Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 203311 times)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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how would you stat the mordite mistfiend that Peabody releases in Turn Coat?

Honestly? It took the entire Senior Council to contain it. it's a Plot Device.

And I really will get to the Jann lawer, though I may need to re-read Proven Guilty to do it right. Which isn't exactly a hardship and woulf lkely only take me a day or so.

Offline Korwin

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You did Binder.
How about his Summoned Creatures and the Ritual to Summon, Contain and Bind them?

Offline Deadmanwalking

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They're minions, as I mentioned earlier I'd give them Inhuman Strength, Recovery, and maybe Speed or Toughness (I'd need to reread the book to be sure), a Good Fists skill, Fair Alertness and Athletics and not much else that's relevant.

There are two ways to handle the Summoning aspect of this:

#1: They're presumably at Good Conviction or lower, so he can just summon them casually with two exchanges of prep on the containment, then two to summon them (both Complexity 8 ). Easy as pie. Binding them to his will is a bit harder...but they don't have alot of individuality, so maybe that wasn't necessary...Or mayb they didn't resist that hard (see below).

#2: They're specified as not having alot of individuality...maybe they count as one big beastie for summoning purposes. Give it Superb Conviction, and Binder still only needs one Aspect each on Summoning and Containing it. Breaking it's will is alot more difficult in theory (26 or so...) but it didn't look like they were doing anything they didn't like, so maybe they weren't willing to take consequences to avoid his service (in which case, two or three exchanges and an Aspect and they're his), or maybe he had their True Name.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 02:06:12 PM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Korwin

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or maybe he had their True Name.

Confused, dont he need the True Name anyway? To try to summon them? Without a True Name, how can he give them a call?

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Confused, dont he need the True Name anyway? To try to summon them? Without a True Name, how can he give them a call?

True (at least usually), perhaps I should've said "used their True Name to bludgeon them into submission in direct mental conflict." Which, while theoretically possible, isn't a reccomended tactic. Though I suppose it does suit Binder's style morebthan a 32 shift ritual.

Offline JustinS

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The Archive is WAY out of PC power level. And a bit out of stattable power level. She's a Plot Device, and her stats in the book sound about right.

I've been noodling around with a very quick first pass on Ivy, without doing a reread. Most of it I can guess at, a few things I can create effects for, but not cost (blanket refinement bonuses and such).

High Concept: Child Archive
Trouble: People want me for what I know
Other Aspects: People don't take kids seriously; Knowledge is Power; I hire the best, and they call him Kincaid; Harry Dresdon gave me a name; tortured by the Denarians.

Alertness +2
Athletics +1
Contacts +5
Conviction +3
Deceit +2
Discipline +4
Empathy +1
Intimidation +3
Lore +8
Presence +1
Rapport +1
Resources +5
Scholarship +8

Spot Hipocracy - Ivy may use Scholarship instead of deceit to spot any lie that conflicts with any written document.

Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]
Refinement [-60?]
Inhuman recall[-?]: Ivy may take a free action each round to make an assessment with lore or scholarship.
Living library (lore)[-?] - Ivy may double her lore value for all uses, but may gain no benifit from consulting existing libraries.
Living library (scholarship)[-?] - See above.

Evocation:  All +6
Thaumaturgy: All +6
(The highest single specializations I've seen was Arthur Langtry's +4s, most high council members max out at +3s, 6 is the lowest I can set the total sum of written knowledge on each topic)

Notes: Ivy knows everthing there is to know about magic, but is still a kid and still has some room to grow with having the focus and will power to reach her true potential as a spellcaster. As it is, she can still go toe to toe with the Merlin and hold her one before adding in her ability to assess. She can toss around 22 points of thauatergy with no prep-work, but anything after that takes work to get more power, because she can't add more research.

Ivy is not known to have any magical items. It may be that her skills are so developed that focus items are no longer useful. (added later)The highest refinement + item bonus I recall is again The Merlin at +4/+4. It may be that items make up for lack of refinement up to 8. In which case, make Ivy's refinements 8, and items don't help - her magic is already perfectly refined...
« Last Edit: April 20, 2010, 02:21:04 AM by JustinS »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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On Ivy: I don't think you're giving her enough credit, actually. I'd say she's quite a bit more powerful than that, with abilities including not taking Mental Stress from Evocation, and the ability to cast 2 Evocations a round. Stuff like that is why I'd define her as a Plot Device.

And no, there's no Refinement/Focus Item cap, but both are capped individually by your Lore.

On Glau, the Jann: I'd like to create him...but we don't see enough of him for me to really do so. He's a brilliant lawyer (according to Thomas), with Good Driving, Guns, and Weapons, as well as Inhuman Speed and maybe Inhuman Recovery. That's literally all we know.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2010, 01:01:57 PM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Vash the white

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i have a question, kincaid has claws, or fangs right? so when he uses them, does it go down as a fist check or weapons check?

Offline Rel Fexive

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I'd have thought it'd be Fists in either case.
THE DOCTOR: I'll do a thing.
RIVER SONG: What thing?
THE DOCTOR: I don't know. It's a thing in progress. Respect the thing!

Offline Vash the white

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Offline JustinS

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On Ivy: I don't think you're giving her enough credit, actually. I'd say she's quite a bit more powerful than that, with abilities including not taking Mental Stress from Evocation, and the ability to cast 2 Evocations a round. Stuff like that is why I'd define her as a Plot Device.

And no, there's no Refinement/Focus Item cap, but both are capped individually by your Lore.

On Glau, the Jann: I'd like to create him...but we don't see enough of him for me to really do so. He's a brilliant lawyer (according to Thomas), with Good Driving, Guns, and Weapons, as well as Inhuman Speed and maybe Inhuman Recovery. That's literally all we know.

There is a mechanical evocation cap that only applies if you apply the skill support system (which I do not do for her).  Given the background of the books that focus items help you shape spells, then, in theory, there is a point where they would no longer help. I was not saying there is an official cap, or that it was a full and compleate, but was trying to guess at what the full value of all current knowledge on the topic was.

As for the Evocation without stress, I think that is a broader issue. When we see Wardens waiding through zombines, they are throwing spells all over the place, just very controlled and low energy...

And the worst part was, when we see Ivy in action, she is actually opperating under very heavy constraint due to the magic energy warding.

To me, the real point of even trying to stat Ivy it to figure out how to use her in plot. How could people approach her to do interesting things, and how she just wins (Magic).

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Okay. I've just finished Changes. Damn. Words fail.

Anyway, don't worry about spoilers any more, and in the next day or two I'll post appropriate updates. Also, all the things I was asked to do a while back. However, in the meantime, I'm up two hours past when I should've fallen over, so I'm gonna go to sleep now.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Harry, Murphy, Thomas (sorta), and Mouse have now all had post-Changes advancement added to their descriptions. Re-read them if you're curious.

The Eebs and the Ick will be statted...sometime soonish.

Offline Shinto_Knight

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So, we have a general skill and Refresh range thanks to the book, and know where most of the Refresh went to boot, but still, we don't have a comprehensive picture of Harry...which leaves us free to make up our own. Here's mine. It's based off of immediately post Small Favor, with notes on changes post Turn Coat and Changes.

Name: Harry Dresden

High Concept: Warden of the White Council
Trouble: The Temptation of Power
Epic Wiseass
I Trust My Brother
He Did the Right Thing
Mentor to Molly Carpenter
The Building Was On Fire and It Wasn’t My Fault


Superb: Conviction, Endurance
Great: Discipline, Intimidation, Lore
Good: Alertness, Athletics, Contacts
Fair: Deceit, Guns, Investigation, Rapport, Weapons,
Average: Burglary, Fists, Performance, Presence, Scholarship, Stealth


Listening (See sheet) (-1)


Refinements [-4]
Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
Sponsored Magic: Soulfire [-3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]
Lawbreaker (First) [–1]

Total: -16 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Air, Fire, Earth, Spirit); Power (Spirit +1, Fire+2)
Thaumaturgy: Control (Divination +1); Crafting (Strength +1)

Focus Items:
Shield Bracelet [+2 Defensive Control with Spirit]
Blasting Rod [+2 Offensive Control with Fire]
Wizard’s Staff [+1 Offensive Control with Spirit]

Enchanted Items:
Force Rings+Lightning Chain [Five Weapon: 5 Attacks with Discipline] (3 Enchanted Item Slots)
Enchanted Duster [Three Strength 4 Blocks or Armor Value 2, can be worn by others] (2 Enchanted Item Slots)
1 Potion Slot


Mental: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Physical: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Social: OOO
Armor: By spell or item effect.

Notes for Turn Coat: After Turn Coat (a Major Milestone, I think), Harry’s Fists goes to Fair, and he gains Empathy at Average. His Refresh goes up by 1, which he uncharacteristically saves.

Then comes Changes. Oh boy. By my count, Harry undergoes 3 Major Milestones in this book, maybe 4. Yes, really. First, he undergoes one by assuming the mantle of the Winter Knight, and then two more at the end (rescue and genocide, respectively). His Weapons rises to Good, and at the end so does his Fists, while his Athletics rises to Great. He also, unfortunately, gains -7 Refresh worth of powers (Unseelie Magic, Inhuman Strength, Speed, and Toughness, with the normal Winter Knight Catch) and would be reduced to NPC-dom at the end of the scenario...if other forces didn't intervene.

So there's that. Anyone with questions, comments, or their own version is welcome to post it.

i think for the most part you're right on but i think his Aspect "He Did the Right Thing" should be "He Did What He Had To Do" and "I trust my brother" to "my mother's red gem" tomas hasnt been around alot lately
and there is a lot of potential to tap there.
 how ever i think harry has at least 7-13 major milestones over the course of the series and dozen significant milestones over the years raising your base refresh level plenty.
 also, harry taking up the winter knight mantle, could definately be considered "going up a weightclass" so raising the skill cap to fantastic +6 is feasable.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Oh, yeah. The Aspects definitely change. Precisely how, I'd wait for the next book to see. I more or less assume an Aspect change or two per book. What they change to is so debatable, though, that I rarely list specifics.

And he may, indeed, have gone up a weight class...but he hasn't raised any skills to the new maximum yet, so it's a bit academic at the moment.