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Messages - Paynesgrey

Pages: 1 ... 44 45 [46] 47 48
You never dated the bi I dated.  She critiqued while hitting.  And clawing.  And biting.  Then hitting some more.

*the couch bucks and heaves as PG burrows his way underneath it for safety.  He can live there quite comfortably having discovered the large amounts of kibble and cat food that gets stuffed under there with the fuzzy mice.*

Elise takes a dim view of me getting flashed.  Fun flashing type gets me beat even if I'm not throwing beads. Phototype is even worse.  Person holding the camera usually turns into a pillar of salt.

Photobucket's pretty friendly to use, even for a somewhat dim subject such as myself.

DFRPG / Re: Curious.. why no PBBG?
« on: March 02, 2009, 12:04:54 AM »
Trademark comes to mind as far as fan based games goes. 

*snuggle*  It's okay.  I find my growing lack of hair to be quite amusing.  My hairline continues its triumphant march inland to join up with the forces of my bald spot before continuing the conquest of my noggin.

Think of it as the Seige of Alesia, where Caesar surrounded the town, then was himself surrounded by a relief force of Gauls.  Hair is Rome, Not Hair is the Gauls.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Pittsburgh Comicon
« on: February 27, 2009, 01:33:39 AM »
Got the info and passed it on to the Con. Keep your fingers crossed!

That would be a ComicCon I'd blow some vacation days for.  Hopefully, his schedule and inclinations will make it so.  I'd better pretend not to be from around here though...we want to give him more reasons to come here, not less.

Baltimore.  I'm from Baltimore.  Yeah, Baltimore.  That's the ticket. 

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:45:14 AM »
Nay.  'Tis the Eyebrow. 

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Pittsburgh Comicon
« on: February 21, 2009, 06:18:09 AM »
I think Pittsburgh Comicon had some Farscape cast members last year if memory serves.  Gigi Edgley and Wayne Pygram, wasn't it?  I live a half hour away, but got my dates screwed up and missed the call to Gigi Worship.


Calendar Event Discussion / Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« on: February 21, 2009, 06:15:48 AM »
I hate you...I hate you all!!!!!  ~storms off weeping openly into a dark corner~

*Already occupies the Sulking Corner.  Stoopid conventions I want to go to always happening in stoopid places I can't get to.  Meh.*

Are we there yet?  She's touching me.  I have to go to the bathroom.  Are we there yet?

I suspect being a mod or site admin type is great prep for becoming a parent.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Welcome back!
« on: May 25, 2008, 05:36:19 PM »
The world will lament missing a even a few posts displaying my stunning genius and astounding wit, but I suppose it can keep it's chin up and muddle through until I can provide a few more drops of golden wisdom and enlightenment.   ::)

Seriously, I'm just glad the boards are back up.  If a day or two down and some posts lost are the worst things that happen to any of us this year, it'll be a good one.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Welcome back!
« on: May 25, 2008, 04:17:39 PM »
Well, after sitting under the stairs cutting myself for a while, I went outside, and this "Sunlight" and "Air" stuff just got all over me, which made me cry some more, so I came back inside and wept bitter tears, my heart as bleak and empty as my sock drawer on a Thursday.

Ok, not really.   ;)

Actually, I blew the dust off of my City of Heroes disks, reinstalled, and figured I'd give that another try.  Seems like a bunch of improvements since I wandered off.

Anyway, it's great to see everyone again. 

*Does the Happy Dance of The Inner Geek Triumphant*

Author Craft / Re: For Christian readers or any interested...
« on: May 04, 2008, 04:04:45 AM »
*Stops polishing his overbearing opinions long enough to look around with an expression of slight confusion*


Author Craft / Re: The shape of a story, particularly the start
« on: May 04, 2008, 04:02:49 AM »
I suppose it's really a matter of taste.  I prefer the "taste of the world" approach, but sometimes I find that the world was more interesting than the story, and find myself wishing for more of the "everyday life" aspects rather than the Official Main Story.  I'd say a balance is required, a good, vibrant world is a must-have, but the story and characters must be strong enough that they aren't washed out by it.

Author Craft / Re: Good Magic References
« on: May 02, 2008, 02:46:35 AM »
Do you have any idea what "style" you want the magic to be?  Formulaic incantations & components, where it's a "scientific" approach, or something more fluid and "spirit" based?  Or an assortment of methods available?  One set of "magic rules" for everybody, or different schools of thought, with differing approaches being available? 

Here's the Wiki link on "magic", you might be able to find some useful items in the assorted references and sources.  Wikipedia isn't something I'd suggest as a "source", but it can provide some useful starting points for research.

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