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Messages - Kindler

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DF Spoilers / Re: Better Guns for Dresden and Co.
« on: July 18, 2017, 02:55:12 PM »

I dont think it can really be argued that learning how to use a gun would somehow hinder the use of magic. Regular mortals IRL learn more than one skill in addition to using a gun. You can go to school for engineering and still be a special forces person. For the same reason you can play in the NBA and go to school for something useful. When you add in that wizards live for centuries, this becomes even more moot.

I'd argue that this is true for the current generation and will be so for those following it, but that a big part of the reason why this isn't the case now is because Ebenezer, for example, grew up and fought in the age of muskets and blackpowder cannon. Yes, the puckle gun was a thing, but the idea of reliable, long-range, rapid-fire (read: faster than three shots per minute, the average for Von Steuben trained Colonial Regulars) guns is still relatively new, first showing up 160 years ago. Hell, McCoy still drives a '37 pickup. There are a couple of generations of wizards who are getting used to the idea, but they're mostly trained by those who aren't yet.

Best example is Carlos. The younger wardens get it, and they're arming up. I wouldn't be surprised if someone like, say, Butters figures out ways to combine guns and magic to get different effects. Harry's Winchester could be crafted and enchanted to function as a modified blasting rod, for instance—I don't see why it couldn't. Though likely a bull-pup design would work better, with a magazine in the stock to keep it farther away from the heat.

Anyway, old habits die hard, but the new generations are using more mixed approaches to combat.

DF Spoilers / Re: New short story in process
« on: July 18, 2017, 02:32:08 PM »
Good to hear. To me, this means that Jim is back to writing again after a long slowdown; at one of the Q&A sessions, he said that, once he moved into his new house, he has a publishing commitment to finish the last entry for Briefcases, and had to focus on that first. As far as I recall, he estimated a month or two pause to get that finished, then he'd switch back to finishing Peace Talks. So, to me, this means that he's back to a writing schedule that will hopefully be back to his previous pace.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mortal Government Knowledge of Magic
« on: July 18, 2017, 02:15:40 PM »
Consider that the bodies of the Red Court vampires would have had to be cleaned up immediately, presumably by other Reds, otherwise someone would have put together "Hey, these are the same type of bodies that have been discovered all over the world as thousands of people simultaneously died with no explanation." Remember, it's within twelve hours that the Red Court died.

Either the FBI, at the very least, knows what happened, or there was some kind of weird explanation that was kludged together as a mass suicide attack that was somehow global. (Or, you know, the flood of ectoplasm that Harry unleashed from the Erlking's stalactite ceiling washed away all of the evidence before disappearing).

Personally, I like to think that Tilly gathered the survivors, sat them all down, and formed an unofficial task force, like the FBI equivalent of the Black Cats. It's not inconceivable that this guy, who was capable and canny enough to keep his crap together in the face of the supernatural, got everyone's stories straight to keep the whole thing as quiet as possible. My money is on Murphy ending up consulting for them, reversing Harry's role from the beginning of the series. I even think that they're going to show up as a vested interest in Peace Talks, either at the negotiating table or approaching Harry about what's been going on for the past few years.

Final possible solution I can think of: Marcone. He does not want the FBI poking around in the supernatural, and I believe there may be some kind of obligation to maintain the masquerade as much as possible, as part of his position as Baron of Chicago.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is There More Magic In the World?
« on: July 05, 2017, 06:25:52 PM »
Interesting question. Isn't mortal magic (at least) partially powered by human emotions? Harry frequently discusses that certain areas have residual energy left over from emotional events, though this could be his Third Eye interpreting the past in his peculiar way—I recall that most, if not all, of the times Harry's mentioned this effect were ones where he was using it. Though black magic is outright stated to be affected by negative emotions—it's the reason the Kemmler disciples or Cowl blacked out Chicago in Dead Beat.

If it's true that human emotions provide energy, then the simple increase in numbers indicates that there is more energy. Whether or not this energy is actually useful is another question. I think of it as ambient radio waves; there are plenty that are naturally occurring, but since we started sticking up towers, there are a lot more that do specific things if you tap into them.

In terms of power dilution, I think that's more a side effect of changing beliefs. Hades still has power where he is because they still tell stories about him; ditto Odin. They're not what they once were, but they're still leagues ahead of Harry. Mab apparently sponsored the Brothers Grimm to keep her in the public eye, and Harry speculates that she hooked up Walt Disney later on. But, if power can't be created or destroyed, only changed, that might explain why Odin has an extra mask (in his terms, from the end of Cold Days) in Kringle; he's transferred some of his power into something new.

Here's a tangential, but related question: Bob is a spirit of intellect, right? He grows in power when he knows more. Did he get a power boost when Butters hooked him up to the internet and connected him to what amounts to the collected sum of human knowledge? Is that why he was able to do all of those other things Harry never considered when Butters used him to fight Binder's mooks? Or is that just an expression of Butters thinking outside the box?

DF Reference Collection / Re: There You Are
« on: June 03, 2016, 07:28:59 PM »
Although the communication between Harry and this particular prisoner might be more accurately assessed by your analysis than the following point, I'll mention that Jim says that what Harry "experienced" at the Outer Gates and what the Outer Gates are actually like are two very different things, but that his mind is "good" at re-interpreting it's paranormal input into simplified terms that he can understand without his head exploding.  (that is HUGELY paraphrased from the WoJ)  Jim also said that older, more experienced wizards would roll their eyes at his "ability" to do this.  Thus it is within the realm of possibility that Harry's perceptions of the prisoner's communication were far different from the prisoner's actual linguistic background.

That would make sense, too. It's explicitly stated that everyone does experience magic a bit differently; doesn't Ramirez experience a soulgaze as music? I can't remember if that was outright stated or if I'm making things up again.

The dialogue from the prisoner is mental; just pulled out my Nook to double check it. So yeah, speculation based on that is limited at best.

DF Reference Collection / Re: There You Are
« on: June 03, 2016, 02:46:39 PM »
We've been discussing the works attributable to the Merlin in another topic, and some of our efforts pinning down the timing in history got thick around this post.

Conclusion I got?  It's possible he started mucking around before the first century BCE, but there is more evidence that he was still around by the 4th century Common Era.

If your attempts to date Merlin's life are accurate (and admittedly my thesis was written on the Crusades, not Imperial Rome, so I have little to contribute and can't really argue with your conclusions), then he most likely spoke Greek and Vulgar Latin, which explains why Latin would be the official language of the White Council (though modern Latin is almost literally nothing like the Latin actually spoken by Rome, and don't even get me started on Church Latin). In other words, even if Merlin was the prisoner in Demonreach, he would probably have spoken to Dresden in Latin, as Dresden's pretty obviously a wizard, but Harry's rudimentary Latin wouldn't be able to decipher it. It would be like a college student who took French trying to translate La Chanson de Roland without a reference guide.

Anyway, the point is that Merlin lived before dictionaries, mass media, the printing press, and the electric light bulb, all of which contributed to the significantly to the evolution of language until we have the homogenized English that the prisoner spoke.

Which is actually more interesting to me, because that means that that prisoner either was placed there relatively recently (within the past, say, two hundred years), or is an entity that has somehow kept up with linguistic evolution despite being in stasis. Could also be like Toot-Toot, who apparently can just decide what language he wants to speak. Hmm. Well, based on the information I have, I don't think I can make a reasonable guess. But it's an interesting question, and fodder for speculation.

DF Reference Collection / Re: There You Are
« on: June 01, 2016, 08:54:34 PM »
There is a woj though that Merlin's lingo wouldn't be understandable, aka distinctly different than English. It was Jim's response to a query into the identity of the prisoner that talked with Harry in Demonreach.  Some believed it was Merlin, Jim apparently shot that idea down.

Yeah, Merlin would've spoken Middle English, which sounds closer to Gaelic than English. He could've spoken Old English too, which is even further removed from modern English. Did Jim ever make it clear when Merlin actually lived? He might've even spoken Old Norman, depending on when he was around.

Either way, if there's a Word of Jim specifying that Merlin's speech wouldn't be intelligible to Harry, that means that he probably isn't Harry from The Future. Unless, you know, whatever upgrade enables him to create a stable time loop in which he founds the organization that pursues him centuries later in his personal past scrambled his brains a bit.

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