For those of you who saw my previous post, my group has decided to try out Dresden Files. So, I’m going to run a short demo one-shot in a few weeks. I want to keep it to Feet in the Water level, so that there aren’t a lot of abilities to keep track of. I can’t use the Night Fears adventure because I know a couple of the players will not deal well with the background.
Therefore, my idea is a small group of friends that happen to have a couple of strange powers are on vacation. The adventure will take place while on a guided tour at the St. Louis Art Museum (because I’m familiar with it and there is a variety of exhibits).
For characters, I’m thinking of having 6 pregens ready for 5-players. These are extremely rough first drafts of the characters, but I'd like some thoughts and help please.
Jo Theed
High Concept: Dragon Disciple Jeweler
Trouble: Rome Wasn't Built In A Day
Template: Emissary
Stunts: None
Supernatural Powers:
Marked by Power
Human Form (+1) [Dragon Man]
Breath Weapon
Inhuman Strength
Total Refresh: -5
Skills: Great (Fists), Good (Craft, Rapport), Fair (Endurance, Stealth, BLANK), Average (All Blank)
Jo is a skilled jeweler who came to the attention of a True Dragon for his artistic ability. The dragon made Jo an “Emissary,” though mostly he has just been granted the strength to defend himself and his jewelry from the dragon’s enemies.
Cole Nuttuson (Malvora)
High Concept: Malvora for the Accused
Trouble: It's Scary and I Like It
Template: White Court Virgin
Stunts: Read the Surface
Supernatural Powers:
Emotional Vampire
Incite Emotion (Fear)
Total Refresh: -3
Skills: Great (Rapport), Good (Empathy, Presence), Fair (Discipline, Intimidate, BLANK), Average (All Blank)
Cole is a public defender. He gets an adrenaline rush every time he enters a prison to speak to his clients, though he doesn’t quite realize that he’s really feeding off the fear that hangs over many prisons.
Taylor Simon
High Concept: Svartalfar Builder
Trouble: I'm Not My Mother
Template: Changeling (Svartalf)
Stunts: None
Supernatural Powers:
Inhuman Toughness
Inhuman Recovery
The Catch (Light?) +2
Total Refresh: -4
Skills: Great (Fists), Good (Craft, Rapport), Fair (Endurance, Stealth, BLANK), Average (All Blank)
Taylor’s father is a svartalfar that fell in love with a mortal, a renowned painter. Taylor refuses to follow in the footsteps of either parent and works in construction.
Jayden Rocks
High Concept: Telekinetic Coach
Trouble: If They Know What I've Done
Template: Focused Practitioner
Stunts: None
Supernatural Powers:
Total Refresh: -2
Skills: Great (Discipline), Good (Scholarship, Conviction), Fair (Lore, Athletics, BLANK), Average (All Blank)
In high school, Jayden spent more time in the library than the gym. While in PE one day though, he managed to channel some force around himself during a game of dodgeball. His newfound notoriety in sports, led Jayden to an exploration of sabermetrics and a career in coaching.
Ryder McGruder
High Concept: Zen Master Gardener
Trouble: I Can Do It Too
Template: Pure Mortal
Mind over Matter (Discipline for defense in Hand to Hand)
Redirected Force (On a successful defense against close-combat, to create a successful maneuver)
Peace of Mind (Discipline may create blocks/maneuvers in close-combat)
Supernatural Powers: None
Total Refresh: -3
Skills: Great (Discipline), Good (Lore, Conviction), Fair (Endurance, Fight, BLANK), Average (All Blank)
Ryder has spent too much time around too many friends that can do odd things. He began doing his own research and has trained his body to obey his mind. He now runs a meditation garden and retreat center.
Peyton Abbles
High Concept: Shadowed Journalist
Trouble: Rules Are For Others
Template: Minor Talent
From the Shadows (When ambushing, free aspect/maneuver)
I Know What You Did (May use Investigation for social attack with information gained from eavesdropping)
I know Just the Right Guy
Supernatural Powers:
Cloak of Shadows
Total Refresh: -4
Skills: Great (Stealth), Good (Investigation, Contacts), Fair (Athletics, Rapport, BLANK), Average (All Blank)
Peyton is an investigative reporter, though few know how she is able to get such intimate knowledge.