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Messages - Paynesgrey

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Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Noob question....stars?
« on: April 29, 2008, 09:42:53 PM »
Well you know, now that I have a post from priscellie agreeing with my original post, i can just change it to what ever i want and it will look like she has approved of it. Hmm, how much did you say you wanted for you're legal defense funds?   

I'm not picky.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Noob question....stars?
« on: April 29, 2008, 09:28:41 PM »
one is less than 100 post, 2 is more than a 100, not sure about 3, 4 is moderator, 5 is admin.

Darn it! You're supposed to explain that 2 stars is for contributing to the Paynesgrey Legal Defense Fund, 3 stars for buying $50 or more worth of Mystic5523, and 3 stars is for bringing cookies.

Author Craft / Re: Suggestion TO Jim.....
« on: April 23, 2008, 03:45:39 AM »
The same reason a cat must walk over and sit down on any new item added to a room, or even just moved.

Because it's there.


Author Craft / Re: Editorial question
« on: April 23, 2008, 01:18:58 AM »
I can't speak as an author, but from a painter's viewpoint, I learned to stop when people would start slapping the brush out of my hands and telling me not to touch it.  As a rule, when I thought something was "perfect", it had some hideous flaw that I needed somebody to mention to notice...and when it was finished, I thought I had "just one more thing-ed" for the past several hours.

Author Craft / Re: Suggestion TO Jim.....
« on: April 23, 2008, 01:03:12 AM »
More disclaimers:

You will not find technically accurate details regarding guns in this book. If this is an issue for you, please put the book down now and pick up a copy of NRA Monthly.

Do NOT use this book as a mapquest of Chicago. You'll get lost for sure, and even Dresden won't be able to find you.

*Twaps MSD in ear with rubber band*

"Warning:  If you think you know better than the author how he should do things in his own world, then this book is probably smarter than you are.  Please put it down before you hurt yourself.  You might have different tastes and ideas, but he's the guy who makes a living writing, and you'r not. 

If you actually are published, successful author and take issue with these books, this author, or his fans, I suggest you have a nice tall glass of STFU, because when I want your opinions, I'll go read your books.  Unless they suck."

Author Craft / Re: question on urban fantasy literature.
« on: April 23, 2008, 12:55:28 AM »
I recently found out (partly via amazon) that there is a whole bunch of books similar to Dresden Files. I mean that particular style of series with PIs and supernatural critters and so on. Supposedly a lot of overlap with romance stories lately.

I have read some reviews, talked with some people about it, and have come to the conclusion that I might limit my reading of this particular kind of UF to Dresden Files after all.

So as I have never read those other books (I am thinking about Patricia Briggs, Laurell Hamilton, Kim Harrison, Tanya Huff, Carrie Vaughn etc. here)
- are they - writing style wise - in any way comparable to Jim Butcher?
- are the perspectives and the narrative styles similar?

Tanya Huff has some Good Stuff, but the flavor is rather different then Dresden.  LKH & Kim Harrison series' started out great, but the characters slid down to the "Too Annoying To Live" category.  Patricia Briggs I'm not familiar with.

Another to consider is Simon R. Green's Nightside series, while comparable in snark and humor, is really more of a "superhero" urban fantasy.  A lot of fun, but you've got to be ready for some out-there stuff, as opposed to JB's "More Realistic" take on urban fantasy.

Milelage will vary according to your own tastes.  Give 'em all a shot and see what sticks for you.   ;)

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Board FAQ?
« on: February 01, 2008, 05:39:12 AM »
What are the rules for personal avatars?  Size, content, etc.  I had a killer one from one of my sister's photo shoots, great set, great model, etc,  but feared the Girl in the Machine would be too risque or somesuch.  I've got heaps artistic and just plain cool stuff I could use, but don't want to cause fuss and bother.  And definately don't want it to turn into one of those forums whre everybody gets their avatars at Beds, Boobs, and Behinds.  You know the ones I'm talking about.  All close up thong or cleavage shots, with the occassional God of Bowflex thrown in.

Author Craft / Re: Great, its Ruined!
« on: January 02, 2008, 06:03:56 AM »
Speaking as someone who reads a lit of Military sci-fi, There's only so many different ways you can have an insteller war -- it's the details that different the story, as well as the skill of the writer writing it. Afteer all, my one original project involves a new wizard and his dragon famillar. Alan Dean Foster and Pip and Flix, Steven Brust has Vlad Talos and his pair of Jihergs. All I have to do is put my unique spin on it.....


Good point, and for details, history provides all sorts of background situations/politics that can cause wars, so you can do more than just "Us-them" style war.  How many people know what it was like to be a foot soldier in the Boer War, Crimean war, or the Spanish Civil War, for example?  One can do all sorts of shuffling to provide the details to flesh out your story, and give your characters issues to chew on.

Author Craft / Re: Not sure which direction to go.
« on: November 14, 2007, 05:38:21 AM »
Try the plot, see if a character crawls out of it.  Even if you end up with just a plot bases story skeleton, you can always shelve it for future reference, until a character happens in your head that would make it sing.

Author Craft / Re: Easier Way to find a good plot?
« on: October 17, 2007, 01:31:03 AM »
That is not what I asked. I'm asking if anyone has advice on how to choose a plot. I have too many that I can't think of one to stick with.

Make a list, using bullet-points, of your assorted plot ideas, all in one place.  You might surprise yourself with what combinations & mixes complement each other.  Sort of the intellectual equivilent of "I got chocolate on my peanut butter!" Of course, you'll come up with some turkeys, such as "I got peanut butter on my anchovies!"

Author Craft / Re: Easier Way to find a good plot?
« on: October 16, 2007, 11:16:50 PM »
My suggestion, come up with good, detailed characters, get into their heads, then figure out what the meanest thing you can do to them is, short of mulching them.  Great characters, people you'd love to have a beer with, provide the best jumping off points, in my humble opinion.

Author Craft / Re: Help, I'm stuck & need a doctor's advice!
« on: October 16, 2007, 11:15:15 PM »
Another unpleasant issue to consider is based on the high water content of soft tissues.  A blast of energy that could burn a hole in a bulkhead or chair imparts a lot of heat, not just kinetic energy.  The water in those tissues will turn to steam...instantly, and explosively.  The Gods of Physics are love us not at all when we Squishies get in their path.  Most Sci Fi ignores that, lasers, the phasor injuries in Star Trek, Star War's style "blasters", Babylon 5's PPG's all leave nasty burns, but burns which don't take into account the explosive damage caused by instantly turning a portion of the body's water into steam.  David Drake's miltiary SciFi, such as "Hammer's Slammers" basically maintains that even if you're just "winged" by an energy weapon, you're going to go "Ploot!"  Same with projectiles, such as gauss guns/rail guns (think a "Mag-lev" bullet) travelling at a significant portion of the speed of light, would turn a "graze" into Cat Food Generating Event.

"Force beams", "Gravitic weapons" or "needle focus force-field projectors, such as in Webber & White's book "Insurrection" could do an end-round on this, by claiming the weapon does not generate heat, just kinetic energy.  You might want to make it a teeny-tiny energy ball, or clarify that it's some weapon that doesn't create thermal energy on impact.  Even those have drawbacks in "flesh wound survivability", as "Hydrostatic shock", the reaction and sudden increase in pressure from even a standard bullet, can be more damaging to the squishy parts than the trauma caused by the bullet.  There's an old barracks tale of a Viet Cong who got shot in the heal while diving for cover, the bullet came out his thigh, but the hydrostatic shock blew the top of his head off.  (That one might be just a military "urban legend", but I'd rather not find out first hand.)

Most readers will not be aware of that, or will allow suspension of disbelief to cover for it, but it's something you might want to keep in mind.

Good luck with the writing!

Author Craft / Re: An eBook publishing site
« on: September 18, 2007, 01:39:18 AM »
Could have sworn I posted something on ebooks here...specifically about the Baen site....  Or I could be just going senile.  Or maybe I just thought about posting something, then saw something shiney and wandered off after it.

I can see the heartburn about poorly edited works reflecting poorly on the writer community, or a genre, but frankly, a lot of the harshing on ebooks appears, to me anyway, to be a mix of elitism and publisher appeasement.  Kind of like Sony getting all lathered up about Protecting The Sanctity of Music from self-recorded & indie bands getting their stuff out there  "Without doing the hard work involved in getting on a major label"  I view an authors aptitude and quality as based on their work, rather than what hoops they have successfully navigated.  I understand the irritation one feels when The New Generation does something without all the work and heartbreak required in the past...hell, I remember when games where made out of wood, and we weeeeeeeeere GRATEFUL.  No, really.  Lincoln Logs where as high tech as it got when I was growing up.  "Pong" was the absolute miracle of the gods ... and kids these days complain if there system has less than a terrabyte of hardrive and a keyboard that has a wire ....

But think of the opportunity ebooks can present, to authors with offbeat or niche work that an established publisher isn't interested because the focus group says that yet another My Mommy Was Mean Tell All will bring in more bucks.  There's great opportunity here for new and old writers alike.

As long as the author is cool with it, in regards to his own work,  I don't see the problem.  I'd have a big problem with a publisher strongarming an author into providing samples, however.  As for them hurting sales, I've purchased a pile of books by authors who had posted an ebook or even just a good sized sample as a let me try out the flavor of the writing without risking 8 or 9 bucks.    Many, many books.  I get cards from bookstore managers thanking me for helping them make their bonus for the month... And then I books by authors the first author likes to collaborate with, then She Who Must Be Obeyed gives me this certain look, and I hide.

But ebooks being a "threat to literature"?  Quality will win out...people willing to read trash will still read trash, there will always be somebody out to pander to the lowest common denominator (like reality TV, but in text files)  ..... but it's not like trash ebooks will squeeze the good stuff off the shelves. 

Text in data format takes up small spaces, and doesn't even need airholes.  *shrug*

And then there's the one fellow's bit about ebook writers being "webscabs".  That's a big Whiskey Tango Foxtrot right there.  I don't see how, say, David Drake's ebooks hurt the sales or insult the integrety of other authors, or the sanctity of "The Book" as a concept.  If somebody's mad that the guy who gives out samples gets more sales, that's just kind of silly. 

That being said, I personally prefer paper books to ebooks, they don't get corrupted unless I spill something on them, they still work when the power out, don't need to be plugged in and recharged.  Plus I like how books smell. Unless they've been stored in a damp basement.  Paper texts are personally more satisfying to me.   And, perversly, on the occassions where I have purchased an ebook, or downloaded a legit "Free sample" ebook (no piracy for me), I've usually ended up buying hardcopy if it's still in print, or can't be ordered used.  I think we'll see more ebooks as time progresses, and as paper becomes more expensive...but I do hope that paper texts never go the away, that would be a true nightmare world for me.
I'm also in the lot who would be very interested in hearing JB's opinion on the matter, but I know there are things like publisher constraints, and the wisdom of not walking into the middle of a peeing contest, particularly when one's livelyhood is involved.

Author Craft / Re: Readers Block?
« on: September 11, 2007, 08:05:26 PM »
Try something that's on the fringe of another genre, maybe something that overlaps with one you know you already like.  Watch some old movies you've heard about but never seen, maybe something an author or character you really like could heighten your understanding and appreciation of both work.  Look up a few old school bands that founded or influenced whatever music you like.  Dig up some classical literature and chew on it briefly.  Any of the above might get the synapses firing again, just smacking them from a different direction.  Plus, you might discover something new you had no clue you'd like.

What are the 2 genres you prefer?  Don't worry about anybody dogging you for something you think is silly to read but love.  I still re-read Anne Of Green Gables, for crying out loud.  Me. Big militant mean guy. 

So let us know what you like to read, and I bet that you'll soon be acrawl with suggested titles.  After you're drowned in titles, authors and ideas, we'll confuse you further by shifting the topic of your thread to taco seasoning, how to change a tire, or trivia such as a species of monkey that doesn't much like bananas.  But hey, that's a fan forum for you.

Author Craft / Re: Looking for a word
« on: September 11, 2007, 01:23:37 AM »

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