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Topics - potestas

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DFRPG / consequences
« on: January 06, 2019, 04:23:58 AM »
i have never thought of this before but is there a difference between mental physical and social consequences? Can you have say a mild mental consequence and a mild physical consequence and a mild social consequence? You know because they really aren't the same thing. Mild physical consequence: sprained wrist. Mild social consequence if passed gas at the all you can eat buffet and everyone knows. I could have both.

DF Spoilers / i was banned for being rude
« on: December 31, 2017, 04:01:37 PM »
I am sorry I deserved it.  I am sorry for insulting the individual person who posted. I will not behave this way again. again I am sorry there is no excuse

DFRPG / I thought the dresden files book was available
« on: April 29, 2017, 12:55:31 AM »
am i mistaking. The short version

DFRPG / stored spells
« on: February 06, 2017, 04:58:06 PM »
i was thinking of a concept that would allow wizards to store thaumaturgy spells for later use. I would tie it to lore allowing one stored spell per point. Because its thaumaturgy there would be no cost invoking it. No limit to strength or power like enchanted items and potions. The amount of stored spells could be increased with refresh on a one for one basis.The spell could be stored on an item or taken internally like a potion but not active until invoked. So a basic transformation spell could be invoked pretty quickly lasting like a thaumaturgy but as quick as evocation. Its better then evothaum because it can be a full ritual spell stored.

DFRPG / does evothaum have a cost
« on: January 26, 2017, 04:11:11 AM »
does it cost a mental energy to cast or is it like thaumaturgy where there is no cost because its slow and uses another source of power. Does self sponsored evothaum share the same cost or lack of cost?

DFRPG / full of questions today
« on: December 18, 2016, 07:46:43 PM »
changelings if they start with the wizard package and a few fey powers thee pretty much over the top right away. Can we separate out the wizard powers  from fey powers and when they reach -10 fey powers they have made the choice.

DFRPG / duration of thaumaturgy
« on: December 18, 2016, 05:14:42 PM »
I am a bit confused on the basic length of time a thaumaturgy ritual will last without adding to its time. Certainly better than instant and certainly not a few moments or why bother with the ritual at all. Where do you all start it before you have the players start adding shifts?

DFRPG / so the laws of magic and....
« on: December 12, 2016, 12:00:09 AM »
immortal magic, non human magic or better known as sponsored magic do they apply using your sponsors power. I think not since the laws of magic govern mortal magic not mortals. I am sure its been discussed before maybe? Thoughts

DFRPG / question about enchanted items
« on: December 06, 2016, 11:10:15 PM »
what would a belt that transforms  wizard into animal cost.Under the enchantment rules. say into a wolf we have several examples in the books. I now the ritual would be costly and painful but what about an item that does it.

DFRPG / question about winter and summer
« on: June 11, 2016, 01:57:10 AM »
the queens can only kill mortals attached to there court in some way(or the other court i presume) but what about the other fey. Eldest gruff seems to have stomped some wizards in his time. is the prohibition only to the queens or any fey

DFRPG / Sponsored nature magic
« on: June 05, 2016, 01:20:12 AM »
has anyone given thought to what this might entail. I saw plant magic listed in the home brewed sponsored list that's close i think but what would Gaia sponsored magic look like. Not self sponsored, but sentiate earth sponsored maybe.

DFRPG / blocks question
« on: May 10, 2016, 09:23:04 PM »
if a wizard shield is bypassed and taken down does it still block the attack or does the attack pass through at full effect.(not armor)

DFRPG / about Kirby
« on: May 02, 2016, 12:57:25 AM »
I was rereading hi s write up in paranet papers and i was wondering was he based on a real person?

DFRPG / question about a fist fight
« on: April 10, 2016, 10:44:45 PM »
lets say the attacker and defender tie in a fist fight The rules say the attacker must have something that changes the 0 to + like a weapon. Does boosted strength that makes your fist attack a weapon attack count?

DFRPG / self sponsered magic
« on: May 04, 2015, 01:03:23 PM »
the paranet papers helped define sponsered magic a bit more placing some limits to how much you can call on the sponser and such. Kind of made it a one time per story thing considering what can happen if you draw on the power to much and the sponser can make you pay with will to power type stuff. That stuff is represented by the gamemaster. If the player doesnt want to do it the gamemater is within his rights to do it because its part of the story. Your indebt with a greater power. With self spondered magic that doesnt really exist. Kimmler necromancy being the ingame example of self sponsered magic.I have asked this before but what kind of limit is there to self sponsered magic. Especially in light of the new rules that you use any of your abilities via sponser or even create powers for use at the drop of hat. Isn't "self" sponser just that. You doing the magic. Or does it simply represent a greater understanding of a particular type of magic and allow you to start higher on the ladder then your conviction would normally allow for those roles related to your speciality. Should we create a track to provide an upper limit to its use before you are tired. A track would help, much like soulfire track does. I kind of like that idea for self sponsered magic. anyone else been thinking on this?

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