Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 203310 times)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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So, we have a general skill and Refresh range thanks to the book, and know where most of the Refresh went to boot, but still, we don't have a comprehensive picture of Harry...which leaves us free to make up our own. Here's mine. It's based off of immediately post Small Favor, with notes on changes post Turn Coat and Changes.

EDIT: And now featuring ongoing updates to the Cold Days era.

Now also featuring an Index:

Book Characters:

 1. Harry Dresden (Circa Small Favor)
     Harry Dresden (Circa Cold Days)
     Harry Dresden (Advancement Details)
 2. Thomas Raith (Circa Small Favor)
     Thomas Raith (Circa Cold Days)
 3. Michael Carpenter
 4. Karrin Murphy (Circa Small Favor)
     Karrin Murphy (Circa Cold Days)
 5. John Marcone
 6. Mouse
 7. Carlos Ramirez
 8. Binder
 9. Shagnasty, a Skinwalker
10. Jared Kincaid
11. Listens-to-Wind
12. Anastasia Luccio
13. Donald Morgan
14. Arthur Langtry, the Merlin
15. Ebenezar McCoy
16. Martha Liberty
17. Rashid, the Gatekeeper
18. Ancient Mai
19. Lara Raith
20. Molly Carpenter (Circa Changes)
      Molly Carpenter (Circa Cold Days)
21. William Borden
22. Georgia Borden
23. Waldo Butters (Circa Small Favor)
      Waldo Butters (Circa Ghost Story/Cold Days)
24. Elaine Mallory
25. Youngest Brother Gruff
26. Middle Brother Gruff
27. Elder Brother Gruff aka 'Tiny'
28. Eldest Brother Gruff
29. Toot-toot (Circa Turn Coat)
      Toot-toot (Circa Cold Days)
30. Fix, Summer Knight
31. Lloyd Slate, Winter Knight
32. Ronald Reuel, Summer Knight
33. Sanya
34. Cowl
35. Maeve, Winter Lady
36. Grevane
37. Kumori
38. The Ick (slightly vague)
39. Cat Sith
40. Corpsetaker
41. Charity Carpenter
42. The Skavis
43. Madrigal Raith
44. Vittorio Malvora
45. The Nightmare
46. Nicodemus
47. Tessa
48. The Archive
49. Rosanna
50. Magog
51. Deirdre
52. Thorned Namshiel
53. Lily, the Summer Lady
54. Susan Rodriguez (Circa Grave Peril)
      Susan Rodriguez (Circa Death Masks)
      Susan Rodriguez (Circa Changes)
55. Martin
56. Sigrun Gard
57. Shiro Yoshimo
58. Aristedes
59. Daniel Carpenter (Circa Ghost Story)
60. Mortimer Lindquist (Circa Ghost Story)


 1. Black Court Elder
 2. Generic Fomor
 3. Generic Fomor Servitor
 4. Generic Fomor Servitor Leader
« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 03:21:24 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Harry Dresden

High Concept: Warden of the White Council
Trouble: The Temptation of Power
Epic Wiseass
I Trust My Brother
He Did the Right Thing
Mentor to Molly Carpenter
The Building Was On Fire and It Wasn’t My Fault


Superb: Conviction, Endurance
Great: Discipline, Intimidation, Lore
Good: Alertness, Athletics, Contacts
Fair: Deceit, Guns, Investigation, Rapport, Weapons,
Average: Burglary, Fists, Performance, Presence, Scholarship, Stealth


Listening (See sheet) (-1)


Refinements [-5]
Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
Sponsored Magic: Soulfire [-3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]
Lawbreaker (First) [–1]

Total: -17 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Air, Fire, Earth, Spirit); Power (Spirit +2, Fire+2), Control (Spirit+1, Fire+1)
Thaumaturgy: Control (Divination +1); Crafting (Strength +1)

Focus Items:
Shield Bracelet [+2 Defensive Control with Spirit]
Blasting Rod [+2 Offensive Control with Fire]
Wizard’s Staff [+1 Offensive Control with Spirit]

Enchanted Items:
Force Rings [Four Weapon: 4 Attacks with Discipline] (2 Enchanted Item Slots)
Enchanted Duster [Three Strength 4 Blocks or Armor Value 2, can be worn by others] (2 Enchanted Item Slots)


Mental: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Physical: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Social: OOO
Armor: By spell or item effect.

The Lightning Chain was either a maneuver using a mundane Item to add to an Evocation attack or an alyternate special effect for his Force Rings item. Your choice.

Notes for Turn Coat: After Turn Coat (a Major Milestone, I think), Harry’s Fists goes to Fair, and he gains Empathy at Average. His Refresh goes up by 1, which he uncharacteristically saves.

Then comes Changes. Oh boy. By my count, Harry undergoes 3 Major Milestones in this book, maybe 4. Yes, really. First, he undergoes one by assuming the mantle of the Winter Knight, and then two more at the end (rescue and genocide, respectively). His Weapons rises to Good, and at the end so does his Fists, while his Athletics rises to Great. He also, unfortunately, gains -9 Refresh worth of powers (Marked By Power, Unseelie Magic, Inhuman Strength, Speed, and Toughness, with the normal Winter Knight Catch, and an Item of Power granting Worldwalker) and would be reduced to NPC-dom at the end of the scenario...if other forces didn't intervene.

So there's that. Anyone with questions, comments, or their own version is welcome to post it.
In my opinion, the following characters in the Dresden Files are effectively PCs, and maintain an approximately equal power level, I will thus be revising them slightly to represent that: Karrin Murphy (duh), Michael Carpenter (Shows up every other book, definitely in the same league as Harry whenever they're shown together), Thomas Raith (More or less the same situation as Michael, actually).

Molly, Mouse, and other assorted hangers-on, while awesome, are all clearly not in the same league as Harry, so I won't be doing quite the same for them. I probably will be posting something for Mouse and Marcone, but that's just because I felt the statlines were slightly off.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 12:43:06 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Thomas Raith

High Concept: Fallen Prince of the Raith Family
Trouble: Fighting My Inner Demon
Loyal To My Brother
Justine Is My True Love
Lara, My Sister, My Rival
Make Like An Action Movie


Superb: Deceit,
Great: Guns, Investigation, Weapons,
Good: Athletics, Discipline, Endurance, Presence, Resources
Fair: Alertness, Conviction, Driving, Fists, Intimidation,
Average: Empathy, Lore, Rapport, Stealth, Scholarship,


Sex Appeal (Rapport) (-1)
Takes One to Know One (Deceit) (-1)
Wall of Death (Weapons) (-1)


Emotional Vampire [–1]
Human Guise [+0]
Incite Emotion (Lust; At Range, Lasting Emotion) [–3]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Ritual (Divination) [-2]

Feeding Dependency [+1] affecting the following powers:
Inhuman Strength [–2]
Supernatural Speed [–2]
Inhuman Recovery [–2]
The Catch [+0] is True Love.

Total: -14 Refresh

Focus Items:
Mother's Pentacle [+1 Complexity with Divination]


Mental: OOO
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOOO
Hunger: OOOO
Armor: None.

Reasons For Changes:

Well, aside from him being more on-par with Harry now.

Thomas is specifically mentioned as making Inhuman Speed creatures look like extras in an action movie he was so fast (actually, Harry brings up action movie analogies a lot in regards to Thomas, hence the Aspect). That’s Supernatural Speed right there.

The Ghoul fight in White Night demonstrated some serious Weapons skill…hence the Stunt.

He can absolutely spot a liar, has a modicum of social skill outside of lying (not a lot, but a little), and needs no powers to seduce women.

And he’s too pretty and arrogant for Average Presence.

He also has his own salon, and a nice apartment, and a boat, so his Resources must be decent.

He can pull off the whole wisecracking/enemy making (a part of Intimidation), if not as well as Harry can, at least a bit.

I have a very hard time imagining him less well educated than Harry.

He has Ritual based on his demonstrating the clear ability to divine during Backup. He might have full Thaumaturgy (possibly with the same Divination Specialty as Harry) but we have no evidence of that as of yet.

This is Thomas immediately post Small Favor.

Post Turn Coat and Changes: Clearly some Aspect changes, as well as a few Skill increases (possibly including Discipline...reflecting him being better fed these days). His powers don't seem to have changed, though.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 10:05:26 PM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Michael Carpenter

High Concept: Knight of the Cross
Trouble: Family Man
Undying Devotion
Wielder of Amorrachius
I Fear No Evil, For You Are With Me
Father, We Need Your Help
Friends are Family


Superb: Conviction, Weapons
Great: Athletics, Discipline, Might
Good: Alertness, Craftsmanship, Endurance, Presence
Fair: Empathy, Fists, Rapport, Scholarship,
Average: Contacts, Lore, Resources, Survival,


Occultist (Christian Milieu +1; Order of the Blackened Denarius +2) (Lore) (-1)
The Weight of Reputation (Presence) (-1)
Tower of Faith (Conviction) (-1)
Wall of Death (Weapons) (-1)


Bless This House [–1]
Guide My Hand [–1]
Holy Touch [–1]
Righteousness [–2]
Sword of the Cross [–3]

Total: -12 Refresh


Mental: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOOO
Armor: 2, from his plate mail/Kevlar combination.

Reasons For Changes:

Not a lot of changes here, but Michael is clearly actually good at his job, so a Good Craftsmanship seemed appropriate.  He speaks Latin, so he needs some Scholarship, and having a bit more than Harry seemed appropriate to me. His Fists being Fair, again, just seemed appropriate. His Contacts are pretty much limited to other Knights and the Church, but he does have those.

As for Stunts, Tower of Faith just seemed like a must-have, and Weight of Reputation seemed the best way to simulate how terrifying Michael’s rep is in certain parts of the supernatural community. Think Ferrovax in Grave Peril. Yeah, that could just be the Dragonslayer Aspect, but I think it needed something to work off of. Occultist is a little iffy, but while Michael Lore is usually a bit low (the distinction between Demons and Outsiders was lost on him), he knows things Harry’s never even heard of within his specific knowledge base.

Obviously, this is Michael immediately PRE-Small Favor. Afterwards his Skills and Aspects shift somewhat, and he gets retired as a PC, becoming a full-on NPC. Aside from losing the Sword his Stunts remain unchanged, however.

Michael has one more Aspect than he should as a PC. I’m aware of this, but couldn’t pick one to cut.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 09:24:46 AM by Deadmanwalking »

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Name: Karrin Murphy

High Concept: Special Investigations Detective Sgt.
Trouble: Unbelieving Bureaucracy
Avenging Angel
Aikido Master
Champion Marksman
I Trust Harry Dresden
My Family Makes Me Crazy


Superb: Guns,
Great: Athletics, Fists, Investigation,
Good: Alertness, Conviction, Discipline, Endurance,
Fair: Burglary, Driving, Empathy, Intimidation, Lore, Stealth
Average: Contacts, Might, Presence, Rapport, Scholarship, Weapons


Hard Boiled (Discipline) (-1)
Martial Artist (Fists) (-1)
Redirected Force (Fists) (-1)
Armed Arts: Short Clubs, Staves, Katana/Bokken, One Undefined (Fists) (-2)
Nasty Infighter: May use Fists instead of Might to initiate and hold grapples (Fists) (-1)
Pin the Tail (Investigation) (-1)
Scene of the Crime (Investigation) (-1)
Fast Reload (Guns) (-1)
Target Rich Environment (Guns) (-1)

Total: -8 Refresh (Pure  Mortal)


Mental: OOOO
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOO
Armor: Usually, none.

Reasons For Changes:

Mostly advancement. The stats listed n the book are pretty much good for Murphy as of Storm Front. These are her after Small Favor. It should be noted that taking up the Sword of the Cross at this point would catapult her to -18 Refresh and stick her as an NPC. She’s not ready yet.

You can, if you like, drop her Refresh to -12 by giving her Bless this House (-1) and Guide My Hand (-1), or -14 by tacking on Righteousness (-2) as well. She may or may not actually qualify for those…though the impressive Threshold of her house has been commented on.

Her Nasty Infighter is necessary if you know how Aikido works. I took it for a couple of years as a kid, I sucked at it but I know how it works. It’s all throws (which are covered by Redirected Force) and grapples (something she‘s specified to be good at), and yet Grapples use Might. This is a problem…unless you grab a Stunt.

Her post-Turn Coat stats don't look a whole lot different, at least not in any way we can detect. Maybe she's saving up for something. Looking back, it seems like her Conviction went up to Superb right around this period.

Her post-Changes stats are changed a great deal. She's clearly undergone at least two Major Milestones and several Significant between her post-Small Favor stats and now. This gives her the Refresh necessary to be a full Knight of the Cross if she desires, and has clearly given her the Champion of God power-suite (and a -15 Refresh) whether she takes up the sword or not. She has also raised both her Fists and Conviction to Superb, and her Intimidation to Great.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2010, 05:59:53 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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So, here's Marcone. I modified him only a bit, really:

Name: John Marcone

High Concept: Clued-In Crime Lord
Trouble: Everyone Wants a Piece of Me
A Cold Tiger’s Soul
"I Have Rules."
No Mercy, but No Cruelty
Freeholding Lord
Bring Order to Chaos


Fantastic: Contacts, Resources, Presence,
Superb: Discipline, Guns, Weapons,
Great: Alertness, Athletics, Deceit,  Intimidation,
Good: Conviction, Endurance, Fists, Lore, Rapport
Fair: Burglary, Empathy, Investigation, Scholarship, Stealth,
Average: Craftsmanship, Driving, Might, Performance, Survival,


Paranoid? Probably. (Alertness)
I Know Just The Guy (Contacts)
Nose For Competence (Contacts)
Honest Lies (Deceit)
Calm Blue Ocean (Discipline)
The Social Graces (Empathy)
Interrogator (Intimidation)
Subtle Menace (Intimidation)
Leadership (Presence)
Teflon Persona (Presence)
Filthy Lucre (Resources)
Lush Lifestyle (Resources)
Trick Shot Artist (Guns)
Trick Shot Artist (Weapons)

Total: -12 Refresh (Pure  Mortal)


Mental: OOOO
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Armor: 1 vs. social attacks, otherwise, usually, none.

Reasons For Changes:

Just rounding him out, mostly. I also switched his Weapons and Fists. We’ve never seen John punch anyone, but those knives see a lot of use. His social skills needed a bit of a boost from what we’ve seen of him, and I felt he should be decent at Investigation and Scholarship.

The additional Stunts just came from going through the Stunt chapter and thinking what he should have.

So, anyone have comments questions or their own ideas on any of this? Comments would be appreciated.

EDIT: After stuff like Even Hand, I think I underestimated Marcone. Looking at the Paranet Papers I agree with some of their less conservative estimates. Some of that is probably advancement, but much is just him. Here's a less conservative version.

In terms of advancement, I think Storm Front era Marcone had average Lore, and quite possibly a rank less in Alertness, Athletics, Contacts, Discipline, Fists, Guns, Resources, Presence, and Weapons...which makes his character sheet much more like my first one, though with better Presence), but these were always Small Favor Era builds and he's close to this by then.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2018, 04:37:03 PM by Deadmanwalking »

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Name: Mouse

High Concept: Foo Dog Companion
Trouble: Foe of Supernatural Threats
Loyal To Harry Dresden
West Highlands Dogasaurus
Respects Tradition
Protector of the Innocent
Good People Skills


Superb: Alertness, Fists
Great: Athletics, Intimidation,
Good: Conviction, Endurance, Lore, Rapport
Fair: Discipline, Empathy, Might, Stealth
Average: Investigation, Presence, Scholarship, Survival,


Unity of Senses (-1)


Claws [–1]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Inhuman Recovery [–2]
Supernatural Sense [–2] Note: Also allows the tracking and recognizing of supernatural creatures with Alertness.
Sacred Guardian [–1]
The Bark [–2]

Total: -15 Refresh


Mental: OOOO
Physical: OOOO(OO)
Social: OOO
Armor: 1.

Reasons For Changes:

He doesn't use The Bark until White Night, so I'm going with it being something Temple Dogs need to grow into, ie: don't start with. So he bought it then.

Post Changes, it seems likely people had been selling Mouse short. He clearly possesses Inhuman Speed and Toughness as well as Strength, and quite possibly much higher intellectual skills (such as Lore) than we gave him credit for.

And based on later stuff just in general, I've revised Mouse. Here's what's probably a more accurate version for now. He started off a standard submerged character in Dead Beat and has sorta evolved from there. He's a scary doggy. His Catch is unknown (though I suspect actually common enough that it helps reduce his Refresh somewhat), and he may have some sort of Feeding Dependency based on living in a home with a threshold or magical energy...or something. We don't really know how that works. It's possible (per Word of Jim) living with the Carpenters has made him more powerful, which may've translated into a Supernatiural level in one or more Phsical powers, or an upgraded version of Sacred Guardian or something, but we have no real evidence of that.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 07:59:09 PM by Deadmanwalking »

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Name: Carlos Ramirez
High Concept: Hotshot Warden
Trouble: We Can Take ’Em
I Am Not Food
Virginal Ladies’ Man
That’s Going to Hurt Later
I Make This Ego Look Good
More Dangerous Than I Look


Great: Conviction, Discipline,
Good: Alertness, Athletics, Endurance, Guns, Lore, Weapons
Fair: Contacts, Fists, Intimidation, Investigation, Rapport, Stealth
Average: Burglary, Deceit, Driving, Empathy, Presence, Resources,


No Pain, No Gain (-1)
Immense Self-Confidence (+1 Minor Mental consequence usable for whatsoever he desires) (-1)


Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]
Refinement [–1]

Total: -10 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Earth, Water, Spirit); Power (Water +1), Control (Water +1)
Thaumaturgy: Complexity (Entropomancy +1);

Focus Items:
Shield Bracelet [+1 Defensive Control and Power with Water]
Wizard’s Staff [+1 Offensive Control and Power with Water]

Enchanted Items:
Warden’s Sword (2 Enchanted Item Slots)


Mental: OOOO (+1 Minor Mental Consequence)
Physical: OOOO (+1 Minor Physical Consequence)
Social: OOO
Armor: 2, with kevlar.

Reasons For Changes:

Carlos struck me as not quite good enough with Weapons, so I raised his skill a level. I also gave him Guns. I also gave him the Resilient Self Image Stunt which, in addition to being vastly appropriate, explains how he can actually keep casting spells as long as he does.

Other than that, I added an Aspect (and not a very good one, if anybody‘s got something better please speak up), and his Average skills. That’s really all I did.

Post Turn Coat and Changes I'd probably say his Conviction has gone up to Superb, his Lore to Great, and that he's gotten a level of Refinement (granting a Water Control of +2 and a protective item not unlike Harry's coat). This ups him to a 7 shift Water Evocater, though all this is highly speculative of course.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 08:05:25 AM by Deadmanwalking »

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Made a few changes, as rules were clarified, and, in the case of enchanted items, changed.

Commentary of any sort would, of course, be welcome.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2010, 04:33:36 AM by Deadmanwalking »

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So, with the move, I should note that while Changes spoilers will eventually be showinng up here, I haven't read it yet, so please avoid posting things about it in here in the next couple of weeks, huh?

I fully intend to respond to commentary and such, and thus will be checking this thread, but, well, no Changes do I have. Yet. I should get it in a bit less than two weeks, and have read it within a day oe two of that, at that point I'll announce the fact, and probably post Changes updates to people who need them.

All of this of course assumes anyone other than me ever posts in this thread.  :)

Offline chadu

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I'm curious to see how you'd stat up Shagnasty, Binder, Binder's Buddies, and (from CHANGES)
(click to show/hide)

(CHANGES things spoiler-blocked until you get a chance to read it.)

Chad Underkoffler
Atomic Sock Monkey Press

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Binder and Shagnasty should be easy enough (if more than vaguely ridiculous in Shagnasty's case), I'll do them later when I have a bit more time. Binder's buddies are basically just your average Nevernever minions with Inhuman Strength, Recovery, and maybe Speed and probably Good Fists. Other stats are less relevant than they might be.

I'll probably do whatever that is in Changes after finding out what it is.  :)

And thanks for commenting, my thread was getting lonely with only me for company.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2010, 06:53:32 PM by Deadmanwalking »

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Name: Binder (I don't remember his real name, and don't own Turn Coat to look it up)
High Concept: Summoner for Hire
Principles? What are those?
Smart About Mayhem
Hardened Criminal
Knows the Supernatural


Great: Conviction, Discipline, Guns, Lore,
Good: Contacts, Deceit, Endurance, Resources
Fair: Alertness, Athletics, Intimidation, Stealth
Average: Burglary, Investigation, Presence, Scholarship,


Paranoid? Probably (Alertness) (+2 to Alertness to avoid surprise) (-1)
Binding Will (Conviction) (+2 to Conviction for the sole purpose of Binding summoned creatures in a circle or to his will) (-1)
Takes One to Know One (Deceit) (Can use Deceit instead of Empathy to catch someone in a lie) (-1)
Cool Headed (Discipline) (May use Discipline to defend against social skills, including the Closing Down trapping of Rapport) (-1)
Hand-Eye Coordination (Guns) (May use Guns instead of Weapons for thrown weapons.) (-1)
Avoiding Fire (Guns) (He may use Guns as a defensive skill, gaining the Dodge trapping of Athletics on it.) (-1)


Ritual (Summoning and Binding) [-2]
Refinement [–3]

Total: -11 Refresh

Focus Items:
Summoning Orb (+4 Complexity with Summoning and Binding)
Summoning Staff (+4 Control with Summoning and Binding)

Note: Both are kept in a sanctum somewhere guarded by summoned minions. He doesn’t take them into the field.


Mental: OOOO
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOO
Armor: 2, with kevlar.


So here’s Binder. A supernatural mercenary with one trick, but in his state of the art summoning circle, he’s world class at that one trick, being able to throw out Complexity 8 Summonings casually, and up to 12 or 14 without too much effort, and all with no risk at all of failing the rolls (4 shifts per roll with an effective 8 Discipline). He’s also a bit of  a gunman, and dangerous with modern weapons if given the opportunity, this is speculative, but not unreasonable (note the grenades he used). He’s also surprisingly bright and good at his job.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2010, 01:52:20 AM by Deadmanwalking »

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Name: Shagnasty
High Concept: Skinwalker Horror Show
Unspeakable Horror
More Terrible Than Can Be Imagined
Older Than The Hills
Visitor of Such Destruction


Like the Denarians, the Skinwalker's skills are not worth listing individually for the most part. Add in True Shapeshifting, and this gets even more ridiculous. The Skinwalker should be assumed to be a Superb threat in Mental or Social conflict of any sort (including it's magical abilities sans Evocation or Thaumaturgy specialties), and a Great conflict physically by default (escept for Guns and Weapons which are has no need of them), however due to True Shapeshifting it will actually usually be at least Superb but most likely Fantasic in physical contests in the areas it selects (not counting power bonuses)...but being so in one area will leave it at only Fair in another. That won't stop it from ripping your face off, but does give an area to focus your effort...until it changes shape again. That's basically how Listens-to-Wind beat the bastard.


Evocation [-3]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
The Sight [-1]
Refinement [–10]
Modular Abilities: 11 points worth [-13]
True Shapeshifting [-4]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
The Catch is Holy Stuff, and specifically Navajo holy stuff, though nuclear weapons work, too [+2]

Total: -36 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit); Power (Air+1, Water +2, Spirit+3), Control (Air+1, Water +2, Spirit+3)
Thaumaturgy: Complexity (Veils+2, Wards+1, Transformation and Disruption+3); Control (Wards+1, Transformation and Disruption+1)

Focus Items:
None known. It probably doesn't feel the need. If it did, probably two rings each giving +1 Power and Control with Spirit, one Offensive, one Defensive


Mental: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Physical: OOOO (Sometimes up to OOOOOO more, plus one additional Minor Consequence)
Social: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Armor: 0 to 3 depending on Form.


It's not actually physically imposing unless it wants to be. Listens-to-Wind kicked it's ass not by technically equalling it's shapeshifting modularity, but by being flat out more skill heavy and smarter than the sonofabitch. As well as a much better magician.

In sorcerous combat, the Skinwalker isn't actually completely out of Harry's league per se... until you start taking into account things like Mythic Touughness and Recovery.

It's good at veils and can have Mythic Speed (or anything else) when it wants to. It's a nightmare of epic proportions, but not actively unbeatable...technically.

And, having upped the Senior Council (and a few Wardens) significantly, I've upped this fellow a little, too, by upping his Water and Spirit magic each by a shift and his Transformation and Disruption Specialty by +2 Complexity, for a total of 8-9 shift Evocation, and -3 more Refresh.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 08:27:42 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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I think the skinwalker looks pretty good. nice job ;) but i would like to make a comment that i feel the skinwalker might have another aspect like Visitor of Such Destruction or something. cause that comment he makes to harry in the book was just to amazing to not give him an aspect for it.
"I who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates to hell. Come forth Divine Lightning! This ends now! Indignation!" Jade Curtis Tales of the abyss