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Messages - Rasins

Pages: 1 ... 104 105 [106] 107 108
DFRPG / Re: Your story or Our World
« on: August 18, 2011, 02:37:53 AM »
Thanks a bunch.

DFRPG / Your story or Our World
« on: August 18, 2011, 02:15:31 AM »
Okay, which DFRPG do I read first, Your story or Our World?

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim's 2011 Schedule
« on: August 15, 2011, 11:43:17 AM »
I'll be letting everyone know details as they become available.

Shecky suggested a BBQ place he visited when he was here last.
Maybe Union Station.

It's definitly on Monday, October 31. 

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim's 2011 Schedule
« on: August 15, 2011, 03:10:58 AM »
Well, we are having a Birthday party here in KC for Harry.  Maybe his publicist (Jim) and his lovely wife will come.  I'll be sure to get them an invitation.

We will be at the Matt Ross Community Center.  The link is to a Map to the location.

The address is
8101 Marty St.
Overland Park, KS

The event will be on Saturday, October 29 from 7:00 pm - Midnight.  We are asking for a donation to help defray the cost of the venue.  Any additional monies collected will go to the Salvation Army to assist in Joplin.

We will have cake and soda (maybe even coffee.)

If you'd like to come to mingle, network and just have fun you are welcome.  There will be tables and chairs if you'd like to attempt a game, and you don't have to limit it to DVRPG.

Remember this is a surprize party for Harry.  No gifts.  If he gets lost comeing to the party, well we'll just have to have fun without him.

Thanks for your patience.


I was at the signing last night, but wasn't able to record it.  If you get a recording of it, I'll be happy to transcribe it.

Just send me a PM.

Well I finally purchased my book and 2 tickets.  I'll be bringing my wife.  I've missed the last three book releases/signing.  I'll be there this time ... argh!!

Anyone know about how long these usually last.  It doesn't matter, I'll be there the whole time, but I'd like to set expectations with my wife and kids.

Everyone but the Merlin and Eb could have known.  As for the bloodline curse, it would all depend on the 'foresight' that particular entity possessed.

I agree that those three COULD have known, but I doubt that all three DID know.  In fact, I'd bet that the WG and Lea/MAB did know.  Odin - maybe after Harry's visit.  But enough for them to micromanage the events in Changes ... I find that doubtful.

He doesn't stumble.  He's steered every step of the way.  There are very few chapters in Changes where Harry is not being managed by some combination of a) the Merlin b) Eb c) Mab or Lea d) Uriel/the White God e) Odin.  It's not a complicated set of chances left to run, it's an operation micromanaged every step of the way.

WAIT A MINUTE ... Changes was set up by Susan telling Harry they had a child.  Do you believe that the Merlin, Eb, Mab/Lea, Uriel/the White God, AND (not or), Odin all knew he had a kid and that that child was going to be used in a bloodline curse?

I could see one or two of them knowing, but not all, and not all being on the same page with a plan that ultimately won the war for the WC.

Where are you getting that one from ? That sounds like you're reading something as meaning there's a major change periodically rather than slow drift over time, and I'm not recalling anything in the text to suggest that.

Sorry, it wasn't Bob.  It was in a WoJ from DragonCon .

The hole is the spell Victor was using to kill with.  It was mentioned that it was the same as or similar (though less powerful) than the one the RC was using at CI.  

That being the case, it's not a sure thing, but reasonable to guess that Victor had been taught it by someone from the RC to test it out (it hadn't been used for 1000 years according to Odin and magic changes about every 300 years according to Bob).  I'd bet they taught him the curse, and the means to make the 3eye.  And if what you said is true, then in about oh, 20 years, the WC would have it's hands full of potential wizards/warlocks.  And if you remember Ortega said that the War was started about 20 years early.

We also don't know what, if any, plans the RC had for the iterim, for weakening the WC.  

Also, remember that Molly was about 17 before her powers showed up.  Check the Timeline.

THAT timing fits right into the RC's plan for war with the WC.  They are overrun with Warlocks, and active war breaks out.

[edited for HER powers, not HE powers.]

If successful, then in 12 years or so, the world would have seen an initial spike in emerging wizards, with more appearing each year. At around 20 years, the White Council would have started swelling appreciably. Also, by that time, with a couple decades worth of addicts getting pregnant and having magic-infused babies, the wizarding community would be exploding in size. It could be like when homosapiens started to get born more and more and the cro-magnon was well on his way to extinction.

One hole in your theory is this ... The WC has to identify folks with magical ability.  They've been spread thin and have been missing folks, thus the rise in Warlocks.

To piggy-back on your idea, I wonder if the 3eye was supposed to do the opposite of what you propose.  Not increase the number of Wizards, but of Warlocks and drown the WC.

Just my thought.

So, Mort moved back to the stucco house.  That's all.

Thanks Serack.  I stand corrected.

Again, I don't disagree with you that if Marcone was killed gang warfare would ensue.  I'm just not convinced that someone did all this to get Harry involved.  He was a young Wizard at the begining, a non-player.  Now he's caught up in things and making a name for himself, but I don't know about using him in any long term plans.

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