gives them metaphorical momentum against outside.

Fun thought for later: Does the war at the Gates reflect reality expanding?

Anyway, Outside is Outside. Nothing says it's in the Nevernever.

I've posted this before, but I think the answer is that all magic has backlash- that is, it makes you more capable of duplicating a feat.

So it is less older wizards are stronger, and more they have less internal resistance to whatever they've already done.

Hence black magic backlash- it takes less energy to do the same.

And since magic is, to some extent, directing your feelings, ta da.

Example: If killing someone takes anger, magic used to kill shortens your fuse and increases your anger response

Edit: Also why older wizards are so resistant to mind tampering. They've crystallized, for want of a better term

DF Spoilers / Re: Toot Height Comment
« on: November 09, 2021, 05:24:21 AM »
Not everything is a Mantle, it is a title, and may be given legitimacy by Mab’s recognition of it.

Here, I disagree. Za Lord is a mantle Harry is creating, I think- I would think it very Butcher that Mab's reference to immortality is regarding the Za Lord

Edit: In fact, Toot's complete non-concern at Harry dying would make sense- like the Erlking, he'd get better.

It would also explain why he was out of the Council, but not under a death sentence- he's achieved what Kemmler needed workarounds for.

DF Spoilers / Re: Toot Height Comment
« on: November 08, 2021, 08:49:54 PM »
I disagree, I think it was about mantles.

The WK was involved as summoned by Mab, and the Warden of Demonreach volunteered to bind the Titan. When the squid-things attacked, the Za-Lord of the Little Folk joined the battle; in acknowledgement of support his Guard was armed as befitting their service.

I think this is why Mab smiled at Harry when he said he'd handle it. I really do think the Za-Lord is a minor mantle of the Wyldfae, independent of Harry's other identities.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara "Romany" ex husband
« on: October 05, 2021, 06:57:00 PM »
Was the wedding ring that burned Lara hers- or her husband's? The latter would indicate he let her feed on him because he loved her.

Romany does indicate that her husband was Romani- mulling over the significant of that aside from the bellydancing element being excellent hiding for White Court to solicit victims.

Be the most fun if Lara was left with child, though- the Brady Bunch jokes write themselves, especially if Lara turns maternal to little Maggie and Bonea. Besides, Jim could write an excellent story about Harry being shocked he's marrying a grandma and Lara's child being unhappy with the situation. Harry never has asked.

I knew a boy when I was young, he was picked up from 4th grade by a gorgeous woman. Some of his male friends told him "Man, your mom is hot!" (It was a different time) With some exceptional embarassment, he admitted it was his grandmother who picked him up...she was around 39 at the time.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mistakes Harry has made that will come back
« on: October 04, 2021, 09:12:25 PM »
Essentially I am saying: Harry was not Harry, Harry was the mantle at the same.

You could view that I was arguing that the burn was the Faithsabre sending the mantle into brief remission, restoring Harry's ability to choose- since apparently he's the fulcrum, as the seer said in book 1. The Council may be blind to it, Mab and Vadderung may have guessed- but Uriel would *know*.

Burn=antithesis of ice, after all

DF Spoilers / Re: Mistakes Harry has made that will come back
« on: October 04, 2021, 07:30:33 PM »
I've said it before and I will no doubt say it again: I believe the shock of Murphy's sudden depth slipped Harry's control over the Winter Knight mantle, demonstrated in text by the parallel with when he gave it its head in Cold Days, and the burn from the Faithsabre was to allow him to reassert his free will/mastery over the mantle. The burn wouldn't stop him from killing Rudolph, but it would shift it to him killing Rudolph, instead of the meat suit being piloted by the id-machine Winter Mantle.

DF Spoilers / Re: Could a Dragon hit Arctis Tor?
« on: September 28, 2021, 06:21:43 PM »
Pretty sure they're asexual, and the Tor's a building

DF Spoilers / Re: The Mark Of Cain
« on: September 28, 2021, 06:19:34 PM »
Kind of like a hand toasted by a flamethrower

DF Spoilers / Re: Wedding day ideas
« on: September 27, 2021, 03:00:23 PM »
Lara is Thomas's mother figure, in addition to big sister and partner in the Oblivion War.

I see him going the "last naked woman you'll ever see" route and being bad at it.

DF Spoilers / Re: A Way to Demonreach
« on: September 23, 2021, 11:15:26 PM »
Depends on how the Ways work, right?

If opening a Way between the Nevernever and reality is a matter of similarity, then he can maybe open one from the castle now- a fortress of solitude controlled by the Warden to another.

Lea's bond with Harry let her make the two places similar, I think- she nurtures Harry, from her POV, and she nurtures her garden, so the places can be made to overlap. If I'm right on this model, than Thomas taking Michael out of the Nevernever via a strip club is because women taking their clothes off is similar to wherever Thomas is.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mistakes Harry has made that will come back
« on: September 23, 2021, 11:12:45 PM »
I don't think he gave him to Butters so much as Butters inherited him when Harry "died."  It seems like now that Butters is a Holy Knight that he gave Bob back to Harry at some point.  Not sure just when, but Harry tells Molly that he is having Bob go over the castle at the end of Battle Ground.  Sounds like Bob is back with him, or maybe he and Butters have worked out an arrangement to share.  Remember Bob liked the amenities that Butters provided for him, the internet not old prone novels like he got when he lived with Harry.

Implication is that Bob has total recall, and knowledge translates directly into power for him- we're not just talking knowing how to throw fireballs lets him throw fireballs, how hard he throws fireballs is increased when he reads a new biology textbook. A year or two with unfettered high-speed 'Net access 24/7 when Butters doesn't need him, and Bob is now rather terrifying if you think about it. The Archive gets that upgrade axiomatically- but Bob's probably downloading as fast as he can.

DF Spoilers / Re: White Council Top Members
« on: September 23, 2021, 11:09:16 PM »
It's interesting to me that people seem to forget that a lot of Mab's "physical therapy" was about sharpening his magical skills in Cold Days. Harry's much better, faster, and more efficient at casting than he was before, in addition to being pushed to a physical peak it appears he's bothering to maintain having achieved.

I rather suspect that this is all relevant to Mirror, Mirror- native Harry is a bit lazy, reliant on his natural brawn- physical and magical- over precision. Main timeline Harry was forced to go without crutches, develop his magical skills, and achieve the latent physical potential due to the pain suppression of the Knight Mantle.

I rather suspect Harry will find himself summoned into something like a waterfall that he just Hulks his way out of, to the total surprise of alt-Harry. Or uses his new ice powers for same- force the water into ice against his body, now he's no longer in running water.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mistakes Harry has made that will come back
« on: September 22, 2021, 09:39:12 PM »
I think giving Bob to Butters.

Bob's metaphysical mass is knowledge driven, giving him broadband allows access to the same kind of power explision the Archive has undergone in the digital age.

And it is married to no human conscience or morality

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