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Messages - UncommonSense

Pages: [1]
I think Harry had a very simple world view in the beginning of the series.  He could see everything in easily defined terms, he was the good guy and the others were the bad guys.  Murphy, Michael, and the Alphas were the right allies because they were all good.  Monsters were bad.  Then he meets Thomas, who's still questionable, but then, lo and behold, it's Harry's brother.

Harry is growing up and realizing that the threats are getting larger, and the lines are blurred.  Mab isn't evil, she's just cold, but she's also the one who is responsible for keeping the outsiders away from humanity.  Michael's the best man he knows, but he's not immortal, and has had to retire.  Murphy was the one who most aligned with his young worldview, and even she realized that the police aren't always right or good, and sometimes you need to step outside the lines to protect the innocent.

He's acquired power and what seem to be questionable allies, but at his core, he's still choosing good and protecting the innocent.  It may seem like we're equivocating, but Harry's a big boy with big threats and hey he hasn't gone over to the Denarians, so he's still good.

DF Books / Announcements and Updates
« on: April 19, 2022, 03:45:42 PM »
Anyone know what's up with the website?  No updates since September of last year.  No announcements here on the forums either.  I know we got two books last year, but it was really one super long book that he cut in two, which took several years to get out the door.  (Yes, I know he had a lot of life get in the way, we've all been there)

DF Books / Peace Talks Update
« on: November 26, 2018, 03:07:36 PM »

I'm not sure it's "way too early" anymore.

Chances are that Little Chicago melted in the fire, pewter has a low melt point, and Marcone wouldn’t be able to glean much from it I agree, though, that Marcone likely built on the spot to show that Chicago is still Protected. That goes hand in hand with his claim of Chicago as it’s Baron.

DF Books / Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« on: August 29, 2018, 01:22:54 PM »
All things Brandon Sanderson.

This, however, The Mistborn Trilogy is the only one(I believe) of his series that is fully completed.  The rest are serialized and in progress.  Not to dissuade, however we could easily find ourselves in another situation where we're just waiting for the next book for years.

That being said, big fan of his newest series, The Way of Kings.

The Malazan Book of the Fallen starts slow, gets really good, but then, for me, unravels a bit.  Erikson is a good world builder but his world got a little to big for me to keep track of.  So many characters and places, magic systems, politics, it gets a bit much.  There are some absolute standout books and characters however.

Everyone raves about the Kingkiller Chronicles, and the first book was excellent.  The second book was...unsatisfying and now we've been waiting several years for the "conclusion" with no end in sight.

I'm torn about my feelings toward The Iron Druid Chronicles.  I've read the whole series and while I liked the Atticus initially, he constantly chooses the wrong path.  While we, as the reader, question his decisions they bring him more and more sorrow.  It almost reads like a Greek tragedy.  I liked the series and read it through to the end, even read most of the shorts, but I'm conflicted as to whether I can honestly recommend it.

I've only ever read Ender's Game, and not the succeeding books, because I heard middling reviews of them, but it's worth a read as a standalone.

In terms of non-series books, read American Gods and Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, they're excellent.  The nostalgia factor of Ready Player One kept me interested, but I think it could have been a better book with a stronger third act.

Bear in mind, any criticism I have is tempered by the fact that I am not creative and cannot write worth a damn.  These are my opinions and I would gladly listen to any counters you have as maybe I've missed something.

DF Books / Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« on: August 29, 2018, 01:07:42 PM »
Yes, he's a human with issues and priorities that can take precedence.  I think most of the adults here can appreciate that.  Plus as someone stated, he's toiled in obscurity for some time and now is enjoying the limelight.  We have gotten other content from him, however, we are all chomping at the bit to get at least some information about Peace Talks.

I don't think it's unreasonable to crave an update, and get a little salty when it's been over a year to see one on the site itself.  I, personally, don't have the time to wade through his AMA's and follow up on his interviews, so a nice short blurb in News would be fantastic.

If people want to bitch about it and feel they're owed timely releases and decide they aren't going to support the series going forward, that's their prerogative.  I think that's just acting childish.

Would I like the book to come out ASAP?  Hell yes.  Do I think it's unreasonable to be concerned if he'll be able to finish the series a la Jordan, King(yes, I know he finished the Dark Tower, but it took about 12 years in between books at one point, right?), GRRM, or Rothfuss.

Authors don't owe us anything.  We're their fans, and yes, we support their works, and yes, if they want to keep us as fans they should get us updates and releases, but they don't owe us.

Remember, rush a miracle worker, and you get rotten miracles.

DF Spoilers / Re: Zoo Day and the great Masquerade
« on: July 25, 2018, 01:39:59 PM »
Bear in mind, also, that the child in question is Maggie, who's been exposed to the supernatural from birth, and the family she's been with is the Carpenters.  While in the Dresdenverse, there may be an active or passive conspiracy to veil the supernatural, so to speak, we're looking at a very aware subsect within children in general. 

Maybe all kids in the DV have a sense of "bad things", most kids grow up scared of monsters, things that go bump in the night, hands under their bed, or having imaginary friends.  The Carpenter family, including Maggie, are that much more aware that these things exist and have names.  Kids are told, from a young age, that it's just their imagination, or it's just the wind, or it's just that tree tapping on their window.

It could be that the kids that hunt Maggie are really just bullies to anyone else, however Maggie(and probably Harry and Mouse) create a sort of resonance that amplifies and encourages the haunts to track and attack her.

Just my 2c.

DF Spoilers / Re: PETA Protest
« on: August 14, 2017, 06:53:11 PM »
No, because we keep beating the same dead horses over and over and over...

I C wut U did thar!

Seriously though, I'll take Brief Cases at this point if only to have something new to read.  I'm still holding out hope that Peace Talks will be spring of next year.

DF Reference Collection / Re: He Couldn't Lose [SG Spoilers]
« on: June 22, 2015, 05:49:52 PM »
Yes, but in Changes Odin was using his Spear (presumably Odin's mythic spear Gungnir) /as/ a wizards staff.  It would appeal to me for harry to mount the spear of destiny on his staff, giving an upgrade to both.  Its always been the point and not the shaft that was important in the histories, but if the shaft were an enchanted Wizards staff (especially the muiltpurpose, layered version he had in SG) it could be all kinds of fun.   

Yeah, but an imposing guy walking around with a large stick, is a cosplay enthusiast.  An imposing guy walking around with a large spear will attract police attention.

I feel like there are set doors and paths that can be used on a (semi)consistent basis.  Which would explain how Harry's mother's ruby can impart that kind of knowledge.  Gatekeeper alludes to something similar in CD:

      "Those of us who spend any amount of time walking the Ways tend to develop a certain
amount of camaraderie.  We would have dinner every so often, compare notes of our walks."...

That's why when Harry pops through a specific alley wall, he gets to Edinburgh.  But, like you said, if he randomly opens a way then all bets are off.  Also, I thought I remember reading in one of the books some character stating that the ways change over time?  Maybe I'm misremembering or thinking of a different series.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Personal Avatar
« on: June 02, 2011, 03:16:00 PM »
Good to know, I'd best get to postin'!  ;D

Site Suggestions & Support / Personal Avatar
« on: June 02, 2011, 02:47:31 PM »
The site suggested that I make a new post since the other avatar posts were more than 30 days old, please feel free to move or merge this if I shouldn't have started a new topic.

I have a question about a personalized avatar, currently I can only see ones that been created/submitted, but I cannot find a way to link to a different one or upload my own.  Is there a process for this or do I have to hit a certain post amount mark before I can have my own?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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