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Messages - Elegast

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DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: March 16, 2013, 09:56:12 PM »
That's really cool.

Allow me to save the source:

Code: [Select]
.harry {
color: #ff0000;
.short {
color: #0000ff;
.novel {
color: #00aa00;
table, td {
border: solid thin black;

<script type="text/javascript">
function year_calc(data) {
var year = parseInt(data.year.value);
var age = parseInt(data.age.value);
var yearpre = year + 25 - age;
var result = "<table style\"width:100px;\">\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\">Story/Event</td><td style=\"width:600px;\">Estimated Date</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"harry\"><strong>Harry Dresden is Born</strong></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">October 31st,  " + (yearpre - 26) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"harry\"><strong>Malcolm Dresden dies (6)</strong></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">After October 31st,  "
+ (yearpre - 20) + ", before October 31st, " + (yearpre-19) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"harry\"><strong>Harry learns shielding (10)</strong></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">After October 31st,  "
+ (yearpre - 16) + ", before October 31st, " + (yearpre-15) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"harry\"><strong>Harry learns shielding (12)</strong></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">After October 31st,  "
+ (yearpre - 14) + ", before October 31st, " + (yearpre-13) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"harry\"><strong>Harry kills Justin (16)</strong></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">After October 31st,  "
+ (yearpre - 10) + ", before October 31st, " + (yearpre-9) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"harry\"><strong>Harry leaves Ebenezzar (19)</strong></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">After October 31st,  "
+ (yearpre - 7) + ", before October 31st, " + (yearpre-6) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"harry\"><strong>Harry arrives in Chicago</strong></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">[Sometime in "
+ (yearpre - 6) + " or " + (yearpre - 5)+ "]</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"harry\"><strong>Harry joins Ragged Angel</strong></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">[Sometime in "
+ (yearpre - 5) + ", possibly " + (yearpre - 6) + "]</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>Restoration of Faith</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">Sometime in [late] "
+ (year - 3) + " or [early] " + (year - 2) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"harry\"><strong>Harry starts his own detective agency</strong></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">[Sometime in "
+ (year - 2)+ "]</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>Welcome to the Jungle</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">Sometime in "
+ (year - 1)  + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"novel\">Storm Front</td><td style=\"width:600px;\">March " + year + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"novel\">Fool Moon</td><td style=\"width:600px;\">October " + year + " (during Full Moon)</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>B is for Bigfoot</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">Sometime in " + (year + 1) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>Ghoul Goblin</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">After October "
+ (year) + ", before October " + (year+1) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"novel\">Grave Peril</td><td style=\"width:600px;\">October " + (year+1) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"novel\">Summer Knight</td><td style=\"width:600px;\">June " + (year+2) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"novel\">Death Masks</td><td style=\"width:600px;\">Late February " + (year+3) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"harry\"><strong>Maggie is born</strong></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">Tail end of " + (year+3) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>Vignette</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\"> Sometime in " + (year+3) + " or " + (year+4) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"novel\">Blood Rites</td><td style=\"width:600px;\">Late Autumn " + (year+4) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"novel\">Dead Beat</td><td style=\"width:600px;\">October 31st, " + (year+5) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>I Was a Teenage Bigfoot</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">November(?) " + (year+5) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>Somthing Borrowed</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\"> Spring/Summer " + (year+6) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"novel\">Proven Guilty</td><td style=\"width:600px;\">July " + (year+6) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"novel\">White Night</td><td style=\"width:600px;\">May " + (year+7) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>It's My Birthday, Too</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">February 14th, " + (year+8) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>Heorot</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">October " + (year+8) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"novel\">Small Favor</td><td style=\"width:600px;\">Late November " + (year+8) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>Backup</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">Early March " + (year+9) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>Day Off</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">[Spring?] " + (year+9) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>The Warrior</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">Summer " + (year+9) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>Curses</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">Summer [late July or August]" + (year+9) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>AAAA Wizardry</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">Between May " + (year+9) + " and Summer " + (year+10) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u></u>Last Call</em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">March " + (year+10) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"novel\">Turn Coat</td><td style=\"width:600px;\">Summer " + (year+10) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>Bigfoot On Campus</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">mid-October " + (year+10) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>Even Hand</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">March " + (year+11) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>Love Hurts</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">September " + (year+11) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"novel\">Changes</td><td style=\"width:600px;\">October " + (year+11) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>Aftermath</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">October " + (year+11) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"novel\">Ghost Story</td><td style=\"width:600px;\">May 9th, " + (year+12) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"short\"><em><u>Bombshells</u></em></td><td style=\"width:600px;\">between May 10th and October 30th " + (year+12) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td style=\"width:400px;\" class=\"novel\">Cold Days</td><td style=\"width:600px;\">October 31st, " + (year+12) + "</td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>";

var change = document.getElementById('output');
output.innerHTML = result;

return result;

<h3>Dresden Timeline Adjuster</h3>
<p>Based on the timeline found <a href=",1592.0.html">here</a>, I've tried to place a year to the
novels and short stories (I'll attempt to expand this, eventually).  Just insert the year you believe <em><strong>Storm Front</strong></em> takes
place in and hit the button - this page will handle the rest.</p>
<p>Text in <text class="harry">red</text> represents key moments in Harry's life before Storm Front, plus a few extra items.
Text in <text class="novel">green</text> are the spots for full-length novels.
Text in <text class="short">blue</text> represents all of the other short stories and graphic novels published to date or known to be coming out.</p>
<p>Any text in brackets is personal extrapolation.</p>

Year for Storm Front:<input name="year" type="text" value=2000> Harry's Age:<input name="age" type="text" value=25><br/>
<input type="submit" value="Calculate" onClick="year_calc(this.form); return false;"><br />

<div id="output" style="width:1000px;">
<br />


DF Reference Collection / Re: [Spoilers for all books] Theories index
« on: February 24, 2013, 05:16:46 PM »
morts fishy appearance and domain changes are caused by time line fluctuations.source

Added. This one is really, really cool.

merlins squishy existence is in a pocket dimension created within DR.discussion

Not added for the moment, I will try to merge it with the other theories concerning DR.

morgana is Nemesis source

Added in the young theory category. (no real indication it's true)

Nemesis is the missing 3rd fate source

Added. I'm convinced it's wrong, but I know many feel otherwise.

starborn are born under an outsiders sign in the sky(horoscope style) source clarified

Not sure what you mean. We already know Harry was born under a conjonction, it's a WOJ.

That's convenient.

It is. I use it as a back-up for my threads.

 Only problem is that the formatting is lost if you simply use the one-click solution (it comes a google chrome extension).

I can save the 20 pages of Jim's history in a few moments(20 clicks). The text a least will be saved, maybe some context could be lost.

Would it be practical for me to make a backup of Jim' posts (and possibly the interviews) in the curator's section? Or would it be better to make it on a different site? I've got enough free time to make a backup.

Maybe a simple evernote capture of Jim's posting history would be enough (or at least require much less work.)

DF Reference Collection / Re: [Spoilers for all books] Theories index
« on: February 19, 2013, 04:59:12 PM »
cowl is an incarnation of Nyarlathotepdiscussion start

sorry, i know they're all my posts but these are the ones i know best. wag is just what i do...
oh this one isn't me- odin is merlin source

Added. Will look the other theories later.

The way I understand what you are saying, tell me if I am wrong, is kind of how light is both a wave and a particle, which I know to be true but cannot grasp how it is both at the same time.

It's not that hard (at least on the intuitive level). The trick is to understand that the position of a photon is undefined until measured.

Then the wave is simply a function describing the probability of presence of the photon: when the wave is high the probability is high a photon will be found there if the field is measured.

However, once you measure, the photon will be found in a single and unique location.

there is no law of conservation of history I am aware of.

Odin in CD.

no, in a stable time loop the event creates itself.

TT Harry fixed LC -> Harry Time travels - > TT harry fixes LC

and I don't believe that possible because it violates conservation :)

its often called the ontological paradox.

It does create the ontological paradox, but does not the law of conservation of history as LC has already been fixed.

I don't think he traveled in time at all

Bob says otherwise in Cold Days.

Not to completely confuse things, and I know there are a multitude of ideas on how many and in what fashion dimensions exist.  Here are 3 spacial dimensions and 3 temporal dimensions, as I see them.

Here Directions
1a) Ahead
1b) Behind
2a) Aside
2b) Beside
3a) Above
3b) Below

Now Directions
A1) What was
A2) What will be
B1) What wasn't
B2) What won't be
C1) What couldn't be
C2) What can't be

Ok. Then I've absolutely no idea what you're talking about.  ;D

Using Tao's technic:

Quote from: Terry Tao
I can't help you much with high-dimensional topology - it's not my field, and I've not picked up the various tricks topologists use to get a grip on the subject - but when dealing with the geometry of high-dimensional (or infinite-dimensional) vector spaces such as R^n, there are plenty of ways to conceptualise these spaces that do not require visualising more than three dimensions directly. For instance, one can view a high-dimensional vector space as a state space for a system with many degrees of freedom. A megapixel image, for instance, is a point in a million-dimensional vector space; by varying the image, one can explore the space, and various subsets of this space correspond to various classes of images.

The first three cubes are the usual dimensions.

Then Gryffin suggests that time doesn't exist. He proposes two additional dimensions, represented by the two cubes on the second line.
Time is then a path we are forced to follow in those two dimensions. That path could loop on itself.

Hope that helps.

Post edited as my first version was incorrect.

One of the hardest parts of this sort of discussion is that I can trivially think in four spatial dimensions and do five if I push it; it's very useful for complex database design.  But finding good words for how that looks inside my head has been balking me for decades.

Harry's spell made sure that the fetches went back at the person that summoned them, and not anyone else.  What you're saying is that Molly summoned the fetches, and Mab made sure Harry realized someone was summoning the fetches by having Maeve pretend to be a summoner in the room with one fetch, casting a myrk and ward combo?  Because if Mab or Maeve sent the fetches, rather than Molly summoning them (unknowningly), then Harry's spell wouldn't have worked.


The mechanism of the spell is explained:
Quote from: PG
“Their summoner is going to draw them in,” I finished, following the line of reasoning. “It’s like… I could blanket the surrounding area in fog, but if they have someone on this end, the phages will have a beacon they can use to home in on the hotel.”
Quote from: PG
“Sure,” Bob said. “I mean, you have everything you need for that. You know the phages are after fear, and that they’re probably using his power as a beacon. Your web tells you something is stirring. You conjure up a big ball of fear, target the same beacon the phages are using, and let it fly.”

Harry thought the summoner and the beacon were the same person. So he sent the fetches to the beacon. In fact, Mab was sending the fetches from the NN using Molly as a beacon.

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