Channeling (Biomancy) seems like a legitimate choice to me, the elements presented in the book are simply the Classic Elements that most North American/Western European wizards use. Some Asian Wizards (like Ancient Mai) most likely consider Wood and Metal to be separate elements. There might not even be a need to upgrade to Evocation if this fits all the character wants to do.
Those effects seem just fine to me, they're really just all descriptors :-). Some of the character's spells will probably be Discipline vs. Endurance instead of Athletics like most physical evocations.
I have a Blood Sorcerer BBEG in my game who uses Biomancy. They might not fit your player's character, but here's some of her Rote spells:
'Thousand Cuts’ Type: Biomancy Maneuver / Power (6+): ‘Bloodied’ sticky Aspect
Control: Endurance (+3) or higher avoids / Target: All targets seen in 1 zone
Duration: One Action / Opposed By: Target’s Endurance skill, magical blocks
‘Exsanguinate’ Type: Biomancy Evocation / Power (6+): 6 Shifts (+1 if ‘Bloodied’) [Because of her Blood Drinker power]
Control: Discipline to Attack / Target: Target in sight
Duration: One action / Opposed By: Target’s Endurance skill, magical blocks
Notes: Caster can use this to fulfill their Blood Drinker ‘Taste of Death’ ability if they kill their target.
- Meant to be a 1 -> 2 Combo with the first spell.
‘Immortality’ Type: Biomancy Block / Power (9): Block Strength 7
Control: N/A (Tag + Incurs 1 Debt) / Target: Self / Duration: 3 Exchanges
- With this rote active, anytime the caster is hit their body mends the wound immediately - unless the attack is greater than 7.