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DF Spoilers / Proven Guilty Molly
« on: November 04, 2018, 07:25:58 AM »
Just rereading Proven Guilty I had a crazy thought. What if Winter Lady Molly was/is the one that sent the fetches?

It's generally agreed that some time travel stuff is affected in Proven Guilty, so what if she's the one that sends fetches after her previous self.

Just a thought I thought worth sharing.

DF Spoilers / Rashid the Gatekeeper, Intellectus, Foresight.
« on: October 31, 2018, 04:18:37 AM »
Given his position and mantle, I think the Gatekeeper has what Harry has on Deamonreach, only with the Outer Gates. It makes sense as a requirement of being Gatekeeper that his sanctum is the Outer Gates, it would be a huge advantage when directing Winter's forces against the Outsiders.

Their's also the fact that Rashid has experience with Intellectus with his experience with Demonreach, here's everything we know of Rashid and Demonreach and his experience with Intellectus.

Quote from: Turn Coat: Chapter 39
"I know a Way. I've been here before."....
"Demonreach" the Gatekeeper mused. "It's...certainly fitting."
"The ley line you speak of does not go through the island" he said. "This is where it wells up. The island is its source."

Now theirs also the fact that Gatekeeper has some ability to see into the future or send messages from the future. As confirmed by Bob in Proven Guilty in his discussion on time.
Quote from:  Proven Guilty; Chapter Six[/quote
"Oh the Gatekeeper didn't do it to annoy you" Bob said "He did it to prevent any chance of paradox"
"He got this form hindisght, he had to" Bob said
"Hindsight" I murmured. "You mean he went to the future for this?"
"Well" Bob hedged "That would break one of the Laws, so probably not. But he might have sent himself a message from there, or maybe gotten it from some kind of prognosticating Spirit. He might even have developed some ability for that himself. Some wizards do"

 But their is a direct example in Turn Coat.
Quote from: Turn Coat; Chapter 39
Then he did something strange. He exhaled slowly, his living eye closing. The gleaming steel eye tracked back and forth, as if looking at something, though I could only tell it was moving because pf the twitches of his other eyelid. A moment later, the Gatekeeper opened his eye and said. "The chances that you'll survive it are minimal".

Then the fact that Harry is on the island changes things
Quote from: Turn Coat; Chapter 39
He frowned at me and then repeated the little ritual. Then he made a choking sound. "Blood of the Prophet. he swore, opening his eyes to stare at me. "You... You've claimed this place as a sanctum"
The Gatekeeper shook his head slowly. "Harry" he said, his voice weary. "Harry you don't know what you've done"

Quote from: Turn Coat; Chapter Forty Six
"Messenger arrived from Rashid," Ebenezar said. He's more familiar with what you can do with what you can do with that kind of bond.

Clearly Gatekeeper knows what Demonreach is for which given his position as Gatekeeper and the following information makes sense. Both Demonreach and the Outer Gates were designed to combat Outsiders, Dark Gods, Powerful spirits e.t.c. The fact that he's familiar with the bond is all but confirmation that Gatekeeper has his own bond with the Gates.

Quote from: Turn Coat:Chapter 39

"First" he said "do not tap into the power of this place's well. You are years away from being able to handle such a thing without being altered by it."
"I cannot set foot on the island" he said
"Why not?"
"Because this place holds a grudge" he said

Now we have this WOJ partially explaining/hinting at the cause of that grudge.

Quote from: Word of Jim
Also, people have a few things wrong about the Gatekeeper and the island.  The Gatekeeper did not hurt Demonreach.  Gatekeeper has been on the island a couple of times, and it’s never gone well, but he didn’t cause Demonreach’s limp.  That’s the work of the glacier that carved out Lake Michigan.
Sarks: What did the Gatekeeper do to Demonreach to make it hold a grudge?
Jim: 2) He focused the tank. Oh, wait, no, it's a little more complicated than just a positive-negative situation, and while I don't go into the specifics, yet, you get all the pieces you need in Cold Days.

Which brings us to Cold Days.
Now first their is a description of what limits the Gatekeepers, Foresight/Hindsight in Proven Guilty thats relevant.
Quote from:  Proven Guilty; Chapter Six
"Because if he significantly altered what happened with his knowledge of the future it could cause all sorts of temporal instabilities. It could cause new parallel realities to split off from the point of alterations he couldn't predict or kind of backlash into his consciousness and drive him insane"
"But if your car never got stolen" Bob said "then how did he come to know to come back and warn you?"
I frowned
"That's paradox and it can have all kinds of nasty backlash. Theory hold that it could even destroy our reality if it happened in a weak enough spot."
"If it's done subtly enough, indirectly enough you can get all kinds of things changed. Like for example, he tells you that your car is going to be stolen. So you move it to a parking garage, where instead of getting stolen by the junkie who was going to shoot you and tale the car on the street, you get jacked by a professional who takes the car without hurting you- because by slightly altering the fate of the car, he indirectly alters yours"

Okay Cold Days.
Quote from: Cold Days; Chapter 33
He leaned over to scan each of the fallen closely, nodding at the medics after each.
The other eye had been replaced with the crystalline material that was identical to that which had been used to create the gates and the walls around them.
"But they need a good eye here to be sure that the things that must remain outside do not slip in unnoticed"
"Oh" he said waving a hand "You've danced about in the shadows at the edge of life now young man. That's no small thing, to go into those shadows and come back again----You've no idea the kind of attention you've attracted"
I nodded thinking. "okay" I said. "First how do you know if the adversary has... infected someone?"
"Experience" he said. "Decades of it. The Sight can help but.." Rashid hesitated
'I don't recommend making a regular practice out of it" he continued "It's an art not a skill and it takes time. Time or a bit of questionable attention from the Fates and a ridiculously enourmous tool" He tapped finger against his false eye.
"Hells bells. The gates, they're, some kind of spiritual CAT scanner"
"Among many other things" he said "But it's one of their functions yes. Mostly it means that the adversary cannot use such tactics effectively here. As long as the Gatekeeper is vigilant it rarely tries"

DF Spoilers / Vadderung former Gatekeeper.
« on: October 31, 2018, 04:08:16 AM »
First theirs the obvious appearence, both the Gatekeeper and Vadderung have one eye of what appears to be steal, and according to most myths about Odin, he sacrificed his eye for knowledge of magic.

Bear with me. Vadderung clearly knows about the Island and it's purpose, he outright states so himself.

Quote from: Cold Days; Chapter 21
"What I mean" he said "is that I know about your island. I know where it came from. I know what it does. I know what's beneath it."

Then Vadderung shows his extensive knowledge of the island and time in relation to magic, which seems perfectly in line with knowledge a Gatekeeper has.

Quote from:  Cold Days; Chapter 21
"Idiots" he breathed. "Even is they could defeat the banefire..."
"Wait" I said "Banefire"
"The fail-safe" Vadderung said. "The fire the island showed you"
"It is the only way" Vadderung said. "If anyone managed to set free the things in the Well..."
"Not bad" Vadderung said "The end"
"The island cannot accept it as a possibility" Vadderung said absently.

All of this suggests a tremendous amount of knowledge by Vadderung regarding the Island.Next Vadderung goes into a detailed discussion in regards to time, space and magic.

Quote from: Cold Days; Chapter 21
Vadderung waved a hand. "Nonesense. There are laws that govern the progression of time in relation to space, like everything else."
"Meaning what?"
"Meaning that the echoes caused by temporal event are proportionately greater than the span of time that was bridged" he said "Had the attack been launched from a century ago or hence, the echoes of it would have begun far, far in advance of the event--- centuries ago. These echoes have appeared only within the past few days. I would guess roughly that the attack must originate only hours from the actual, real time occurance"
Now first their is a description of what limits the Gatekeepers, Foresight/Hindsight in Proven Guilty thats relevant.
Quote from:  Proven Guilty; Chapter Six
"Because if he significantly altered what happened with his knowledge of the future it could cause all sorts of temporal instabilities. It could cause new parallel realities to split off from the point of alterations he couldn't predict or kind of backlash into his consciousness and drive him insane"
"But if your car never got stolen" Bob said "then how did he come to know to come back and warn you?"
I frowned
"That's paradox and it can have all kinds of nasty backlash. Theory hold that it could even destroy our reality if it happened in a weak enough spot."
"If it's done subtly enough, indirectly enough you can get all kinds of things changed. Like for example, he tells you that your car is going to be stolen. So you move it to a parking garage, where instead of getting stolen by the junkie who was going to shoot you and tale the car on the street, you get jacked by a professional who takes the car without hurting you- because by slightly altering the fate of the car, he indirectly alters yours"

Then we get the explanation that counters Bobs explanation of the problem of Paradox.

Quote from: Cold Days; Chapter 21
"Paradox is an overrated threat. There is... a quality similar to inertia at work, Once an event has occured, there is an extremely strong tendency for that event to occur. The larger, more significant or more energetic the event, the more it tends to remain as it originally happened, despite any interference."
I frowned. "There's... a law of the conservation of history?"
Vadderung grinned. "I've never heard it phrased quite like that, but it's accurate enough. In any event overcoming that inertia require's tremendous energy, will and a measure of simple luck. If one wishes to alter the course of history, it's a far simpler matter to attempt to shape the future."
" A twinned universe" Vadderung said "A new parallel reality, identical except for that event. One in which you never existed and one in which you failed to kill your grandfather"
"Meddling with time is an irrationally, outrageously, catastrophically, dangerous and costly business. I encourage you to avoid it at all costs."
"Because the energy requirements are astronomical" he said "Bridging a temporal gap of any length is something utterly beyond the reach of any mortal practitioner alone. Doing such a thing and then trying to project the spell over a distance as well? The difficulty of it would be prohibitive. And do not forget how much water surrounds the island, which will tend to mitigate any energy sent toward it--- that's one reason the Well was built there."

Plus a little subtle hint at foresight/hindsight

Quote from:  COld Days; Chapter 21
"Perhaps" he murmured "you already have"
Theirs also myths about Odin, hanging himself for more knowledge or power. which reflects Vadderungs statement to Harry about death.
Quote from: Cold Days; Chapter 21
"Fewer try it then you might think"
"Nothing that significant just happens, Dresden"
.....(later on in the chapter)
" have been dead and returned. It has marked you. It has opened doors and paths that you do not yet know exist, and attracted the attention of beings who formerly would never have taken note of your insignificance"
"Meaning what?" I asked
There was no humour at all in his face. "Meaning that now more than ever, you are a fulcrum. Meaning that your life is about to become very, very interesting"

Okay so with all this knowledge about Old Ones, and Outsiders and the Island, plus the similarities in appearence, and mystique of knowledge theirs also another fact that contributes to the theory that Vadderung used to be the Gatekeeper.

We know from his reveal that Vadderung is Kringle.
Quote from: Cold Days; Chapter 53
"Many, many mantles are worn--or discarded-- on Halloween night, wizard."
I saw Vadderung's wolfish features lurking inside Kringle's

So we know mantles can be discarded.

Finally the Outer Gates need an army to combat the Outsiders, before it was Winter it would make sense that it would be Einherjaar, Warriors dying in battle over thousands of years, would create a large army to which battle could be joined against the Outsiders at the Gates.

DF Spoilers / Who are the members of the Grey Council?
« on: September 14, 2018, 06:53:01 AM »
NOw keep in mind we have this quote to go off.

“So we found out who 2 of them were, i’d like to know how many of the rest we already know and how many of them haven’t been formally introduced to us yet.”
Hang on, counting… You already know six of the folks who showed up at Chichen Itza, excluding McCoy and Vadderung

Now also keep in mind Listens-to-wind was down for the count recovering in Edinbrough because of the plague that Duchess Arianna Ortega had unleashed.

Similarly Carlos was locked up, with Anastasia Luccio dealing with the political fall out.

The Merlin isn't a joiner given that the Grey Council was founded in part out of suspiscion of him, and if found out they would be declared enemies of the White Council.

SO who else do we think is on the Grey Council?

Chauncer aka Steed could be a member but I think he's a bit young for it.

Klaus the Toymaker might be a member but I suspect he's another identity of Vadderung/Kringle.

Other than that I struggle to come up with 6 wizards let alone prospective members powerful enough to take part in the Battle of Chitchzen Itza.

Any thoughts?

DF Spoilers / Ancient Mai's Statue Temple Foo Dogs
« on: September 14, 2018, 12:51:31 AM »
Guarding a Chinese Temple Garden

DF Spoilers / Sir Stuart of the Colonial Marines
« on: August 18, 2018, 04:46:10 AM »
Do you think we'll ever get the full story of how a Knight ended up fighting against the Red Coats in the Colonial Marines?

DF Spoilers / Right in the feels (favourite heartfelt moments)
« on: July 28, 2018, 06:37:53 AM »
For me it's two scenes in Skin Game. The first talk with Michael, and the moment when Harry meets his daughter.

There's also Susans death of course.

WHat moments throughout the entire series hit you right in the feels.

DF Spoilers / Zoo Day spoilers
« on: June 05, 2018, 03:15:48 AM »
I liked it. Felt like a family adventure.

Cinder Spires Spoilers / Confirmed Cinder Spires RPG
« on: May 14, 2018, 09:04:27 AM »
In the Emerald City Comic Con panel Jim confirms evil hat are creating a Cinder Spires RPG.

Apparently he's creating flags for the spires

DF Spoilers / Arthurian Myths in Dresden Files
« on: May 10, 2018, 04:21:12 AM »
We know that the Original Merlin heavily features in the background of The Dresden Files, and Amorraccius is regarded as Excalibur by both Michael and Sir Stuart.

Does anyone have any thoughts as to how Arthurian Myths affect or figure into the Dresden Files?

I remember when reading Le MOrte de Arthur that Three Faerie Queens appeared to Arthur at the moment of his death.

The Lady of the Lake is widely regarded as Fae, as is the Green Knight and the Fisher King.

King Arthur is also listed as one of the Leaders of the Wild Hunt according to some sources.

Any other ideas or moments when Arthurian Myths appear in the Dresden Files? Or ones that you wish to appear in the Dresden Files?

DF Spoilers / Supernatural Nations you'd like to see.
« on: May 02, 2018, 02:24:31 AM »
Jim has done a good job of setting up several supernatural nations and figures from the Red Court, the Fae both Courts, Monoc Securities, The White Council, The Fomor.

Is their any nation or figure from myth and legend you'd like to see included in the Dresden verse?

For me personally I'd like to see what Drakul is capable of and whether or not he has a small army at his command.

I'd also like to see Peter Pan and Jack Frost as minor nobility in the Summer and Winter Courts respectively as personification of youth in both seasons.

Any other figures or nations anyone can think of?

DF Spoilers / Which Denarian Coin would you choose?
« on: April 07, 2018, 05:09:53 AM »
For me it'd be Namshiel from what little we know of him he's a powerful sorceror and could teach Polonius Lartessa.

DF Spoilers / To the cops of Chicago do the Alpha's seem like a gang?
« on: December 14, 2017, 12:01:41 AM »
I'm sure none of the Alpha's are stupid enough to sell drugs or do any stupid illegal profit shit that could get them sent to prison. However cops would have noticed the downturn in crime in the radius of the Campus. WOuld they assume those long term academics run the campus and make sure no hard shit goes down. and therefore would they assume the Alpha's are a gang to be kept an eye on?

Possibly run by one Harry Dresden an independent contractor who sometimes works for Gentlemen Johnny Marcone sometimes against him.

Harry Dresden is protected by former cop Karrin Murphy who has a dodgy reputation on the police force.

*shrug* from what I know of Chicago culture it seems a pretty accurate representation of the socio economic system.

DF Spoilers / What happened to the rest of the Alpha's?
« on: November 14, 2017, 01:45:15 AM »
I've been thinking really that the Alpha's went from a pack of a dozen who went through at least two trial by fire's together, to about four or five at most.

The War Buddy Bond is tough to crack.

So what exactly happened to cause the Alpha's to split up. Because right now I'm thinking Billy's a pretty shit Alpha  of the Alpha's if he lets 12 pack go down to 4 after they've already been through some bonding experience together.

We do have this WOJ.
quote=Jim Butcher]Q:  What happened to the other Alphas?
A:  Like happens with a lot of kids after college, they graduated and went their separate ways.  Some of them wrote off the whole experience as the result of taking drugs in college.  One ended up super religious.  One ended up institutionalized.  Given Kirby’s death, Billy is going to try to track down some of the group[/quote]

What was the catalyst for this? People don't wind up super religious or institutionalised or in deep denial without some sort of catalyst.

DF Spoilers / Marcone Manipulating Harry.
« on: November 11, 2017, 02:31:44 AM »
Marcone Manipulates Harry to deal with all of his Supernatural threats. Beginning in Storm Front Marcone was trying to get Harry to work for him, but I think this entire time he just figured out a way to get Harry to work for him for free.

 Think about it Victor Sells- threat to his business and his life.
 The Hexenwolf FBI who were on a task force to stop him, the Lycanthropes Biker Gang who were a threat Organised Crime wise, The Loup Garou who was blocking his development project.

Bianca who had the best Escort agency in town who Marcone somehow managed to steal away from the White Court despite the fact that White Court deal in Lust (I suspect he gives them 10% out of courtesy).

Death Masks Harry tracks down the Shroud for him.

Blood Rites Dresden cripples the White Court and saves a bunch of kids. Dead Beat Marcone gives him a direct hint to someone who has hurt one of his employee's.

White Night Marcone gets Harry to make him a Freeholding Lord.

Small Favour- Enough said.

Changes Harry takes down the Red COurt which was in Marcones best interest.

Ghost Story Harry prevents a minor noble of the Fomor and previous enemy from posing a serious threat to Chicago.

Cold Days- Prevention of the Apocalypse.

Skin Game- Marcone gets his own private swiss bank (every mobsters dream) of Supernatural creatures, favour with Mab, gets back at Nicodemus and gets a box full of Diamonds.

Face it Harry you work for Marcone for free.

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