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Messages - jeditigger

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Audience member: Are we going to hear about the conditions that Harry’s father had to show up inside his … when he was in his subconscious?

Jim: Oh, are we going to hear about the conditions that had to be met for Harry’s father to show up and visit him in his subconscious?  Harry could have been imagining that.  I’m sure, I mean,  probably most of this is in his imagination.  (pause) Probably, you know.  I mean, sure, he’s a wizard and all but come on. His dad showing up to talk to him? Yeah, ‘cause that’s how lucky he is.  (points) Very back in the plaid shirt.

Audience member:  How soon are we going to see more direct contact with Cowl and the Black Court? [Ed. note: Meaning the Black Council.]

Jim: How soon are we going to see more direct contact with Cowl and the Black Court? Next book. Yeah, next book we’ll see them again  Actually, this will be really the first time I get to have them be more active than behind the scenes in terms of what role they’re playing.

Audience member: Your fallen angel characters…I was just wondering if you have ever really given any thought to developing the whole idea of angels …

Jim: I have a lot of fallen angel characters and have I ever given thought to developing the whole angel notion a bit more. Yeah, but they’re kinda limited in terms of what they can do.  You know, they can respond to…they can respond if the bad guys cheat  but mostly they just kinda stand there and look menacing and the Fallen just don’t mess with them unless someone’s got an actual plan going on.  You know, angels slugging it out with one another could potentially, you know, blow up planets. That’s the kind of level of power that angels are; they’re just off the scale of like anything that Dresden can do.  But they’re sort of more observers than anything and occasionally, you know, they’ll be the one who says, “Hey, could you stand outside the door until my child grows up and is safe?” “Yeah, I can do that.” Yeah, it’s not a big deal for one of them.

Audience member: Are there any fallen angels who are not Nickelheads?

Jim: Are there any fallen angels who are not Nickelheads? Plenty. Including Lucifer.

Audience member: How did you come up with having the Leanansidhe as Harry’s fairy godmother?

Jim:  How did I come up with having the Leanansidhe as his fairy godmother? I looked her up, I thought she was cool, I thought it was a great idea to have a character who had sort of made her bones in the fairy business by working to inspire these poor artists and singers and playwrights in exchange for draining their blood.  I thought that was a great place, you know, for a fairy godmother to start.  You know, if you’re planning on throwing your wizard into the grinder over and over, you gotta give him a fairy godmother with TEETH.  So I wasn’t going to go with some wimpy sunlight fairy.  No way. We can do better than that.  Okay, last one. (points) Hat with buttons.

Audience member: What, if anything, could threaten the Carpenter household right now?

Jim:  What, if anything, could threaten the Carpenter household right now? Nuthin’ much. Yeah, Michael’s got a dozen angels on constant security detail. He’s fine. There’s one that goes with each kid when they go to school. It’s ridiculous around there. And they’ve also got, you know, Mouse, there to keep track of things.  Plus they’ve got like the biggest threshold in the entire WORLD for that kind of thing. 

Shecky: Mister could do it.

Jim: (laughs) Yeah, well, Mister could threaten the house.  You’re right.  Mister would walk right up, walk through all the defenses,  you know, pop Mouse on the nose,  Mouse would walk away.  “I give, I give, come on, it’s not worth it, Mister.  That’s right, give him the food.” Okay, guys, if there are any other questions and you can ask them in fairly short order, feel free to ask ‘em when you come up to the signing. And thank you for putting up with me, and we’ll get some books signed.

Audience member: In the previous books, Odin showed up. Are any of the other pantheons going to make an appearance?

Jim: In the previous books, Odin showed up. Are any of the other pantheons going to make an appearance? Yes, they are. That kind of question is the reason why I say, “Now that I’ve  killed Dresden, now we can do the FUN STUFF.”

Audience member: Not to give away any spoilers, but the next time Murphy sees Dresden, what’s her reaction going to be?

Jim: The next time Murphy sees Dresden, what’s her reaction going to be? (shakes head) You gotta know better than that.  I mean, honestly, I  can only sing so much, “I’m not gonna tell you.” (points) Right there in the Yankees hat.

Audience member: Are we ever going to see Dresden on the big or small screen ever again?

Jim: Are we ever going to see Dresden on the big or small screen again? (pause) I am willing to forgive Hollywood… (lots of cheers/applause)….for The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.  I’m just saying if you take their trailer poster and the first Dresden comic cover…hold ‘em up next to each other…I’m just saying….   And the TV show was actually something that was a “glass half full” for me. You know, an optimist thinks a glass is half full, a pessimist thinks the glass is half-empty and an engineer thinks it’s over-designed by 100%.  But I was kinda getting into what they were doing. I thought they  were doing a better job as they went on. I thought it would have been real interesting to see what they would do in the future,  On the other hand, though, the show did get canceled, and – still being positive – it got canceled before they could do anything completely squirrelly.  I’m certainly willing to talk to ‘em and there’s almost always interest and people asking questions and making inquiries.  But it’s Hollywood, and nothing is certain until the check clears.  Literally until the check clears. Just having it is not enough. (points) Right here.

Shecky: Eldest brother Gruff and his other brothers...are we ever going to see that facet of the....

Jim: Will we ever see the Gruffs again? Yes, probably in Cold Days. Here (points) with the glasses.

Audience member: The wraith compound…is it, like, next to Oprah?

Jim: (laughing) Is the wraith compound next to Oprah? I don’t even know where Oprah lives.  I dunno. I would think probably no, because I don’t know that they would want all the company.

Audience member: My friend here went to Otakon (?) and apparently Harry dropped into our world.

Jim: Oh, found a Dresden business card? Yeah, yeah, there’re some around.

Audience member: We called the number. It was static!

Jim: Wow. That’s awesome. And a little creepy.  Yeah, right here.

Audience member: Do you now regret the end of Changes?

Jim: Do I now regret the end of Changes?

Same audience member: Hearing the static in the store.

Jim: Oh, no. Those people work for me. I’m not worried about it.  (points) Back here, white shirt.

Audience member: How much are we going to see of the Nevernever in the next book?

Jim: How much are we going to see of the Nevernever in the next book? Quite a bit.

Audience member: A couple of years ago you discussed having a sci-fi series where you left the protagonist  (unintelligible)… Will you be doing that?

Jim: He’s gonna hang there a while longer.  I went back and read it and it wasn’t nearly as clever as I thought it was at the time, so I need to plan out a few things. I actually read some books about some things that’re actually coming ahead, like science fiction writers are supposed to do and, yeah, I think I have to do a little bit more thinking before I go back there again and actually have some credible science fiction.

Audience member: Are we going to see anything about Mac in terms of backstory and is Mac a Norse god?

Jim: Are we going to see anything with Mac in backstory and is Mac a Norse god?  No, he’s not a Norse god; yes, we will find out more about him.

Audience member: At the end of Changes Harry had a memory blank. Are we ever going to find out what he blanked out?

Jim: At the end of Changes Harry had a memory blank. Are we ever going to find out what he blanked out? No, on account of it wasn’t inflicted by anyone else; he did it to himself.  Right here (points), black and white hat.

Audience member:  Are Fix and Harry going to have an epic battle?

Jim: Are who? Oh, are Fix and Harry gonna go toe to toe?  Maybe. And Fix is a lot better at doing his Knight stuff than Dresden will be.  Sure, you know, hand Harry a bunch of new power, you just know that means he’s gonna get beaten up harder. That’s really what it’s there for, you know.  (points) In the back, with the blonde hair.

Audience member:  The cottage on Demonreach…will we see more things taking place there? Same thing with the cottage that the faerie queens live in.

Jim: The cottage on Demonreach will see more things take place there, yes. Same thing with the cottage that the faerie queens live in? No, not really….theirs is much more (waggles his hand) gingerbread-y.  Let’s see, uh, right here, blue shirt. (points)

Audience member: I was wondering, are we going to learn anything more about the White Court anytime soon? And can a human becomes a White Court vampire?

Jim: Are we going to hear any any more about the White Court anytime soon? can a human becomes a White Court vampire?  The answer to that is we will probably find out more about them not in the next book but the one after or maybe the one after that.  As far as humans becoming one, no, you gotta be born that way.  (points) Right here, blue shirt.

Audience member: You’ve mentioned that the timing of Harry’s birth is important and that it’s also important who Harry’s parents are.  Was the timing of Elaine’s birth intentional, and are we going to learn more about her parents?

Jim:  Was the timing of Elaine’s birth intentional the way Harry’s was and are we going to learn more about her parents?  (sing-song voice) I’m not gonna tell you.  Uh, back here, green shirt again.

Audience member: Are you going to be doing any more original comic stories, like Welcome to the Jungle?

Jim: Am I going to be doing any more original comic stories, like Welcome to the Jungle? Yeah, I just outlined one called Ghoul Goblin, which will be set between the end of Fool Moon and the beginning of Grave Peril.  Actually, yeah, I got done outlining and thought, “Wow, this is a really cool story; I should have written this as a BOOK.” But it’ll make a fine graphic novel, I think. 

Melissa/SherlockBones: Will we ever be hearing from Luccio again?

Jim: Will we ever be hearing from Luccio again?  Yes, absolutely.  She’s too cool to get rid of.  You know, not when I can KILL HER HORRIBLY.  They actually asked me in DC last night…they wanted me not to kill anybody else. I’m like, “Are you KIDDING? I killed the protagonist! No one’s safe!”

Audience member: Can the same be said for Kumori?

Jim: Can the same be said for Kumori? Yeah, we can’t get rid of her yet. So…yeah, not YET. You always go for the PAIN.  Yeah, thank you, Buffy geeks.

Audience member: (hard to hear) Are we ever going to see like, more of his response to things that are going on and more of him as the Blackstaff?

Jim: Are we going to see more of Ebenezer’s response to what’s going on and more of him as the Blackstaff? Um, both. Next book.

Audience member: What informs your need to hurt Harry so much?

Jim:  What informs my need to hurt Harry so much? Where does that come from? Okay, I gotta answer this question with a story.  Filming the last episode of Season 2 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Sarah Michelle Geller had to do the scene where she kills Angel. She had to do that like five or six times.  (Audience member shouts, "What?!" as if a spoiler has been given away; Jim bows to whoever did it as others laugh.) Well done, sir.  But she had to do the scene like five or six times, and at one point  before they did the last shot of it, she comes up to Joss [Whedon]  and tells him, “Do you have…you know, I’m a method actor. Do you have any idea how horrible this is? How painful this is for me to keep doing this?” And reportedly Whedon put his hand on her shoulder and said, “Sarah, this show thrives on your pain.” So my “show” thrives on Harry Dresden’s pain.  Not because I want to put Dresden in pain but because I want to put you (points across the audience) in pain.

Audience member: Good job!

Jim: (grins and looks pleased as audience applauds) But that’s why.  (points) Right here.

Audience member: Any word on Harry’s mother and whether she’s going to make it back?

Jim: Any word on Harry’s mother and whether she’s going to make it back? No, they did a good job on her. Although they didn’t do a good enough job  as evidenced by the fact that her kids are wrecking people’s plans left and right.

Audience member: Okay, so how is it that Count Dracula survived Bram Stoker’s Big Book of Vampire Slaying?

Jim: How is it that Count Dracula survived Bram Stoker’s Big Book of Vampire Slaying? He didn’t.

Same audience member: But Harry said he was still alive.

Jim: DRAKUL’s still alive.  Dracula is the little one.

Audience member: Mini-Drakul.

Jim: Yeah, that’s the Son of the Dragon.

Audience member: What about Murphy?

Jim: Oh, would I write a book from her perspective? Probably not a book but I’d be happy to do some more stories. And also, if there’s ever like a spin-off series where I grab characters and told things from their point of view, that might be fun. But the moment is really nice…did you just say (what sounds like coughBUTTERScough)? But at the time I, uh, kinda need time away from the Dresden Files after I finish a book. Because by the time I get to the end of a book, I’m like, “I’m so sick of you, Harry Dresden. I could just shoot you dead.” (pause, lots of laughs) Oh, wait…. (points to audience member)

Audience member: Did you cackle maniacally when you wrote the end of Changes?

Jim: Did I cackle maniacally at the end of Changes?  Oh, for like thirty minutes.  You know, probably all the way until I found somebody to read it and then scream. 

Priscilla: Thanks, Jim.

Jim: (Something unintelligible) Because as you know, writers do not truly exist upon the royalties they receive for their work but upon your pain and suffering.

Shecky: *cough* Skavis!

Audience member: You once said that for Codex Alera you put together lost legions and Pokemon. Are you putting anything else together for another series?

Jim: He’s referring to the story I tell everyone about how I put together Codex Alera out of  lost Roman legions and Pokemon. And am I doing something like that for any other series.  No, I haven’t really thrown together any, like, really semi-lame ideas to make something cool. I try to go with cool ideas, although the more I think about it the more I think, “Maybe I really DO need to try the lame ideas, because heck, it’s been working so far…. You know, if it’s not broke, maybe  I shouldn’t fix it. I dunno. (points) Right here, in the beard.

Audience member: Will we be seeing more from the Codex Alera world?

Jim: “Will we be seeing more from the Codex Alera world?” was the question. If we do, it’ll be a couple of generations after the story we’ve had so far, where you can see how Tavi has basically wrecked the status quo completely. And it’ll be a much steampunkier Alera if we do that.  (points) Right here.

Audience member:  Is Lash coming back?

Jim: Specifically, is Lash coming back?  Lash actually appeared in Ghost Story, although not under that name.  (lots of groans at the response, then he uses a sing-song voice, waving his hand) I’m not gonna tell you…. (gleefully “evil” at more groans of dismay) Yes, yes…awww, man, that is like heroin for writers.  (points to the next questioner)

Audience member:  Are we ever going to hear more about the Oblivion War?

Jim: Are we ever going to hear more about the Oblivion War? Probably not in The Dresden Files because, you know, Harry’s not involved. It’s something I might, you know, do more work with. Although it’s really a sort of slow, boring war that takes thousands of years at this point to get anything  done.

Audience member:  Like marriage.

Jim: (laughing) Oh, I dunno if it’s boring. My wife’s heavily armed.  (points) Back here with the camera.

Audience member:
(click to show/hide)

Priscilla: No spoilers!

Jim: I..I dunno what you’re talking about. Yes, the question does not compute.

Audience member:  Was Little Chicago destroyed with Harry’s apartment?

Jim: Was Little Chicago destroyed with Harry’s apartment?  Well, it certainly looks that way. Giant burning house falls onto your pewter model of the city? Pewter doesn’t really stand up well to being in a burning house all that well, so…

Audience member: Do you believe in magic?

Jim: Do I believe in magic?  I believe there are more things in heaven and earth than are in your books, Horatio.  I do not know where it is, I do not know if magic is really advanced science or if science is magic. I’m not sure I care. I’m just glad there are things in the world we haven’t seen and measured  and catalogued, and I’m perfectly happy leaving it right there. Myself personally, I do have faith of my own; it isn’t particularly Wiccan at all, really, but I know people who very sincerely do believe in it and who I respect. But for me myself, yeah, I think there are lots of things going on that we don’t understand yet, and if that’s what magic is, then, okay, I can live with that.

Audience member: Will we see Ivy and Kincaid again soon?

Jim: Will we see Ivy and Kincaid again soon?  Uh, probably not. I need to write the short story of Kincaid coming home after that job… (Audience groans.)

Audience member:  Is Harry’s debt to Mab fulfilled?

Jim: Is Harry’s debt to Mab fulfilled? Nooooo, ‘tis not.  You don’t get away from Mab that easy.  I mean, merely being dead? C’mon.  Like no one’s every tried THAT before.  (points) With the camera right here.

Audience member: Is Harry a Cubs fan or a White Sox fan?

Jim: According to the short story and Changes, Harry is a Cubs fan. And he often goes there with a…basically a king of the Leprechauns to watch a game, so…  Like Harry, the Cubs just…they could be doing so well, and then they just fall apart… So there’s some simpatico going there. (points) Green shirt right here.

Audience member: Have you considered any middle grade or young adult writing as a Dresden Files spinoff?

Jim: Have I considered any middle grade or young adult writing as a Dresden spinoff or as part of the Dresden series? I haven’t really. I’m writing a trilogy of stories right now that I’m calling The Bigfoot Trilogy where Bigfoot is the client and he’s having issues with his kid and he can’t exactly walk into Chicago and straighten things out with the principal so he hires Harry to help, you know. And the  first one is “B Is for Bigfoot” because the kid’s in grade school, and the next one is the kid’s in high school so it’s “I Was a Teenaged Bigfoot.” The last one’ll be when he’s in college and it’ll be “Bigfoot on Campus.” But that’s about as close as I’m going to be able to come to Young Adult is to have that out there. (points) Right here. Airborne.

Priscilla: Lil' Harry Adventures!

Audience member: Archangel. Is ... The people behind the destruction of Archangel--are they dead? And will we see their comeuppance?

Jim: That’s going to be another “I’m not going to tell you” question because it’s more fun to read about it in the books than it is for me to flat out tell you here. (points) In the Ghostbusters shirt.

Audience member: Did you mean to include the author’s note at the end of the last two Dresden Files, the ones that referred to the Codex Alera or was that an unintentional printing error?

Jim: Oh, that was completely me. Look, I took that bullet for you, Anne. (Fakes getting shot.) Ugh!  Oh, everybody, over here with the curly hair, this is my boss Anne Sowards. (Lots of applause.) It’s just a cross-promotional thing, so that people who don’t know that I’ve got something else out there will have a chance that I do and, you know, I wasn’t really bothered that it was still there.  It’s still true,, but Alera…I’m done with it for the time being.

Audience member: Are we going to see the Jade Court any?

Jim: Are we going to see the Jade Court at any point? Maybe a little in the honkin’ apocalyptic trilogy at the end.  They’re isolationists, you know, they’re going to stay where they are. And if you’re doing things that aren’t actually in China they just don’t care about you. (points) Right here in the hat.

Audience member: Are we going to see more of Maggie and is she a witch?

Jim: Are we going to see more of Maggie and is she a witch? We WILL see more of Maggie and (sing-song voice) I’m not gonna tell yooooou.  But yeah, she’s definitely going to be a part of what’s going on and if I ever need to write Dresden: The Next Generation it’ll center on her.

Audience member: About Murphy’s dad and how he killed himself in the books…was that despair forced on him?

Jim: About Murphy’s dad and how he killed himself in the books…was that despair forced on him?  (smirking) Who says he killed himself?  (lots of audience reaction) You know, they just found him there and it, you know, looked like a suicide.

Another audience member: And the forums explode. (more reaction)

Jim: Oh, come on, I said this in like Kansas City and they had the YouTube video up like five minutes after I was finished talking.

Audience member: So the swords...they showed up in the fight in Changes and they were sort of mentioned, but are we going to see the new bearers of the Swords in the future anytime soon?

Jim: Are we going to see anything about bearers of the Swords anytime soon? Maybe not the next book but the one after? Book 15? Yeah, book 15, maybe.

Jim: If you will turn your books to page…. (laughter) OK, I’m not a podium person is the issue here. OK, so instead of doing a reading or anything like that I thought we could just skip straight to the questions and answers, because that’s the fun part. Plus everybody…most of you have already, uh, read what there was…. Q&A? Is that cool with you? OK, but for this to work, one of you has to ask a question.  All right, right here.  (points)

Tara/Starbeam: Is Harry left- or right-handed?

Jim: Is Harry left- or right-handed? He’s a righty. (Same audience member then asks about the scar on Harry’s right arm from cleaning a fish at Ebenezer’s; hard to hear over laughter.) Was it on his right arm? Oh, okay. He probably shouldn’t have been trying to cut it left-handed, then, should he? I think that explains itself.  (points) Right over here.

Audience member:  What happened to the Other Harry Ghost from Grave Peril?

Jim: What happened to the Other Harry Ghost from Grave Peril?  That was the ghost that was created actually for a purpose, fulfilled that purpose, then was no longer able to …  or was no longer trapped there and so it just sort of “piffed.”

Priscilla:  The technical term.

Jim: I really just should have said that. That’s it. Right here. (points)

Audience member: When are we going to hear more about drakes and dragons?

Jim: When are we going to hear more about drakes, dragons…oh, dragon dragons, oh, you mean, like Ferrovax. When are we going to hear more about dragons. Ferrovax will probably come in real late in the case books and we might see some dragon action about that. I’ve got a good idea for it and it is suitably cool.  But we’ll get there at some point. I hope so. I’ll be terribly disappointed if it isn’t, and (little fake shake to his voice) everyone will yell at me on Twitter. (points to audience member)

Audience member: Are you ever going to do a book from Michael Carpenter’s perspective?

Jim: Am I ever going to do a book from Michael Carpenter’s perspective? Probably not.  I suppose we could go back that way. A short story from his perspective is more likely. But I don’t know that I’d write a whole book that way.  I did have an idea if I ever have to  pay off my debts or something, I might be able to, uh, do a spin-off series set around the Knights of the Cross but, you know, it’s not something I’ve got planned out hard and fast yet. But Michael got his honorable retirement, you know, without dying, so he’s pretty happy with the way things are.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Signing in New York, NY on 8/2
« on: August 04, 2011, 01:11:55 AM »
HEY! When did you sneak in here? *tackles*
You!  *glomps*
OK, that was TOTALLY worth the time I've been taking transcribing tonight. <3 Shecky and Priscilla!

Funny story. I went to register Jeditigger and was told, "That user name isn't available." Huh. So I tried logging in using that name and one of my usual web forums passwords and voila. I registered a few months ago, apparently, and never got the confirmation email. I was here the whole time!

No one ever said I was bright. :)

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Signing in New York, NY on 8/2
« on: August 04, 2011, 12:15:40 AM »
I've found a volunteer to transcribe it.  Yay!

Yep, I'm on it!

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